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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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United Forces update.


Are the 5 servers HPDL380s or equivilent?


I don't expect C7,000 chassis, but It would be nice to know if the 5 servers will be an upgrade, and if so, by how much. will they support new features you are planning for, or is this a limitation of the engine?


Should everyone whose stopped playing for a period of time choose to login, will the server handle it well?


United Forces Formation – October 24, 2017

As we prepare for the United Forces update, we are planning an extended downtime on this day as we need to rollout all the new hardware and vital infrastructure changes.


United Forces Goes Live - Game Update 5.5.1 – November 8, 2017

Today, we forge our new United Forces galaxy from a broader set of server communities into a set of larger, but fewer Servers. An extended downtime is planned for this effort.


sounds like updates to me

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Someone in PR is probably getting a medal for coming up with a relatively cool name like 'united forces' for literally just server merges.


What is this enhanced group finder gonna be? There's not actually anything particulary wrong with the current one.


GSF really needs its gameplay fixing before new maps adding. (Ban/restrict gunships from deathmatch, and make the AFK timer take inaccurate shots into account as attempting to participate, are the main ones)


CXP perk - good

Disintegrate into unassembled component - thats actually a brilliant idea. Really allows people to get them from any content and a consolation prize for bad crates.

No new gear yet - CXP changes and no new gear is a day late and a dollar short for me since I have all my characters in full 248 and actually need a new tier a gear to have any reason to play content and get CXP.


New augments - A nice idea for veteran players but its dam hard enough trying to get new players to get the existing augments. (The item level stat needs to have the need for augments worked into it somehow so new players know they are half naked if they are not augmented.) They all whinge about how 'expensive' they are. A more expensive or 2nd set of augments would be a real pain for guildmasters/raid leaders.


Balance - If your are not aware of this one, the corruption add on Calphyus HM is MASSIVELY LUDICROUSLY OVERTUNED. After the class nerfs are all finished most groups will find it impossible.


Legacy components and credits - Nice.


Conquest changes - Whatever this is, I hope it KILLS LOCKOUT FARMING. Makes it completely not incentivised or even possible.

Edited by DarthZaul
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As a solo story player I see nothing for me in all this and thus no reason to continue my sub.


Look as a solo story person myself we have gotten ALOT of content over the last year plus, much of the other stuff has been neglected. We are not going to get as much as we have in the past year or so, deal with it. OPS and PVP have been neglected for to long, if you cannot understand that then bye, most reasonable people are going to understand other areas need some attention at the moment.

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Look as a solo story person myself we have gotten ALOT of content over the last year plus, much of the other stuff has been neglected. We are not going to get as much as we have in the past year or so, deal with it. OPS and PVP have been neglected for to long, if you cannot understand that then bye, most reasonable people are going to understand other areas need some attention at the moment.


Indeed. It is called an MMORPG for a reason. We solo story players have gotten our goodies. It's multiplayer's turn. I'm happy to see them getting it.

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Look as a solo story person myself we have gotten ALOT of content over the last year plus, much of the other stuff has been neglected. We are not going to get as much as we have in the past year or so, deal with it. OPS and PVP have been neglected for to long, if you cannot understand that then bye, most reasonable people are going to understand other areas need some attention at the moment.

I dunno, "Before, this game was providing me with sufficient content of the type(s) that I enjoy playing, therefore I was willing to pay for it. Now, it is no longer providing me with sufficient content of the type(s) that I enjoy playing, therefore I am no longer willing to continue paying for it." seems like a reasonable enough approach.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Look as a solo story person myself we have gotten ALOT of content over the last year plus, much of the other stuff has been neglected. We are not going to get as much as we have in the past year or so, deal with it. OPS and PVP have been neglected for to long, if you cannot understand that then bye, most reasonable people are going to understand other areas need some attention at the moment.


I am dealing with it, I am not renewing my sub and will play something else until there is something here I enjoy. I am not going to log in just to do something I am bored with (namely endlessly replaying tired old solo story content). And I am not going to pay for a game I am not logging into. There are lots of other games out there and they are where the vast majority of SWTOR players already went including the 400 odd players who used to be in the guild I was in before it completely imploded and dissolved as they all left to go raid in WoW.


The fact that BW no longer has the resources to provide content for all play styles at the same time is NOT my problem, is is BW's and EA's. There are other MMOs that are adequately resourced to provide content for all play styles at the same time. You need to deal with that instead of making excuses for the fact that this game has been mismanaged for years.

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I'm pretty indifferent on the server merges, we'll see what sort of fun combinations of umlauts and accent marks I end up having to throw onto my character names, but I already have a lot of that going on since I transferred to Harbinger, so no big deal there.


