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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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The only PvP I always want to have in every MMO I played is the Wintergrasp in WoW.


It is always so much fun even with extreme imbalance in population. 10 players with 10K hp hitting on a paladin with 100k hp ... I enjoyed playing both sides actually.

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Cant name a "single best pvp mmo" i played - there is no such thing.


Loved the PvP most of all games in Ultima Online- both since it involved more personal skill in encounters than any other game i played, and was a sandbox with real fights, conflicts and losses.


Loved Neocron 2 for the FPS mechanic, vechicles, guild warfare and raiding enemy territories.


Loved Age of Conan for fluid melee combat, ability to sprint and move freely in combat and that in melee player skill played huge role. Open world guild warfare was incredibly fun as well (sieges not so..).


Adored Darkfall for strategic global warfare, consequences, player skill involved and constant thrill of the fight i only get in UO otherwise.


Loved GW for amount of team tactics and competitive skill involved.


Love SWTOR so far for simple and entertaining generic combat without major flows - something that most of similar competitors fail to do.


But if i were asked now to create a mmo with perfect PvP it would be:


Darkfall sandbox world with AoC melee, Neocron faction system and hubs and vechicles and FPS aiming, UO dynamism LoS and Interupts, GW interesting abilities and teamplay.


Basically, give me a sandbox MMO with FPS combat and dynamic fast movement.

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hands down.


second is DAoC


I love Neocron pvp, but it sure is not for technical reasons. FPS aiming was terrible, the game glytchy, APU/PPU overpowered, and group pvp consisting of group of people running around like chaotic particles trying to shoot each other with terrible aiming mechanic, not really great amount of tactic and skill involved.


Neocron pvp was fan DESPITE how it was technically executed. Both PKing and guild fights and city raids.

Edited by KorwinOfAmber
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UO. Hands down, before all the nerfs. I absolutely LOVED that game and lived to pvp. All my toons other than my main, were there to support my pvp habit. It took real skill to be good.


That game got me where I am today in life, which is teaching computer engineering and information systems. When I started playing it I started really pushing myself to learn about pc's and networking in order to better myself at pvp....lol. The more I learned, the more I decided that computers is what I wanted to do with my life.


So who says gaming will get you nowhere???

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Probally the most fun IMO. Got a little laggy though at times. Anyone that did not have fun with pvp in SWG must have missed either the begining or the end of this games life span.


The GCW updates in the last year gave so much incentive for world pvp and kept me loggin in all the time.

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Best: Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, and Anarchy Online.


Worse: DAoC, for starting the downfall of PvP in MMORPGs by ruining world PvP and introducing "canned" (instanced) PvP.


PS: people who classify "LOTRO" in their top 3 best PvP MMOs must definitely not have played more than 3 MMOs...

Edited by Korrigan
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Best: Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, and Anarchy Online.


Worse: DAoC, for starting the downfall of PvP in MMORPGs by ruining world PvP and introducing "canned" (instanced) PvP.


PS: people who classify "LOTRO" in their top 3 best PvP MMOs must definitely not have played more than 3 MMOs...


Where in DAoC was there instanced PvP? I played for years... I didn't see anything instanced other than the dungeons.

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Best: Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, and Anarchy Online.


Worse: DAoC, for starting the downfall of PvP in MMORPGs by ruining world PvP and introducing "canned" (instanced) PvP.


PS: people who classify "LOTRO" in their top 3 best PvP MMOs must definitely not have played more than 3 MMOs...


DAoC was probably some of the best PvP I have ever had outside a first person shooter!


And as for LOTRO PvP.... It was pretty good. May be a bit stale after years of the same thing but its still fun. I think of LOTRO as fun PvP, not SUPER competitive, just a nice experience. Also the 50 Vs 50 raids were FUN. IMO it was the community on my server that made my experience what it was :D


In saying that this is >>>MY<<< opinion so trying to degrade me because I have different taste in games than you is a bit unfair

Edited by Akiwi
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Where in DAoC was there instanced PvP? I played for years... I didn't see anything instanced other than the dungeons.


He's probably referring to the battlegrounds Thidranki, Caledonia, and the other one no one went to, which were technically instanced, but not in the same way as we perceive instancing nowadays. However, it did probably plant the seed for WoW's "true" instanced battleground spam.

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I really don't get how UO was such great PvP. that game was SO SLOW with LAG. Losing your gear due to getting ganked is not my idea of fun.


btw WAR fortress patch is coming online as we speak

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For strategic long thought out pvp, i would say Eve online

For Spur of the moment and fast paced action, Darkfall

For Small group pvp with a very high skill cap, Pirates of the burning sea

For Massive battles with non-stop action 24/7, Planetside

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He's probably referring to the battlegrounds Thidranki, Caledonia, and the other one no one went to, which were technically instanced, but not in the same way as we perceive instancing nowadays. However, it did probably plant the seed for WoW's "true" instanced battleground spam.


The battlegrounds for the lowbies were a different zone - anyone could join, at anytime. I'm not seeing any resemblance of instancing (e.g., there wasn't more than one instance of Thidranki.) It was one, on-going, perpetual, zone.

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