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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Where was it said it'll be a 'mysterious' space platform thing, or that we own it? Best I recall all Charles said was we'd start the chapter from a different launching point/space station type deal. Nothing was said about where it is (above Nathema or elsewhere), or who built it/owns it. Unless I missed an interview or tweet somewhere.
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Where was it said it'll be a 'mysterious' space platform thing, or that we own it? Best I recall all Charles said was we'd start the chapter from a different launching point/space station type deal. Nothing was said about where it is (above Nathema or elsewhere), or who built it/owns it. Unless I missed an interview or tweet somewhere.


I just saw something about a "Space Station" and "Nathema"; Paul also. It just pops up from time to time last couple weeks; maybe just Anxiety, Players occupying themselves waiting on content, creative sidelines or even a running mystery. There's really nothing "Tangible" to support this, just kinda *Fun to carry this along "While we Wait" :). I Hope it hasn't mislead or derailed anybody's *Expectations*

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I just saw something about a "Space Station" and "Nathema"; Paul also. It just pops up from time to time last couple weeks; maybe just Anxiety, Players occupying themselves waiting on content, creative sidelines or even a running mystery. There's really nothing "Tangible" to support this, just kinda *Fun to carry this along "While we Wait" :). I Hope it hasn't mislead or derailed anybody's *Expectations*


I can't recall where I heard it from ... same place I heard the whole Nathama / Genesis thing though.


Until then ... SPACE STATION!

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Is it wrong that I'm more annoyed at the Alliance for building this mysterious space station than I am at Theron for his shenanigans? They've been moaning at me about a resource crises, then they go and blow what we have on a space station!...


Would you be as annoyed if it turned out to be a mobile base like the Death Star? And maybe it was a gift for Life Day and you spoiled the surprise :D

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Where was it said it'll be a 'mysterious' space platform thing, or that we own it? Best I recall all Charles said was we'd start the chapter from a different launching point/space station type deal. Nothing was said about where it is (above Nathema or elsewhere), or who built it/owns it. Unless I missed an interview or tweet somewhere.


I am with you. I don't think there is a space station over Nathema. The fp is probably going to start on fleet or the Gravestone.

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I am with you. I don't think there is a space station over Nathema. The fp is probably going to start on fleet or the Gravestone.

Yep. Definitely don't think the Alliance would have build one there, there is NO point to it at all because as far as we're aware, it's a dead and useless planet. If there is a station near Nathema then it was likely built by whoever has that camp set up on the ground level as well, perhaps the Order or other explorers.

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This is suppose to be a love thread for Theron and has some how gone off topic can we please get back to loving Theron? Thanks!



Not much to say about him we haven't already said -- till he comes back that is ....I too am waiting ...

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It's been so long, I'm still just over it all. I feel no excitement due to the long wait and I hate that. ugh. I used to look forward to each and every update, now I dread each and every one.

Sucks more because Theron is the last of the characters I really like that has any kind of story content. He better get a good finale if he's being torn from the story after this fp...

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It's been so long, I'm still just over it all. I feel no excitement due to the long wait and I hate that. ugh. I used to look forward to each and every update, now I dread each and every one.

Sucks more because Theron is the last of the characters I really like that has any kind of story content. He better get a good finale if he's being torn from the story after this fp...


Well they said something along the lines of Theron fans will be happy (?) So there is at least one option that should put a smile on your face before he could join the 'good-as-dead' companions.

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I definately go back and forth between dread and excitement. Not excited so much for story. Because that has left a lot to be desired lately. More that he will finally be back and this train wreck will be over. Jen has been pretty lonely without him. She doesn't even care about his reasons anymore.


I really hope that this won't be the end of his story. We were told we would be happy. But what good is an option to forgive him and accept him back if he is written out of the story? Imp romances haven't even gotten an official fade to black. Not sure if pub romances have since Yavin. I haven't gotten my pubside Jen through KotFE yet.

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I definately go back and forth between dread and excitement. Not excited so much for story. Because that has left a lot to be desired lately. More that he will finally be back and this train wreck will be over. Jen has been pretty lonely without him. She doesn't even care about his reasons anymore.


I really hope that this won't be the end of his story. We were told we would be happy. But what good is an option to forgive him and accept him back if he is written out of the story? Imp romances haven't even gotten an official fade to black. Not sure if pub romances have since Yavin. I haven't gotten my pubside Jen through KotFE yet.


Do you think this could be the end of Theron?

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Well they said something along the lines of Theron fans will be happy (?) So there is at least one option that should put a smile on your face before he could join the 'good-as-dead' companions.


Except if he joins the may as well be good as dead club.. no, I won't smile just because they put a couple of nice lines in *shrugs* just means I have no reason to keep playing as that's all 5 of the companions I enjoyed being as good as dead for everyone.


What's the use of a tiny sweet scene and then *slaps face* "you'll never see him in the story again mwahaha"

That is not pleasing fans. that's downright telling them they don't matter. (that's for worst case scenario where there's a "choice" that is not a choice at all).

