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Steam-Inspired Login Reward and Shae Vizla Returns!


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Nice! Thank you very much, but of course now XD I wait for Nico and Paxton as well.

Well I assume they will appear in similiar way later after Shae?

I know I get ahead, but tha post made me hyped as hell.



So, Shae will be here and I please for Nico as well :) For Paxton I can wait much longer.

And as person below said, only DvL so on Ranos awaits. I have hope and I'm excited as hell!

Thx again.


hopefully Nico is next:) and D vs L 2 would be so amazing!


*Thank You, BioWare, great call, big time.

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Yeah, I also am againt sub rewards even if previous comment wasn'y showing it.

I mean I'd prefer to got that in other way but that would made angry those who have her already. So I must accept it and take a chance to get her.

As in previous comment I agreed that "loyal" subs should get any token/s of appreciation not even (only) for having rewards that many so not have, but that sub constantly.

But what can we do or I?

l'm interested in Shae, Paxton, Nico and Ranos and wait for any info about it while Ranos for DvL 2.0 or something similiar like BW said on stream. I'm foused on my game experiences in same way as you or any other player in any other game as well.

I know your situations, but what can I do about it?



Yeah I hope so that Nico is next. Interesting if in that year, right away after Shae or maybe not?

Edited by LanceDefender
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As a rule, I'm not a fan of exclusives. I'm in favor of fluff being obtainable to anyone who might enhance their experience through said fluff, and as such, I am not against people being able to obtain things that were an exclusive gift in the past, but.. gotta say, I'm left with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.


I see there's a reward, it gets my attention, and.. oh.. something nice that I already have, and well, I never have used and never will use a flair. Bit of a downer, but okay. I then read things like "I wait for Nico and Paxton as well" and "Great, now make Ranos obtainable again please", and I find my general wish for everyone to be able to get what they want conflicting with the fear of being repeatedly left out when there's a treat, just because I've been here as long as I have.


+1 for finding a better way.


Agreed. But there seems to be a disconnect with them and players that have been here since the beginning and have all the rewards. It is great they are giving players that don't have the companion her now but for those saying oh everyone gets something the flair. That one has nothing to do with subscribers, that is for everyone. The problem is the ones that have been here since the beginning and been a subscriber since then seem to get left out in the cold but there is nothing we can do as if you say something people jumped down your throat saying well you already have her and oh they are giving the flair to so you get something without listening to what we are saying but I gotten to the point that it does me no good to say anything because then people jumped down my throat for it and it's not worth the hassle.

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I've given up with this. They have made it abundantly clear that old subscribers are not not important, except for the money. While happy that those that don't have her have a chance, but sad that those that do, are ignored again.


And before someone says something about the other reward, that is given to anyone, they don't have to be a sub.


The problem is that they are giving people that sub the companion but ignoring those that already have her but oh well that is what should be expected from them.




FWIW, I think it's fair to say that I've agreed with 99% of your posts. That's a pretty high percentage by the way for someone as brilliant as me. :)


On this one, we're just going to agree to disagree.


Shae has been around for years. I got her last time round. I just can't imagine why you care about others getting her when doing so has no impact on your game.


And, to Quillan's point, I can't imagine what bone they would throw. But if makes you happy to throw y'all a couple hundred CC's, um, sure.


Bottom line: If it helps the game, I'm for it. Not sure why you and others want to exclude a reward from literally years ago when doing the opposite might help the game. I mean, how does it hurt you if someone else is soloing with Shae?





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Agreed. But there seems to be a disconnect with them and players that have been here since the beginning and have all the rewards. It is great they are giving players that don't have the companion her now but for those saying oh everyone gets something the flair. That one has nothing to do with subscribers, that is for everyone. The problem is the ones that have been here since the beginning and been a subscriber since then seem to get left out in the cold but there is nothing we can do as if you say something people jumped down your throat saying well you already have her and oh they are giving the flair to so you get something without listening to what we are saying but I gotten to the point that it does me no good to say anything because then people jumped down my throat for it and it's not worth the hassle.


I used to feel this way, I really did, but not anymore. Not in the least.


As a long-term subscriber (July 2013) I've come to the point where I don't need to bemoan oh woe is me I'm just the needy middle child who's overlooked at Christmas.


