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Utility Changes coming in GU 5.6


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I'm sure there is a ton of madness sorc's smiling on this. Lowered dcd's for everyone but sorc. deathmarks stacking. sounds like fun.


I mean after 5.0 hit there was nowhere for sorcs to go but up lol. but seriously the +10% armour is nothing effectively. even +5% DR straight up would be better.


Anyways even after these 5.6 adjustments mercs and snipers will still have the best bang for buck DCDs hands down. And fury maras too because cc immunity+non-nerfed ruthless aggressor.

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Eric,with all the respect from a beta tester, a long time player, a founder of this game: what will it take for you to come and address the community concerns about the Carnage changes?


Take a look at the replies in this thread, also on Sentinel/Marauder forum and on reddit.Every carnage mara is telling you that you're wrong.

Sure there are other problems too in your intended changes for various classes(see PT survivability) but carnage changes are the real deal breaker.


I won't repeat again what is wrong with them. The answer is all over the place.

I will kindly remind you though that 2.10 was the era that SWTOR had the best balance in the games history... and that balance was achieved because back then, the combat team was more transparent about their goals and listened the players suggestions before deciding any changes to the classes


It was not perfect, but it was close.


Make that happen again.

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When they don't even realize that you don't need to clip to hit 3 abilities into ferocity, feels bad. Going from 7 abilities in every 2 ferocities to 4 is so painful.


This alone makes me think the ones making the changes do not play the class and do not understand how it is played :(

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Eric,with all the respect from a beta tester, a long time player, a founder of this game: what will it take for you to come and address the community concerns about the Carnage changes?


Take a look at the replies in this thread, also on Sentinel/Marauder forum and on reddit.Every carnage mara is telling you that you're wrong.

Sure there are other problems too in your intended changes for various classes(see PT survivability) but carnage changes are the real deal breaker.


I won't repeat again what is wrong with them. The answer is all over the place.

I will kindly remind you though that 2.10 was the era that SWTOR had the best balance in the games history... and that balance was achieved because back then, the combat team was more transparent about their goals and listened the players suggestions before deciding any changes to the classes


It was not perfect, but it was close.


Make that happen again.


By this point in time they don't seem to have an agile approach when it comes to development methodologies. Maybe they did at one point in time like you were saying (with how they used to talk) but probably not today; heck, nobody cares if devs used their real names on the forums or not. Just having a discourse would be nice.


Unfortunately I can't see them following the agile principles, even though this forum is for subscribers (i.e. customers only) , they probably won't change their approach that radically. I'm not even sure what their methodology is, maybe it's an EA thing. Some kind of variation on waterfall possibly, looking at the pace they release patches for mercs/snipers.

Edited by RACATW
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I hope this dosnt goes live, cuz this gonna make many classes unplayable.




*PTs, juggs and sins 30% damage reduction while stunned for dps. Or give all 3 classes 40-50% defens chance on there aoe taunt.


*Mercs utilities even with the nerf is a way to OP, move 1 to PT.


*Mara/Sent (carnage/combat) 2 stacks of burst window is to low, make it at least 3 stacks.


Operativ, mercs and sorc can offheal. All 3 tank classes need more defensive tools, they dont have any offheals.

Sniper. operativ and mara are fine, they have enogh tools to surive.

Edited by reppaz
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Will you be adjusting the PVE portions of the game to match the utter stupidity that you have just done to all of us or do we now just quit in droves ???? There are many of us who are sick and tired of you making things harder for us to do in the game. PVP is NOT the only aspect of the game but you sure make it seem like that is all you care about. I am one of many very pissed off players in my guild alone right now. Just multiply that but all the others and you have a significant portion of your player base angry as hell right now . STOP SCREWING US OVER !!!! You are killing SWTOR one step at a time.


Why are you assuming this is PVP related? PVP has no metrics to measure as it is to fluid /dynamic. They are going off metrics they get from doing PVE content not PVP. So you really only have yourself to blame!

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Why are you assuming this is PVP related? PVP has no metrics to measure as it is to fluid /dynamic. They are going off metrics they get from doing PVE content not PVP. So you really only have yourself to blame!


Furthermore, if those changes were really based of PvP content, I assume they would actually make PvP content better, which isn't the case for now :rolleyes:

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Shadow will be loosing its 30% AOE DR passive, which is being turned into a utility. On top of that, it loses the 30% DR during stun utility.


This royally screws shadows even further for a variety of reasons. Although a decent survivability buff for hatred to a certain degree, both classes lose a vital 30% DR that's critical to the way they're played. Having 30% DR while stunned kept this class viable in Ranked PvP and in PvP in general, because the easiest way to win a ranked match with a DPS shadow in it is to kill the shadow first due to how squishy the class is - picking the stun DR prevented that from happening.


We also now can't take our other utilities in general PvP, like the force wave root, or the 25% AOE damage increase on whirling blow (and whatever the imp one is called).


It also affects deception on NiM Styrak now. We now have to pick between AOE Damage reduction (a mandatory utility due to the change) and the root utility on that fight. Which makes the class even less viable on top of the fact its DPS has been badly over-nerfed to the point where it's no longer viable anyways. Deception can't pick both of these or otherwise it loses DPS from its other mandatory utility.


