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Upcoming Update of the Game Launcher


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Since being forced to update the launcher, there have been a few instances where I can't even get passed the login screen. I get hit with connection errors. I just don't understand how something can be pushed out with the intention of making things smoother but by doing so creates 2-3 more issues. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated

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31 minutes ago, MasterTrickery said:

Since being forced to update the launcher, there have been a few instances where I can't even get passed the login screen. 

If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated

Your best bet is to follow what  JackieKo  said here:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924959-upcoming-update-of-the-game-launcher/?do=findComment&comment=9722643  

.... But  quite honestly, i wouldn't  expect any  responses nor resolutions until tomorrow MONDAY aka  'business day'.   I hope i'm wrong, cuz  it seems super frustrating for certain players  (which is totally understandable btw)  , but that's just seems like the reality of  EA.  ( i personally don't blame BioWare  as much as i do EA )

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Been selected for trial since a while, having no issues on my part. The download for 30Go at the start was weird, as it happened in like an instant.

What is the point of that download anyway ? Is it replacing stuff from the game ? Adding more stuff ? Is there a need to re-download this much ? Just me being curious, but knowing what it's for could maybe ease some tensions I see in this thread ^^'

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5 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

Been selected for trial since a while, having no issues on my part. The download for 30Go at the start was weird, as it happened in like an instant.

What is the point of that download anyway ? Is it replacing stuff from the game ? Adding more stuff ? Is there a need to re-download this much ? Just me being curious, but knowing what it's for could maybe ease some tensions I see in this thread ^^'

They were not actually downloads more like file checks. I had 3 of them when I just got the new launcher. A 30 gb, 8 and another real small one maybe 2 to 3 gb. But my separate drives  all stayed at the same space during and after.

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4 hours ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

They were not actually downloads more like file checks. I had 3 of them when I just got the new launcher.

Same ^ yep.   And thankfully,  my SWTOR is still  launching/working just fine. (so far)

What i don't quite understand is: the new  launcher  looks exactly the same as the old one , including  having an entire  'ad box'  totally missing/blank. :( 

But  i'm looking forward to seeing how much  faster the new launcher downloads a big PATCH soon ( like  7.1.1. or  7.2 maybe ) .

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8 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Same ^ yep.   And thankfully,  my SWTOR is still  launching/working just fine. (so far)

What i don't quite understand is: the new  launcher  looks exactly the same as the old one , including  having an entire  'ad box'  totally missing/blank. :( 

But  i'm looking forward to seeing how much  faster the new launcher downloads a big PATCH soon ( like  7.1.1. or  7.2 maybe ) .


Na the real test will be 8.0 O.o lol lets see how that downloads


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On 9/15/2022 at 10:27 PM, JackieKo said:

Further details on what this looks like for players who use the current launcher

 Players who are selected to help us test this will notice a red banner toward the top of their launcher informing them they have been selected. If you are a player that was included in the subset to test this update and you are experiencing issues, please detail your issue in a reply to this thread.


Provided that testing goes well and there are no issues, this update is intended to go live on September 22. Should this timing change, I will inform you all with an update.



Received some questions regarding the above, and will leave answers below:


How much will players have to download if they don’t have their game updated to 7.1a at the time the new launcher goes live?


  • Even though it will not be a full game download, players can expect up to a 1/3 of a complete client, however, the new launcher will download at a much faster speed.


Will the launcher look differently than before?


  • There should not be any noticeable visual changes.


Can players opt out of the initial tests?


  • Players selected will not be able to opt out of testing. If tests are successful and there are no issues during this testing phase, the update will be pushed out to all players on September 22nd.


I went to log in to do my screenshots for the "2nd Best View" competition at @11:50hrs (UK) and received a red banner with the "you have been selected to test..." notification.  I thought testing was over?  

Unfortunately the forum feature to select "next bio-ware post" in a thread is not available in these new forums (if it is, can some one tell my how/where to find it), so without the tedium going through every page of this thread, I'm not sure what the launcher situation is.

If it is a test (rather than the final roll out), this is what I've seen:

  1. The launcher is over twice the size of the previous launcher.  I thought there was not going to be any visual changes with the log-in?
  2. After the launcher update, it did not seem to be any quicker to log in.
  3. The character selection screen is different.  The ship scene behind my character is much better and the whole thing is visually clearer (though this might be because I updated my drivers over the weekend!).
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Players, espesically subscribers should have the choice to opt-in or opt-out of this test and not be forced.

This is unacceptable and wrong!

I agree with the following players:

I was never asked or consulted and there's no way to opt out of it. NOW I CAN'T LOG ON AT ALL. I'm a subscriber and am paying to play this game


This really sucks. How did I get selected to be a test subject? This is thoroughly unacceptable. If I randomly selected customers to disrupt their service without telling them in my job, I would be fired. How was this random selection process approved by management?? You knew this was a test period and there could be problems

Thanks for working on improvements, but it's definitely not nice to be put on a test version without opt-in / opt-out choice...

It's not OK to add players to a beta without asking for consent at all. That's what insiders programs or opt-in programs are for (and I'm sure you would get plenty of volunteers who would be happy to check things out without being forced to by you).

so i pay for something i cannot play now without ever been asked if i wanna participate in this.


