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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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If you are smart you can still make a good profit from slicing while you level. All you have to do is gather all the slicing nodes you see and do not send your companions out on slicing missions. If you do that you will make money and level slicing, hell you will probably make more money then the other gathering professions because atm mats are not in that much demand.


Exactly. The problem (in the minds of slicers) is that you actually have to *do* something whereas before all they had to do was push "N" and right click on a mission.


Now they'll actually have to learn where lockbox spawn points which will require them to leave the GTN terminal or their ship, which for some reason they find offensive.


The arguments that really crack me up are the "someone has to be rich in order to buy the stuff crafters make!" argument. Give me a break. One crafting profession has to be amazingly wealthy while the rest are all broke? That's balance?


It should take more than 1 week after launch for people to be able to have their bag slots fully expanded and bank slots expanded and be riding around on the best speeders. An MMO has to have some system of delayed gratification. Don't ask for a system that makes you uber wealthy in days and then complain that there's nothing to do at end game.

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and in turn... every insanely overpriced armor repair, trained skill, mount, and whatever else overpriced stuff there is at 50 is that much more expensive.


Just as it should be.


We don't want credits to become worthless, which with Slicing around, that's the direction it was going in.

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I hope I'm not the 1% of the community that understands that slicing was broken pre-patch. That reflects really poorly on the community.


Unlike Wall Street, slicing is now balanced. Get out of it now or stick it out til players hit max level and start demanding augments.


Slicing is not balanced. How is something balanced where you send out your companion on a 16 minute quest for 657 credits. They return with 645. That is balanced.. that is broken..

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In order to make it a viable skill again, they would also need to tie it to an existing crafting skill. Taking Slicing means you give up another gathering skill that would have provided materials for a crafting skill. The money made from slicing helped offset that by allowing you to purchase another players excess materials.


Slicing needed a balance pass to make it a little less lucrative. It did not need a complete knee jerk hatchet job that left people with a skill that no longer has any value. The schematics and missions obtained from Slicing do not hold much value, and as such are an extremely poor substitute.


There are a ridiculous number of cash sinks in the game that a skill such as slicing helps counter. Once you start getting into the high 20's and early 30's your ability/skill training gets very expensive. The 'scale' for the costs on extra inventory slots is nothing short of a crakeheads bad trip. Speeder training jumps from 40k at the first tier to over 200k at the second. That's a 500% increase.


I can understand BioWare wanting to protect the game economy by scaling back what was perceived as a virtual printing press for cash. Unfortunately, they chose to do so without any though to how it should be done, much less giving it anything resembling 'quality control' or testing.


Instead of balancing the skill, they just created another controversy that will leave them with more egg on their faces at a time when they should be concentrating on fixing real bugs and dealing with server queues.


Actually you are wrong. You do not need to give up another gathering skill. You can have two gathering skills. You can give up a mission skill which honestly you do not need and is nothing but a drain until your max level.


Mission skills only provide rare materials. You do not need any rare materials while you level. They are nice to have but not needed.


You can still make a good chunk of profit from slicing by actually harvesting nodes out in the world. Slicing missions will become profit makers at end game when every single person is starting to need augments to slot in their gear.

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When a skill is so good that you're at a severe monetary disadvantage for NOT taking it, it needs to be nerfed.


It will be further tweaked, I am sure.


Then nerf cybertech becuase you can't use the parts if your not a cybertech.. you can only purchase level 1 and level 3 parts from the vendor not level 2.

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When a skill is so good that you're at a severe monetary disadvantage for NOT taking it, it needs to be nerfed.


It will be further tweaked, I am sure.


Or... and just follow me on this... you could actually buff the other skills.


Mind = blown, right?


The problem with slicing had nothing to do with the fact that it made money. It had to do with the fact that every other gathering profession costs the same amount of credits per mission, but is subject to the RNG. The fact that you can send your companions out on a mission for a certain type of material, and come back with an entirely different type of material that you're not actually looking for, makes your standard gathering profession a larger credit sink than it otherwise should have been.


