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Everything posted by Korrigan

  1. It's definitely a PvP nerf which negatively affects PvE. Smells like some Mythic guys got their hands deeper into SW:TOR now. I came back to check out 1.3, but this will make my decision not to renew my subscription next month even easier, thanks for that.
  2. SW:TOR just did major design mistakes which are most likely due to both the ignorance of Bioware when it comes to MMORPGs added to the will of Electronic Arts to make a successful "WoW in space" clone. Actually, I think EA hurt SW:TOR more than Bioware by rushing it's release in December when the real release should have happened with the content of the 1.2 patch. Story is just not enough to keep a player's attention on the long term. Re-playability for alts is poor too, very few want to level a second character on the same side just to be forced through exactly the same planets and non-story content again. This said, despite the fact that in a few days my subscriptions will expire and I will no longer be a customer, the game is still a success, and the doom-sayers are wrong. I don't see SW:TOR "die" anytime soon in the years to come, and I predict Bioware/EA will get the money invested back with profits. But it could have been so much more than it is it's really sad.
  3. That's why I posted this in the suggestions again after trying GW2 last week end. GW2's "world" PvP crushes SW:TOR's "world" PvP, and it's only a beta. Turning Ilum into something similar to the WvW zone in GW2 would definitely be a winner - PvP with a meaning, and bonuses for the winning team.
  4. Everything is basically in the title. Instead of the bland "collect stuff, kill stuff" of the actual Ilum, add some mid field fortifications, maybe make us able to use those vehicles to breach doors, capture objectives and finally eventually capture the enemy keep.
  5. Do you think Bioware would start to lock "nerf this" whine threads and ban the offenders who keep on posting them if they started to lose subs?
  6. It took some patience and exploration, but I found an egg spot nobody knows on my server (except me and my guildies). It for sure was more fun than trying to beat the campers and famers on egg clicking, and it's way more rewarding too. Listen to the yellow post... and go explore a bit.
  7. I think that other players should automatically be reported as "griefers" in every single MMORPG. As soon as you're not alone, they are going to affect you. Just when they stand there, doing nothing, they are actually slowing down your graphic performance slightly, and therefore negatively affecting your game experience. This is "griefing" and should be harshly punished.
  8. And I'm calling shenanigans. If you were really doing that repeatedly, a GM would have reminded you not to report people abusively, and if you had continued, you'd eventually get banned yourself. So no, I don't believe you when you pretend you report all the people you see with the plague infecting others "without permission (lol...)". What you are doing here is pretty obvious... everybody knows how it's usually called, including yourself
  9. This sentence pretty much reflects the whole whining... for the sake of whining. In other words: "yes, there are many ways to avoid or bypass the event, but we don't want to use them, because it would negate the reasons for our whining - and we WANT to whine until we negatively affect this event!"
  10. Yup - that's actually rule #1 of smart forum moderation
  11. You are wasting money then. Only use the vaccine when you get infected. I spend a lot of time on the fleet today (near the GTM terminals, a dangerous zone) and didn't get infected a single time. Assuming you'll automatically get infected if you ever just set foot on the fleet is paranoia
  12. Maybe it's the abusive reporting which must be disciplined then. I'm gonna try not to be too harsh... if you manage to get infected while you're raiding, during a wipe... then you're doing something wrong. It's your raiders who need disciplining then.
  13. More exaggerations. If you level as usual, you will never get infected. I have a friend level 29 who started recently, who is doing everything the game offers (which includes grouping, crafting, visiting the space station for that) and who didn't even know there was an event with a plague until I told him, since he can participate at 29. More mountains out of molehills, but I trust the Bioware readers to be able to read through the exaggerations and see the reality.
