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Devs, please add the following already completed hood down armors to the game.


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Other classes are fine.


Especially the mirror one, Sith warrior. That's what makes it worst. When you know that back in BETA, it was perfect for Jedi knights. (minor the TERRIBLE AND LOOK RUINING LARGE BUTT ISSUE)


All the classes are in the same situation as us in terms of limited variety and options. During the last few weeks of beta is when they removed all the wide variety of gear, but not just for JKs. All classes now have a basic template or two with recolors/reskins. No variety for any class. I'm rolling a Mara right now along with my Sent, and my Mara is in the exact same situation...same gear from 10 - 50.


This is a big departure from what we enjoyed in beta. In fact then, not only were there appearance differences between the major classes, but ACs looked different from the primary class counterpart. For months in beta my Maras looked completely unique from my Jugg, my Sents looked completely unique from my Guards. Not anymore...it's the same damn armor for both.


All of this removed, gone, and BW behaving as though beta never happened and all that gear didn't already exist. This is what pisses me off the most, their belief that they can play us off as chumps on this issue. Sorry BW, but I had 6 months in this game before the "launch build"...you aren't fooling me.


Like I said, I've lost all patience with this and I'm out in a few weeks if they don't address it. Enough is enough.

Edited by photoheathen
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All the classes are in the same situation as us in terms of limited variety and options. During the last few weeks of beta is when they removed all the wide variety of gear, but not just for JKs. All classes now have a basic template or two with recolors/reskins. No variety for any class. I'm rolling a Mara right now along with my Sent, and my Mara is in the exact same situation...same gear from 10 - 50.


This is a big departure from what we enjoyed in beta. In fact then, not only were there appearance differences between the major classes, but ACs looked different from the primary class counterpart. For months in beta my Maras looked completely unique from my Jugg, my Sents looked completely unique from my Guards. Not anymore...it's the same damn armor for both.


All of this removed, gone, and BW behaving as though beta never happened and all that gear didn't already exist. This is what pisses me off the most, their belief that they can play us off as chumps on this issue. Sorry BW, but I had 6 months in this game before the "launch build"...you aren't fooling me.


Like I said, I've lost all patience with this and I'm out in a few weeks if they don't address it. Enough is enough.


It is just so disheartening reading this, to think they had much more varity in gear before launch and then remove it before release... Why on earth did they do this?!


I just can't think of any good reason to do something like this, I am sorry but I can't take this anymore and next month I will not subscribe because I feel they have betrayed me and lied to my face with their trailers and advertisment.


The game is solid and I would play this a long time if it where not for this issue, I could not care less about ability delay or PvP balancing, I care about looks and story, and the story is fine but my character looks so out of place. Most games contain crappy looking gear from time to time, but usually they have much more varity in gear looks to choose from and you are unlucky if nothing fits your fancy. But this game has almost no varity at all, just the same models over and over again with different textures. I really hope they took more care with Mass Effect 3.

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And yet they removed color matching because "we want gear progression".


That is why color matching was removed. They already knew that they will remove all that armor, and they knew that with color matching in game, they would not be able to keep the feeling that there are more then 2 armors in game per class. (not that they could with recolors)


The big question is why did they remove the armors?


Why did Stephen Reid decide to **** on our heads and not get back to us?


I already wanted to unsub, but Bioware removed the unsub button days before the free 30 days were up. No comment on that.


Fact is btw, they do not care if I quit, or if you quit. Read what the studio director said. He has a "Let them quit" policy.

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Why on all that's holly would they remove all the armor progression from a mmo game?


thats just crazy....


All that hard work and then they just removed it?

Are they going to put it back in again?


Who would make a decision like that?:confused:

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Why on all that's holly would they remove all the armor progression from a mmo game?


thats just crazy....


All that hard work and then they just removed it?

Are they going to put it back in again?


Who would make a decision like that?:confused:


Cause now they can add it slowly over months and say "look ! we worked and made new pieces !!!"


