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@EA. Just so you know. I'm not spending a dime on Anthem


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I'm aware of that. But what a world of difference an open-ended IP license would have made.


Star Wars Galaxies launched June 26, 2003, closed 2011-12

Published by LucasArts. Closed after licensing with LucasArts ceased.


EA owns the Mass Effect IP but they still neglected and killed it without a thought in favor of Anthem.

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EA owns the Mass Effect IP but they still neglected and killed it without a thought in favor of Anthem.


As I said in my original post, the whole focus of the question I'm presenting has nothing to do with what EA has done in the past or will do in the future, or anyone else, for that matter.


The question -- given that Disney will dole out to the next software vendor a time-limited IP license-- is pull back and ask ourselves do we, as players, want to go down this dead-end road again?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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If it were a new IP space themed MMO, I would be giving it a go for sure, It wouldn't matter the studio.

I either like something like this or I don't, and in this particular case, I immediately switched off as soon as I found out what it was, ages ago. Who is making it didn't come into the equation in that decision for me.

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It's downright sad, isn't it? They have a very popular IP, they have a fan following that is waiting to throw money at them for expansions (I would, too), and yet they're throwing it all away in favor of some mundane shooting game that might completely crash and burn.


At this point nothing from EA, including Anthem, will ever have my support again. And sadly unless they wow us with something totally amazing, I can't continue giving them subscription dollars just to feed Anthem once we get past the April flashpoint.


As for the limited license, there are still five years left before 2023 and if they invested properly in SWTOR they might have a thriving game that would impress Disney enough to extend their license for this game, at least.

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I already cancelled my sub, I'm not going to pay for a game that isn't not going to produce substantial content nor am I going to let the money I pay to play this game go to support another game, My sub runs out in a day or two so idk, I may resub if they add more content, I'm not going to uninstall or anything I'll just go free to play and just leech off of them.
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Same here. Unfortunately, EA has decided to cater to the lowest common denominator (shooter games). Easy to play, no real story or substance. Just point and shoot. Just like their sports games. Low maintenance and high money earners. No one *****es about story content in a shooter game. EA has said that they don't want to create single player titles anymore and, despite the MMO parts of this game, that's what it is. I fear for DA4, if they make it.
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Same here. Unfortunately, EA has decided to cater to the lowest common denominator (shooter games). Easy to play, no real story or substance. Just point and shoot. Just like their sports games. Low maintenance and high money earners. No one *****es about story content in a shooter game. EA has said that they don't want to create single player titles anymore and, despite the MMO parts of this game, that's what it is. I fear for DA4, if they make it.

It's sad to see but EA has killed BioWare like it had killed so many studios before. The thing limping along bearing the "BioWare" name is no longer the company we once knew. As the years have gone on EA sucked more and more life and creativity out of it until now it has become an empty shell making generic shooters. After the decreasing quality and care and the increased "streamlining" of BioWare's last several games I finally decided I wasn't going to buy any more of their games unless it got fantastic word of mouth and it was hard for me to resist buying Mass Effect Andromeda (I even stopped myself from looking at any information about it on BioWare's forums which they ended up shutting down) that is until the game came out and my decision was proven right. It will be just as hard for me not to buy DA4 but I expect the same result (probably worse). I've heard that EA wants to do online features and lootboxes in DA4 which will also almost definitely be the last single player "BioWare" RPG in any form.


It's downright sad, isn't it? They have a very popular IP, they have a fan following that is waiting to throw money at them for expansions (I would, too), and yet they're throwing it all away in favor of some mundane shooting game that might completely crash and burn.


At this point nothing from EA, including Anthem, will ever have my support again. And sadly unless they wow us with something totally amazing, I can't continue giving them subscription dollars just to feed Anthem once we get past the April flashpoint.


As for the limited license, there are still five years left before 2023 and if they invested properly in SWTOR they might have a thriving game that would impress Disney enough to extend their license for this game, at least.

I agree, SWtOR has so many awesome things going for it and so much potential for future story content but they're just going to let it die because the draw of SWtOR is story and story actually takes time and care to do right vs generic shooters/sports clones which they can pretty much copy pasta everything and only change some superficial graphical aspects. I have surplus money for games which is not being spent because more and more game companies want to make shallow and generic garbage filled with microtransactions. I WANT to spend that money on something good, make single player expansions and I will gladly throw my money at it but lazy and generic crap with no story? No thank you.



I'm on my last day of subscription as well, and it makes me feel simultaneously sad and vindicated that so many of my fellow story fans who have been around and supporting the game for so many years have come to the same conclusion I have: that they just don't care about us or the game anymore.

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I have to echo many others in that I'd gladly pay $60 for a full blown expac for SWTOR, but I'm not buying Anthem. Not because it's not my type of game, I like third person shooters...but it looks shallow. Lacking the depth that BioWare was once known for. I could be wrong, could be lore and story packed with plenty to do. But it's still EA and other than getting my fix here, I'm not buying their products at present.


