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10 Good
  1. Meh I don't think it's bad, I think it's better than black on white where the contract can be very hard on the eyes.
  2. People who don't want dual spec are DPS classes that don't understand that there will be massive tank/healer shortages if you can't dual spec. WOW had a massive jump in tanks and healers after dual spec came out.
  3. Yes but it took me awhile to get it working through Steam.
  4. Everyone thinks that all the kiddies will go Republic so they roll Empire. I'm honestly considering a reroll to Republic because of shorter Q times (plus I hate playing Sorc/Sage in PVP it is just unfun to me). For example, everyone in WoW used to play Alliance and the Horde got this reputation as the ******, mature side. So what did everyone do? Become ****** and mature by rolling Horde. People want to be ******es, so they roll the side that tolerates this the most.
  5. How is this any different from Warcraft where every boss is down in a week? Even in ICC, only HLK took forever but that was partly because Blizzard gated that content (first via actually not letting you do it then via the buff that was the only way to down HLK). Nothing new.
  6. You could also, since it's called Corruption, think of it as you fueling the rage and hate of others to push them further to the dark side as you heal them.
  7. This has been suggested 10,000 times, but it is currently doable though there isn't a dedicated app for it.
  8. As much I usually bash these sorts of posts, I find myself agreeing with everything you said, it'd make it a much more fluid experience. Well written.
  9. WoW is the same way just with Dungeon Finder making the MMO aspects easier to access.
  10. Consider what state Maul's body was in. In half, yes, but not roasted inside and out. The parts were perfectly intact. Vader was ruined.
  11. Galen Marek is not the most powerful Sith Lord that ever existed.
  12. I actually quite enjoy the PVP in this game. I also agree with the OP, I'm having a blast, and the quests don't feel droning to me, they're somewhat engaging and fun.
  13. The problem with WOW is that a lot of people are tired of it. It's 7 years old, the content is repetitive at this point and people are dying for something new. On the other hand people have 7 years invest in WOW and don't know that it's a sunk cost and therefore have trouble giving up 300+ hours of work.
  14. Because it isn't competing against a game from 2004, it is competing with a game from 2004 updated for 2012.
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