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On 10/7/2022 at 7:17 PM, OwenBrooks said:

The launcher isn't being tested , it is being deployed to everyone https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/New-Game-Launcher-coming-this-week/td-p/11895388

We have wrapped testing for the new launcher and are ready to go live! The new launcher will be rolling out beginning October 4th.

If that's true first of all, it should have been posted on the forums here.

Secondly, my launcher currently says:

1. Game launcher update

You have been selected to test our new, improved launcher.

If it has been completely tested and rolled out, why is the test message still on the launcher?

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13 minutes ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

If that's true first of all, it should have been posted on the forums here.

Secondly, my launcher currently says:

1. Game launcher update

You have been selected to test our new, improved launcher.

If it has been completely tested and rolled out, why is the test message still on the launcher?

In fairness, they did post the update saying they were done with testing in this thread:

I don't know why they didn't update the launcher message accordingly, but I'm not really surprised about it, either.

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Had the launcher updated without any problems on my laptop. On my desktop PC however it got stuck with a message "Downloading", except that it didn't look like it was downloading anything. 


I found some ideas from EA pages to fix it (sorry I didn't bookmark the link), in case someone ends up in a similar situation:

I have had swtor icon on my desktop set to run as admin. For some reason it didn't run it as admin, so I just right clicked and manually ran it as admin, and the launcher didn't get stuck anymore.


I'm not seeing any resolution issues, and my character selection screen is exactly what it used to be. I'm curious, how is it even possible the character selection screen changes for some, and stays the same for others? 😕

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5 hours ago, Sarova said:

Unfortunately the forum feature to select "next bio-ware post" in a thread is not available in these new forums (if it is, can some one tell my how/where to find it),

As far as i'm aware,  all we have is this: https://forums.swtor.com/discover/6/   ... However, you should still be able to 'follow'  anyone's  posts (including BioWare officials ) .

16 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

, how is it even possible the character selection screen changes for some, and stays the same for others? 

Because  nearly every player's  unique  computer setup is  totally (or even slightly) different than everyone  else's .  Including  important things like:  Windows updates, video drivers, monitor resulutions, etc. etc.

Hence why  'computer troubleshooting'  can be so challenging & painstakingly long.

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On 10/9/2022 at 10:10 AM, -Ashton- said:

It appears support staff are non-existent over the weekend. So after their botched launcher changes that leave many players unable to play, but we are expected to simply rot in their absence.


what an absolute farce, there is literally nothing of equal value you can compensate us for at this stage.  

Missed community pvp events, missed raid progress and missed conquest.


unless your going to ask me what I want in compensations based on my chosen gameplay experience? I genuinely  gutted I’ve missed the ability to play on a Friday/Saturday evening I had free. My first time in a few months to be honest.


Not even a word from you to acknowledge what your doing help,  it’s almost as if your closed for the weekend. So poor.

@-Ashton- Better be careful not to be "disrespectful" :classic_rolleyes:

Really unbelievable, pathetic even, they are calling *you* disrespectful - which at that point you weren't IMO - while they are the ones treating their customers without any respect.

Guessing I will be getting a slap on the wrist as well now. Oh well, unlike them, I won't cry about it.

Edited by sGroggy
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2 hours ago, CommunityTeam said:

Hi folks,

Thanks for the report regarding the messaging on our launcher. Our team is looking into updating it.


Will you updating the downloadable stwor setup installation file as well?? I am asking because I can't even initiate the newest one whilst the older version still somehow works but gets stuck at launcher update.

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4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

As far as i'm aware,  all we have is this: https://forums.swtor.com/discover/6/   ... However, you should still be able to 'follow'  anyone's  posts (including BioWare officials ) .

That doesn't help navigate within the thread, which is what Sarova was asking about. We used to be able to jump to the next official response inside the thread we were currently reading. I miss that feature too.

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5 hours ago, CommunityTeam said:

Hi folks,

Thanks for the report regarding the messaging on our launcher. Our team is looking into updating it.


Some of  us have been unable to  log for 4 days now, no support here on in emails and this is all you have to say?


This is an absolute circus

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So what steps must I undertake to get my money reimbursed for my subscription? Because I sent an email with all the necessary provided information, was even able to randomly log in yesterday. But logging out does not guarantee that I will be able to log in again next time, since that succesful login its back to business as usual with the launcher stuck after inputting my login data. Are you trying to force us to use the steam launcher?

Edited by Myzrahie
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5 minutes ago, Myzrahie said:

So what steps must I undertake to get my money reimbursed for my subscription? Because I sent an email with all the necessary provided information, was even able to randomly log in yesterday. But logging out does not guarantee that I will be able to log in again next time, since that succesful login its back to business as usual with the launcher stuck after inputting my login data. Are you trying to force us to use the steam launcher?

Maybe a reimbursement of some cartel coins for those still hitting walls with the launcher update? @JackieKo

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9 hours ago, CommunityTeam said:

Hi folks,

Thanks for the report regarding the messaging on our launcher. Our team is looking into updating it.


I am glad to see that the Community Team's eyes are still on this thread. However, could we please get actual transparency with regards to the size of what the launcher is actually downloading? I would appreciate official confirmation that the launcher either is or is not going to require 35-40 GB of space I don't have on my computer. If this is a known issue, I hope that the team is also looking into it as part of what the launcher is potentially displaying incorrectly.

Many thanks in advance.

Edited by LordNocturnis
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