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Quesh Difficulty Needs Examined


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I did it with a sith Juggernaut (some difficulty, just had to play smarter). A BH Powertech (rolled right through it), and a Jedi Sentinal. The only one I had problems with was the sentinal, switched to stims and better medpacs, also geared up a little bit and beat it. It's one of those planets you have to know your class well to play through but if you do it's easy.
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  • 1 year later...
Thanks for this response. This community is always thirsty for dev knowledge.

Also since I am an MMO newb (the crowd this game is trying to attract), NOT having any written game material hurts me alot in this game.

Is it because I am a console person who is used to big Elder Scrolls guides? I guess.


Star Wars is an old school mmo:

....addons are for those MMOS who are like whores^^

....Makros are for MMOs were Skill doesn´t count^^

....ingame guides only cover basics^^

....there is a god of guides......ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY DULFY.net!

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Well, I can't advance my class story because I cannot beat the elites and I have tried 5 or 6 times and used DPS companions and Healing companions and nothing will work.


The whole planet is too strong ... I'm four levels above the quest level and it's hard ... anyone at the target level is going to die every mob they fight.


their elites, have you tried


wait for it

here it comes





Oh and btw I solo Quesh (including elites and champions) through 9 different characters now

Quesh is not one of the hardest planets

its one of the easiest planets in game


If anything the difficulty should be ramped upward


Bah, didnt notice was a zombie thread

*sighs* took it as real as you still hear this nonsense from some players


So what I said stands

Edited by Kalfear
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In fairness, it WAS harder back at the start...


Gear wasn't as easy to get, we weren't all rich, credits didn't fall from the sky as much, we didn't have so many XP and credit boosts, and we didn't have planet comms, a welcome change, but it nerfed the whole game to lvl 50 by a LOT.


Back then, you couldn't just stick around a planet and build up comms, or run the daily KDY or flashpoint to get planet comms, then be 5 levels over and go buy armor and mods 5 levels over the planet, because you couldn't buy mods for any planet but the one you earned them on.


And that sucked, but it was a game balance issue and a reasonable one.


The fact that you can now over level and buy gear over level has make the whole story mode easy peasy...

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I've found most of the "Zomg dis gaem s hardz" crowds are for the most part peddling along in their green armor with 1 relic and cunning and aim mods in their lightsaber cause they needed on a purple loot in a FP... Thats my experience anyway...
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I've found most of the "Zomg dis gaem s hardz" crowds are for the most part peddling along in their green armor with 1 relic and cunning and aim mods in their lightsaber cause they needed on a purple loot in a FP... Thats my experience anyway...




I'm not saying people should be expected to solo Heroic 4 missions, but if someone can't solo regular content on a planet suited to their level, they're doing something very wrong.

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So, I have done all of the content on every planet up to Quesh and I'm now level 40. The difficulty on this planet is far too strong and needs to be looked at. I am nearly dying in every 3-mob fight and elites are nearly impossible and I'm 4 levels above them!


Please look into it.


Quesh is literally one of the easiest planets in the game and if you 3-4 lvls above them you and I mean you are doing something wrong. Ether you or you companion are not geared for it( to have trubble with quesh you would have to have 29-32 gear). Or maybe your playstyle or the companion are not working for you. I did this planet on my lvl 36 sorc in lvl 32 green gear and had no problem.



Crap this was necrod why the f do people do this.

Edited by Master_Hitsugaya
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Quesh is literally one of the easiest planets in the game and if you 3-4 lvls above them you and I mean you are doing something wrong. Ether you or you companion are not geared for it( to have trubble with quesh you would have to have 29-32 gear). Or maybe your playstyle or the companion are not working for you. I did this planet on my lvl 36 sorc in lvl 32 green gear and had no problem.



Crap this was necrod why the f do people do this.


I was laughing out loud while reading your post, since I already knew the post was that old. :D


Regardless, as you point out, not exactly your fault... If only whoever does the necro took the time to see how freakin' old the thread is. Still, I'm fairly sure what you said holds true.

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Figured it was a necro going in, but I have to say it was actually interesting to read the dev reply after just having this discussion a few days ago:

In every MMO I have seen they have generally stayed away from putting "mechanics" in single player content.


While I would say that the single player fights on Makeb are simple, they still include mechanics that Solo players are simply not used to.


I am not sure how much ramp up they can do when I often get the feeling that any mechanic, regardless of how simple, will completely throw some people off.

I don't have a ton of MMO experience so I can't speak to how wide-spread the "no mechanics in solo content" philosophy is (although I think you're probably right that it's the standard approach), but that's exactly what I think is the problem.