Every time I create a new character, I receive more stuff in the mail than my inventory can handle. I have to put crap in my personal cargo bay or destroy it to make room for everything else still left in the mail. I get more crap in the mail in the first minute of character creation than these newbies will ever see in YEARS. I don't see how that leaves me any room to complain that I'm not getting anything just because my little bro got a cookie and I didn't.


I never got Dr. Oggrob, because for one month out of the entire time that I have subscribed, that was THE month that I let my subscription lapse and I missed out.


But I'm not bellyaching for Bioware to give me Dr. Oggrob. I'm done with that entire juvenile mindset.


I no longer feel the need for Bioware to bend over backwards to achieve parity every single bleeding time that BW offers subscription enticements or previous sub rewards for the have-nots, i.e., a parity in which the haves must always also get something as well. I'm just over it.


Maybe the long-term subs should look at their roomful of toys strewn everywhere and realize that they actually have life pretty good. One more toy in a sea of toys won't make one damn bit of difference.


We're spoiled.

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FWIW, I think it's fair to say that I've agreed with 99% of your posts. That's a pretty high percentage by the way for someone as brilliant as me. :)


On this one, we're just going to agree to disagree.


Shae has been around for years. I got her last time round. I just can't imagine why you care about others getting her when doing so has no impact on your game.


And, to Quillan's point, I can't imagine what bone they would throw. But if makes you happy to throw y'all a couple hundred CC's, um, sure.


Bottom line: If it helps the game, I'm for it. Not sure why you and others want to exclude a reward from literally years ago when doing the opposite might help the game. I mean, how does it hurt you if someone else is soloing with Shae?








I not against others having the companions but when they do it as a subscriber award and forget others already have those it kind of makes you feel sad because they have forgotten about all the ones that already have them. I have nothing against them giving out the companions but do it in another way that is not a subscriber award.


But that is my opinion, which really doesn't count anymore anyways. And thank you.


Take care and have a good week.

Edited by casirabit
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Once again no consideration for those of us that already have Shae.

Where is our reward for this promotion huh?


I've given up with this. They have made it abundantly clear that old subscribers are not not important, except for the money. While happy that those that don't have her have a chance, but sad that those that do, are ignored again..


Yes it's a slap in the face!! :rak_01:


lol jk. IDC about the flair, my "sub reward" is the schadenfreude experienced from this moment right here.

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Once again no consideration for those of us that already have Shae.

Where is our reward for this promotion huh?


It's not like you had to spend several hours going through boring missions with tedious steps to recruit her. You didn't have spend a whopping amount of credits or cartel coins. If it had been like that and and then later they made her free for everyone, I would be pissed too. But you got her just by being subscribed at a certain time, so it doesn't seem like it should be a big deal.


I think putting her on the Cartel market would be a much better way for Bioware to handle it though.

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Listen, I get that it would be nice for EA to give folks that had Shae already something above and beyond, but this is a promo to get people to sub, and in my case it worked. I am a founder, cleared the main portions of the game on all of the classes many times over, and stopped playing after hitting 75 on a few toons and not wanting to endlessly grind out gear. However, I wasn't subbed at the time they originally offered Shae and I always regretted it. So, now that she is back, I am going to jump back in the game, get my new companion, and hopefully enjoy the changes that have been put in place over the past 7-8 months.


Is it a perfect system, no, but the goal is to bring in revenue and get subs to continue supporting the game. Some people are going to be ticked off, and so be it. However, if the places were flipped where I wasn't getting anything major for say, folks getting HK which I already have, I wouldn't mind at all if it meant a better game with more content long term...the goal is to bring in revenue and support the game, with hopefully some substantial long term development and DLC.

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Listen, I get that it would be nice for EA to give folks that had Shae already something above and beyond, but this is a promo to get people to sub, and in my case it worked. I am a founder, cleared the main portions of the game on all of the classes many times over, and stopped playing after hitting 75 on a few toons and not wanting to endlessly grind out gear. However, I wasn't subbed at the time they originally offered Shae and I always regretted it. So, now that she is back, I am going to jump back in the game, get my new companion, and hopefully enjoy the changes that have been put in place over the past 7-8 months.


