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  1. I'm glad to have some transparency here. From what I understand, it ultimately does come down to a time and resource matter, like a lot of us might have expected. And that's no one's fault. Just the nature of the beast. With that said, I do want to echo what other players have said. The unvoiced nature of the KOTOR style cutscene does leave a big disconnect with our characters. And it's especially immersion breaking when the KOTOR style scenes and the voiced cinematic scenes are juxtaposed between one another. That's the big hang-up a lot of players have, I think. So like others said, we don't need lots of fancy camera panning and choreography in these scenes. But bringing back player voices and just static camera cuts to the character speaking would go a long way. The same way most mission dialogues were executed in the vanilla game. Not sure where that falls in the realm of feasibility, but I just wanted to share my two cents.
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