While it was there from start. So they don't have to actually work on new stuff while we pay them.

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How did I missed this thread, this issue have been bugging me since i started playing the game.


I love Star Wars Old Republic, its my crack. But as a person who considers himself fairly artistic I hate to see good concept art go to waste. that being said, its far knowledge that bioware has hood down armor sets have left them out of the game. To and insult to injury they continue to publicizes and advertise armor sets that are not included in the game which includes the hood down version of some of the armor we see already in the game.


I would also like to add that it bothers me common and often duplicated character model`s gear is not accessible in the game. And I am not talking about storie important npc, I am talking about the horded of non-player enemies and allies drones. I know there are plenty of bounty hunters looking to pimp out on Mandarin armor.


cheer :)

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I didn't read all 38 pages of this thread, but I don't see WHY this can't be added when it already exists.


I received an Eye wear piece last night as loot (meant for the blind race I think?). When I equiped it, my hood disappeared. So clearly a hoodless version of the robes exists, yes?

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I can't stress enough how awesome my characters looked in the beta. Now ... they all look terrible. It is pathetic, because I know I'll see those armors released 6 months from now as "gear progression" for a new operation.
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I'm not going to dig through 39 pages, but it seems like an easy solution that could be implemented quickly would be - whatever collision detection on the Jordy laForge visor makes the hood disappear, why not just add that to all head pieces? There are some decent looking "headbands" that look nice, but don't hide your eyes or half your face. Really, this seems like something that could be rolled out pretty quickly as your just adding existing code to existing items, not having to create new code. My apologies if someone else has already thrown this out on page 7 or something.
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I totally gripe about this to my friend who plays as a sage and an assassin and all he wants is armor with a hood.... go figure. I started a guardian character and then realized that they have absolutely no hood down options, which is utterly lame. Yeah a toggle would be great but hood down options like the Aspiring knights vest would also be nice. They say listening to the community is important. Maybe we need a petition.
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either devs don't read this because they are to busy reading the imps' posts


or they won't respond because its ingame but undiscovered and don't want to spoil it


or maybe i just want to bump this so it gets some attention ... :mad:

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There is always the distant possibility that they are actually working on a hood toggle, which, if it's as complicated as it's being made out to be, it might take a while.


Distant possibility?


It better be a 100% certainty. And nothing...nothing is preventing someone from BW telling us just that. Takes 20 seconds.

"We know you want a hood toggle, and we're working on it as a high priority. Unfortunately we don't have an eta for you, but stay tuned." -Random BW Dev


There, was that so hard?

Edited by photoheathen
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Stephen Reid has always been full of ****.


If a toggle of so hard, and I don't believe for a second that it is. Then duplicate every piece and make a hood down version.


God it's pathetic. I don't believe it's hard, I just thing not doing so, is easy and unless a decision is based on story, Bioware takes the easy way out.

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Stephen Reid has always been full of ****.


If a toggle of so hard, and I don't believe for a second that it is. Then duplicate every piece and make a hood down version.


God it's pathetic. I don't believe it's hard, I just thing not doing so, is easy and unless a decision is based on story, Bioware takes the easy way out.


If you go around Tython you will see countless NPCs will armored robes with the hoods down. I don't know why they can't just put these armors in the game for players.

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Stephen Reid has always been full of ****.


If a toggle of so hard, and I don't believe for a second that it is. Then duplicate every piece and make a hood down version.


God it's pathetic. I don't believe it's hard, I just thing not doing so, is easy and unless a decision is based on story, Bioware takes the easy way out.

It's not so hard. They just either don't want to do it. Otherwise they'd just lack the skill to do it. If it's the latter, they may not be in the right field of work.
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What I don't understand is that whenever you have your helmet showing, the hood goes down, so clearly the skins are in game.


It seems like they would simply need an option that "shows" helm but then makes it invisible, and voila, hood down. I guess it's more difficult to do than it seems.

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