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Everything posted by darkapprentice

  1. Soooo....lemme get this right. GIven what's going on in the world and how much can be done in the game, you're completely focused on a small group of mobs in one particular Operation? Even if you're couped up at home, I'm fairly certain you can find something else to do with your time.
  2. Downtime will probably start the same time it usually does but they might post it on friday. While there is a rare chance it won't get extended (at least one instance of that being true), it's almost always extended and servers are usually down at least half the day. Just like everyone else is saying, it's not worth it.
  3. They don't want Kai to be the main source of gear, but as stated by other players, we need a clear path to gear because there isn't one at this point. Seems like every option to supplementary to each other. It makes no sense at all. What needs to be done first is properly design a clear-cut, obvious path to gearing, then you can work on the supplementary systems. Not just design a bunch of random inconsistent paths and push them all out at once. The last 2-3 years I felt like I wasn't even playing the game (having far less desire to play than any previous expansion aside), but instead playing the garbage Galactic Command system. Why exactly would something worse make me want to play more? I already have little to no luck in real lottery, why would I get excited over an even more convoluted pure lottery-based system in a video game where I, as well as most of us, come to HAVE FUN. Many of us already have jobs, we don't need this to feel like a second job where we don't even get paid. For the last year or so, I've had a feeling this "expansion" will either help the game or destroy it. If what I've read in this thread is shared by much more than the minority that replied here, I'm not sure I'll have high hopes for the future of the game. 5.0 was a disaster right off the bat and this could possibly compound the issues.
  4. I have had some trouble finding names that aren't used. But luckily out of the 30+ toons I have, at least during the last merging, I only had conflicts with my own toons on different servers. If I don't have something planned prior to building a toon, I will use the random generator for inspiration and make alterations. I think only one or two toons needed alt codes or apostrophes. Most of that comes from not using well-known names in the Star Wars Universe.
  5. Which Intern forgot to flip the switch to turn it on?!?
  6. The problem with that is that if someone doesn't know how to play smarter and just rushes in and attacks everything, or doesn't know how to play the class in an effective manner, the higher-level gear may not be all that helpful. higher gear doesn't always fix issues with the way someone is playing or the issues they're having while working on a particular mission. It might help or it might not.
  7. That might be your problem. When it downloaded that file you mentioned earlier, if you saw it download but stop, it would be because it has nowhere to install it or maybe missing any files it depends on. Since you deleted the old files, which you probably didn't need to do because it would've taken you less time to update (unless you have a speedy connection then it might not matter), do what I did and go into the game installation folder (If you're unsure, right-click the game icon, go to properties, then click on "open file location" towards the bottom of the window). Delete two files named "assets_swtor_test_en_us" and "assets_swtor_test_main". That should allow you to reinstall the PTS files though it'll go through the full install. I had lost the old PTS files from years back and when it first tried to update, it downloaded 1 file then stopped and sat there then I realized it had no idea what to do with it, probably due to missing prerequisite files. I found those instructions and gave it a shot and it allowed me to do a full install. luckily my connection was being nice to me (hard to believe with Comshaft) and was getting roughly 3MBps download speed which took like a few hours to download and install.
  8. Since that processor has a built in Grapchics processor, you might want to make sure it's not using it for the game. those built-in graphics systems are usually not very good for anything other than basic uses. I believe you can right-click on the game shortcut and if there's an entry for choosing the graphics system, make sure it's using the 1050. It may or may not help but definitely worth a look.
  9. It's a false assumption many have that being behind an internet connection will protect or hide them. If someone really wanted to and had the know-how, they can track down the IP address a player is using, which is linked to an ISP and therefore the account of the user. Another thing, let the anger and stress consume THEM. They're the ones that have anger management issues. Just laugh at how angry they get over things they can't control . There are far more important things to be stressed and angry over than a part of a video game that will no longer matter after that particular event (PvP match) is over with. Of course it can be frustrating when the team appears to be doing nothing useful but those kinds of people will never make enough friends to queue with and actually have a chance at winning.
  10. I think most of us would be very willing to shell out money for a proper expansion. Disney, or any company, should be able to nullify a contract if the winner of the contract performs so poorly and nowhere near the expected level, even before the contract ends. I don't know if a clause is required for them to break it but with the way EA is handling, it would be completely justifiable and understandable if Disney decided to pull it before it ended.
  11. What worries me most is if Anthem fails, EA might do what they do best, screw over and shut down great developer companies and kill off BioWare. In essence they're already driving BioWare into the ground as it is with all the layoffs over the past several years. They just aren't the same before EA dug theirs claws into them. I can only hope Disney is serious in shopping around or changing the way they do the game licensing because EA hasn't done crap with it and the tiny amount they did do they manage to piss off more players/fans of the IP. Maybe EA doesn't know how to handle the IP in a respectable way, or at all, but they've done nothing at all to show they deserve exclusive rights. Perhaps I went off on a bit of a tangent but is still valid. While I'm on this tangent, I'm willing to venture a guess as to why Battlefront 2 sales have bombed. They pissed off so many with their lootbox BS and since word of mouth is one of the highest forms of advertising, everyone shared their displeasure all over the internet and with their friends and people were like "no thanks". That or EA is just a terrible company and more and more have grown to despise them. Just my opinion, I may be wrong but wouldn't be surprised if I'm close. They better think long and hard about how they plan to re-implement those lootboxes or they'll be in even more trouble.
  12. That telemetry stuff that's been in every modern version of Windows that sends data about the system and installed components that is used to help make various improvements and was never once called "spyware" until now?
  13. What he does with his account and the things contained in it are his choice and unless you know the person extremely well, all you're doing is wasting time making assumptions that you have no way of knowing to be true. This entire post is nothing more than "this is what I assume is really going on..." and is largely and/or completely irrelevant. And why do you even care so much? (Rhetorical question, of course) It has absolutely nothing to do with you at all. Your life will continue on whatever path it's on, regardless if they're playing or not.
  14. Both mouse buttons work but it is correct in that right-clicking one afterwards deselects everything else.
  15. Don't hit the space bar during the shuttle flight cutscene, problem solved. Takes a little bit longer but I believe that's what breaks it.
  16. Welcome to the world of not having to wait 3+ hours to install even the smallest of patches
  17. You mean he's not the Princess? You mean we get to be entertained by another kid with no life seeking the attention mommy and daddy never gave him? How exciting
  18. Now that you mention it, of course I want a refund on my car because there's a newer model I want.
  19. Then why does it take 3 hours to reorganize data every time a patch is released if the data isn't on the local computer?
  20. Your complaining about them not fixing it during the downtime last week is completely pointless because that was for back-end maintenance, in other words, the supporting hardware/software that allows the game to run on the servers, not the game directly, as they do not releases patches for that type of maintenance.
  21. It would still show a different IP adress than what the account owner uses.
  22. It's really not possible to steal cartel coins. Only thing someone can do is buy stuff with then but pretty much everything on the Cartel Market has a 36-hour unbind timer. Its highly unlikely CS would move them to another account.
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