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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Problem is getting schematics/mission discoveries is pretty rare.


So far in 22 missions I have had 1 schematics and I am about 8k credit profit. While my other guy who is doing Scavenging/UWT and selling on the AH yielded so far 40k profit.


If the drop rate on schematics etc was higher this nerf wouldn't been too bad. All the 49-50 missions so far have made me lose 231 credit / mission.

Well I'm lvl 48 now and I'm up to 20 epic mission discoveries and about 10 cybertech schematics. Maybe I'm just lucky? I've given much of it away of course because the GTN prices are pitiful, since everyone is slicing.

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Taking Back Control (Rich Tier 5)

Costs: 2025

Received: 1809


Be Careful What You Read (Bountiful Tier 4)

Costs: 1175

Received: 896



Total time invested: ~50min

Net profits: -495 credits.



So basically, this is now an augment-producing-only profession, since investing in lockboxes-reward missions has now effectively become a negative investment. Well done, all we need now is a "working as intended" statement.

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Here are the results of my slicing missions since the patch:


Rich 3 - 860c cost with a 633c return

Rich 5 - 2025c cost with a 4597c return (critical return - blue case)

Rich 5 - 1930c cost with a 1571c return

Rich 5 - 2025c cost with a 4457c return (critical return - blue case)

Rich 5 - 1930c cost with a 2229c return

Abundant 6 - 1485c cost with a 2081c return

Rich 5 - 2025c cost with 2162c return

Rich 5 - 1930c cost with 2626c return

Rich 2 - 535c cost with 627c return

Abundant 1 - 120c cost with 185c return

Abundant 6 - 1485c cost with 1342c return

Rich 2 - 535c cost with 1109c return (critical return - blue case)

Rich 3 - 860c cost with 817c return


Overall it appears as though the credit boxes were reduced anywhere between 40-50% across the board.

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That's also precisely the reason WHY Slicing was bad.


Sorry but you don't know what you're talking about.


The reason it's 400k for a third cargo hold, or 220K for a 10% increase in mount speed, was because slicing was designed to be a part of the system.


With these high costs, what is going to suffer first is the GTN, people simply aren't going to buy our goods, (not for less, but not at all) this means this is going to have a bigger effect on us the crafters, than the slicers.


Instead of buying all the things they need when they level up (mounts, bank space, inventory space) AND buying goods from the GTN, they will now only buy the level up things and stop buying from the GTN.


We're the ones that are going to pay for their nerf, not them. Mark my words.

Edited by Velocinox
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Taking Back Control (Rich Tier 5)

Costs: 2025

Received: 1809


Be Careful What You Read (Bountiful Tier 4)

Costs: 1175

Received: 896



Total time invested: ~50min

Net profits: -495 credits.



So basically, this is now an augment-producing-only profession, since investing in lockboxes-reward missions has now effectively become a negative investment. Well done, all we need now is a "working as intended" statement.


Here's an idea: Hunt for lockboxes in the wild and use the mission part to get augments.

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That's also precisely the reason WHY Slicing was bad.


You'll say that until you realize that now NOBODY will have the hundreds of thousands of credits needed to buy speeder training, inventory slots, repairs, and skill training. This stuff didnt go down in price. Slicers make less money = anyone who sells on the global trade makes less money.

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Overall it appears as though the credit boxes were reduced anywhere between 40-50% across the board.


And that's exactly why augments will play a bigger role in slicing profitability.


Maybe slicing should also have a chance to yield rare pets and aesthetic items, to give people a reason to farm it pre-400.

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Just ran 2 rank 5 Rich missions back to back with Mako currently at 9154 affection.


"The Fly on the Wall"

Cost to run mission 1,930 credits.

Reward from the first box was 2,560 credits.

Reward from the second box was 1,760 credits.


The average before according to my spreadsheet was ~4,500 credits for a 30 min Rich mission.


