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Planned Balance Changes for 7.1.1


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I'm redoing TOS HM with a 330 Jugg and I can attest to this. I'm getting absolutely wrecked with 18k+ damage at Walkers and you took away any mobility buffs and made me give up mad dash in order to keep saber reflect. I don't mind rebalancing the op itself, but you hit jugg too hard with taking away some key DCDs.


I don't understand the problem. HM was a joke in 6.X and now it requires tanks/healers to actually do some work. A 330 healer can pump out much more than 18k, so not sure what the issue is. Jugg tank is still the best tank in PvE for a variety of reasons, so what is the problem? That you can't beat HM ops with your foot anymore?

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Hi everyone,


As Chris wrote in his post, these changes are tentative and we're looking for feedback. I understand that you all may have strong feelings about these, but we are asking if you can explain why you feel a certain way and in addition to that explain what a preferred solution or change would be.


Please keep your posts constructive as they help us understand your line of thinking and provides opportunity for your feedback to be reflected in any changes that could be made.





Hi Jackie (still feels weird) while I realize I'm in the very minor-est of minorities of players, the Level Synch and bolster loss has severely impacted the game in negative ways. For myself, and others, the problem isn't "It's too hard" the problem is "It takes too long!" For me, I have muscle strain and fatigue issues. especially in FP's. For others, they just don't have the extra time.


Now, you're considering taking the axe to DPS most of which are already not doing much damage, and the LvL 50 Companions aren't doing their jobs efficiently, if at all, and once again like the horrible conquest gearing system I feel like my money isn't valued by Bioware,


I suggest the team watch Mark Biggs vids on youtube about how each class perfoming.

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Really more survival for one of the hardest to kill spec in PvP? which is also the best 1v1 by far against any class? Whie snipers still dont have any real defense and anyone can toy with them who knows how to play this game?


Yeah operatives…. they can just resist anything in every 8 secs, can have 8 sec instant aoe cc, kepot their stun after 7.0, have one of the highest off heal, one of the most mobile classes, can sleep ppl, can vanish… and even after the dmg nerf they ll still have one of the best burst….


I understand every spec has a role in PvP and operative's role is 1v1 but it's been an overkill in 6.0 its an overkill in 7.0 and it'll be even worse after this patch…. Reducing their burst is a very small nerf compared to what they gain for survival….


I know you always optimize things for PvE and forget that you got a ton of PvPers and most of them are long lasting money bags, who keep playing and spending on the game. Not just play 1-2 months and leave....


You should really make balance changes that don't make PvP balance even worse…..

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I have an idea. Instead of looking at dummy parses to decide what to nerf, how about looking at actual combat parses to make that determination. Additionally, look at averages, not just the top ones. And further, raise lower performing specs to bring them within the target high/low variance would actually demonstrate you know what you are doing.


Let's face it, PVP will never be balanced unless everyone just has generic abilities. Trying to balance around everyone's unique abilities is impossible. It's pretty useless because PVPers will just gravitate to whatever is OP big numbers huh huh or whatever.

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Hi everyone,


As Chris wrote in his post, these changes are tentative and we're looking for feedback. I understand that you all may have strong feelings about these, but we are asking if you can explain why you feel a certain way and in addition to that explain what a preferred solution or change would be.


Please keep your posts constructive as they help us understand your line of thinking and provides opportunity for your feedback to be reflected in any changes that could be made.





I never post but these updates really touched a nerve. I am an AP main and have forced myself to learn additional classes because it was NOT able to hold its own against Mara or Veng Jug in harder end game content. Had the new tactical addressed the unforgiving heat issues that arise in playing AP, I'd have zero problems with the changes because we'd be able to be a bit more "mindless" in dpsing. The changes have all but killed the burn style of AP meaning folks will have to play the double tap route with more power yields instead of longer ones. Burn style did parse higher. AP got hit but was still playable in 7.0. The proposed changes (along with the new tactical that invites more room for human error) puts AP in the same boat as Arsenal: fun to play but not viable in harder content.


Address heat management (we're going to have to pump out 60 heat in our opener with the new play style going from proced burst to detonator, to proced burst, to detonator). Additionally we now are going to have to keep track of our mag blast timing with the legendary and time our mag rounds with our thermal detonator's rounds. This is a ton to keep track of for a class that struggles to hit 29K when in the hands of the top 1% of players. If i need to hit hard and think about HM/NiM mechanics I can't afford to be AP if Mara and Veng jugg will give me the same or higher output with less thinking.