Is it a perfect system, no, but the goal is to bring in revenue and get subs to continue supporting the game. Some people are going to be ticked off, and so be it. However, if the places were flipped where I wasn't getting anything major for say, folks getting HK which I already have, I wouldn't mind at all if it meant a better game with more content long term...the goal is to bring in revenue and support the game, with hopefully some substantial long term development and DLC.


Due Gear falls in your lap once you get 306 gear on one. I am an alt-a-holic.. So I just play story's. I have about 20 alts all 306 and 8 different specific armor sets. Both Looted and bought.

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This is why they should never have had exclusive rewards but a token vendor with rewards like these and you get a token each month you're subbed. Much cleaner that way. You want Shae? Pay x tokens, so you know when you can get her and if you already have her than you get tokens instead to spend on another reward from the vendor.


Just add more rewards on the vendor from time to time and presto, you have veteran rewards in place.

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Let's say they do provide an alternative incentive for people already subbed. If the reward is something with the same sort of functional value as Shae, say, a different companion ... or a color crystal ... then 6,12, 18, whatever months down the road, the people who subbed now, for Shae, will be asking for said functional reward to return. Its a perpetual cycle of incentivize temporarily/bring back incentive/add substitute incentive for people who already have old one/etc. It's not sustainable.


If the proposed substitute incentive for those that already have Shae is a stronghold decoration, the complaints down the road can and do come, though at least it doesn't have a functional impact. The Dev team did make up for their mistake with the Galactic Alliance Statue, and I commend them for that, so I think a deco as a reward for these sorts of re-introductions is more reasonable than something functional. It does require art time though, so its not exactly revenue neutral.


Speeders are all essentially the same, they certainly have less combat value than a comp or crystal, though they are naturally more useful than a decoration. But they require more work since you have to place the character models into them. To reduce the work you have to make them a reskin, which then everyone complains about. So, there's no way to win with this option.


Cartel coins aren't functional either, so they arguably won't just perpetuate the cycle. But cartel coins don't exactly cost the studio nothing. There is a monetary value to it, so while it doesn't cost them art and development time to change a number on a player account, granting cartel coins is still revenue negative for them. They haven't given cartel coins as compensation for any of the "injustices" we have endured over the years, so I don't really expect them to start with these promos.


The problem really becomes that Shae in DPS role has a superior parse, which creates an imbalance of sorts. I like that there are companions slightly better at dps (Shae) vs healing (Z0-OM) ... variety is the spice of life. And, in most cases, her added dps has a minimal effect overall on the encounter. But, the reality is that if some players can have Shae, and some cannot, and Shae is demonstrably better at combat, then there is a compelling argument to introduce an alternative obtainable in game.

Master Ranos is less of an issue ... everyone has access to Veeroa Denz, without even spending cartel coins, and she is slightly better than Ranos at the moment because there is a slight difference in the dark side execute ability vs the light side (see KevMeup's awesome thread). So I feel less compelled to reintroduce Master Ranos, when there is an equivalent or arguably superior alternative obtainable entirely from playing the game.


I don't want the Devs to stop making interesting reward companions, and more importantly I don't want them to make them all exactly the same. So, if that means I can't have a unique reward anymore for subbing during a certain window, then I guess I'm ok with that. I think in an ideal world there would be an alternative for people who already have her, but that's not a hill that I'm willing to die on.

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[...] but a token vendor with rewards like these and you get a token each month you're subbed. [...]




i think this is the best way to make some rewards accessable again and give incentives to sub and stay subbed.

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This is why they should never have had exclusive rewards but a token vendor with rewards like these and you get a token each month you're subbed. Much cleaner that way. You want Shae? Pay x tokens, so you know when you can get her and if you already have her than you get tokens instead to spend on another reward from the vendor.


Just add more rewards on the vendor from time to time and presto, you have veteran rewards in place.


This is probably one of the best ideas, it stop all the arguments about bringing stuff back, as it's already there. One token for each month subbed. You want the exclusive 'reward' then save up your tokens, and get it. Put all the old sub rewards on the vendor, so people could pick and choose. And of course, add all the new ones

Edited by DarkTergon
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I not against others having the companions but when they do it as a subscriber award and forget others already have those it kind of makes you feel sad because they have forgotten about all the ones that already have them. I have nothing against them giving out the companions but do it in another way that is not a subscriber award.