I'm not going to say I'll never buy another EA title ever again...they could change and become a video game developer again.

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EA can do one! I have had enough of them. First they completely ruined the Command and Conquer series of which I was a huge fan, now they are doing the same with SWTOR.


I have not had one day unsubbed since launch, I love this game, would be willing to pay for a proper expansion and I too see the wasted potential this game had. I have no interest or intention in playing Anthem, it's as simple as that. The fact that they are taking our money from this game and directing that cash into that thing called Anthem is disgusting and only reinforces my negative stance on Anthem.


Disney should just pull the license right now and get it over with.

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I don't even know what Anthem is (except that it is a new BW game which takes most of their resources). And I don't care. I am absolutely not interested in it unless it's a RPG set in the Old Republic era or in the Dark Eye world (which I'm 100% sure it is not).
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Won't play it eather, just dont care about the game and i am so sad to see how SWTOR is treated in favor of Anthem. No money from me. I'll stay subbed until i loose my interest in SWTOR due to the lack of content and then move on to whatever else seems interesting. But not Anthem!
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EA logic: Make Bioware - a company legendary by their RPGs - to create... an FPS shooter... Brilliant! What could go wrong?! This game is dead on arrival anyway, no one seems to be interested in it and all we know that it's development is a complete mess atm. It's probably gonna be the end of Bioware too. I just try to enjoy swtor while it lasts :(
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I've come to the conclusion that EA is like a cancer just eating away at the gaming world, bit by bit, and devouring studios. We toss our money to them in hopes that there will be a cure. But as long as they keep the mindset they have now, it's going to continue.


I'm sure EA CEO reads your post here, Imao.


I have no doubt that the almighty Mr. Andrew Wilson, CEO, will not see this. Hell, he may not even be made aware of it. But I'm pretty sure they have someone, somewhere, who's job it is to "monitor" their gaming forums. So while Andrew Wilson may not see it, others may. And if there's enough "fuss" it will eventually make it's way "up the hill."

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I'm looking forward to Anthem and my friends and I will play it if it's good. That doesn't mean that I don't wish for SWTOR to succeed but it has been in maintenance mode for over a year now. I'm surprised they actually paid for Steve Blum to come back and do the few Andronikos lines he did. I love Steve Blum but he is expensive and very busy.


Friends, this is what maintenance mode feels like. I'm not even sure that EA will get the Star Wars license renewed. Pretty sure they won't which is why they are putting all their effort into Anthem.

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What worries me most is if Anthem fails, EA might do what they do best, screw over and shut down great developer companies and kill off BioWare. In essence they're already driving BioWare into the ground as it is with all the layoffs over the past several years. They just aren't the same before EA dug theirs claws into them.


I can only hope Disney is serious in shopping around or changing the way they do the game licensing because EA hasn't done crap with it and the tiny amount they did do they manage to piss off more players/fans of the IP. Maybe EA doesn't know how to handle the IP in a respectable way, or at all, but they've done nothing at all to show they deserve exclusive rights. Perhaps I went off on a bit of a tangent but is still valid.


While I'm on this tangent, I'm willing to venture a guess as to why Battlefront 2 sales have bombed. They pissed off so many with their lootbox BS and since word of mouth is one of the highest forms of advertising, everyone shared their displeasure all over the internet and with their friends and people were like "no thanks". That or EA is just a terrible company and more and more have grown to despise them. Just my opinion, I may be wrong but wouldn't be surprised if I'm close. They better think long and hard about how they plan to re-implement those lootboxes or they'll be in even more trouble.

Edited by darkapprentice
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I hope Anthem bombs, honestly.


It killed the Mass Effect franchise and now it is having a negative impact on SWTOR. For what? A game that was very likely planned to be a microtransaction fest like Battlefront.


Pretty much what he said.


It's not like SWTOR will see any staff returning even if it is a success. Rather the reverse. EA will follow the money. So here's hoping Anthem is the Cutthroat Island of online games.

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If this game dies, i'm done with EA for good.


Also, here's hoping Anthem flops real hard. If there's no SWTOR, EA might as well dissappear, as far as i'm concerned.


I was done with EA when everything happened to BF2. Once that became clear EA was not going to change anything as far as the game went and how progression/microtransactions were, I knew I was done with them. They pull those transactions because of negative feedback. Not because they wanted to or thought it was the right thing to do.


Like you, once swtor is gone, EA is dead to me and that means there is no way I'd spend a dime on Anthem. Nothing more than a copy of other games already out and easily a game that can be skipped.


My money will go somewhere else. once swtor dies, EA is out. Way to many other games I can find entertainment in that doesn't carry the EA logo.

Edited by Quraswren
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