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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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The issue they tried to fix was that it was impossible to see if reactive abilities were ready during a GCD as all abilities would become fully greyed out.


Now everything stays lit up all the time, even if they're on cooldown, as long as other requirements are met.


Extremely lazy.


Yup. Hey, novel idea... maybe a timer on the button? GASP!

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Horrible change. Especially on cooldowns longer than 15 seconds or so. You have to literally mouseover the icon, and look at the tooltip to see the cooldown. It makes any kind of fast-paced gameplay a wreck.


Please implement an option in Preferences to be able to enable something that shows a numerical value as a countdown, like this...





In the meantime, revert the change. It is broken.

Edited by Sevvy
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surely everybody notices this? how did it get past testing? what a massive joke.


it looks better at first but then when a cooldown is nearly up you can't tell if it has 3 seconds left or 10 secs, i'm constantly clicking abilities that look like they're off cooldown and it's just horrendous.

Yep, same! Horrendous!

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I think 1.1 was brought to us by a bunch of passive-aggressive developers.


"You want to see your reactive abilities light up when your GCD is going? Well, now everything's lit all the time! How you like me now?"


"You don't like Ilum win trading, huh? Well, try THIS on for size. It's what you asked for!"


Maybe someday people will learn and stop asking for fixes.


Your solution is that the playerbase act like the children of alcoholics? Never ask Dad for anything out of fear of the beating?

Edited by Caelrie
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I've just tested this little CD thing and guess what? it is working as intended for me,so no,not everyone has noticed it -.-.... why are you all so negative towards this game,no one is forcing you to be here.


It isn't 'negative' to point out that the current UI/CD is not working as it should. (My opinion)

I am happy that you are fine with the current functionality. I however am not. It is very difficult to tell when longer CD abilities are available now due to this change.

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Virtually unplayable? Calm down, folks.


Agree that it was better with the greyed-out icons though. Should be implemented as an option, or as a numerical representation as suggested.


For tanks, it is, if we can't hit that defencive cooldown at the right time, we're ****ed.


And if we try hit one that LOOKS like it's off cooldown, but it isn't, that precious second wasted could easily cost a wipe.


The same goes for healers. DPS will barely notice a difference.

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The only time I have this issue is if I mouse-over a button when it is close to coming off cooldown (since the border it applies to the skill you are over is the same color and overlaps) Otherwise I'm not having any issue.


Maybe it was just Bioware's subtle attempt to get me to stop clicking my long cd abilities. :p

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Yes I cancelled my 6 month sub today before they billed me. And this ability bar change is the only reason I did.


I prefer the greyed out cooldowns. It is really hard to tell when a 30sec ability is ready or not when it only has 3-4 secs left when it only shows a really tiny thin bar on a lit up ability. So frustrating in PVP I just cant enjoy it anymore.


If they change it back or make it a preference option then they can have my money back. If not they never will get my sub again no matter how good the rest of the game may get. I just cannot play like this!



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I prefer the greyed out cooldowns. It is really hard to tell when a 30sec ability is ready or not when it only has 3-4 secs left when it only shows a really tiny thin bar on a lit up ability. So frustrating in PVP I just cant enjoy it anymore.


This is my issue with it. Any ability with more than a 15 second CD shows a bar about ____ thin for the last few seconds. You can even tell it's there, so you think the ability is ready to be used. And here i'm thinking I'm lagged or dealing with ability lag.


NOPE! Ability isn't off cooldown yet. Terrible.


Again, revert the change or implement this as an OPTION...



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An official statement one way or another (whether it is a bug) would be really appreciated. I really hope it's a bug. On the other hand, I can't understand why they would make this sort of change without making it configurable. Without numbers on the bar, the game is hard enough. I spend half of my time staring at my totally unconfigurable bars as it is.
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