But that is my opinion, which really doesn't count anymore anyways. And thank you.


Take care and have a good week.


Yeah ... pretty much.


But to be perfectly candid about the entire affair: It's a good thing (for those who do not have but need or WANT Shae. This makes the "companion" (see note #1) available across the board for everyone (again). And for many this will be a good thing. No complaints.


The rest of us who already have the "companion" (see note #1) ... it's really not needed. My personal thoughts: [/shrugs] ... who gives a royal-rippity-roo-ha .... nothing new these days.


My opinion counts for a lot less than yours Casi .


Also ...Just a quick question for someone to answer: if we already have that companion activated on a specific character ... what happens when we "open" that gift? Does it give us two sperate versions ??? Will there be problems as to which of the "two versions" are available ?


Note #1: Companions are pretty much just Barbie dolls that follow us around for healing or whatever setting we choose. The rest... gone for a long time now. The interactions that use to be available USE TO mean something. While I have only a few where I chose to use those options ... many players would rather have companions that really are ... well ... companions !!


EDIT: ... hmmm I wonder .. how about a really NICE outfit choice of : Smuggler / Jedi (sith) / Trooper ... etc ??


nah ... never mind (sorry for the trouble).


PPSSS...PPS... (whatever)


Obviously I did this for a reason. Rewards are just that... rewards.


There has always been the differences of ideals when considering those of us who have been along for the ride for a long time. And yes ... I really don't care that much one way or the other.


The simple fact is that both Dasty and Casi are right ... up to a point.


The game is not ours ... it belongs to BW / EA . Rewards and how they are handed out is up to them. Yes it would be nice to have something for those of us who have been around for a long time. Then again ... there is always a debate over that matter too. It does seem to be a "no win scenario" ( James T had his own solution ... IIRC).


IN any case. I just wish we could see some more good stories ... fun with companions ... and a few other items that we've all been waiting on now for a long, long time. Take my part of the "reward" and invest it into that area please. That is what I really want the most.


(I'll stop messing with this now .... for a while) :D

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This is probably one of the best ideas, it stop all the arguments about bringing stuff back, as it's already there. One token for each month subbed. You want the exclusive 'reward' then save up your tokens, and get it. Put all the old sub rewards on the vendor, so people could pick and choose. And of course, add all the new ones


Tokens are good idea as well, even better than the subscription per sub time that someone in these forums mentioned.

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The problem really becomes that Shae in DPS role has a superior parse, which creates an imbalance of sorts. I like that there are companions slightly better at dps (Shae) vs healing (Z0-OM) ... variety is the spice of life. And, in most cases, her added dps has a minimal effect overall on the encounter. But, the reality is that if some players can have Shae, and some cannot, and Shae is demonstrably better at combat, then there is a compelling argument to introduce an alternative obtainable in game.


I really wish there was still some originality to companions. Like you, I do not mind that some companions are better at somethings than others, but I wish the companions original role played a factor in that. For example, using Consular comps, you have:

  • Qyzen - tank
  • Tharan - healer
  • Zenith - dps
  • Felix - tank
  • Nadia - dps

I would not mind if Qyzen set to tank was a better tank than Nadia set to tank, but that Nadia set to dps was a better dps than Qyzen as a dps, and that Tharan was a better healer when set to heal than any of the other Consular companions.



As far as the complaining. Oh, look, a company is offering a new/returning customer bonus that current customers do not qualify for. It is not like any company in the history of ever has never done that before. BW, just stop rerunning old promos and sell everything on the CM, or make a sub reward token and allow people to buy old sub bonus items from a vendor in game and spend the Coin to unlock that item for their account.

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BW, just stop rerunning old promos and sell everything on the CM, or make a sub reward token and allow people to buy old sub bonus items from a vendor in game and spend the Coin to unlock that item for their account.


A reasonable request. The problem with this current promo for SV is that the promo is offered in a time-limited window. Restricting the promo in that way just means that 1 minute after the promo ends, the forums will erupt with people who missed the promo demanding the promo be extended, and this entire back-and-forth discussion will repeat itself.

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A reasonable request. The problem with this current promo for SV is that the promo is offered in a time-limited window. Restricting the promo in that way just means that 1 minute after the promo ends, the forums will erupt with people who missed the promo demanding the promo be extended, and this entire back-and-forth discussion will repeat itself.