This is why I again plead Bioware to not follow through with these changes. They are game-breaking for the Shadow DPS classes.


Shadow needs to


1. Be fixed: Shadow stride can't be used on Terror from Beyond and a couple of other fights, which results in a DPS loss. The ability is grayed out when targeting the enemy.


2. Have the position requirement removed. It's technically still there even though we can attack in front of an enemy (it does way less damage). Get rid of it altogether.


3. Have its DPS buffed again. Shadow has no raid utility, period, other than a very, very, very bad heal utility which is almost always a poor choice in favor of other utilities. Either buff our DPS, or give us raid utility (make shadow's shelter do a lot of heals, or outright give us a raid buff, and fix the bug with stealth rez which is at best very limited due to the fact stealth is rotational in deception/infiltration). Even when Shadow was "overperforming" (which it wasn't) everyone would pick a Mara over a Sin due to the raid buff alone.


And for the love of Kephess, do not follow through with this change to shadow/sin utilities, please. Keith says they pay attention to explanatory, well-reasoned posts, so I really hope they read mine and those of the other like... 10 experienced DPS shadows left, and take them seriously.

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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This is also weird considering that melee dps were far from being super resistant (Powertech and Jugg weren't that OP in the curent PvP meta). I can only assume they are going to put back these utility as a whole instead of separating both effect like that... At least, I really hope so, otherwise they'll have to explain it with really, really good arguments.


For PT's in PVP, we tend to jump in, blow our load, then run away. If we get stunned, it ruins our burst window, but at least we would survive. Without the 30% stun DR, not only is our dps ruined when stunned, but we may very well die too.


how to kill a PT in 5.6? stun and global. gg

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For PT's in PVP, we tend to jump in, blow our load, then run away. If we get stunned, it ruins our burst window, but at least we would survive. Without the 30% stun DR, not only is our dps ruined when stunned, but we may very well die too.


how to kill a PT in 5.6? stun and global. gg


You're in PvP, you stunned your opponent. Is he a merc, a marauder or a sniper ?


*No -> Then you'll global him, keep doing that !

*Yes -> Then you're the one who will get globalled, run for your life !



Can't wait for a real explanation

Edited by supertimtaf
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Didn't you know ? They'll be removing alacrity in 5.7 because Combat Sentinel don't need it anymore, and it made Concentration too OP :rak_03:


We noticed a disparity in damage output between players with low ping and players with high ping.

Therefore we remove alacrity :rak_03:


We also felt...

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I still cant believe that instead of giving dps pt a real defensive ability like trauma regulator they are not only refuse to do it but also removing DR stun reduction.... It was so obvious that both dps pts need such defensive buff :rak_04: how cana combat team be so blind???? I was sure that they will give this buff with new utility changes, and i cant believe that they didnt.... we are really having two dead specs here, it's just pointless to play dps pts in both ranked and unranked
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Hey folks,




  • Surgical Steadiness now grants Unshakable for 4 seconds of interrupt immunity whenever Exfiltrate is put on cooldown

DevNotes: We felt the Medicine Operative didn’t have enough defensive options in relation to the other healers, so we gave them the ability to apply Unshakeable to themselves after using Exfiltrate.



Can we just have this on the first Exfiltrate with a 10 seconds ICD pretty please?

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Here are some updated changes for Carnage and Combat from the dev team:




  • Ferocity is now stack-based with 2 stacks lasting up to 10 seconds; affecting Devastating Blast, Gore, Vicious Throw, Massacre, Ravage, Smash, and Sweeping Slash; and consuming a stack each time one of those abilities is used
  • Ferocity grants an additional 3rd stack if used while Berserk is active
  • The triggered effect for Slaughter now lasts up to 18 seconds, up from 15




  • Precision is now stack-based with 2 stacks lasting up to 10 seconds; affecting Clashing Blast, Lance, Dispatch, Blade Rush, Blade Barrage, Force Sweep, and Cyclone Slash; and consuming a stack each time one of those abilities is used
  • Precision grants an additional 3rd stack if used while Zen is active
  • The triggered effect for Hand of Justice now lasts up to 18 seconds, up from 15


DevNotes: After taking a deeper look at the Carnage / Combat discipline, based on player feedback, we made some improvements to our original changes.



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You guys actually listened to reason? :eek: I am shocked, shocked I tell ya.


Edit: Could you also look at dps jugg defences while you are at it. Especially for ranked. DPS PTs would also like some love.

Edited by Lundorff
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could you please tell the Dev team to check if ataru form hits need a minor damage boost since they will not get affected from ferocity anymore.

Just to make sure that there will be no dps loss after the changes?

Thank you.

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Hey folks,


Here are some updated changes for Carnage and Combat from the dev team:






Nice :)

Good to see you listened to players and avoided killing this spec, this is really good news for carnage players. :rak_03:

Is there some other modifications planned for other class ? I think juggernauts, assassins and powertech are also waiting for an answer. ;)

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