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10 Good
  1. is this all you gonna put in 1.4 or do you still have to put 1.4 content in PTS? thanks
  2. really cool idea you should go to tyhton and get a padawan. When you are with the padawan the padawan exps more with mobs and quests. When and if Master dies in combat , padawan gets a health and power boost (like an enrage) There should be a wisdom bar that works a bit like legacy that gains xps only when you are in group with your padawan and this would give you some rewards like wisdom perks or legacy perks + money When the padawan become level 20 you can't be his master anymore , the master can teach one of the class abilities of whatever lvl he wants for free and then evryone goes for its road The problem would be balancing low level quests with level 50 Masters.
  3. it would be really cool but highly improbable new classes , new races , new planet , new story line , new balances considering that this game is considering f2p and its subs are not going well at all , donì think they are going to put money in it
  4. it would be cool if they put a new race every major patch yeah that would be so nice
  5. not saying its perfect , saying its improoved a lot
  6. lol that was sharp but imo gw2 in really close and it will take away a lot of ppl , even if the majority of them went already away. I'll stick with swtor , improoved a lot imo
  7. i think they will put a lot of races in time its just not a priority now they have other issues to work on thats it , imho
  8. up please put more races in the future , and some more classes i'd like to play with the race similar to twilieaks and togruta but that has horns goind downward , how do you call them?
  9. cmon guys , how can a stock of a whole enourmous company be affected by just one of their games.
  10. Dear Bioware , i play this game and i really like , but i would be hypocrite if i told myself that everything is perfect. This game has a huge potential and i can't understand why you are not using this potential. 1.3 has thinbgs that this game should of had at launch and nothing substiantally changes. These are my suggestions: We have a huge central part in the fleet that nobody uses. Why not putting minigames there where you can gamble money with other players , dunno like poker or the dice game i donìt know you decide. This is a little thing that helps the social life on tor , that is almost near to 0 in my opinion. Guilds : they do not have any feature if it wasn't for the bank it would have nothing. Put some guild stuff , look in other games , common it can't be that flat being in a guild. RAnked warzones Planets: At end game you forget completely the planets , if i didn't have to do the datacrons i would of never seen some planets again. End game is basically Flashpoints , staying on the fleet and going to corellia to do the weekly quests. Please think about a good open pvp This is what i suggest , you decide Thanks for the good work
  11. -1 common the whiner plague is starting
  12. lolololol really you ppl can't play because you can't see if the cooldown is finished? stop playing computers and go to a eye docotro FCS
  13. i like this Bioware , new content http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=y14yl2tLrW4 In an announcement sent out early this morning, EA, Bioware, and LucasArts are prepping to launch the first game update for the rampantly successful MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The update entitled Rise of the Rakghouls will release on Tuesday, January 17th, and will add “new, higher level group content, game feature additions and continued balancing and bug fixes.” More specifically, the package will feature a new flashpoint and operation, as well as changes to level 50 bracketing for PvP WarZones and open world PvP on Ilum. Anti-aliasing is also a featured inclusion. The post also divulged more details on the aforementioned flashpoint and operation that will be included: Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege is a completely new and unique group combat experience located on Kaon, a planet in the Tion Hegemony, a strategically important sector of the galaxy that has remained neutral, Groups of up to four Republic or Imperial players must race to Kaon to eliminate the Rakghouls outbreak, securing the allegiance of the Tion Hegemony for their respective sides. This Flashpoint will be available for level 50 characters only and will feature Normal and Heroic modes. Operation: Karagga’s Palace, is a continuation of the game’s second launch Operation. In the Operation, teams of 8 or 16 players will face off against Karagga and the Hutt Cartel after the Hutts abandon their famous neutrality and breach agreements with both the Republic and Empire. Concerned by the threat of another combatant in the war for galactic control, both factions send teams of their most powerful heroes to confront Karagga and determine his intentions. This Operation will feature Normal, Heroic and Nightmare difficulty modes. Dr. Greg Zeschuk, General Manager at BioWare Label’s MMO Business Unit and Co-Founder of Bioware, stated his promise to continue content production for The Old Republic: “A month ago when we launched the Early Game Access program for Star Wars: The Old Republic, we promised our fans that this would just be the beginning of our journey together. Rise of the Rakghouls adds a lot of the things our community has been asking for – additional higher level group content, features like anti-aliasing, PvP bracketing and more. In the future, game updates will be even more substantial, as we promise to continue to not only add to The Old Republic, but to also improve and refine the experience with the full Legacy System and new Guild features.” BioWare has also announced that it plans to continue releasing game updates and content to its subscribers throughout the course of the year. The next update is slated for a March release window, and will include new flashpoints, operations, warzones, and game systems.
  14. the population is going to become an issue soon if you look at pop stats on the sites , the pop rating is going down already hopefully its all the haters
  15. do you guys think that population is starting to become an issue?
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