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  1. Listen, I get that it would be nice for EA to give folks that had Shae already something above and beyond, but this is a promo to get people to sub, and in my case it worked. I am a founder, cleared the main portions of the game on all of the classes many times over, and stopped playing after hitting 75 on a few toons and not wanting to endlessly grind out gear. However, I wasn't subbed at the time they originally offered Shae and I always regretted it. So, now that she is back, I am going to jump back in the game, get my new companion, and hopefully enjoy the changes that have been put in place over the past 7-8 months. Is it a perfect system, no, but the goal is to bring in revenue and get subs to continue supporting the game. Some people are going to be ticked off, and so be it. However, if the places were flipped where I wasn't getting anything major for say, folks getting HK which I already have, I wouldn't mind at all if it meant a better game with more content long term...the goal is to bring in revenue and support the game, with hopefully some substantial long term development and DLC.
  2. Since they were canceled you do not get the credits back (when they expire you get most but not all back). I was hoping to see the deposit attached, but if you read the cancel email it tells you that you lost all of the deposit...Here's to hoping that actually do something to make us whole, as this is a fairly crappy way to manage the issue and detrimentally impact those of us playing the game fairly.
  3. That's great and all, but in doing this approach I lost all of the credits spent as deposits to set up the auctions...just had about 50-60 auctions canceled...***
  4. Wow, you mean we can buy unique gear, just like in the VIP lounge from the CE I bought....sigh...yeah...that's what I thought...at least GW2 will be out soon.
  5. Don't expect to out dps a pure dps class. Do expect that if you know when to use sorosu stance and guard effectively that a vig guardian can still do ok dps while contributing a lot to the team (we do get protection points in WZ), all while earning ~10-14 medals consistently (even when losing). If you have a good healer you can hold off small groups for a decent amount of time (very handy in everything but huttball...where we have other benefits). You will win some one on ones, but frankly that is not where we shine. We shine in a group. We have a role to play, and as much as we may like, it is seldom pure dps. I would like to see our dps go up, as I am not satisfied where it stands even if I stay in shien form, however the class is very active and has a lot of tools. While we may not be the FOTM, we are a fun class that requires skill and timing. I'll take that over spamming my Commando's grav round any day of the week.
  6. My first class in beta was guardian...it bored me by level 24 so I gave up. I tried it again in live..and man did I struggle. I tried Focus for much of the lower levels..and just kept getting creamed, especially compared to leveling my Commando...I thought, maybe tank spec would work...well it was better, but still not great....BUT I took some of the advice on this forum and went to Vigilance...and my god...this class is a blast. PvE and PvP...just sheer fun. Now, part of that is because I made it through those tough levels early on, but once you get stasis and force push...this class really comes alive. I'm now level 36 and consistently get 6-10 medals in pvp warzones, and with a Doc (admittedly we should get him sooner), simply unstoppable. Quite frankly, even a well equiped Kira made this tree and class a fun dps line. Why am I typing this, simple, a quick nod to those who came before and offered good advice, and encouragement to those who seem to be struggling. Find the right build for you, get by some of the tough parts and the class really comes into its own. Even the story picks up by the end of chapter 1. Bind your keys wisely, know the skills, and you can wade into an army and will prove to be one tough SOB. Cheers.
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