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Everything posted by Zandar

  1. Indeed. Adding some big platform prop outside every stronghold with a hook for a full size ship sounds like a quick fix that shouldn't be too hard to implement. And I'm sure everyone who ever crafted one of those ships will appreciate it a lot.
  2. I like Tacos too. But I dont like Tat for my imperial chars who are my mains. I prefer their stronghold to be in the capital. Maybe later on I get Tat for my bh or smuggler alts, but they don't fly in an interceptor.
  3. I finally came back to SWTOR a few weeks ago and was happy to see the strongholds. Immediately got one and started to decorate it. I noticed the empty garage and landing platform and wondered if you could get your aircraft there. Then I found the vendor and got a heart attack when I saw what was needed for them. But once I got over it, I leveled my craft classes to 450, started collecting resources for a while and today I finally got everything. And when I bought the ship I was really happy. Only to find out I cannot place it in my Dromund Kaas stronghold. Yeah I should have read up about it.... but shouldn't it be obvious ingame too, before people spend loads of time for absolutely 0 result. Or actually, stop being silly Bioware and patch that ship hook into all strongholds please thanks. A stronghold in the IMPERIAL capital can't have an interceptor while other strongholds can. WHY
  4. With all the new dyes and customisation options I'm sure some of you started to become creative! Post a screeny of your new char here and maybe we get some nice ideas from eachother =) Let me start with my Jedi Shadow, first one I leveled on Makeb: http://i.imgur.com/K6aX7F1.png I will post other chars when I change their looks, if the thread stays active long enough lol.
  5. I came back to this game because I read about a new expansian and asumed they finally implemented SGR and open world pvp after a year. Reading both are delayed for probably a long time makes me a quite sad puppy. I don't think these devs are capable of living up to what the players want.
  6. That's because only people in his legacy know how he looks without the mask of course But on a serious note I agree with you, it might be better not to allow the most famous characters like Revan to be picked by everyone.
  7. Thx What about this: The game sees that both you and other player you don't know have the same ancient crimelord in your legacy. It could make you and that other player you don't know "related", opening up a quest where you have to find eachother. "Legacy quest: Republic intelligence found out about an unknown relative of mine, I'd like to meet him" You could even be a sith and he a jedi.... And then a follow up quest where you investigate your legacy. You can only do the quest together with that player, with some nice legacy rewards. And your legacies can be combined after that, if you liked him. Or not at all, or even combined as rivals, if you didn't
  8. They could even make it so you actually can show off the legacy if you chose so. And some terminal in the jedi/sith library that browses legacies, but you need certain ranks to see the more advanced ones. And that you can unlock certain famous dead people, either by paying or questing for them. The most famous people very rare and hard to get of course. Some like revan so rare that only a few or even just 1 can be in their legacy. And only as some forgotten bastard grandchild. And only the most active players can afford the monthly fee to be Revan's grandchild, but the whole server will know and it would grant some perks. In pvp it would make him hunted, if he was killed too often by the same player his killer can chose to become revan's grandchild. And he has to pvp or he will lose his legacy over time. Stuff like that
  9. It's not so much an issue, but a whole lot of interesting possibilities for this game.
  10. I have an idea to make our legacies more interesting. When I made mine I wanted my main char on top of the legacy. But then she had to be married, something I avoided in hope they will ever add lesbian relations, because my main is in love with her compaion. But what if she once was married to a powerful darth, they had kids, but he died. How cool would id be if you could add dead famous persons from a list in your legacy tree. It wouldn't hurt any storylines because they are dead. Surely many would choose revan, malak, nihillus etc. But why not? Bioware could easily make it so that everyone can choose revan but nobody else can ever see that part of your heritage. Right now my main is married to a level 1 Nihiilliius anyway, just to fix my legacy. My legacy doesn't know he isn't played and actually very dead, but I do Another thing to make legacy a whole lot more interesting is adding all kinds of questing coolness. How cool would a legacy quest be that can only be done when one of your alts is your brother/sister. In that quest the alt would become your companion, for example a mission you do together, investigating your death evil darth father? Both chars will have the quest and both can play it, with the offline alt being the companion. Another thing bioware could do is also add stuff like ex-lover, friend, ex-friend, apprentice, ex-apprentice, nephew, bastard child, and the possibility to have multiple lovers. And your kids need to be able to chose their other parent too, if it's not the same as their brother/sister. Just sharing some ideas
  11. The OP's attitude is actually making me quit playing. I got a 50 battlemaster around januari/februari before I quit the first time. I consider myself a skilled pvp-er. I came back to the game 3 weeks ago and made a new alt and soloed, quested and warzoned to 50 and had fun. When I finally reached 50 and joined some warzones I got a storm of tells from veteran 50 pvp-ers about my gear. Cut me a freaking break, I just dinged 50 yesterday. As part of a community in a game that seems to lose subscriptions, you might instead be happy that there are actually still new players reaching 50? And welcome them to the 50 community instead of instantly start whining about their gear? Motivate them instead of bashing them to the ground? This crap attitude does currently more harm to me as a player than any bioware bug or missing content. It makes me not want to log in my new 50.