I am quite certain that the promo will end at 23:59:59 EDT on 5 October and two minutes later someone in CDT will complain that it is still 5 October and why did the promo end early. These back-and-forth discussions will repeat themselves ad nauseum until BW decides to implement a fall back solution such as selling everything on the CM or having a sub reward token so people can buy the item they missed in game with said token.

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But for real why they doing the same "mistake"? again? It seems they didn't learned from their mistakes before (sub limited rewards) and didn't read posts, comments and ideas of community here.

As most people here and before realized that won't fix the issue with it. Why they couldn't just put Shae and probably Nico and Paxton later on CM as with HK-55? That fixed many problems and posts about where HK-55 will appear again won't happen ever again except trolls lol

Of course there are people who asked for lowering the price (no comment about it from me) and didn't fixed, thanked old loyal subs or just those who had HK-55 in the first place, but at least it fixed issuses with limit time, new players and related.

I wonder why.

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Yeah ... pretty much.


But to be perfectly candid about the entire affair: It's a good thing (for those who do not have but need or WANT Shae. This makes the "companion" (see note #1) available across the board for everyone (again). And for many this will be a good thing. No complaints.


The rest of us who already have the "companion" (see note #1) ... it's really not needed. My personal thoughts: [/shrugs] ... who gives a royal-rippity-roo-ha .... nothing new these days.


My opinion counts for a lot less than yours Casi .


Also ...Just a quick question for someone to answer: if we already have that companion activated on a specific character ... what happens when we "open" that gift? Does it give us two sperate versions ??? Will there be problems as to which of the "two versions" are available ?


Note #1: Companions are pretty much just Barbie dolls that follow us around for healing or whatever setting we choose. The rest... gone for a long time now. The interactions that use to be available USE TO mean something. While I have only a few where I chose to use those options ... many players would rather have companions that really are ... well ... companions !!


EDIT: ... hmmm I wonder .. how about a really NICE outfit choice of : Smuggler / Jedi (sith) / Trooper ... etc ??


nah ... never mind (sorry for the trouble).


PPSSS...PPS... (whatever)


Obviously I did this for a reason. Rewards are just that... rewards.


There has always been the differences of ideals when considering those of us who have been along for the ride for a long time. And yes ... I really don't care that much one way or the other.


The simple fact is that both Dasty and Casi are right ... up to a point.


The game is not ours ... it belongs to BW / EA . Rewards and how they are handed out is up to them. Yes it would be nice to have something for those of us who have been around for a long time. Then again ... there is always a debate over that matter too. It does seem to be a "no win scenario" ( James T had his own solution ... IIRC).


IN any case. I just wish we could see some more good stories ... fun with companions ... and a few other items that we've all been waiting on now for a long, long time. Take my part of the "reward" and invest it into that area please. That is what I really want the most.


(I'll stop messing with this now .... for a while) :D


There's a couple of flaws in your reasoning though.


First of all, Shae Vizla is the best DPS companion, therefore it's more than just window dressing.


Second, exclusive rewards becoming non-exclusive by repeating them is a flat out lie. Don't call them exclusive then. This is the whole point why people feel cheated because they were presented as now or never.


I will say this...they should've NEVER done this in the first place. I was one of the people who spoke out against rewarding things like full fledged companions and story (HK chapter) as exclusives. But they did. So this is now admitting that what they told us back then was not the truth. And they don't talk about it either. Not a single apology for misleading us in hindsight and all that. If anything that would've been better than just acting like it was not as exclusive back then as it was. Why can they do this with the HK chapter and not this time?


It's just bs in the way they did it. First lying to us that it was a one-time only deal, then coming back on your word and acting like nothing happened. I don't care that people get another shot at getting this companion. But the way they handle it is just not right. If it's an exclusive then it's an exclusive. If you change your mind then at least communicate about that and apologise.

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Word she was given away last time during my 7 year hiatus thought I missed out forever on it, but this is great!


Edit: Is it just mailed to each character, or you choose a specific character?

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Word she was given away last time during my 7 year hiatus thought I missed out forever on it, but this is great!


Edit: Is it just mailed to each character, or you choose a specific character?


Like (most) other sub bonus items it is mailed to all characters, current and future.

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