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New Packs are bugged and give 90% Bronze items


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Hey folks,


We wanted to make sure to jump in the thread and clarify, the drop rates that you experienced in that Hypercrate are not a bug. Unfortunately the information provided by CS from that in-game ticket was in error, and we are working with them to adjust any miscommunication. Keep in mind that with 4.0 there were changes to the items that are found in each pack, with the goal of getting you better quality items overall. This morning one of our Cartel Market Designers, Toby McCall, posted two threads looking for feedback on these very changes. If you feel unhappy with the results of buying packs, or a Hypercrates, definitely head on over to those threads and give your feedback.


Apologies for any confusion, thanks!





Well that's unfortunate, since RNG being RNG means you get even less value than previous packs... and I was already hard pressed to justify buying Packs just for Reputation too.


Lesson learned is to never buy Packs again under this new system at least. Every item I got except the single gold was worth less than 200k, and most of the Bronzes were worth near or at the recommended 4500 credit vendor price.


Essentially worthless.

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I also was never shy with the packs. Usually on payday along with sub I would purchase a couple of 5000 cartel coin packages not out of greed I just loved all the available style of packs and some amazing goodies I got from them for my toons. Yet since this new expansion I was shocked at the rubbish and 2 items they produced. So this is a total waste of money for me now and I will not purchase anymore, until such time they bring back all the different packs like which were available outer rim etc etc or make them worth the money invested.


So keep everything else about 4.0 but just change the store to pre 4.0.

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Hey folks,


We wanted to make sure to jump in the thread and clarify, the drop rates that you experienced in that Hypercrate are not a bug. Unfortunately the information provided by CS from that in-game ticket was in error, and we are working with them to adjust any miscommunication. Keep in mind that with 4.0 there were changes to the items that are found in each pack, with the goal of getting you better quality items overall. This morning one of our Cartel Market Designers, Toby McCall, posted two threads looking for feedback on these very changes. If you feel unhappy with the results of buying packs, or a Hypercrates, definitely head on over to those threads and give your feedback.


Apologies for any confusion, thanks!




If the goal is better overall quality items, I'd say you failed miserably.

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I don't know why people are acting as tho they are surprised. They said before the packs were released " We're increasing your value by giving you 60% less." How anybody does not recognize this as a sheer money grab is beyond me. Seems like a lot of us recognized a scam for being a scam and refused to participate. I'm pretty sure that's why they're asking for feedback at this point...their sales plummeted and now they're in damage control mode.
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Be that as it may, I can give you the feedback that I am someone who usually buys 3 crates per new pack easy and now after opening a single crate I feel like it's not worth it anymore, so I'm not buying more of them and you've actually made it easy for me to stop buying them.


When the changes were explained beforehand it seemed like interesting changes but so far it's not great. Oh well, saves me about 100-150 bucks a month. That's also something to be grateful about :rolleyes:


You're PAYING for hypercrates? Dude, put your referral link in your sig and you'll have the CC for all the hypercrates you want! (Seriously, I ALWAYS get at least one, and I've never purchased CC.)

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My take on this ...


Due to the poor loot drop rates on the boxes, the only hypercrates you are going to find on the GTN will be those posted by hackers. Nobody else is going to waste real $ on a crate and post in the GTN when the average rate of return is one ultra rare item / crate. Nobody will risk buying them because the end result will be a bunch of common equipment pieces that go for 10k on the GTN.


The rate of potential return is just too low. I think even the hackers are going to post the hypercrates at ridiculously low prices just to get rid of them and make some profit.

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I have to say that my last hypercrate purchase a couple days ago was very disappointing. I buy a crate bout 3 or so times a month and speaking only for myself, I will not be buying anymore until some sort of change comes.
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I got plenty of cool gold stuff in my hypercrate. Random rolls are random.


But the money they are asking people to pay is not random.


Someone pays 2 bucks for a pack then whatever. They get what they get and not much you can do there.

That same person spenda 9 or 10 bucks for a supercrate? I think that there starts to be a perception problem when these crates start giving people four bronze and a silver.


And once they are paying $54.00 for a hypercrate? Getting one gold item absolutely feels like a bad deal.


With them taking away reputation items the "Hey, I'm grinding rep and can work towards being able to get <whatever>" is gone.


The feeling that "I got a bunch of stuff" is gone. Not that you got a bunch of great stuff, just that you got stuff. Now you get 30 items and 30 gifts, and who is really looking at gifts as a big deal since pretty much everyone can run missions to get them?

Yeah, they can be sold and some of them are worth a fair bit, but only the artwork and upgrades are special as those have seemingly not been added into the loot tables for gift missions.


So that means that they have 30 things to make the buyer think that they got $54 worth of stuff.

An Orlean scout, Meirm Agama, and extra copies of supplemental Overwatch Security armor are not likely to contribute much to that goal.




I posted int he official feedback thread on the packs that I think that there is room for a third tier of items.


