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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Maybe server load is a factor. On peak hours despite of a in game latency same as always it seems i encouter this issues a lot more than on off peak hours.


also my server was having 1400+ like queue time before they expended they server capacity, im starting to wonder if their server can really handle the new caps. (which still seems pretty low)

Edited by Vindor
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Posting so that I can rate the thread. I don't have the time to read through 100+ pages of posts, but I'll assume there was good discussion had by all. OP's points hit the mark dead on and its one of the reasons no other MMO was able to hook me like WoW did. Once you have experienced that level of crisp animation and skill execution nothing else will do.


Hopefully the dev's are having a discussion on this issue and come to some sort of a good compromise that won't destroy their efforts to make a cinematic combat experience, but will also make their game more competitive.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the weight assessment of this issue. There hasn't been a game of this size with the responsiveness of wow and it's all due to animation clipping. Bioware probably wants the "locking lightsabres" thing to work - which might cause issues in streamlining this.


I don't see this issue being resolved to be honest. This feels like a very, very, very deeply rooted issue that is basically stuck at the most fundamental level in a game's handling of abilities and input. It doesn't sound like something they would be able to "fit in" anywhere or prioritize over anything so it'll probably not get fixed.


Truth be told, I'm waiting for the first month of subscribing to be over before passing any real judgement. I think this game has the ability to make it big and stay big - provided they address everything else basically :p It's either this or everything else.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the weight assessment of this issue. There hasn't been a game of this size with the responsiveness of wow and it's all due to animation clipping. Bioware probably wants the "locking lightsabres" thing to work - which might cause issues in streamlining this.


I don't see this issue being resolved to be honest. This feels like a very, very, very deeply rooted issue that is basically stuck at the most fundamental level in a game's handling of abilities and input. It doesn't sound like something they would be able to "fit in" anywhere or prioritize over anything so it'll probably not get fixed.


Truth be told, I'm waiting for the first month of subscribing to be over before passing any real judgement. I think this game has the ability to make it big and stay big - provided they address everything else basically :p It's either this or everything else.


I'm giving it 2 months tops ,by than I either finished all raid content or am stuck because of bugs.

If I still see these half baked response from the devs and no issues addressed it's end run.


As for this issue a game with out good responsiveness has no future in my eyes.

But as this poster stated this is an issue that might not be fixable.


I just don't get how they could have made this mistake.

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I agree to the OP. This must be fixed as soon as possible. Also to those that dont experience this delay on animation. Try this. This delay is is not just on ablilites on your bar. Its even on jumping. To see this clearly, go try the datacrons involving your character to jump on objects like a platform game. At first i had a real hard time to do this. It wasnt untill i realize there is a a very slight delay from when i press the keyboard and my animation to jump. Now mind you its very slight delay, but you have to anticipate these delays when making precise jumps.
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I'm not here to comment on the nature of the 'issue' if it is one, all I'm saying is that just because you get a thousand posts doesn't mean its an epidemic. Only those with an issue seek to post in this thread. I'm certain that many hundreds of thousands of others are not so concerned, like myself until I read this thread and am still unconcerned.


Fact is that this game won't fail cause of animation delay or whatever. Hardcore PVP isn't exactly the core of the subs they're looking for nor the ones that'll sustain this game.


I enjoy this game, I'm a semi-serious gamer, and what hooks me most is the story, the art design, the voice acting, the sense of scale and grandeur in the larger planets, and the great people I meet in my guild. These are the real things that bind an MMO community, not the split second twitch PVP crowd.


But who am I, I'm an RP gamer, and I would probably have been a SWG geek had I been into MMO back in that game's hey day.

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I'm not here to comment on the nature of the 'issue' if it is one, all I'm saying is that just because you get a thousand posts doesn't mean its an epidemic. Only those with an issue seek to post in this thread. I'm certain that many hundreds of thousands of others are not so concerned, like myself until I read this thread and am still unconcerned.


Fact is that this game won't fail cause of animation delay or whatever. Hardcore PVP isn't exactly the core of the subs they're looking for nor the ones that'll sustain this game.


I enjoy this game, I'm a semi-serious gamer, and what hooks me most is the story, the art design, the voice acting, the sense of scale and grandeur in the larger planets, and the great people I meet in my guild. These are the real things that bind an MMO community, not the split second twitch PVP crowd.


But who am I, I'm an RP gamer, and I would probably have been a SWG geek had I been into MMO back in that game's hey day.