The Operation getting stretched out into "early" next year is pretty much what I expected.


A new GSF map legitimately surprised the heck out of me, I just assumed they didn't have anyone on staff anymore who could do GSF stuff since it's such a discrete system (hence all the 'updates' for it in recent memory just being tweaks to rewards). Iokath seems like an awesome choice for where to set one, so I'm looking forward to that.


Only one more story update - in FP form - and one more returning companion for the period covered is lighter than I expected on that front and a bit disappointing. I am looking forward to it having a Chiss theme though, they're one of my favorite elements of the EU / Legends.


Not particularly underwhelmed, but not particularly excited about anything here. None of it is turning me off, and I understand these megaservers are probably a huge investment in time and capital for the year's budget, but I do worry that they may be spreading themselves so thin across different content types that they're ending up with a "jack of all trades, master of none" problem.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I am dealing with it, I am not renewing my sub and will play something else until there is something here I enjoy. I am not going to log in just to do something I am bored with (namely endlessly replaying tired old solo story content). And I am not going to pay for a game I am not logging into. There are lots of other games out there and they are where the vast majority of SWTOR players already went including the 400 odd players who used to be in the guild I was in before it completely imploded and dissolved as they all left to go raid in WoW.


The fact that BW no longer has the resources to provide content for all play styles at the same time is NOT my problem, is is BW's and EA's. There are other MMOs that are adequately resourced to provide content for all play styles at the same time. You need to deal with that instead of making excuses for the fact that this game has been mismanaged for years.


Thank you for having a reasonable attitude and mindset. Your reasons are sound and nobody is able to say otherwise as we are not your, nor aware of your life situation. You do what you find fun.


Though I must point out that the resource problem isn't BW by any measure. They're a victim of E.A. not providing the needed resources that they could. E.A. has mismanaged it since it pushed release too soon, and BW with the players have been suffering the consequences ever since. There are also the players that will rage quit about BW focusing on the thing they don't like to play just because they don't like to play it. This adds to community toxicity. As I sated before, thank you for not being one of them.

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Awesome work Keith, Eric and Co the game is in safe hands.


I have two very technical questions that I haven't seen answered anywhere.


If I have Legacy level 50 on 4 servers when they merge what is my new legacy name?


If I have a fully decorated DK Stronghold on 4 servers when they merge which one will be active? (Matters a lot as one I spent a lot of time on and the others are more like chair warehouses. After the merge I will probably have potentially 20+ strongholds)

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I don't know, it may just be me but I feel like getting Hexxid for simply doing three group finder queues makes the DS the actual winners of DvL. Considering how much effort people had to put into playing content they had already done plenty of times to get Ranos during DvL, it's way too easy to just basically be handed Hexxid.


Unless they offer the option to get Ranos also, this really makes it seem like people that wanted Hexxid got the better deal, when their side supposedly lost the event.

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Well if the argument is that Subs should get priority because they financially support the game then surely it is only logical to include ALL such financial contributions.
I don't disagree with you...I can see your point and understand your concern, it is legitimate imo...Cartel Coin purchases need to count for something too if we're talking about financially supporting the game. How Bioware deals with it, I don't really know...but I do think you've made a legitimate issue to consider.
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Are any of those Ops? No. Those uprisings only came with 5.x and the failure of two years of nothing. Star Fortesses really? Any person could solo at the highest level that with a comp with ease

Pure solo content with an optional group me. We got zero FPs from Battle of Rishi to Umbara that was December 2014 to July/August 2017. PvP seasons way terrible rewards zero balance as story got updates and two horribly bugged maps with an arena that could insta kill you if you jumped funny. DvL World Bosses also only came with 5.0 after the failure of Story only.


I had nothing to look forward from 3.x to till Keith took over. Now the Swtor feels much better to me. If you don't like that feel free to go, but please don't tell me the past 2 years untill 5.x and Keith taking the helm was enjoyable content or any content for me. Maybe for you but the future is now. :)


Both uprisings and Ops are running in a pack with other players and killing bosses, and then doing it again and again. What does it matter what they're called? It's the same thing: pack killing of bosses, I'm not sure what more there can be with that. And the hardest mode for Star Fortresses was not meant to be completed solo.


Poor rewards? Talk to us about CXP, "poor rewards" didn't just affect PvPers. And you guys actually now have the ability to gear more easily than story players due to the unassembled components.