  14. This is a bit contradictory... SW has always been "mainstream" and never reserved to an elite.
  15. Looks like it's "our generation"... I'm just a bit older than you. This said, I'm really out or I'll be late
  16. Being true to oneself doesn't automatically only seeing the world in black or white. I like the Rakghoul plague, the whole story line that I've read in books and comics, and the event in game. I wouldn't be true to myself if I pretended not to like it just to please you. There are many things I don't like in SW:TOR, and which will certainly make me stop playing sometimes in the quite near future. This event has actually reignited my interest in the game, Bioware proved they can think "out of the box" and dare do things that are not usual in MMORPGs. What I mean is that nothing is just black or white. Most things are shades of gray. So is this game. Some things you like, others not, which is normal in a game of that scope. My stance is as long as the good prevails over the bad, I keep playing, but when the bad prevails too much over the good, then I simply stop playing. That doesn't make the game bad for OTHERS, just not good enough for ME. On this, time to work a bit. May the Force be with you!
  17. The books are pretty bad indeed, because they simply try to tell the story of the games, straight as it is. It's poor writing. The games are pretty good though, and there the story makes a lot more sense. If you want to turn a game into a book, you have to do better than just copying the game. We are going seriously out of topic though, so this discussion is over for me - back to the Rakghoul plague!
  18. Your opinion, respectable so far. No problem here. I don't call your opinion nonsense. I say that if you pretend your opinion prevails over what Lucasfilm says is canon, then yes, you talk nonsense. You can disagree with Lucas, hell, I do on many things too (I notably dislike the whole "resurrected emperor" storyline), but if Lucas says it is canon, well, then it is, no matter what I think, which doesn't stop me from skipping that part I don't like. Unlike you, I don't pretend holding the ultimate truth about SW and everything else is crap. Sorry, but English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes. I suppose you speak German and French as well as I speak English, right? A New Hope storyline + destruction of the first Death Star : 0 BBY/ABY. Destruction of the second Death Star : 4ABY. So you are right, the first three movies span over 4 years, not 3, my bad (actually a silly miscalculation from typing too fast). It's not really "a lot more" though, just 4 instead of 3... seems to me that you should revisit your information source too, specially before using condescending name calling against other people.
  19. You are again wrong here... you seem to think that only what you think matters should matter, and everything else is crap. Very bad way of thinking, specially for someone old enough to have seen A New Hope in movie theaters. "I want it now" won't do you any good (I learned that as a kid... long ago). In a MMORPG, a game made not for you, but for millions of players, you will sometimes get content you like, and sometimes some you like less. You'll have to accept that the world, including for this game, doesn't revolve around what YOU want. You can bet that considering the success of this event, Bioware will continue this storyline.
  20. SWG was already lore breaking before NGE. Also Lucasfilm never considered SWG content to be canon, to the opposite of all the content of the KOTOR games before and of SW:TOR now.
  21. I see what kind of fan you are now, all right, nothing wrong, but... No matter what YOU think the canon should be, everything I told in my previous post is approved by Lucasfilm as being canon. What you think only matters... for you. I respect your opinion, I respect that you don't like some stuff, but stop pretending it's not canon just because you don't like it - because that I can't respect, since it's nonsense. There are people who didn't like the prequel movies either (maybe you're part of them) and pretend only the 3 original movies are "Star Wars"... well, those people are also wrong. The canon Star Wars timeline expands over millenniums, way beyond what the 3 years of the original trilogy encompasses.
  22. I played SWG quite a lot. SWG was way more "Star Wars breaking" than SW:TOR is. It completely obliterated the canon of the three first movies. And it got even worse when they made Jedi available to everybody. For Star Wars fitting lore, I'd take SW:TOR anyday over SWG, without thinking twice. And I'm also an old fart who saw "A New Hope" back then.
  23. I suggest you document yourself a bit better about the Rakghoul plague before you pretend it doesn't fit in Star Wars. Check out the story of Lord Karness Muur, of the Muur Talisman and of Celeste Morne. If Star Wars was only about Good Jedi destroys Death Star helped by Scoundrel and kills Evil Emperor, it would get boring rather quickly. OMG people interacting in a MMORPG and helping each other! That's poor design from "BioFail", that can't happen!
  24. Spamming grief reports in game for something that is working as intended game mechanics can get the offender in trouble too. GMs usually don't take repeated reports for no reason lightly.
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