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Everything posted by Russx

  1. Im pretty tolerant and accept bugs and stuff but when they changed the ability cooldowns bar for no reason I cancelled. So annoying!
  2. I agree with OP! There is already a more popular thread here which we need to keep focused at the top so Bioware listen http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=193383
  3. Bring back the old perfectly working greyed out ability cooldowns and I will resub.
  4. I cancelled yesterday too just because of this stupid change when we already had a perfect working system. Cant enjoy the game now until they change it back!
  5. Heres the official patch notes: •The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met. So working as intended.. Totally baffled why they get rid of a perfectly good system and replace it with a bad system?!
  6. Yes I cancelled my 6 month sub today before they billed me. And this ability bar change is the only reason I did. I prefer the greyed out cooldowns. It is really hard to tell when a 30sec ability is ready or not when it only has 3-4 secs left when it only shows a really tiny thin bar on a lit up ability. So frustrating in PVP I just cant enjoy it anymore. If they change it back or make it a preference option then they can have my money back. If not they never will get my sub again no matter how good the rest of the game may get. I just cannot play like this!
  7. Nevermind, I just cancelled. Cant see this getting put back anytime soon.
  8. It's a win win situation if BW give a free month. This will give BW 30 days to get this game back on track and stop players cancelling like myself. Subs are due and now after patch 1.1 this game is no longer worth the time or money!
  9. I love Star Wars but BW have just about killed this game for me so GW2 looks like the only way to go. GW was good in its day so I expect GW2 to be really good!
  10. So your saying even if the patch has made the game not enjoyable they shouldn't cancel?! I gave this game a great review in Beta but Im also now on the verge of cancelling a 6 months sub until Bioware decide to fix this game for real instead of making it worse!
  11. I dont mean the average Joe that uses his mouse to click his skills or anyone who spends the most time looking at his ability bar during a match. I want feedback from those that only normally look at their ability bar for a split second when using a skill. With the new patch 1.1 ability bar change where all skills now light up, even unusable skills that are on cooldown I find myself clicking skills that are still on cooldown. If you imagine an ability with a 30sec GCD when the ability still has 2 seconds left of CD that ability with only have a CD bar at the bottom 1/15 the size of the icon. In a split second it can easily look like this skill is usable when it isn't. We know in competative PVP that 1 second is a long time and now it is taking longer to look at the ability bar to know for certain if it is usable. What was wrong with unusable abilities being greyed out? This is a bad move by BW and I hope they change it back as I can no longer enjoy PVP in this game.
  12. Bump! Need an emergency fix to put this back before my sub renewel comes up!
  13. Really cant believe BW have done this, what was you thinking??? In the heat of battle, especially PVP, I take a split second look at the ability bar and see that I can see skills lit up so I press them and nothing happens. And guess why that happens?? Because they still had a couple seconds to cooldown but they are already lit up!!! Big mistake if this is what is intended. please change it back! /Signed :mad:
  14. This topic isnt about a scoring debate! Its about missing, messed up stats, scoring, damage, healing, are not working as intended thus broken!
  15. Yeah I struggle to see who I have targetted. It's so hard for melee classes who need to be close range to the target to do damage. Being a ranged class is so much easier becuase the char points in the direction of the target and they can randomly shoot without knowing where there target is.
  16. I kinda understand what your saying but I didnt really mean that so I edited my original statement. I both scored and passed in 1 game and didnt get any objective points.
  17. Huttball: I passed alot to help score and scored myself in one game yet I have zero objective scores at the end?! Alderan wz: Our team loses because we have 3 players doing nothing by camping the only flag we have instead of helping to cap one of the others. The other team just defends it's 2 flags but at the end of the match, the 3 guys who did nothing end up with massive objective scores! So I tested this myself in a game where we had 2 flags all match and I just stayed at one of our flags stood about mostly doing nothing and I ended up with a much higher objective score than I normally get when I normally attack and cap flags. Voidstar wz: I planted the bomb on the last door then I got to the console first to activate to win the game. I got zero objective score for this! All warzones: I visually saw a hit of over 2.5k but at the end of the match my big hit said 2.1k Also I complete a WZ from start to finish and sometimes it doesnt log as a win for the daily. I use my self recovery as a Sniper (not healer) and I end up with a decent healing score?!
  18. /Agreed Im getting bored of PVP servers because they just feel like PVE servers. Too many restrictions that are only suitable for PVE players playing on a PVP server??!! A big chunk of PVP is missing and well that is going to be the make or break for this game for me.
  19. The FACT stands that somewhere down the line a genuine company has passed your email address to someone else (regardless whether you untick the 3rd party options). This is the issue I have and it annoys me!
  20. So it is my fault im getting spammed because I sign up to play SWTOR??? Dont be ridiculas!
  21. I just received a fraudalent email from swtor.com.zh claiming my account may be disabled if I dont enter my security details. I never fall for stuff like this but my main concern is... How do they know I play SWTOR? Who inside EA/Bioware is passing my email address on to these fraudsters?? This worries me what companies do with your email addresses. I do not agree with passing my info onto 3rd parties of any kind!
  22. I saw someone on general chat saying he was a republic and that you cant attack him. I just thought someone was talking the usual rubbish. Interesting now I know..
  23. Should allow Advanced Class respec TWICE ONLY per character. I have a level 41 and would like to try the other AC. No way am I going to roll another to level 40 to realise I had allready picked the right AC the 1st time. Nobody should have any issue with this watsoever!!
  24. That sounds like exploitng the mechanics of the game for his own benefit at the cost of other players. He should be warned by BW and then banned if he keeps doing it.
  25. When the new Illum system is out anyone found co-hersing with the enemy so they can "stat pad" should have their characters reset to level zero! Stat padding isnt allowed in other games like Battlefield and it shouldn't be allowed here either! If I want to go to Illum and play properly then all those that are "stat padding" will end up whining at me because im upsetting their stat padding way of getting the quests done! Bioware please give us an official stance on this before you implement the changes.
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