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5.10 Known Issues


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Please keep the bug reports coming, especially in the bug report forum. Here are some additional issues we are tracking:

  • Darkside Jaesa losing all Influence and no longer accepting Companion Gifts.
  • Flesh and Steel not properly counting kill credit for the Ossus World Bosses.
  • After completing "Inflection Point", players in some rare circumstances are not granted the next main story Mission as intended.
  • Original Class Companions being duplicated in the Companion list.

This is not a comprehensive list of every bug in the update, but some of the more prominent issues we are tracking. Right now we are looking to try to have a patch next week to address some issues (likely our last patch for 2018). Note that this will be a very small patch and will not address all issues, we will continue to monitor and make fixes into January.




Really hope you all plan on fixing every major issue. Seems you are prioritizing some of the most minute things relatively speaking. The fact that most your operations are broken and need some stupid work around, missions are simply not showing up on the ossus mission board (the weekly to kill world bosses for a mwc), and the mission not shareable problem are of the utmost importance. Anything outside of these 3 things being fixed is simply a waste of time. These 3 are more of the core gameplay. There is time after these are fixed to fix the carebear things like companions and stuff.


You literally just released a Nim Operation, so it would be pretty ill-willed to not fix the operations, the stuff keeping a large player base here.


You introduced a new currency for gearing with a higher tier of gear. Having a mission that the sole purpose of is to give that new currency bug out and not be available is completely counterproductive and should have honestly been hotfixed by now.


MIssions not shareable. This is more of an RPG game now, but it does have the obvious mmo aspects to it like grouping for quest and operations where people tend to share missions or have 1 person pick up the mission and then share while the others in the group make steady progress up to a boss or something. I think this point is very self explanatory but just for clarity...If you can't share a mission that should be shareable in an MMORPG, and yet prioritize smaller aspects like companion fixes, you literally are enabling the terrible behavior and crying attitude of a playerbase that is in all due respect a minority.


Its not to say companion things and other small features aren't important, but you have to be pragmatic in assigning a real priority list when the game is pretty much broken in all aspects and the community is having to come together even more just to find workarounds for this broken state of game.

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Please keep the bug reports coming, especially in the bug report forum


Sure thing Eric :) I haven't seen these reported but my search fu is weak.


1) companion order in crew mission UI is just plain weird. They used to be in descending order by influence, alpha within influence, but now I have no idea. This really messes with my muscle memory :/


2) Security Key on the guild ranks window need a tool tip.


3) The Professional Training (crit chance on crew skills) and possibly the calculated crit rate display seem wrong to me. After buying the perk for a guild, I tested and it looks as if my high influence companions *always* crit when crafting. I filed an in game bug report for this as well. My test results:


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but with the professional training perk my companions always crit when crafting components. Here's my analysis:


To see if it was doing anything, I crafted 3 full runs of some grade 2 components on one of my crafters 50-inf comps, 2 46-inf) without and then with the buff on. 8 comps, 5 items each should baseline at 40 compents per run. With the perk, it looks as if the companions would ALWAYS CRIT.


without ... 57 55 58 crafted

with ....... 80 80 80 crafted


I don't feel it's an exploit since we're not trying to cheat the game, this is just what it is doing when I do what I have always done.

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Something things I noticed.



Companions seem to be doing a LOT less dmg and not generating much threat while in DPS spec. I've had to switch them to tank spec in order to survive trash pulls.



This. Please check into the companions on DPS mode. I've sat and watched my companions stand like their blocked doing nothing but taking damage, not attacking etc. Something feels *really* off with them recently.


*edit: Specifically Shae as thats who i run with, but id assume it carries over to other companions too

Edited by Amaste
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I seem to be having a lot of the same issues, I don't think there are any that haven't been reported already. Missing graphics textures, most notably the 5th Anniversary Posters. Dark side Jaesa's influence reset and giving her gifts does nothing. If you do Flesh and Steel in an ops group not everyone in the group may receive credit. My companions seem messed up on every character. I have one of each archetype and they are all skewed. For example my Knight has 2 C2-N2's, 2 Rusks (one Sergeant Fideltin the other Provost Marshall). It only seems to pertain to the 'classic' companions, I haven't noticed any Cartel Market or Star Fortress companions listed twice. I am on Satele Shan and it is all of my characters both Republic and Empire.


edit: Also my vehicle list, or list of mounts is showing mounts that I don't have and some mounts that I should have seem to be missing. This is on all my characters as well.

Edited by rickherrerajr
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Mine locks up on the end of final quest on light side. Go thru the whole cut scene to the end and it locks up.


I havent finished my light side, rep story part, I'll try that today and post here.