Saying "Vocal Minority" posting on the forums etc. is a terrible arguement:


Listen, this thread (3000+ replies and 150,000+ views in less than 72 hours) is an absolutely good reflection of a serious issue. Every time you say, "yea but what about all the people who don't even post on the forums" I say, yes... and there are hundreds of thousands of them who would whole-heartily agree with this thread!


It does you no good saying that its a minority who post on the forums, this minority is a statistical reference of a % of people who share the same views but do not post...



Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.

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Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.


I don't actually have anything to add to this but felt it needed quoting. Upvote / karma / handjibber for you my friend.

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Sorry but this is just another whiny post – OP post Translation: “This game does not play exactly like the game I’ve been playing for 5 years therefore all my skills I’ve learned in that game do not translate 1 to 1 to this game and I have to learn new tactics again….but I want it to be the same so I can own everyone”


Tip: Turn off Skill Queuing if you want to play by hammering on your skill keys as I see people do in so many videos, with a skill queue you do not need to hammer on skill keys …like so….1111111111,222222222222,333333333333333333 …. If you are still doing this with skill queues turned on then you are part of the problem. The game is reading the skill queue and trying to start that animation but it’s on cooldown then it looks for your next input and this gets interrupted as a delay.


So what I see happening is this ….

I start to do the classic WoW skill hammer on …11111111111(skill-activation)111,2222222222

So what’s going to happen with the above input? Your skill on hot key 1 is going to be activated and then you will unintentionally also put it in the skill queue and it will try to trigger again but it will be on cooldown and this will cause a delay in your skill on hot key 2 being activated.


Solution: Drop your WoW habits and learn to play this game, the combat isn’t broke it’s different and we are all on equal footing so there’s nothing to cry about.


Anyone can learn to smash keys and face roll their keyboard, time your inputs break out of singular rotations and learn to be adaptive, “oh Look – the trooper just planted his left foot he’s going into a Full Auto attack maybe now is a good time to pop my shield”

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Sorry but this is just another whiny post – OP post Translation: “This game does not play exactly like the game I’ve been playing for 5 years therefore all my skills I’ve learned in that game do not translate 1 to 1 to this game and I have to learn new tactics again….but I want it to be the same so I can own everyone”


Tip: Turn off Skill Queuing if you want to play by hammering on your skill keys as I see people do in so many videos, with a skill queue you do not need to hammer on skill keys …like so….1111111111,222222222222,333333333333333333 …. If you are still doing this with skill queues turned on then you are part of the problem. The game is reading the skill queue and trying to start that animation but it’s on cooldown then it looks for your next input and this gets interrupted as a delay.


So what I see happening is this ….

I start to do the classic WoW skill hammer on …11111111111(skill-activation)111,2222222222

So what’s going to happen with the above input? Your skill on hot key 1 is going to be activated and then you will unintentionally also put it in the skill queue and it will try to trigger again but it will be on cooldown and this will cause a delay in your skill on hot key 2 being activated.


Solution: Drop your WoW habits and learn to play this game, the combat isn’t broke it’s different and we are all on equal footing so there’s nothing to cry about.


Anyone can learn to smash keys and face roll their keyboard, time your inputs break out of singular rotations and learn to be adaptive, “oh Look – the trooper just planted his left foot he’s going into a Full Auto attack maybe now is a good time to pop my shield”


lol no

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Sorry but this is just another whiny post – OP post Translation: “This game does not play exactly like the game I’ve been playing for 5 years *words*



Are you ~retired~?


What we want is skills activating when game engine says they can be activated without random interference of animation.


It's not about mashing keys or spamming it's about being in control of char at every single moment.

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Maybe that is why I find my Jedi knight's combat movements to look, I don't know... odd? I don't notice it on my smuggler or even my sith warrior as much as on my Jedi somehow. I guess the design of the combat actions for this class tend to bring it out more.


I did want to say thank you for posting this in the manner you did though. It is not whiny and has evidence to back it up. If someone wants to complain about design or even bioware on here and not look childish or overly emotional, then they need to show their evidence and not try to be metaphoric or write a wall of text that is uni-formatted. So good job!

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Also I'd like to say that Xcore is the gentleman of internets and a good poster valiantly fighting a noble cause.


We'd all like to have his babies.


Thank you good sir!


Off to work, I'll be reading not posting from here on until tonight, hope for some interesting points and discussion :)

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