Take the human error component (tactical + output on burn) out of AP and the changes are fine. Leave them in and the class is killed. I would be really sad if my only PT time is as a tank.


Regarding heals - I think we can boost the nerfed classes without hurting the current ones. R4 is impossibly hard and nerfing classes without nerfing content is just mean. I agree PVP needed the help, but currently there is a sea of raiders who can't get into HM r4 because people don't want to take players that haven't cleared the content. The difficulty and forcing of certain classes has turned R4 into a job interview. It's a fun raid, but the scaling is just too hard for most players on most classes to clear. Give us the opportunity to complete the raid that gives us gear before nerfing our ability to complete it even further. This applies to DPS too but heals especially.


TLDR: we love this game and we want to continue to be a happy community of supportive players. The proposed changes introduce even more of an elitism sentiment into the player base because these will be two more dead classes that get shunned from raids instead of a happy player base where folks can play what they want to play.

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Madness Sorc new tactical


I can see its uses for Heroics and that's it. Force Storm is a pretty big force sink for madness, since the spec's force regen comes primarily from Force Lightning spam, for pretty average AoE damage and occasional stun on trash. It's just okay, and I and several others here have mentioned going back to the Slow Mercy tactical, which allowed for some Demolish spreading. I guessed that Slow Mercy was removed due to Force Slow being moved to Sins only in 7.0, however, if the concern with Demolish spread is that it would be too much damage, there's always the option of having the spread demolish only last 6s, or give it a damage penalty, etc. From a player's perspective too, spreading Demolish, something that Hatred sins can't reliably do, looks really cool and feels good to do. You still have to set up the demolish spread by using Force Lightning and Death Field, and Demolish still has a long cooldown. Which means it's not that spammable. It would be really interesting to hear a dev take on this.



The tactical they're giving to Madness Sorcs is a half-assed version of Slow Mercy (same tactical without Demolish spreading to targets effected by Death Mark). If they're worried about giving Madness too much of a buff, they should address how OP Juggs have been since 6.0 before applying MORE limitations to Madness, or any other DoT spec.



Please don't implement this tactical. As someone who PvPs, we do not need more slows in the game, especially a AOE 50% slow that lasts 12 seconds. Madness needs a proper AOE tactical, but I would rather see no tactical than this tactical. I know these are PvE oriented changes, but this tactical will significantly decrease the quality of play in PvP.


I see your point, and for PvP it's a valid concern. However, PvPers whining about class based advantages (guarding players as DPS for example) being exploited by their own PvP cohorts have ruined a lot of things for PvEers (specifically raiders). - - - For this tactical in particular, Madness mains (like me) want Slow Mercy (the REAL Slow Mercy) back because it allowed us to spread Demolish to multiple targets. From a PvE perspective, applying a slow is rather pointless unless you're solo-ing FPs or running Heroics/Dailies. For PvP concerns, wouldn't it be better to, say, lock certain items and abilities from being accessable in WZs and Arenas?


Big no to death field tactical, what are you thinking?? As Madness/Balance you should improve single target damage not the aoe. Also dot spread is broken sometimes it doesnt apply to targets.


I agree, not the tactical as written, something a lot closer to the original Slow Mercy, yes. Madness's Single target does need improvement, and the DoT spreading "feature" needs to be addressed. It would also be nice if Madness could spread DoTs more than ONCE every 12 seconds too, but that's asking for too much.


ON ANOTHER NOTE I stand with everyone else begging for some R4 rebalancing. The Op is essentially pointless to run in Story Mode outside of clearing for achievements, and is INCREDIBLY unbalanced, and when compared to the Legacy Ops, Story R4 is actually more akin to a Vet Mode Op than Story. Most of the Legacy Ops have been nerfed into the ground and are far too forgiving on certain things (ie. taking too long to channel on the Op IX fight). Vet R4 is the only method of getting new gear and upgrading from the 330s, and it's honestly too much of a hassle for the average player to achieve, or it's too much of a headache to even consider dealing with.

Edited by blakkwiddow
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Hi everyone!


We really appreciate all your feedback and have been reading all of it. I just wanted to make a post to clarify somethings accidentally missed in the OP. One is that we missed some Sorcerer / Sage changes, which will be added to the OP in the changes section.


The second is the new AP/Tactics Tactical. I accidentally wrote an older design description to that, which has since been changed. The cooldown reset that would have occurred to reset Thermal Detonator now affects Rocket Punch instead. That part of the tactical now reads:

"Energy Burst: The cooldown of Rocket Punch is reset your next Rocket Punch costs no heat."