Also, I'll point out that the game was originally story based. The class stories and the two expansions are all about solo story content. So really if you are a raider - that is the game you came into. Something that was primarily story. In a perfect world we'd all get what we want, but at the least the original game format should not be sacrificed so raiders can run around and kill bosses.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Arguably my favorite change is the one that makes the game much more alt-friendly -- specifically:


"Also with A Traitor Among the Chiss, we’re changing how Disintegrate works – instead of receiving more CXP, we will provide you with Unassembled Components for armor and weapons. In addition, you can send those components to any character in your Legacy as we’re changing these to be Legacy-bound consumables."


Will Command Crates we collect prior to November 28th, the day TAtC is scheduled to go live, disintegrate into CXP or will even the crates we hoarded dissolve into UCs once that update / patch goes live?

Edited by Jdast
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Given that Keith posted

I will provide you with exactly what we’re doing through the end of 2017 plus a glimpse of early 2018. After it's published, we’ll make sure we are available to answer your questions, address your concerns, and offer any additional insight.


It seems like there has been a distinct lack of any follow up.


Over the last few weeks/month a lot of people were putting their hopes on the Roadmap offering some intensive to stay, yet it seems between now and the end of the year there is to be one content update, all of that content appears to be group content, with the possibility the flashpoint will have a story mode. It doesn't seem like there will be much in the way of significant end game aside from thinking end game is group content. Even that breaks down to one op boss, then 2 pvp maps and a flashpoint.


Those that have been suggesting that Athem is getting most of the tor budget can hardly be proven wrong with so little over 4 months, so it would be nice to see more follow up with a few more details of whats being done to improve GSF as a new map wont change how bad it is or that its a subset of pvp.


There is talk of companions returning and it seems that there is only going to be one returned, which would make that a grand total of 3 returned companions this year? What are the plans for returning the others?


Ultimately I think it might be futility if the game is only going to be looking to add a few group centric activities every 4 months. Hardly seems like its going to growing and bringing in more players. Granted to keep names will cause people to subscribe for a month but it doesn't seem like much there to get people that aren't playing to come back. And if people aren't coming back groups are going to be harder to find and the focus on all group content will be wasted.

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So eventually I'll be trapped on the Star Forge! Cool! I've made mincemeat out of that place more time than I can count! All the new stuff sounds ok. I'd rather have Kira and Vector over Temple, but I'm patient. About bringing the Chiss in, I know so little about how they'll fit that I will wait and see. Personally, my legacy, Imperial characters included, just want one thing, to see the Sith GONE. Democracy, Totalitarian, they don't care about politics! To them there is only right and wrong. So, as long as I eventually destroy the Sith, I'm good. "Wait," you say, "what do you call your SW?" I call him a Dark Force User with the morals of a Jedi, so he's a DARK JEDI!
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Why's everything gotta be a conspiracy with you? Subscribers ALWAYS have priority. Always have, always will. Or was this whine because you let your sub expire? Sour grapes much?


Thats the way the world works lol. people that pay you will get priority over those that dont. I have no problem with bw doing it this way, they are a business after all.

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Almost nothing for story. Again. How long will the flashpoint be? 20 minutes?


I am surprised that no expansion is coming out this year given how little content was added to the game this year. GW2, the other mmo I play, releases more content for free than we get for Old Republic, which they expect us to pay monthly for. When Old Republic was actually adding content, it was my favorite mmo, and I didn't mind paying for it. However, this year, with so little content being released, that changed completely.

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Ok.... my 2 cents...

I see the "untied front" as stabilizing the foundation before you build the walls. This should prove to be a good thing. While I personally don't really care about group and endgame, I realize there are those who've been asking for server merges for a while now to enhance their particular play style.


The legacy QoL improvements are great... especially the legacy bank. :D


I'm not gonna rage because story players like myself only get one FP to continue the story. I'm chalking that up to the fact that y'all got a lot going on for the next few months. I'm expecting something fantastic for story early next year though, and meaningful returns for the missing companions are at the VERY TOP of my list. They've been gone long enough, we've been patient, We need them back. :mad:


Seeing how the new FP deals with the Chiss, I completely understand why Raina is the returning companion. I'll now take my LS Agent through KotFE/KotET. :D


As for character names....I'm one of those who have very unique names for my characters, and I've been subbed continuously for 98% of the life of the game. I don't anticipate any issues.


Everything else... I'll take a "wait and see how it plays out" attitude.



Ohh yea.... While I'm not a RP'er, I fully support giving them their own instance. :D

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Huh, just noticed it looks like they're walking back the scope of how many currencies they're making Legacy-wide:

Late July:

We are working to change currencies to be Legacy based. This includes unassembled components, credits, the Umbara currency, and more. I'm not aware of any major obstacles preventing this from happening, and doing so will help with a number of changes we are planning for the future.


