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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone else besides me not rushing the game and still in their 20s


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You have a point sir or ma'am. I did not know your entire situation before I posted. However, it is detestable to think some players have been Spacebar Commanders and essentially skipped the bulk of the game for the sake of being able to say "I GOT FIFTEH!!"


But I owe you an apology, I'm sorry.


You don't owe me nuthin!


Good news though: Smuggler story is pretty a-okay.


Next up is a trooper!

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Validation....yes because he's asking a question (Same gaming pace as he/she) to others within the forum. Insecure? I don't see where there was evidence of this.



OP. I'm not truly taking as slow, but enjoying the game as well. Good to hear you're enjoying it though!


I think the evidence is in the implication that if you're above 20-ish levels you're "rushing the game" which is followed by the further implication that if you're "rushing the game" you're playing it wrong. Granted, the OP never said such a thing, and as such there is really no "evidence". But it can still be sort of infered that the poster feels threatened by others being higher level than him/her already.

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I think the evidence is in the implication that if you're above 20-ish levels you're "rushing the game" which is followed by the further implication that if you're "rushing the game" you're playing it wrong. Granted, the OP never said such a thing, and as such there is really no "evidence". But it can still be sort of infered that the poster feels threatened by others being higher level than him/her already.


Well put.

Edited by carthedani
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I have been playing since day 1 of early access, so two weeks of playing almost all hours of my waking day to reach 50 doesn't really equal rushing.


If I had been employed during the time I'd probably be halfway there, instead! However all I have to do right now is sit back and wait to start my new job. So it's been pretty sweet timing.


If you are at level cap in two weeks thats rushing. Nothing wrong with that if thats how you like to play then fine. Just dont say you didnt rush when you played every waking hour of the day the past two weeks all I am saying.

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Started early access, and still in my 20's. Though that's mostly because I like to experience all the content at a level appropriate for it, and so far far too much of my precious play time has been taken up by standing in various places spamming lfg messages. It's not gotten so frustrating that I've done what thousands have already done because of this very issue and cancelled my sub, but it's starting to wear really thin.
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I think the evidence is in the implication that if you're above 20-ish levels you're "rushing the game" which is followed by the further implication that if you're "rushing the game" you're playing it wrong. Granted, the OP never said such a thing, and as such there is really no "evidence". But it can still be sort of infered that the poster feels threatened by others being higher level than him/her already.


There was also the implication that anyone over level 20 isn't "socializing".

Edited by Caelrie
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1st wave EA. Have a SI at level 16 and just got my ship. Have an IA at level 13 and will probably play him next time I get on.


I tend to get bored if I just drill away at leveling one character so it does me good to have 2 going to switch things up. At my pace, I just hope to get through their stories before they release and expansion or something. Would like to level up the other classes some day as well.

Edited by Technohic
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Sadly, I have not had as much time to play as I would have liked. My highest character is only level 16. Holidays have been hectic, but real life is finally settling down and I should finally have more time to play. Funny thing is, I used to be one of those guys that took a week off of work just to hit level cap as fast as I possibly could. Needless to say, I've learned my lesson with new MMO's. The faster you plow through the content, the sooner you quit playing.


I'm enjoying every moment that I actually get with the game. After playing several MMO's, I've finally realized that playing isn't about being the best the fastest, it's about enjoying the entire ride through. I guess I've hit max level as an MMO player...

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People hitting 50 already that had early access aren't rushing sorry to say.


You can get about a level per hour questing and doing it all. if you play 5 hours a night thats 5 levels a night.


so 10 days to basically get to 50.


If you need validation seems like you do alot of afking or only play an hour or two a day.

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What Id give to be able to spend 5 hours a day every day playing games. Alas I have real life to contend with. I just find it funny people who play 5 hours a day every day think they are casual. I wonder what they think hardcore is. Id love to be able to simply login once a day even just for a half hour.
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I'm in no rush to hit 50 either. I started on the 15th during EA and I hit level 27 last night. I only have one level 3 alt, but that was mostly to save the name and make some "light" decisions so I didn't feel guilty slaughtering people for the smallest of slights on my BH =)
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