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Everything posted by Lundorff

  1. Not remotely. I have leveled several characters on SF, and while I occasional run into a premade it's nothing compared to DM. Combined with the deserter lockout I no longer have way to really enjoy this game and have ended my subscription. This could very well be my last post -- congrats Little "H"ant, "Koduro", "Biønocle" "Komi Pop" * etc. you guys won, now you can stomp pugs and stroke your egos all day with no "fun" interference. *Names altered to comply with silly forum rules...
  2. No we can not have fair arenas in unranked. In lowbies on DM we have the same ~10 people that like to run together and stomp pugs. These are relatively experienced players and they only play to stroke their own ego. Individually they are nothing special, but when you have 3-4 people together each with +70% legacy pvp experience against pugs with 0 - 30% the match is a foregone conclusion. This has been going on for 2-3 years now. For BW to not realize what kind of long term effect this has on pvp should give a clue as to their mindset on pvp in general.
  3. Ah by "log out" you mean exit the game I take it. I will have to try that heh. Edit: Nope, doesn't work.
  4. Umm... ? You do understand that neither is possible?
  5. In an ocean of stupidity, this deserter lockout certainly ranks in the top 5. 1) Queue lowbies 2) Get arena against known tryhard premaders 3) Leave because surprisingly I don't feel like stroking their ego once again 4) Can't play a different character 5) ??? 6) Exit game Yes I could wait out the 15 minutes, and I do often enough, but what kind of game is that? Being subscribed to game and not play? How is that fun? The only sane solution is not to play. A reasonable conclusion would be that BW wants to discontinue all PvP, and only focus on PvE and cosmetic stuff. It might even make sense from a business perspective.
  6. Maybe, but I will not be here to see it
  7. Of course it is, we already have fully functional flash point selection. And yes warzone will be longer in comparison, but it is small price to pay, for having 4 or 8 players that actually want to play the map. But it is clearly not going to happen. And from my perspective things have only, constantly, been getting worse over the years, so I will take these changes as a clue to leave.
  8. Subscription ended. I will return when/if we ever get map selection as the minimum.
  9. So let me get this straight. I get a pop on my level 23 characters, and get a map I passionately dislike or is matched against the tryhard premaders on DM. So now I can not even leave this match and hop onto a different character?
  10. It is not straightforward. In case of 4 dps in ranked: Yes please, much needed. In case of 3 dps + 1 healer in ranked: Maybe. In case of healer/tank in ranked: No. It might even need a nerf, or at least the GT+FB combo does. In regs? I doubt it. (I don't play 75 regs, but juggs dominate in low and midbies). In end-game PvE? I doubt defense is an issue, but perhaps damage could need a boost here. Generally speaking I suspect the devs consider them fine as is, and those of us foolish enough to play them in ranked will have to accept it.
  11. Both SF and SS are mostly devoid of premade farmers and yes it can be a lot of fun.
  12. Are you talking about regs or ranked? For regs you don't need more than a month or so to carry your own. With the exception of randomly unbalanced matches, you will do probably do fine if you have any kind of focus. Ranked is (obviously) a different beast altogether, and with the current burst meta you are likely to explode for a while. Run mara, oper or linger. Protip: Don't play 10-42 brack on DM. It has been taken over by a group of tryhard premaders that get a hard-on by stomping noobs. Been going on for ~2 years now.
  13. I have tried to work around these terrible lockouts, but between them and the ever present tryhard premaders (in lowbies) I find myself playing less and less. I have actually found PvE to be far less annoying, and I don't particular like PvE. Warzone selection can not come fast enough.
  14. Please show me where the devs says that less then 1% plays ranked.
  15. They are never in a million years going to remove SR. There are many, many people, myself included, that would up and leave right then and there. A better suggestion would be to address why ranked is being toxic to begin with, and the short answer is that ELO isn't working. Now technically speaking ELO does "work" - as in matching players with roughly the same rating against each other - but the discrepancy in rating levels creates extremely chaotic and lopsided matches. One side might get 1400, 1200, 1000 and 800 and the other side gets 1800, 600, 700, 1300. In theory both sides has the same average rating (1100), but the level 1800 on the latter team has to carry 3 players. When the 600 level then gets gloaballed within the first 10 seconds the match is essential over and obviously the 1800 player gets annoyed e.g. toxicity. That is why ELO is broken in this game. In a perfect world all 8 players would have roughly the same rating, and the match would be a lot closer. Yes people would still rage, but everyone would be on equal footing. And this can not be fixed in swtor. We would need cross server queues and probably 10 times the current ranked population. The only solution I can see would be to change ranked into a point based system, and I have posted about this several times before, so I shall spare you my ramblings now. TL;DR: A point based system in ranked would make people rage a bit less, as they don't lose rating in the same manner as with ELO.
  16. Unless they are ludicrous OP then most PvP'ers won't bother with them even for ranked. Us PvP'ers are not exactly the wealthy elite of swtor...
  17. A point based system could definitely work: This could rather easily be combined with a win requirement. With a point based system you could still match players against each just like now. The calculation would just be derived from a simpler point system rather then questionable ELO. A system like that would also make it less punishable to run weaker specs (hatred, madness etc) as you would still feel a sense of progression. Meh. I give it a snowballs chance in hell that we will ever see a change to ranked like that.
  18. Only under certain circumstances. FB+GT is powerful in healer+tank matches and probably better compared to past seasons. But they die faster than ever before in pure dps matches. GT is worthless against people that knows how to focus.
  19. Current best to worst DPS class for solo ranked: Oper (both dps specs can work well) Marauder (Fury) Sorcerer (Lightning) PT (both specs can dish out a lot of damage) Merc (Arsenal) Sniper (Both specs are viable, but it really depend on your team) Sin (Deception, very susceptible to merc Net) Juggernaut (Vengeance with Force Bound and Grit Teeth can be awesome in healer/tank fights, but it's often focused first in pure dps fights). Take this with a grain of salt. Many would put PT at the very stop due to damage, while others will put PT at the bottom as they will be focused down first. Sin is also problematic as deception can be fantastic with taunts + guard, but it's way too easy to focus down.
  20. I was just kicked while laying dead and yes I could have played better, but so could everyone else. I also know who did it, so now I will be throwing every time I get in a match with them. Round and round we go...
  21. It wildly depend on team composition. In 4 v 4 dps I will often get focused first and Force Bound + Grit Teeth is not going to help much. In those matches I use LW first and maybe Cut to pieces second, as the odds of getting a second life from GT is near zero anyway. Force Bound helps a bit, but it's certainly not a game changer. Healer + tank matches are a different beast altogether. FB is a lot more useful here and especially GT shines.
  22. See, I don't get this. Why this sudden level of animosity? I was getting VS to a degree I had never seen before, so naturally I wanted to know if this was a new bug.
  23. Guess it is just an odd string of random.
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