As a final point, the "Reactive Substance" mod change does not have values since we can't communicate that very well on the forums. But power-wise a single stack of Reactive Substance would be similar to one Kolto Waves tick. You can stack it twice on a single target and get 2x the effect whenever damage is dealt to them.


Again, we really appreciate all your feedback! The OP will be updated shortly.




Edited by CommunityTeam
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Hi everyone!


We really appreciate all your feedback and have been reading all of it. I just wanted to make a post to clarify somethings accidentally missed in the OP. One is that we missed some Sorcerer / Sage changes, which will be added to the OP in the changes section.


The second is the new AP/Tactics Tactical. I accidentally wrote an older design description to that, which has since been changed. The cooldown reset that would have occurred to reset Thermal Detonator now affects Rocket Punch instead. That part of the tactical now reads:

"Energy Burst: The cooldown of Rocket Punch is reset your next Rocket Punch costs no heat."


As a final point, the "Reactive Substance" mod change does not have values since we can't communicate that very well on the forums. But power-wise a single stack of Reactive Substance would be similar to one Kolto Waves tick. You can stack it twice on a single target and get 2x the effect whenever damage is dealt to them.


Again, we really appreciate all your feedback! The OP will be updated shortly.





And just like that my despair turns to joy <3 That exactly addresses heat and is very much appreciated!

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Disintegration - Death Field and Death Brand grant Vitiate's Malice, giving Force Lightning 20% Lifesteal for 12 seconds. (This looks very interesting given how much we spam force lightning. Just a straight buff.)

Force Horrors - Increase periodic damage from 15% to 20%. (Another straight buff)

Lightning Barrage - Force Lightning reduced damage changed to -20% from -25%. (Again, a straight buff. Love to see it. (OG forgot how the passive worked and thought this was a nerf)

Tempest of Rho - Correctly applies 50% chance for Force Lightning to trigger periodic effects down from 75% (Ah, there it is. That's why Force Lightning spam was doing so well. Objectively better proc than Lightning Strike. Still, with the buff to Disintegration, it's still gonna be best to spam force lightning, but less penalizing if you need to use Lightning Strike while moving around).


I'm excited for these changes tbh. The Rho adjustment is fine, and it seems we'll have a bit more mobility with less punishing dps losses.


It'd be nice if every DPS class could reliably put out 30k dps if you know your rotation. That's kinda what 7.0 calls for imo. More fights could be done with 4D that way.

Edited by NicoleMay
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As a final point, the "Reactive Substance" mod change does not have values since we can't communicate that very well on the forums. But power-wise a single stack of Reactive Substance would be similar to one Kolto Waves tick. You can stack it twice on a single target and get 2x the effect whenever damage is dealt to them.


That is not nearly enough considering you need 2 kolto injections to get 2 stacks, and that is a huge drain to resources. Kolto injection is the longest casted single target healing ability, one of the most resource expensive and does some of the least single target heals. This will not help keep a tank up during spike phases, this will not help keep anyone up in PvP, this will not help operatives survive at all. If this was free, then I would welcome the addition, but considering you have to take it as a talent, I would put it up there with severing slash levels of usefulness.


I do appreciate the communication to our feedback.

Edited by sithBracer
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Disintegration - Death Field and Death Brand grant Vitiate's Malice, giving Force Lightning 20% Lifesteal for 12 seconds. (This looks very interesting given how much we spam force lightning. Just a straight buff.)

Force Horrors - Increase periodic damage from 15% to 20%. (Another straight buff)

Lightning Barrage - Force Lightning reduced damage changed to -20% from -25%. (This might hurt, but the tempest of rho tactical is still super powerful, so I don't see this impacting rotation too much, even with the next point.)

Tempest of Rho - Correctly applies 50% chance for Force Lightning to trigger periodic effects down from 75% (Ah, there it is. That's why Force Lightning spam was doing so well. Objectively better proc than Lightning Strike. Still, with the buff to Disintegration, it's still gonna be best to spam force lightning, but less penalizing if you need to use Lightning Strike while moving around).


I'm excited for these changes tbh. The Rho adjustment is fine, not 100% sure on Lightning Barrage. Guess we'll wait and see!


It'd be nice if every DPS class could reliably put out 30k dps if you know your rotation. That's kinda what 7.0 calls for imo. More fights could be done with 4D that way.


Rho fix is quite devastating. Lightning barrage is actually a buff, but all in all madness will lose ~5% dps with these changes.

