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Community Blog Post Discussion: New Year’s PvP Update


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You call your friends on the phone and tell them to get on. It's open world PVP. Team-balanced PVP is something different, and you can queue for it at any time. Being able to get in as many people as you want into a PVP area is, by definition, the thing that makes open world pvp different than balanced-team pvp.


You dont understand my friend 90 out of 100 games of PVP I have played have been HUTBALL. Why do you ask? Because there are no Republics on the Server. That translates just the same on open world PVP. Why would a republic want to go to Open world PVP when him and his 2 friends are facing 30 angry Imperials who have not seen a kill in days and are hungry for some. You sir fail to understand the point about balance.

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Everything sounds great - Though one thing I love that the PVP has right now is the uniform lvl brackets. I understand and like the idea of the 50s only, but I really enjoy the current set for pvp.


The PVP you enjoy now is going to be short lived with Expertise gear. With more and more level 50's with getting full sets of Expertise gear there will not be any "uniform lvl brackets"


Since Expertise gear is level 50 only, it makes sense to make a 50-only bracket. The bolster system works for 10-49.

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I'm stoked for the 50 brackets... but I'm really intrigued by the team vs. team. I'd for one like to see less pre-made teams (typically with several 50's) vs. random groups (typically with mostly 17-30 ppl) getting roflstomped. Hell, it's way too often the deciding factor in Huttball in my experience, which just feels pointless.


So here's hoping there's a way for them to allow that PvP slanted shells on PvE servers can get their jollies without shutting out everyone else! At least a way to do it without penalizing the PvP folks... they aren't really doing anything wrong, but it's still lame as hell.

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I'm glad they are doing this, it will finally highlight just how ridiculous not having cross server battlegrounds is when 1 battle opens per hour for those at 50. Oh and those of you who play earlier in the morning like myself, good luck getting it to open at all.


I'm not looking forward to this at all, either.

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Have you people forgotten this game was officially released on the 24th? My God.


This major PvP update, About TWO WEEKS after official launch proves that Bioware is listening to our concerns. Simply stating your concerns is fine, ranting about how Bioware is failing really isn't at this point.. Too little Too Late? lol come on.

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I haven't done any pvping on Ilum yet so not sure how it's implemented but it'd be awesome if there was some risk involved to PVPing for instance gear drops or something. I know in the hand holding world that is today's MMOs you might have alot of people crying but there is a risk reward aspect if you go to a PVP zone with a kill someone and get some of their gear setup


Runescape did this perfectly with a PVP zone that was tiered up to level 100, Level 1 you could fight someone 1 level different from you level 100 up to a 100 level difference, but they had some massive incentives for going into a level 100 area (resource points a dungeon creatures giving lots of xp etc..), you would also drop all but your 3 best items if you died and whoever killed you got it. It was an extremely thrilling high to suddenly kill someone and get all their gear! A pretty big low too to loose all your gear, but it was extremely fun.



I would LOVE to see a similar concept implemented on a "real" MMO like star wars.

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2-sided factional warfare has, in my opinion, never had any interesting World PVP associated with it (apart from WAR at certain stages of it's population's growth).


You need at least 3 factions (DAoC, Planetside), or none at all (EVE, Lineage 2, UO). In the latter examples, "population differences" between factions don't exist.

There are of course massive alliances that sometimes make it seem like the game is imbalanced, but they are eventually defeated or crumble from within (most of the time, anyway).

Being the underdog in this situation isn't as bad because you know the "population difference" is only political, and it can change rapidly.


Of course it's probably too late to shatter the Republic vs Empire setting that is already in place. Still -- would be nice if there was actual death penalties and you could kill your fellow faction players if they were acting in a way that would make them deserving of an asswhooping.

Players would be free to associate with whomever they like, and population differences between factions wouldn't matter much anymore.


This is just my view on this, not saying it's the end-all solution to world PVP for this game as it's probably impossible to shatter the mold at this point. Also it doesn't really fit the lore at all -- Although I do feel there should be a neutral faction... which could indeed be what could shake things up.

Edited by Lyngton
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Appreciate the devs listening to their customers and seeking to make improvements. Very encouraging.


I hope their are further brackets coming. It does not currently work, as some have suggested, due to the crazy amount of stuns and knock-backs available at higher levels with no diminishing returns. It would seem impractical to get rid of the stuns and knock-backs, so at least put some sort of DR in play. Today I got knocked off the platform in Huttball 3x in a 30-second span by the same player, and stunned 2x in between by others. That's just absurd.

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Why get rid of companion characters on Ilum? I think that having them there adds a new dimension of strategy to the area and that being able to fight the imps with a companion that his been along side me while leveling is great.
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It's awesome to see that the PVP community is being looked at so early from the developers. I don't really have an interest in operations and flashpoints are much, so this is great news for me personally. :)


To add something constructive to this thread, I would like to see ranked arenas implemented and maintained. I love warzones, but arenas would sell me completely.

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Do you think I contradicted myself? I didn't.


UHHHH DERP ya kinda did. so its BALANCED if the HARDCORE players keep their ADVANTAGE. do i have to spell it out for you? i mean clearly since your smart enough to use a computer surely you see the retardation of this ideal

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Why get rid of companion characters on Ilum? I think that having them there adds a new dimension of strategy to the area and that being able to fight the imps with a companion that his been along side me while leveling is great.


not really because then it makes everyone the equivalent of a (And i really HATE to say this) Hunter in wow in a pvp match.

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Why get rid of companion characters on Ilum? I think that having them there adds a new dimension of strategy to the area and that being able to fight the imps with a companion that his been along side me while leveling is great.


Probably got to do with the stability of the meta game. If they're going to make open world (re: Warzone Planet) PvP mean something, it has to be balanced along the same lines as the main stream instanced PvP. Meaning, no companions.

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The frustrating party about the all-in-1 bracket is that 50s have way more skills than a 15.


I don't mind playing with them (current 22 BH), there are many that I can mess up on a 1v1 basis just because they are bad, it is rather amusing. But you go 1v2, you are done.


But a 50s bracket is welcome.




And now back to what I really want to talk about....




WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH HUTTBALL BASHING?! It is new, fun, fast, and best of all, encourages team work.


Sorry it isn't an AV or Isle remake. I love it and want more unique games rather than 4-5 maps of the traditional hold base or cap flag.



The ONLY bashing that should be done on Huttball is the damn announcer, he needs to be toned down a bit or have more/new voice scripts. It is getting annoying.




Love Huttball!!

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So basically if the opposition on your server doesn't show up in equal numbers on Illium, you can go **** yourself twice as hard now.


WRT Huttball, it needs to be changed so that Expertise doesn't make the hazards worthless. It takes a lot of the skill out of the map when anyone with a set of epics can just waltz through the fire pits or go swimming in the acid while taking only modest damage. Its doubly true when they're playing against people who don't have the gear that take horrible horrible damage from these things.


Epic tanks can stand in fire pits 24/7, and Jugs can talent themselves to be immune to knockbacks... there goes all the stagey and tactical play out the window. Just get them the ball and let them slog their way to the goal line.

Edited by Kromzor
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Attention BW...You need to advertise this better. This is great news. The fact that these changes are going to happen soon in January is even more impressive. This is the type of Dev Feedback the PvP community needs. Honestly, this should be plastered all over the PvP boards.


Don't hold back. Let the word out.

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