I went with my 3rd Imp/DS toon today again through the story, didnt had any problem.


I did noticed that, Recovering artifacts mission is was bugged for me today, whatever I did, changed instances 4-5 times, waited around 30 minutes, artifacts to dig didnt showed up.


It seems that its bugged for other ppl too.


It wasnt before tho, since I did it 3 days ago on 2 of my toons just fine.

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For every class I have completed the ossus starting quest for - agent, sith warrior and jedi knight, they have their class companions, including ship droids, showing as unavailable and some, for instance dr lokin on my agent have them set as lvl 10 when they had previously been 50 (the funny thing about him being listed as unavailable is that he is her active summons when she leaves the planet) - this is really problematic for those characters who had levelled certain class companions to 50 to use for dailies


Really doesn't make me want to try any other classes through Ossus, if they are going to lose their questing companions and lose rep on those they had already levelled to 50(and as I haven't a list of every companion on every character which I had levelled I can't even report them all as bugs - annoyed and upset this wasn't resolved from the start when issues were noticed)

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The quest to go into the cave and colapse it, the cave with the Geonosian swarm, the cutscene after placing the final explosive takes us back to the jedi colony to talk to the jedi guy. When playing with my jedi knight and consular at the end of the scene it puts us back in the cave. When I played with my trooper it left us at the colony.
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Same problem with the Galactic Alliance Statue decoration. Jsut a green blob on the floor where it used to be. Same green blob for it in the decorations preview window.

Same for me, hopefully a fix on next patch as i cannot even un-hook or place anything else there, just a green blob on the floor ..

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I've been compiling a full list of all the decorations broken in 5.10 in another thread on the Bug Report forum, for easy reference. Please let me know if anyone finds a broken decoration that's not on that list. It is my hope that collecting this data together in one post will make it easier for the devs to get these decorations fixed sooner rather than later.
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My character completed Iokath as Jedi siding with Empire, but after I started Ossus Story and decided to see status on Main Characters, Acina for example - it tells me she died on Ossus due to me siding with the Republic, which is a lie. Malcom died, not her. Can you please fix it...
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Character: Velnias

Level: 70

Planet: Ossus

Server: Darth Malgus

Mission: No Soldier Left Behind


I've landed on Ossus and had the cutscene where you talk to Major Anri about finding Brax.


This is in relation to a companion bug.


The first mission on Ossus requires you to have your new companion with you otherwise progress in the quest is impossible.


After the first cutscene, you are joined in your adventure by a new companion. The main issue with the bug I have encountered is that said companion does not appear after the first cutscene, nor can this companion be found anywhere else on the planet. The new companion is also absent from the Companion & Contacts window so cannot be summoned. Resetting the quest does not solve the issue. I have tried re-logging in addition to resetting the quest but to no avail.




I submitted a bug report 4 days ago however as of writing, I have had no response. I've also seen very few mentions of this bug on the official forms.


Please contact me if you require any picture or video evidence or any other related information.

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Character: Velnias

Level: 70

Planet: Ossus

Server: Darth Malgus

Mission: No Soldier Left Behind


I've landed on Ossus and had the cutscene where you talk to Major Anri about finding Brax.


This is in relation to a companion bug.


The first mission on Ossus requires you to have your new companion with you otherwise progress in the quest is impossible.


After the first cutscene, you are joined in your adventure by a new companion. The main issue with the bug I have encountered is that said companion does not appear after the first cutscene, nor can this companion be found anywhere else on the planet. The new companion is also absent from the Companion & Contacts window so cannot be summoned. Resetting the quest does not solve the issue. I have tried re-logging in addition to resetting the quest but to no avail.




I submitted a bug report 4 days ago however as of writing, I have had no response. I've also seen very few mentions of this bug on the official forms.


Please contact me if you require any picture or video evidence or any other related information.


I have the same exact issue!

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Don't know if it was mentioned here before or not.

Heroic instance in Jedi Temple Ruins is bugged.

When doing daily heroic mission there are locations where some companions just stop healing and are standing doing nothing.

So far it happened for my Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors.

Companions affected: Khem Val, Vette, Blizz.

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One more.

Yesterday (today as it's the same calendar data in the US) on Star Forge i've got one of the weirdest gaming experiences (not sure in bad or good way) in my life due to Ossus being bugged.

During the WB droid fight my character (lightning sorc) freezed right in the middle of the fight and immediately got killed of course. So i pressed "revive in medcentre" button to run back and nothing happened.

I pressed again and game crashed to desktop.

I logged in again only to be spawned at the medcentre in the wrong instance seconds before the WB died.

Still got credit tho.

Never happened to me before.

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On all my characters: Koth Vortena can't be summoned, even though none of my characters killed him.