Edited by ceazare
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I think a lot of us are confused on two points:


1. Why are you nerfing damage output when the newest content requires 5-6 DPS to clear.

2. Why are you nerfing damage output when you nerfed the health of all operations bosses. It seems like this change negates the earlier one.


If you could clarify the team's reasoning on these issues I think that would go a long way.

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Hi everyone!


We really appreciate all your feedback and have been reading all of it. I just wanted to make a post to clarify somethings accidentally missed in the OP. One is that we missed some Sorcerer / Sage changes, which will be added to the OP in the changes section.


The second is the new AP/Tactics Tactical. I accidentally wrote an older design description to that, which has since been changed. The cooldown reset that would have occurred to reset Thermal Detonator now affects Rocket Punch instead. That part of the tactical now reads:

"Energy Burst: The cooldown of Rocket Punch is reset your next Rocket Punch costs no heat."


As a final point, the "Reactive Substance" mod change does not have values since we can't communicate that very well on the forums. But power-wise a single stack of Reactive Substance would be similar to one Kolto Waves tick. You can stack it twice on a single target and get 2x the effect whenever damage is dealt to them.


Again, we really appreciate all your feedback! The OP will be updated shortly.





Hey chris,


Thanks for letting us know about these class changes coming with 7.1.1.

Many people already commented about the previous changes so I'll just talk about the Lightning Sorcerer ones for now.

We all agree that hardcasting Halted Offensive was a bad thing gameplay wise. It turned the class into a turret and seriously affected mobility. So increasing cast time is most welcome, thank for you for that, it will definitely solve that issue.


However you have to realize that hardcasting HO was what made the spec performing alright on dummy ONLY (and it's not broken or anything, just alright. Source: it's currently 10th out of 16 spec on average on Star Parse).

The longer cast time will stop players from hardcasting it and will already result in a serious DPS nerf.

But Lightning is NOT overperforming at all on proper bosses, its damage is below average most of the time, and it performs even worse when adds join a fight. Removing hardcasted HO will make the spec do even less damage in operation.


The other nerfs seem more than unnecessary and will result in an even bigger dps loss for a class that was already sturggling to stay on par with other specs. Reducing Halted Offensive damage by 15% will result in a 5% dps loss by itself which is completely overkilll combined with the 4 other nerfs mentioned. If anything, preventing players from hardcasting HO (which is a good thing) should have implied a BUFF on a few other passives to not become another dead weight for your group.

But at the very least, just increase HO cast time and don't touch the rest if you want to keep a viable class.



Edited by Nyzah
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As someone who has been playing for many many years. I do not understand how some of these changes make any sense. The removal of the saber strike damage from two time trouble tactical will TOTALLY remove Hatred as viable for harder content such as Vet and Master Mode ops. If anything, simply reduce the damage slightly overall, or look at changing the chance of tick with saber strike from 50% to 25%. People would simply stop playing the class altogether if it was totally removed.


I am very passionate about SWTOR and I would hate to see it take the same route as other games I used to be passionate about that implemented nerf after nerf after nerf until the game felt slow and unfun to play because everything became a damage sponge and I stopped playing them because of that. If you want to balance things, instead of nerfs why not buff everything else slightly and narrow it down from there. As far as how to balance it for PvP, would it not make sense to just change the damage done to players instead of an overall nerf like the ones y'all are suggesting. That would allow things to be balanced for PvP separately so any changes made don't also negatively the PvE players.

Edited by LordOstrik
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Alright. I'm just going to work through Madness for a second here.

Disintegration - Death Field and Death Brand grant Vitiate's Malice, giving Force Lightning 20% Lifesteal for 12 seconds.

This sounds interesting at first glance, until you look at the CURRENT description for this passive.

Increases the critical chance of Force Leech and Lightning Strike by 15%. Increases all periodic damage dealt by 15%.

Conclusion: this is a fairly severe nerf to damage output. Or it would be, except....


Force Horrors - Increase periodic damage from 15% to 20%.

Force Horrors is the passive governing disintegration's secondary effect at the moment, so this maybe(?) makes up for some of the change. Losing 15% crit chance on leech and lightning strike still sucks.


Lightning Barrage - Force Lightning reduced damage changed to -20% from -25%.

That's just a straight buff. Thanks.


Tempest of Rho - Correctly applies 50% chance for Force Lightning to trigger periodic effects down from 75%

And that's a nerf.


Conclusion? Eh... hard to say without doing more math than I feel like bothering with. Really wish I could test this.


