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  1. If people are drawn to the darker side in a game and even more being Sith in a Star Wars game, shouldn't BW be prepared for this and add faction limitations? If a server is stacking too many Sith that faction should be locked until factions balance out. Same goes if Republic gains too many on their side. So maybe BW was not responsible of the SW lore and or the look and feel of the factions. But they are responsible for creating a game that should be playable for all (dispite the lore). There they failed miserably. And a small penny to the discussion regarding rock/lightning. If a skill is insta and the other isn't then it should, by no means be called mirrored.
  2. That mentality is by far the easiest. In any and all responses you can say l2p, QQ more, noob etc. You actually don't have to give a thought out response. And why might that be? I can't really say but I think people are so scared of actually giving an honest opinion on the forums nowaday, they know they will most likely be flamed. So I'll shield myself by attacking you first. Just look what happened on these forums alone. Someone a few weeks ago wrote that Imperial players are better than Republic players. Meaning there were no faction imbalances, no skill imbalances, no faction being favored more than the other etc. Now, that thinking has become law. I see tons adapting to that thinking, actually believing that they, soley being Imperials, are better than any and all Republic player. I see people having that in their signatures and even in their responses using that Law (fact) as an absolute truth. I am Imperial, therefor better than you! There is no reasoning with these people, you'll only get a response like the ones I mentioned above and other non constructive blather.
  3. Would you rather they removed forums all together? As a response to the OP, what can make or break a game for me is the community. A community based on people responding with L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff will in many cases ruin the game for other players.
  4. mmm it's true that many planets and areas on Sith side looks better. The fleet alone shows a big difference, especially the crew skill area. But every player creating their char for the first time does not know that. They choose Sith/Jedi based on what they seen in trailers and any other relation they have to Star Wars the movies. Personally I think the random quest stories and the main storyline (Jedi Cou/Sith Inq) is created a lot better on Jedi side than Sith. That might be cause I gerenally think it's embarrasing being all "He will regret the day he saw me" or "I will leave nothing alive" or "My epeen is bigger than yours". So everything within me cringed playing Sith. I found all conversation choices lame and embarrasing. But is it enough to blame BW for the faction imbalance? Or is it a player choice issue?
  5. I do find it interesting though. Is it BW's fault that Sith is more sought after or is it the player base fault? After reading previous comments I do agree on the fact that BW did create the factions the way they are portraid in the movies. The colours, the clothing, the behavior even the looks of the characters and very alike. So is it the player base fault, the bigger base of players who always gets drawn to the mor evil/darker side, regardless of game. Be it destruction, Elyos, Sith, Pirates etc. Maybe it's not BW's fault that so many has a need to go evil in games, but maybe it's their responsibility to, when knowing this fact, make sure a server is balanced. Like adding faction limits on the server? I don't know but it sure is an interesting topic.
  6. Regardless of what anyone say, the server status page clearly shows the status of the game. You may read it and say, hey it's going great or you may read it and call it tortanic. I say follow that page and see what it tells you and disregard what everyone else say.
  7. I suggest that everyone should ignore any response that includes these three most common responses: L2P QQ more Can I have your stuff I have my ideas as to why the past years these three sentences are becoming a copy/paste response. But I wont go into that as many will get provoked (mainly the population using those responses).
  8. Well written post by the quoted in the OP. At least there will be a thousand players reading your ideas, unfortunately the people we need to read and understand will not.
  9. As a disappointed pvp'er I'll be looking towards the horizon, to the game with quotes like: Might be creating high hopes, but reading their ideas they sure respect their pvp base far more than this game ever will.
  10. Really? I have indulged you enough.
  11. So now the fav word to jump on is hope? Stick to the reason I quoted you in the first place. A player is never to blame. Neither Imp or Rep. Only to blame for this is BW/Mythic/EA.
  12. And I said that no blame at all should be placed on the player. In that way of thinking I'd say all those spawn camping, valor grinding Imps are to blame. For so blatently abusing a faulty system. While knowing the other faction is having a pretty crappy time because of it. But, I don't think it's their fault. Players going to Ilum, do so cause they still hope they will be able to get their dailies and some taste of pvp. Just as you hope BW/Mythic will sort this abomination out.
  13. You my kind Sir should leave this thread and go pollute some other thread. No player is for any reason responsible. The game was created for all to play "equally". If this is not working, the game developers are at fault. He pays for the sub, ergo has every right to go there, just as all the spawn camping clowns on Imp side. Have an opinion on ppl avoiding it cause it's just eternally bad, beyond anything I've ever seen, in hopes the game devs will realize it really really needs changes, fair enough. But don't blame the player for doing what he/she has the right to do.
  14. Done and thank you for taking the time to do this.
  15. I believe healers should be forced (or any player for that matter) to position themselves right. That the players on your team should know where their healer is if they want to get heals. Any and all skills on all characters should have LoS.
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