  12. yes they do. Exchange 50% of their health for 99% damage reduction for a short period. They die immediately after but can stall it a bit by that. Just avoid them when it's up and keep your nukes for when the ability stops.
  13. Lol I had to follow the last link in 5 threads to be able to reply. Seems more people have the same problem But I still wanted to add my cry for help. I really hope Bioware has this as a priority, more than anything else. I want to play the other class stories, but as a hetero guy who prefers to play a female char (because I have to look at it all day bla bla bla) this is really keeping me waiting before continuing with Swtor. I have a female jedi consular at 50 and the only option for me was that trooper guy. This kind of alienated from my own character. Only 1 option that I didn't like at all. I know it sounds silly , but this was probably the primairy cause for me to lose interest in my main char. And I don't really feel like playing another one now. They either force me to play a guy, which I don't like. Or romance a guy, which I don't like. Or play a female and skip romance and miss essential content for an rpg-er like me. Just make all the companions that are currently romancable bisexual, that will take some work but is probably the best solution.
  14. With a good team it's the most fun warzone. With a bad team it's the most frustrating warzone
  15. The big problem with big companies: Talking, Meetings, Discussions, Evaluation, More talking, more meetings. The bug fixing really feels slow and sluggish. QA too with their 8hour downtimes. Maybe spend less time on discussing bugs, identifying, prioritising and more time on actually fixing those you curently have. I'd suggest to call for a no meetings no discussions week. Cancel all meetings this week and use the time that you gain by that on fixing any bug that you have currently identified that are fixable. Ignore all new bugs that QA finds this week, just focus on the current ones. And just assign them to devs in a random order, ignoring all priority for a week. Yes you'll miss some priorities but if you fix half of the current bugs because of that, then people will forgive you that. With all your prioritising and talking and meetings, the pvp game killing bug that doesnt count warzone wins is still here for weeks , so it seems all that discussing and talking about priorities doesn't help much anyway.
  16. I played probably 90% of mmo's since EQ1 but EQ2 pvp in its prime was the best
  17. There is no benefit for harvesting, its a waste of time at 50 it's far easier to spam missions, while harvesting should be a fun minigame when you're semi afk.
  18. I've got 2 active crafters who make mods and armor for me and 3 friends. Both are 400/400/400 and besides the few nodes during questing I never ever harvested. Credits are so easy to get at 50 that I just spam a few crew missions and I get everything I need, so why bother going to a planet to harvest. Well.... because I used to find harvesting fun.... especially in that former Star Wars game where you ventured in unexplored areas to place your harvester on that tiny spot of rare iron. But also in all mmo's i played after it. Harvesting was relaxing, something to do when you didn't feel like being too active but still wanted to get something done. And one in a 100 times you'd get that special rare that made your day. So often I had great unexpected pvp battles because of me wanting to harvest the same node as the enemy. I know I can still harvest, but in the time it takes me to go to a planet, harvest the spot, my mission will be done too and I made twice the money the mission costed, so why bother. I miss harvesting being useful and fun :/
  19. You guys do understand he's probably a tank spec ? hard to kill but also hard to do damage. And that you can just roll a shadow tank if you want?
  20. So because it's no problem for you on your server it's no problem on other servers either, lol ok
  21. I don't blame them for rolling empire. I blame them for seeing what happens to the pvp in this game and still sticking with empire.
  22. I wish you a lot of personal fun in huttball and an Ilum without any republics then
  23. You don't have to abondon your level 50 char, they do. Why should you get compensated. Also, you gain a lot by people swapping, why ask for even more.
  24. You mean faction imbalance is not your problem? Constant huttball in warzones. No targets in open world?
  25. So instead of doing something about it you made it worse
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