Quality of Life


A cool change we are delivering with A Traitor Among the Chiss is the ability to add Credits to your Legacy Bank. You will retain the ability to have credits on your character, so this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank, but it’s for all your Legacy characters. After reviewing your feedback, we decided to limit currency changes to Credits and Unassembled Components as those provide the most positive and impactful change.

Bit of a shame.

Edited by DarthDymond
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With the RP servers now being merged into PVE servers, does this mean we will now get a RP instance added, like we have PVP and PVE instances of a server?


I recall this was much discussed when instances were first added and the designations removed from the server listing. The RP community would appreciate this immensely, for many reasons, not least of which being that RP servers do tend to have rather different cultures which will now be essentially washed away. While the truly dedicated trollers might be mis-wired enough that they'd take the initiative to go to a RP instance just to troll, for the most part I believe a RP instance would benefit RPers who would prefer to minimize trolling as well as those folks who may truly not want to see RP in their game environment. Instancing should have no effect on people still using group finder queues so it seems like an ideal solution.


Your RP community doesn't ask for much, and doesn't need much to keep them happy - do please consider them in a choice like this, and throw a bone their way. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is already wincing in anticipation of the server culture impact the merge will have as it is.



I wholeheartedly agree. Adding an RP instance needs to happen! I play on Begeren Colony and have been a member of that server since launch. Begeren was originally the West Coast RP server. My friends and I specifically chose that server because we wanted to be part of a community who share the same interests as we do. SWTOR is many things to many people. For the RP community, SWTOR provides a wide variety of environments for players to immerse themselves in their collaborative storytelling. RP communities conduct themselves very differently than PVE or PVP communities. There is a certain etiquette that is followed in order to make RP conducive. When these servers are merged the RP and PVE/PVP communities are going to experience a major conflict of interests. Hundreds of players who enjoy role-playing their characters will undoubtedly be subjected to severe trolling by casual players who have no respect or consideration for that element of the game. If the Devs added an RP instance, it would at least provide the RP community an option to play how they wish and help minimize being harassed by trolls.

Edited by Sorrai
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I've read through everything a couple of times. I'll do it again before I try to address specifics. For now, lets say I see little that is exciting, a lot that they are going to have a hell of a time doing right and a good bit that's too little, too late. We're supposed to hang out, beating our heads against content for 2 or 3 months before you start balancing bosses to the stupid numbers you "balanced" classes to? Really? You do realize all you needed to do was boost the lower performing classes to match the higher ones and you wouldn't have to rebalance all the bosses, right? What a waste of several months and angering a lot of people for nothing.
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With the RP servers now being merged into PVE servers, does this mean we will now get a RP instance added, like we have PVP and PVE instances of a server?


I recall this was much discussed when instances were first added and the designations removed from the server listing. The RP community would appreciate this immensely, for many reasons, not least of which being that RP servers do tend to have rather different cultures which will now be essentially washed away. While the truly dedicated trollers might be mis-wired enough that they'd take the initiative to go to a RP instance just to troll, for the most part I believe a RP instance would benefit RPers who would prefer to minimize trolling as well as those folks who may truly not want to see RP in their game environment. Instancing should have no effect on people still using group finder queues so it seems like an ideal solution.


Your RP community doesn't ask for much, and doesn't need much to keep them happy - do please consider them in a choice like this, and throw a bone their way. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is already wincing in anticipation of the server culture impact the merge will have as it is.


(This being said, other posters have mentioned the need to improve respawn rates on open world objectives, and doing so in the PVE instance would be crucial to preserving the purpose/integrity of the various instances. Right now the deterrent to people flooding a PVP instance for open world objectives is the willingness-vs.-reluctance to engage in PVP, and that consideration would not exist for a RP instance. Addressing respawn rates would seem to be an important factor for many reasons, not least of which is just going to be the increase in traffic.)


This is all I ask. Roleplayers are a very tenacious bunch- all you really have to do is throw them a bone now and then and they'll stick around.


If you can't have the sense to merge servers that are alike (RP into RP, PvE into PvE, PvP into PvP), then at least offer the same concessions that you do to accomodate other play styles.

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Almost nothing for story. Again. How long will the flashpoint be? 20 minutes?


I am surprised that no expansion is coming out this year given how little content was added to the game this year. GW2, the other mmo I play, releases more content for free than we get for Old Republic, which they expect us to pay monthly for. When Old Republic was actually adding content, it was my favorite mmo, and I didn't mind paying for it. However, this year, with so little content being released, that changed completely.


With battlefront 2 in November and the last jedi in December I was not expecting any kind of an expansion until February or March at the earliest. They are a business and will want to stay clear of those two things.

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