Lightning / Telekinesis

  • Reverberating Force - Critical hit damage bonus has been reduced to 12% down from 15%.
  • Thundering Blast - Second arc of damage deals 20% of Turbulence's damage down from 25%.
  • Storm watch damage decreased by 4%
  • Halted Offensive cast time increased from 2.5 seconds to 3.0 seconds. Alacrity still affects cast time.
  • Decrease Halted Offensive damage by 15%.
  • Convection - Thundering Blast grants Reserved Darkness, making Dark Heal an instant cast and increasing its healing by 30%. Stacks up to 2 times.


And this is all a straight nerf. I'll reiterate what I said about the Viru changes during the last balance patch.... why? It's not like lightning is doing amazing damage in raid. This feels unnecessary.


Seriously, what is the goal here? What is the philosophy behind the balance changes? What is your 'target' DPS? Help us understand.

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Hi everyone!


We really appreciate all your feedback and have been reading all of it. I just wanted to make a post to clarify somethings accidentally missed in the OP. One is that we missed some Sorcerer / Sage changes, which will be added to the OP in the changes section.


The second is the new AP/Tactics Tactical. I accidentally wrote an older design description to that, which has since been changed. The cooldown reset that would have occurred to reset Thermal Detonator now affects Rocket Punch instead. That part of the tactical now reads:

"Energy Burst: The cooldown of Rocket Punch is reset your next Rocket Punch costs no heat."


As a final point, the "Reactive Substance" mod change does not have values since we can't communicate that very well on the forums. But power-wise a single stack of Reactive Substance would be similar to one Kolto Waves tick. You can stack it twice on a single target and get 2x the effect whenever damage is dealt to them.


Again, we really appreciate all your feedback! The OP will be updated shortly.





Please re-consider lightning changes, keep it as it is, those changes arent even worth, sorcs will loose like 4k dps and do only like 25k dps as an average player in 340 gear, so its not gonna be viable in NiM Operations, whats the reasoning behind nerfing lightning? Halted offensive ability is not that strong, you also have to sacrfice mobility to actually do damage, so sorc right now is in a good spot as a stationary turret. If u making it 3 second cast, then you should make it autocrit like thundering blast. Well I dont think all of our ranting will change your final decision, but if you making these changes please explain based on what you making it so we can understand.


Right now I have a lot of fun playing sorc in R4 for example and some old legacy nim, but if these nerfs are happening its gonna be more than 10-15% dps loss, which is gonna ruin fun for me and then ill just have to play melee class or quit this game and go back to wow.

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Finnaly those god darn sorcs got nerfed, i tired to see how they doing **** tons of DMG by doing nothing, good job! But sereously, stop doing this BS and better do buff other classes instead.


I agree. Buff under performers and leave the rest alone.

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You can't just remove hard casting halted offense and not replace it with an appropriate damage buff to make up for it. Why don't you buff the damage it gains when procced but lower hard cast damage or WHY in the world don't you buff Stormwatch to make up for this nerf instead of idiotically nerfing it? Or you could allow halted offense casts to buff subsequent lightning bolts or other skills. Or you could allow halted offense to be procced only by thundering blast and then also another skill with a CD, so basically we'd have what we have now but with instant casts that each deal less burst damage but provide a steady DPS. That would do away with the hefty opening burst and not ruin any chance at proper DPS.


With your changes, the spec just becomes a non-option in raids and everybody will just have to play madness because you just removed some 3k dps or so from the spec just with the HO change. Why don't you ever think these things through? Why the **** do you buff healing on the burst sorc? So people play it for more self-healing? They have more healing on Madness already AND aoe damage capabilities. What even is the point? Virtually anything is better than this. It's not rocket science. Do some basic maths before you post your ingenious and wonderful ideas here.


The APT PT nerf is just unwarranted, What even is the problem with the style? The double energy burst too heavy? What is the reason to nerf the dot damage then? Why in the world are you still insisting on providing us with these idiotic and wasteful "increase x by 3%" talents? That's not a talent, that's something you correct in the skill tooltip itself. And when you nerf one talent so hefty like Lingering Heat, then people will just take the other choices. You did consider that, right? That you could have as well make the talent read 'does nothing, pick something else', yes?


If the burst is the issue, then buff the bleed damage, let the DPS choice revolve more around dots, perhaps triggered from other abilities and nerf the direct damage skills at the same time. But I don't even see a problem with the spec beyond not having a proper tactical and now with the introduction of the new tactical, still not having a proper tactical. Why are you even nerfing it? Nobody understands this. It dominates nothing nowhere.