Do I think it needed toned down? Yes


Do I plan to continue slicing? No


One failed mission for me after 3 hours would wipe out all profits, just not worth it any more.

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You'll say that until you realize that now NOBODY will have the hundreds of thousands of credits needed to buy speeder training, inventory slots, repairs, and skill training. This stuff didnt go down in price. Slicers make less money = anyone who sells on the global trade makes less money.


You didn't get enough credits to buy speeder training from pre-200 skill slicing. You got those credits from questing. Slicing just caused you not to level a third mission skill, which is the credit sink that causes most people not to have enough credits for a speeder by lvl 25. Really, slicing itself was pretty much credit-neutral pre-patch at that low a skill level - maybe it provided marginal profits, but the real benefit was that it doesn't lose thousands of credits like diplomacy and treasure hunting do.

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I've used Slicing quite a bit and made a LOT of just raw credits from it (Level 25 with speeder with about 110k credits still). My cargo hold is also jam-packed with mission discoveries and the occasional prototype augmentation.


I believe that a nerf to Slicing was inevitable, though I wonder if the pendulum swung too far the other way.


I'd say you can still make a nice profit from Slicing by selling augmentations and mission discoveries via the GTN (which is probably part of why they nerfed Slicing as well: more GTN use). It will just require more work than sending your companions on lockbox missions.


At this point, however, I'm considering switching over to Diplomacy so I can better level my Biochem. I was planning on doing this eventually anyway, but I may just go ahead and do it now if Slicing is yielding negative returns on lockbox missions.

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I swear everyone has forgotten that you can get augments from slicing as well as schematics and missions. That is the product of this mission skill. The lockboxes offset the cost of leveling it, still making it the cheapest gathering skill to level up. All other gathering skills only give you mats that you have to use with a crafting skill, except treasure hunting.


Everyone is upset that their favorite money exploit is now fixed. I hope everyone complaining about the change drops the skill so those of us who see that this is a good fix will have less competition selling our schematics, missions and augments on the GTN. More money for me.


Wait, the missions I'm sending my companions off on specifically say "lockboxes" I don't see any slicing missions to "gather" schematics or missions. If a lockbox isn't the purpose of a mission to collect a lockbox then I'm confused...

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You'll say that until you realize that now NOBODY will have the hundreds of thousands of credits needed to buy speeder training, inventory slots, repairs, and skill training. This stuff didnt go down in price. Slicers make less money = anyone who sells on the global trade makes less money.


Economic problems?


PRINT MORE MONEY. Then more people will buy stuff.


We already have quest rewards, PvP rewards, dailies, junk, etc. printing money. We don't need slicing to add to it.


Everything SHOULD be expensive. And it should be hard to buy these items. It's better than the massive inflation that comes with slicing.

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That's also precisely the reason WHY Slicing was bad.


No the reason it was bad (and all of the other gathering / crafting skills) is because you can roll up a low level alt, get your companion, go train crew skills, and then farm it all the way to skill level 400.


Without ever getting past level 10-20.


And they were surprised that slicing alts infested the servers?

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I'm confused here. You say the nerf is good in the long run because people will buy the Augments that no one buys now because they are too expensive when they become even more expensive? I just don't see it happening


Basic economics. Many people will drop slicing because it doesn't return a credit profit w/o the GTN. The few who remain slicing will be able to sell augments and mission discoveries for more because of a decrease in supply. Furthermore, demand for augments will increase as more people get superior and mastercrafted gear at lvl 50, and raid gear. Therefore, augments will skyrocket in price in the coming weeks, replacing lockbox profit as the source for slicing profit.


Just to give you a perspective on it, lvl 49-50 augment missions cost about 1800 credits, and blue augments will probably sell for about 4000 credits each. Epic augments will sell for way more.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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Violet, augments are useless. no one buys them. Like any adjustment it should NOT just be one big wallop and you're done. It needs to go back the other way now, if there is not at least a 10% return on the investment, it's a worthless skill. I'll just go speculate on the UWT market like everyone else. Xonolite metal for 1k a piece. Yeah like 'that' is proper.