The answer to this problem isn't to screw the people that decided to take slicing to make money (which, by the way, is spent buying those materials that you didn't want in the first place), it's to cut the cost of missions for other gathering professions so that they see fewer losses for their profit margins.

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Slicing is not balanced. How is something balanced where you send out your companion on a 16 minute quest for 657 credits. They return with 645. That is balanced.. that is broken..


The person you are quoting has no clue, there are no augment slots on endgame gear (PvP/Orange/RAID) so there will be zero demand for them.


It is broken in its current state unless they add more world nodes to gather from.

Edited by Racheakt
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instead of crying why dont you do something productive. its called start a petition. If we gather over 100K Signers for example Bioware should take into consideration our presence and revert the patch:


==================PETITION FOR SLICING=======================


We the players of Star Wars the Old Republic are dissatisfied with the recoding (nerf) on the Slicing Crew Skill. As paying customers who are unhappy with supporting a company that moves forward on distinguishing a clear and appropriate course of action without the full discretion to the community. It is our hopes that in signing this petition below that Bioware Company will move forward in reversing the changes to were made on 12/27/2011 in regards to the Slicing Crew Skill. It is our hopes as members of this community to be heard and atleast reconsider the changes made and respond to us in a timely manner.




Drayke / Florence - Black Vulkars - Imperial Slicer

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instead of crying why dont you do something productive. its called start a petition. If we gather over 100K Signers for example Bioware should take into consideration our presence and revert the patch:


==================PETITION FOR SLICING=======================


We the players of Star Wars the Old Republic are dissatisfied with the recoding (nerf) on the Slicing Crew Skill. As paying customers who are unhappy with supporting a company that moves forward on distinguishing a clear and appropriate course of action without the full discretion to the community. It is our hopes that in signing this petition below that Bioware Company will move forward in reversing the changes to were made on 12/27/2011 in regards to the Slicing Crew Skill. It is our hopes as members of this community to be heard and atleast reconsider the changes made and respond to us in a timely manner.




Drayke / Florence - Black Vulkars - Imperial Slicer


Won't do any good unless you spam the DEVs twitter feeds...

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Enjoy the emails and tells folks, the harder it is to gain credits, the more likely folks will be willing to spend real money on them.


Cheer for the slicers getting nerfed now, but cry later when you're in spam hell about 100K credits for only $19.99.



I'm a crafter and I was more than happy with the system of them earning the money and giving it to me for my product. Now, not only am I going to have to do without the sales, but I'm also going to have to put up with credit farmer spam...


Thanks for the 'improvement' Bioware.


(Reposted from a closed thread because Bioware KNOWS this will be the result.)


Exactly. The people ************ about Slicing either a) didn't take up ANY crew skills or b) were too stupid to sell their wares on the GTN to take advantage of the good prices.

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Actually you are wrong. You do not need to give up another gathering skill. You can have two gathering skills. You can give up a mission skill which honestly you do not need and is nothing but a drain until your max level.


Mission skills only provide rare materials. You do not need any rare materials while you level. They are nice to have but not needed.


You can still make a good chunk of profit from slicing by actually harvesting nodes out in the world. Slicing missions will become profit makers at end game when every single person is starting to need augments to slot in their gear.


First off, your point is irrelevant, because it assumes that slicers don't already pick up nodes while they're out on the map. And that's just a silly assumption to make.


Secondly, those 500-1000 credits you make per case at level 50 is a pittance of what is required for training and repair costs. You end up making less cash in one run than you do selling a bag full of vendor trash.


And third, why does slicing need to be the only gathering profession whose missions are worthless? Why does every other gathering profession get materials to use or sell with every mission, but slicing ends up barely breaking even by doing them?