Marksman has completely pointless talents still that don't transform into a positive rotation of any kind or any sort of much needed DPS buff. It's supposed to be a sharshooter, yet zero of the talents revolve around Takedown. Why not have Snipe and ambush build stacks, and after 5 you can use a buffed version of takedown. You could build some sort of zeroing in / exploit stack and then consume it. It's not super problematic in PVP because you'd have to use e.g. 1 ambush ( 2 stacks) + 3 snipes (1 stack each) but it could fix the lack of DPS from the class while fitting the feel of a MM sniper. You also have to change the level 23 choice where ambush CD is reduced while the cast time is not reduced. What is the point then? Just doesn't sit right in a rotation. could replace it with my idea for the ST option and have targeted ambush both reset cds of laze target/ambush and reduce the cast time of ambush to 1.5 or zero after killing a target. Just buff the goddamn spec already. It's not that complicated.


Sometimes the patch notes you provide read so goddamn badly that one might even believe you're actively trying to sabotage this game to get fired and free yourselves from the burden of having to work here.

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Those Lightning changes are pretty brutal, the only change it needs is the cast time of Halted Offensive, which obviously hard casting was not meant to be the better way so making so we don't do that is already a 1k or so nerf, 2-3k with all the other changes. Unless your intent is to make Lightning a low dps spec like in the past all the other changes apart from the hard cast feel over the top. Edited by Nelsitokiller
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Madness / Balance

  • New Tactical: Killing Field (AOE)
  • Death Field slows targets it affects by 50%. Force Storm deals 15% more damage to slowed targets.

    • Disintegration - Death Field and Death Brand grant Vitiate's Malice, giving Force Lightning 20% Lifesteal for 12 seconds.
    • Force Horrors - Increase periodic damage from 15% to 20%.
    • Lightning Barrage - Force Lightning reduced damage changed to -20% from -25%.
    • Tempest of Rho - Correctly applies 50% chance for Force Lightning to trigger periodic effects down from 75%


Lightning / Telekinesis

  • Reverberating Force - Critical hit damage bonus has been reduced to 12% down from 15%.
  • Thundering Blast - Second arc of damage deals 20% of Turbulence's damage down from 25%.
  • Storm watch damage decreased by 4%
  • Halted Offensive cast time increased from 2.5 seconds to 3.0 seconds. Alacrity still affects cast time.
  • Decrease Halted Offensive damage by 15%.
  • Convection - Thundering Blast grants Reserved Darkness, making Dark Heal an instant cast and increasing its healing by 30%. Stacks up to 2 times.


The changes for lightning/madness are actually retarted. I'm sorry, but lightning really only does damage when the everything crits. Is 60k halted offensive really that much damage, compared to 80k furious strike, or 84k explosive probe with laze target? You have to hard cast it for you're rotation to be affective, and thats means you're a turret. Lightning used to be very mobile. And madness, tempest of rho rarely gave 75% on trigger, it felt like 35-40%. If you intended it to work like two time trouble, massive fail. If anything, sorc dps are low b tier at the very best.

Edited by megawarz
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Most of the end game pve stuff was barely doable as is in most specs. The solution is to buff the low end specs, not nerf the semi-viable ones. I'm already being told I can join MM OPs unless i reroll jugg/mara/PT. Now the only specs i can play that are even considered are being nerfed more... Welcome to swtor 2022, play PT/Mara or go home. Might be the end of swtor for me if these go through. Being forced to reroll a spec you hate just to be able to play is unacceptable. The 6 dps specs i can play are already not invited to vet r4, which is the only way i can progress gear wise. What a joke. Maybe ill be playing wotlk after all...
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  • Level sync/bolster across various content of the game
  • The team is investigating why Companions are underperforming in level synced content.
  • Players can't defeat Darth Malgus in Ruins of Nul Flashpoint - Story Mode. Thread.
    • Our team is currently investigating the issue. Current workaround: Stick to the outer perimeter of the fight (by the stone path but not beyond the pillars) when Malgus uses the Relentless Assault Ability.


Wouldn't time be better spent fixing these issues than doing another unnecessary nerf to classes? :confused:

I can understand the classes that NEED buffs like the healers, but nerfing the Acid Lash for scoundrel/operative? Really? The nerf on that requires a whole new rotation. Thanks alot! :mad:


People are having a hard enough time with ops being bugged and needing all the DPS they can get and your solution...NERF the DPS classes. smh

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