Bioware you need to readjust the other way 15%.

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this is a good thing.. slicing was way overbalanced and gave an unfair advantage and would have ruined the game economy if they had not fixed it .. it IS now more in line with the other skills. Sorry about all you crybabies who want the "get rich quick" scheme without actually working for it.
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I see the nerf as being about right. If you go gather you still make 100% profit, I still more or less break even or make around 500-1000 credits on my T5 rich. I got a crit and made about a 4k profit. I don't know of any normal craft that makes 500-1000 of one normal mish. I am very rich compared to everyone else in my guild of equal level and crafting skill. I did give up the ability to supply my own blues. The problem with slicing was I was guaranteed 4k -5k credits every 30 minutes. Edited by xLunchPatterson
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80% was probably this emergency halt on slicing's gain to give them time to re-examine it.


How would you feel about an 80% reduction in raw credits, but a 100% increase in mission discoveries, for example? 'cause I'm betting that's how things'll move. Either that or augments will be made more important.


That would be a horrendous fix to the problem. Missions already sell for jack-all, doubling the drop rate is just going to decrease their market price even further. Flooding the market with items doesn't make up for a hit to raw credit earnings.

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Violet, augments are useless. no one buys them.


Every endgame item has an augment slot if it's a crit craft or a raid artifact. That's like claiming that jewelcrafting gems in WoW are useless before people are able to use items with jewel slots.


That would be a horrendous fix to the problem. Missions already sell for jack-all, doubling the drop rate is just going to decrease their market price even further. Flooding the market with items doesn't make up for a hit to raw credit earnings.


People need to take an introduction to economics course at their local community college, imo. It will help them understand these sorts of things better. I use community college as to not sound pretentious, but I'm completely serious. I'm an English major, the last economics course I took was an AP in high school, and even I understand the ingame market.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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One thing I think maybe is not being taken into consideration by some is the fact that there are slicing boxes out in the world that cost no money to harvest yet they give you credits.


I have a low level slicer and from my experience on Dromund Kass I was getting anywhere from 150-250 credits from each node I harvested in the world and somtimes more. This is pure profit.


So are people considering this fact? Does this off set the losses from missions?

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Why not just increase the time it takes to run the slicing missions?


It would decrease the amount of money people could make using the skill and would lengthen the time it takes to level it up. We would all still make money, it would just be slower and thus more on par with the other skills.


I don't know... Seems like a great solution to me...

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Two words.


Bull ****.



Um, no, it is not. I really don't appreciate you calling me a liar. I am about as honest of a person as you can find in this world (to a fault according to my friends and family), and it carries over into the game and onto the web. Just because I'm an unknown on the web doesn't change my values. You obviously wouldn't know that because you don't know me, just as I don't know you, but I would never ever call someone a liar without solid proof. I have no reason to lie about something that is quite trivial in the grand scope of things. My little comment is not going to make them decide to add more nodes or whatever it is you think I'm trying to gain from said comment. The only thing this affects is that I will no longer buy stuff off of the GTN at this moment, which quite honestly isn't going to make my world collapse. I was simply stating my experience. Someone else was helpful enough to inform me that they found a lot of boxes in later levels for which I was happy to hear.


If you have been lucky enough to find a lot more nodes during these lower to mid levels, then I'm happy for you. Just please do not assume every single person in this game has your exact experience.

Edited by laural
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Slicing nerf too much!! For all those that complained about it.. either create a toon that has it.. or do it.. do not let the people that have it suffer for your complaining..

and to add..

now when my companion is gone for 15 minutes on a 1178 credit quest, he brings back a 1277 return. That is not time well spent.

The underworld, is bringing back all the prototype parts.. Please put this back to where it was. .

Edited by Aeroc
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