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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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I'm very interested to hear what ACTUALLY happened, from bioware or screenshots of the email.


IF the player went to ilum and did nothing but farm and got banned...I'm canceling my account, removing SWTOR, and boycotting bioware products completely.


In the end that'll never happen. User information is confidential and Bioware seems content at sticking to that, which is a good thing. The downside is we'll never know all the facts and just be stuck with accepting what we're hearing.



People were banned for doing something that wasn't intended. Sucks but like someone said earlier, it's a gamble and these individuals lost.

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If he was just farming, however, the fact that they started with any ban is a bit frightening. How are we -- the players -- supposed to divine what is off limits and what isn't? Should people be afraid of capping out an ability and farming, say, Corelia, too? If the intent is to lock certain players out of a particular area, then why aren't there restrictions that do just that in the game?


Again, if all he was doing was farming, that isn't an exploit. 'Tagging' a raid boss and kiting it to a collection of guards, who then kill the boss so you can loot all the epics solo? That's an exploit. Farming a zone that has no other obvious restrictions against being there, with a trade skill that you already worked hard to level yourself? Not an exploit... not in the the traditional sense, at least.


i would agree that it would be the wrong move on bioware's part to issue any account action if this is a first offense, however, the title brings out the B word, which in typical internet nomenclature means permaban, and that would be simply inexcusable on bioware's part.


A short account action would be a *bad idea* but wouldent be so god-awful i'd boycott the company.

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However people were actioned for exploiting the LFR.

And the person in question here....is posting in the forums. Obviously NOT a perma ban in this case.


Apples and Oranges.


The LFR exploit was just that, an exploit. It really came down to being no different from certain "dupping" bugs in the past.


This was a case of a low level player, leveling their craft or even farming in a high level zone. Regardless if there are no high level mobs or players around.


If Bioware expected other players ti fill in for the mobs, then LOL at Bioware. That's just bad game design then.

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I worked as a GM with EA and there were times where someone did something but we were unsure if it was an exploit. We banned him to keep people from doing what he did even though it wasn't illegal. They own the game, they have the right to terminate you without cause.


Another instance was a guy who didn't know how to spell Japanese. So he asked someone if he was ***. The guy answered with yes and it seemed like a harmless conversation. Someone reported him for saying *** and I was forced to suspend his account for further review even though it clearly showed he didn't know how to spell it. I asked him "why did you say ***?" He replied with "I was trying to say Japaneese". By him not spelling it correctly, I knew he wasn't in the wrong. His account was suspended.


Your allowed to make decisions in cases like that if you know he wasn't in the wrong as gm you had the choice to not enforce the suspensions and give him the pass on it instead you passed the buck afraid someone might not like your choice great job their former gm.


Sigh I know the post is back their and all but it burns me up seeing an example of lack of common sense in the so called situations.


AS for the Iluim thing if your not 50 why are you going their anyway?


Don't think you should be banned if this is a skill/loot exploit it is only possible due to the lack of 50s running around and wont be a problem in the future if it is just level lock the planet. Surprised this was not caught in beta. :rolleyes:

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If he was just farming, however, the fact that they started with any ban is a bit frightening. How are we -- the players -- supposed to divine what is off limits and what isn't? Should people be afraid of capping out an ability and farming, say, Corelia, too? If the intent is to lock certain players out of a particular area, then why aren't there restrictions that do just that in the game?


Again, if all he was doing was farming, that isn't an exploit. 'Tagging' a raid boss and kiting it to a collection of guards, who then kill the boss so you can loot all the epics solo? That's an exploit. Farming a zone that has no other obvious restrictions against being there, with a trade skill that you already worked hard to level yourself? Not an exploit... not in the the traditional sense, at least.


even kiting isn't really exploiting, its more a "unintended use of mechanics" There is a fine line.


Exploiting, to me, is using something that was NEVER MEANT TO HAPPEN IN GAME.


For example, in WoW during WOTLK, a GM accidently sent a player a mod item that could one shot any MOB in the game. They used it to get world firsts on every uldum boss and get epix


THAT was clearly unintented, and they got banned for it.


the same guild later got banned, again, during WOTLK for A -different- exploit, but i forget which one.


Farming slicing nodes on a high level planet, assuming that is all that happened, is not, however, exploiting. Unless you find some way to make the nodes respawn instantly, or make the nodes give extra credits.

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Apples and Oranges.


The LFR exploit was just that, an exploit. It really came down to being no different from certain "dupping" bugs in the past.


This was a case of a low level player, leveling their craft or even farming in a high level zone. Regardless if there are no high level mobs or players around.


If Bioware expected other players ti fill in for the mobs, then LOL at Bioware. That's just bad game design then.


An exploit....is an exploit is an exploit.

You can paint it any way you want...but it's still unintended that a level 20 is on a level 50 planet. Regardless of whether or not there is a giant red warning sign or prohibitive mechanics or not.

MANY guild and many players have learned this the hard way.

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to be honest this sounds like BS but you can never be truly sure one of my mates on WoW got perma banned because they thought he was a Gold farmer and seller becasue he was going around for like 3+hrs farming matts (not big issue) what caused them to ban him was he was using a tunneling program.
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to be honest this sounds like BS but you can never be truly sure one of my mates on WoW got perma banned because they thought he was a Gold farmer and seller becasue he was going around for like 3+hrs farming matts (not big issue) what caused them to ban him was he was using a tunneling program.



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AS for the Iluim thing if your not 50 why are you going their anyway?


Because you can? Seriously. I've gone and landed on planets that were way out of my level range just so I could say "I've been there". Same as in Wow, I would go for a wanderbout to just explore.


Don't think you should be banned if this is a skill/loot exploit it is only possible due to the lack of 50s running around and wont be a problem in the future if it is just level lock the planet. Surprised this was not caught in beta. :rolleyes:


That's why I said it would be bad game design. Blizzard learned this quite awhile ago. Just because a zone is a PvP zone, don't expect players to be the "mobs" for you. TB was level locked at 85 right from the get go, you think Bioware could have level locked a whole freaking planet much easier.

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