From the level range where a character first gets their basic Interrupt ability, there should be some Elite (Gold) enemies that have an attack that players should want to interrupt. It shouldn't be a one-shot-kill ability at first, but something that you'll notice when you didn't interrupt it, a CC or knockback for example. Just to start getting people used to it.

[...snip for length...]

As it stands, It's too easy for someone to skip right over FPs as you level (especially if they're not a fan of group content in general) and never run into these mechanics at all until the Emperor or the Isotope Droid start absolutely kicking their butt with them.

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I started Quesh at lvl 36 and have had a little trouble, the mission I am doing now is killing me and I am a lvl 38.


Never had any such trouble on Quesh. Your level is less important than the gear you and your companion are using. The level itself adds very little.


Also one thing that people really can make big mistakes in is how you approach groups of mobs. CC is important for some groups and if you don't have CC then also the kill order can be very important.


Still without knowing which mission or what mobs you are up against, it's hard to give specific comments. Not sure it was a good idea to necro or thread for it. It confuses more than it helps if a thread is more than 6 months old really.

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Figured it was a necro going in, but I have to say it was actually interesting to read the dev reply after just having this discussion a few days ago:


From the level range where a character first gets their basic Interrupt ability, there should be some Elite (Gold) enemies that have an attack that players should want to interrupt. It shouldn't be a one-shot-kill ability at first, but something that you'll notice when you didn't interrupt it, a CC or knockback for example. Just to start getting people used to it.


They do for Knights, so any Knight you see getting wasted because they don't use interrupt, ask them how they beat the Valis fight. Sure you can overlevel it, but you can also interrupt every single one of his abilities (Force Kick, Force Stasis, Force Leap, and for guardians I think they might have Force Push by then too). And trust me, you notice if you fail to interrupt him, cause.. you die. Unless you're so overleveled that he just tickles you.

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  • 4 months later...

This planet STILL SUCKS to run at level (37-ish) "requirements" even in BiS adaptive gear properly modded out and Dorne (properly geared also) healing



"Enemies Level 50 and below are now less difficult to defeat."- -3.0 patch notes



...my sweet Chiss ***!!!


Looks like I'm gonna have to just flat out buy Treek to heal me.

Edited by Mavolio
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Since others refuse to let this thread die in peace, I'd just like to take a moment to county my blessings and be thankful that George Zoeller buggered off to Singapore and now other monkies are in charge of handling his former work.


Before you jump to conclusions, especially given the difficulties with Silver mobs at lower levels since 3.0 launched:


I'd ask you to consider Attis Station, the Consular class mission on Quesh. This would be absolutely brutal under the current circumstances, even using proper CCs and the mechanics in the instance.


Multiple groups of 2-3 silvers and the occasional gold are guarding your objectives in the quest, and it was one of the most difficult class missions even before 3.0.


I think someone first running through it, or even a player with multiple 55 characters, would now find this mission incredibly frustrating.

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Also since I am an MMO newb (the crowd this game is trying to attract), NOT having any written game material hurts me alot in this game.

Is it because I am a console person who is used to big Elder Scrolls guides? I guess.


There are THOUSANDS of pages of written game material about SWTOR. Possibly tens of thousands. They have not been published by Brady Guides (or whatever), but that shouldn't be an issue.


If you want a book, trust me you don't really want a book. Then you'd have a doorstop in 6 months (or less!)


Dulfy's--read Dulfy's. Use Windowed Fullscreen mode so you can easily alt-tab out to read webpages.


EDIT: OMG I just realized how old this thread is. Why do people do this?

Edited by Fidelicatessen
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Before you jump to conclusions, especially given the difficulties with Silver mobs at lower levels since 3.0 launched:


I'd ask you to consider Attis Station, the Consular class mission on Quesh. This would be absolutely brutal under the current circumstances, even using proper CCs and the mechanics in the instance.


Multiple groups of 2-3 silvers and the occasional gold are guarding your objectives in the quest, and it was one of the most difficult class missions even before 3.0.


I think someone first running through it, or even a player with multiple 55 characters, would now find this mission incredibly frustrating.


Good lord, Attis Station. I just finished beating all of those mobs save one group because it has three silvers, and I'm the squishy Sage trying to keep Qyzen alive. All the other fights took about 2-3 revives.


Please Note: I have Qyzen wearing the GSF legacy gear my Cybertech made mods for that are at least close to on-level, with enhancements I bought off Quesh when I landed.


As for the rest of Quesh? Meh, the only thing hard about it is leveling more than once per character because it is so small. Before 3.0 came out, all of my other classes were wearing a mix of level 21-32 mods, came out just fine.


My trooper uses Jorgan the most, just left Hoth, and I realized he's still wearing Duros Gear from level nine. Nine. Everything else was up to snuff, except maybe the weapon, but he helped the vanguard now things down on Quesh in 12x Exp time, with ease.

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