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Except if he joins the may as well be good as dead club.. no, I won't smile just because they put a couple of nice lines in *shrugs* just means I have no reason to keep playing as that's all 5 of the companions I enjoyed being as good as dead for everyone.


What's the use of a tiny sweet scene and then *slaps face* "you'll never see him in the story again mwahaha"

That is not pleasing fans. that's downright telling them they don't matter. (that's for worst case scenario where there's a "choice" that is not a choice at all).


What about the people who want him dead? :rak_02:

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-scratch- not worth it, I'm selfish and know it, I don't care I just for once want a character to stay in my story that I actually like, or have the slim chance to come back in a important role again in the future.

If that means those who don't want him need to still have him stuck possibly coming back so be it, I've bowed to their wishes multiple times already, what about mine. Just. Once.

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What about the people who want him dead? :rak_02:


What about those that want him to be in their story after this? we can both play this game til the cows come home... and we won't both get what we want, Bioware writers don't work like that :p


edit: I'm almost certain from vague comments of refusing to say he could come back, but happy to say if you think you should be able to kill someone you will, that you will get exactly what you want and I'll hate you forever for it if you do :p lol

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If BW gives the option of Killing Theron then he's as good as gone for everybody, sucks I know but that's how BioWare is. I'm *Absolutely astounded how so many people don't understand how Espionage really works. I've seen nothing to substantiate even a Hope that both sides will be satisfied with this end. I'm pretty sure He's been working "For the Alliance/Galaxy" this entire time, however that still doesn't mean BW wont give the Option (Ohhh *That, option again) when we're all there and the time is now.

*BioWare *Never shoulda started this "Kill / No Kill Option" business, its not lead to even one good point, just failed every time its been used, failed for the entire game. I hope he lives on, I'd hate to see one of BWs good characters die off.

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If BW gives the option of Killing Theron then he's as good as gone for everybody, sucks I know but that's how BioWare is. I'm *Absolutely astounded how so many people don't understand how Espionage really works. I've seen nothing to substantiate even a Hope that both sides will be satisfied with this end. I'm pretty sure He's been working "For the Alliance/Galaxy" this entire time, however that still doesn't mean BW wont give the Option (Ohhh *That, option again) when we're all there and the time is now.

*BioWare *Never shoulda started this "Kill / No Kill Option" business, its not lead to even one good point, just failed every time its been used, failed for the entire game. I hope he lives on, I'd hate to see one of BWs good characters die off.


Imho he's working for the good of the Alliance/galaxy as you said. As for why he hasn't told us, I really hope there will be good explanation on why hasn't he told us what he is going to do for the Order. Still, he has done a good job in keeping us in suspence.

I agree with the kill/no kill-option.

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*hugs As*


I know exactly how you feel. The way vanilla comps have been treated has been awful. My favorites have been given kill options 99% of the time. Vector so far is the only LI I adore that hasn't gotten one.


I am at the same point as you. Why is what I want less important than what other people want. Why should they get to kill another of my favorite LIs? They killed my beloved Quinn. Vette and Torian were sacrificed. Jorgan has been silent for a long time. Koth's romance isn't worth starting because he ghosts you. Both sides can't be happy with the outcome. So let it be the side that wants to kill him this time.


All that aside I still am excited/anxious for May 1st. I have missed Theron. My sub still depends on the outcome though. If they cater to the crowd that is calling for blood I will be done. Killing off my only active LI will be it for me.

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Lol, my sub expires on Monday. Oy vey. Guess I'll re-up it for another month to play this Nathema stuff through and bring my guy home but I'm still prepared to walk away if this goes south. The odds of receiving content that features our other companions/LIs are already pretty slim to none and if Theron's added to the kill counter he'll go the same way. Leaving only someone like Lana as a steady constant alive-for-all and sorry blondie, I guess your intentions are good but I'll pass.


I do find myself wondering if Charles' Tweets regarding Theron/Lana staying with you for the new expansion indicate that Bioware expects to continue using them both or why else even bother hypothesizing under which conditions they will and won't be at your side?

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I do find myself wondering if Charles' Tweets regarding Theron/Lana staying with you for the new expansion indicate that Bioware expects to continue using them both or why else even bother hypothesizing under which conditions they will and won't be at your side?


I only ever saw him talk about Lana in tweets about that, never saw a mention about Theron. heh.


edit: did they say the update was for subs only? I'm almost sure you'd be able to play it as f2p, just to see it. Then you can sub after if there's no bad blood I guess.

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- It discusses both Theron and Lana, or at least my Tweets & Charles' replies do, in terms of choices made on Nathema and Theron and Lana possibly leaving us for the new expansion. My thinking is, if they've put thought into which parameters would and would not cause Lana/Theron to leave us then surely that may indicate they mean to keep both around for players? Otherwise, why bother putting any thought into it at all? But maybe that's just me trying too hard to be optimistic about this and grasping at straws.
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