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instead of crying why dont you do something productive. its called start a petition. If we gather over 100K Signers for example Bioware should take into consideration our presence and revert the patch:


==================PETITION FOR SLICING=======================


We the players of Star Wars the Old Republic are dissatisfied with the recoding (nerf) on the Slicing Crew Skill. As paying customers who are unhappy with supporting a company that moves forward on distinguishing a clear and appropriate course of action without the full discretion to the community. It is our hopes that in signing this petition below that Bioware Company will move forward in reversing the changes to were made on 12/27/2011 in regards to the Slicing Crew Skill. It is our hopes as members of this community to be heard and atleast reconsider the changes made and respond to us in a timely manner.




Drayke / Florence - Black Vulkars - Imperial Slicer


Signed ..!! Aeroc

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The issue with slicing was that you essentially traded away your ability to gather for straight credits. If you wanted to level up a crafting ability then, you had to buy the materials from other gatherers. The problem was however that gatherers were not generally able to sell enough of their materials to keep reasonably close to slicers in terms of money gained from their gathering slot. It was imbalanced.


Slicing using crew members however is no longer profitable and is going to stagnate the economy to some degree. It probably would have been better to nerf slicing, but to a far less degree, while simultaneously increasing the amount that gathered materials could be vendored for. This would have rebalanced things without stagnating the economy in the same way.

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A profession with the sole intention of printing more money was a terrible idea and shouldn't have made it to launch.


It would have destroyed the economy and I am glad to see it nerfed into the ground.


So much profound knowledge and proof being presented here, FIRE AND DAMNATION.


Lets make way for the credit farmers to move in and become the new slicers!


What makes you such an expert on pure supply/demand economics?


And no, WoW doesn't count.

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The only reason behind Slicing is: make some money, get patterns for Cybertech (Vehicles, Starship upgrades) AND, most important: Missions!, for ALL professions, some of them got 'Wealthy Yields' for 'both' mission specific things you can get.



And of course, think of your repair costs at lvl 50 with high class gear. Die a few times and you will be broke in no time. So while you're in an instance for example and die a lot, which happens from to time, then you're happy you got a few companions that go hacking during that time and come up for your repair costs.


But well, some don't like it when others 'seem to have' some nice profits, so they call in for a nerf.



It seems like BioWare is listening to whiners and screamers, which will turn this game into a mess in no time, that's for sure.

Edited by pryt
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Come on don't be stupid. Why would people complain on something that made them money. The people who are really complaining are the gold farmers not selling any gold(or credits). People are not going to say I have to complain to BW because people are makeing money on slicing and not me. It is more like or which skill do I un-train to get slicing. Edited by professionall
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And third, why does slicing need to be the only gathering profession whose missions are worthless? Why does every other gathering profession get materials to use or sell with every mission, but slicing ends up barely breaking even by doing them?


this this this this this

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Poorly planned knee-jerk nerfs already. Just what I was hoping not to see from Bioware. Sigh.


This is what will be the true downfall of the game.


It's obvious they didnt put a lot of planning into the initial game and it's release, but then to just make matters worse, they continue this failed method after the game is out.


Bioware needs to hire a team or team lead that has a clue about what they are doing when it comes to big boy decisions, because whoever is in that role right now, shouldn't be there.

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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


Are you retarded? My Bio-analysis mats are selling like hot cakes. The slicing nerf wasn't needed simply because it is literally the ONLY crew skill that doesn't scale with the economy.

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If the problem was characters out profiting there level I have no idea why they didn't just give the lock-boxes a Level requirement... What's worse is the fact that the dozen boxes I had before maintenance suddenly became worthless.


I don't need a cash factory but I don't want to grind for 40hours to sell vendor trash either.

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I've done 11 slicing missions on and off with my character with 375 skill since the server came back up today. I only do Bountiful missions or higher which yield the credit boxes.


I've lost around 1500 credits since I started and haven't received any plans or anything else from the boxes. That's several hours of crew skill time for a net loss of 1500 credits.


It wasn't nerfed, they broke it.

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