Sith Warrior: Quinn can't be summoned, even though he choose to join me on Iokath after siding with the Republic.


This is a minor one on my Sith Warrior LS that sided with Republic. Both Jace and Acina appear as dead on my companion list, but I still get dialogue of killing Acina. Its just a text fix.


I have all the above issues too.

  • Koth has disappeared for characters who killed or exiled him and disappeared for those who kept him.
  • Quinn can no longer be summoned on my warriors who sided with the Republic for Iokath & Ossus (I do not know if this issues affects those whose sided with the Republic on Iokath but returned to the Empire on Ossus and I'm not inclined to test it with no fix available).
  • All the characters I killed (Jace, Acina, Vette) appear as both dead and alive in my companion list.
  • In addition, my class companions list has gone haywire - many class companions are appearing in both the available and out-of-contact since kofte list (ships droids C2-N2 and 2V-R8 included).

It's an annoying mess.

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I'm not sure if anyone reported this one already. I'm blocked from progressing further on my main character in "The Lost Colony" story mission. I cleared the place out, and looted the item, but the mission is stuck at "talk to Tau on the holo in the cave" where I am. I exited, and reset the phase. Then I logged out, and went back inside to see if that would help, but it didn't. Please fix this bug. So the NPC holo conversation is available to progress further, because I'm dying to see what happens in the rest of the story. Edited by AriaHimmelberg
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So Collected History...is it bugged, or does it have very long respawn times, or what? It worked the first time I played it, and since then, my character can do laps around that temple and never see a single thing to dig. Even if they stay in the same room, it never spawns.


I did find one blue pot (uncovered, not buried) randomly that counted toward the relics, but only the one.

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few things off the top of my head.....( in addition to any above)


fixed companions tanking is awful. EX: Anri and Malgus can't hold agro in a group when set to tank. - Even an under- geared viri sniper can pull the pack off without using a proper rotation on a bunch of mobs. - Even with a couple of GCD delay for the comps to get going.


Companions tracking and AI and pathing issues.


Occasionally a mob on Ossus will be attackable, but keeps resetting to not attacked status.


Companions, characters and NPCs have lots of issues over rendering clothing and equipment in cutscenes. I've seen Lana Beniko in several different outfits in the Into scene in the forest on Odessan. Occasionally the character's head slot will be removed but still voice modulation continues or vice-versa.


- If you went through all the story with Lana Beniko, and changed her appearance - such as putting cybernetic arms and legs on her, by the time Jedi Under Seige starts, her original limbs have grown back!


Cosmetic changes to companions are not always respected in cut-scenes.


Companions vanishing after QT, WZ end, GSF end, Heroic transport use.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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So Collected History...is it bugged, or does it have very long respawn times, or what? It worked the first time I played it, and since then, my character can do laps around that temple and never see a single thing to dig. Even if they stay in the same room, it never spawns.


I did find one blue pot (uncovered, not buried) randomly that counted toward the relics, but only the one.




The Ossus mission "Collected History" stopped spawning new dig sites on most instances by the end of the server week (Monday). By last thursday, only Ossus instances 3 and 9 were working as intended. Last night, no instances were working. This morning, after some of the instances depopulated and reformed, the NEW instances worked again (Ossus 6).


This is occuring on Satele Shan.

Edited by Randor
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Several bugs with companions:


Andronikos acts as if there's a conversation with him. When you click on him in the cantina, the screen changes as if a conversation is about to start. Then it goes back to normal.


Ashara has her default skin on in the Force Enclave instead of the skin I equipped her with.


Several companions (Vette, Khem, Gault, are the ones I noticed, besides Koth) are nowhere to be found on Odessan.

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On my Consulars. After finishing Ossus, my returned class companions are back in the available lists : "LIeutenant Felix Iresso" and Qyzen Fess. (and C2-N2)


Howver, ALL original companions are also in the unavailable companions list at the very bottom, with the comp level they where when we started KOTFE. Including "Felix Iresso", Qyzen Fess and C2-N2


If I go at the terminal on Odessen, I can get back Thera Cedrax, Zenith... and "Felix Iresso". After recall, this "Felix Iresso" is unequiped.


So the ultimate bug here, is that I have both "Felix Iresso" and "Lieutenant Felix Iresso"


I have the exact same situation with my Jedi Knight, this time having both "Sergeant Fideltin Rusk" and "Provost Marshall Rusk". Provost Mareshall Rusk was available as a companion at the end of Ossus, AND I was able to get "Sergeant Fideltin Rusk" from the terminal on Odessen.


Too bad Iresso and Rusk were not at lvl 50 comp before I sarted KOTFE...

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