1) Armor, mounts, weapons

2) Decorations, dye modules, color crystals, Jawa junk

3) Gifts, companion customization, boosts (XP, Social, Valor only), rep items, cartel certificates


They could be juggled a bit as needed, of course. Maybe Jawa junk should move into group 3, or maybe green mats could be in group 3 and blue and purple in group 2. Whatever.


Not every item type has to be in every pack. They do not have to force a dye module or color crystal into every pack, for example.


They do not need to create new reputations. Instead they could either connect these new packs with an existing reputation or make those rep items random so you could gain reputation with any existing faction.

If they later decided to add a new faction for rep grinding then they could add them and those packs would be exclusively for that new faction, and then later packs would go back to being tied to some existing rep or just random.


And to be clear on the boosts, I am talking about a 1 hour general XP boost, a 3 hour social point boost, and/or a 3 hour valor boost. Not XP, flashpoint XP, and PvP XP. A generic XP boost is all that they need for XP. The others are for the specific benefits that those other things offer: Social points for group activity and valor for PvP.


If all they could do would be to bring back exploration XP boosts then no thanks. At least not unless they add a "sell to vendor" option, because putting them on the GTN was arguably more trouble than it was worth.

Edited by Mithros
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I never thought this was a bug. That CS answer was just the typical answer you get if you have the bad luck of getting a clueless, unmotivated CS agent to reply. You wouldn't believe what kind of bugs are in the game according to those ticket replies and how many of them got fixed with one of the next patches.


(The answer is: zero.)


If you get this exact message, it means that the CS agent closed the ticket without doing anything further.


And I don't think it even has anything to do with the CS person.....I think if you send anything claiming bugs, then you just get the automated "bug report" response. CS doesn't fix bugs. The person didn't post the content of whatever they submitted but it sounds like they were claiming packs were bugged and so they got the same automated response any of us would get if we sent in a CS support ticket about something and claimed bugs.

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Look how fast they replied when you told people not to buy packs... lol


CM-topics have always been an near instant-reply basis since [it] was first implemented.


That or anything 'money' related in general.


This is going to change and fast because they are going to be hit where it counts, income, and this the Cartel shop is what keeps this game going, they will fix it fast or suffer the consequences




+1 to this

Edited by Eillack
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Hey folks,


Keep in mind that with 4.0 there were changes to the items that are found in each pack, with the goal of getting you better quality items overall.




0-in-30 or 1-in-30 is "better quality items overall" to you guys Eric?


Wow...I liked it better when this was a bug...

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This morning one of our Cartel Market Designers, Toby McCall, posted two threads looking for feedback on these very changes.



Did they miss the feedback in the thread about the upcoming changes to the Cartel Market, specifically the pricing model going forward with the lower amount of items?


I could understand lowering the amount of items in each pack, along with increasing the RNG rates for the better items (companion gifts don't count in my own opinion, people tend to buy the packs for the gear sets and decent mounts).


To do neither of those, and to simply throw them out with reduced items at a similar cost, probably isn't the best move to be made moving forward. (Still makes no difference to me now anyway, but wanted to throw that bone)

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Likewise the "Grand" packs seem to be set to "suck" as well. I bought a handful of the Toy packs, every single of them had an Imperial Banner in it.


The packs were always a gamble, but with the changes to them now being a single item, or in the case of the Underworld Alliance packs two-ish items (and honestly a third of an armour set seems ridiculous), the deal seems worse and worse. If 99% of the packs are supposed to be terrible, the Cartel Market will now be getting 0% of my money.

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Nobody should be shocked here folks. That stated before the release of these packs that they were essentially going to "increase the value of the packs, by decreasing the item count by 60%." Many people (myself included) saw this for the money-grabbing scam it is and refused to buy the packs. That is probably by we're seeing these threads posted; sales plummeted and they are now in damage contr mode.
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Nobody should be shocked here folks. That stated before the release of these packs that they were essentially going to "increase the value of the packs, by decreasing the item count by 60%." Many people (myself included) saw this for the money-grabbing scam it is and refused to buy the packs. That is probably by we're seeing these threads posted; sales plummeted and they are now in damage contr mode.


I think the bigger issue is that the crap stuff is more common and the rare stuff is less common now, regardless of the fact you get less for your money.


Before you'd have a pretty good chance of getting something half-decent, now, you're lucky if you can even sell what you get a credit a piece, let alone find anything worth keeping.

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Fine, they're not a bug then. But still a mistake. You need to rethink what you're doing guys. Sorry but having only 5 Akk dog licenses for 10 mil each on gtn every day since launch of the packs is just not fun. I can't access your metrics etc etc but I can bet that you're making less buck from these packs. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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So buying Hypercrates is nothing new to me, so I gave it a go and...


21 Bronze items (mostly repeats)

9 Silver items (mostly the same set over and over)

1 Gold item


Out of 30 Packs. The most valuable items I got were the companion gifts, since the new Packs don't give any Exp Boosts, any Jawa Junk, they just give 1 item + a companion gift. That's all. Yet still cost the same as before.



Evidently I wasn't alone in thinking this was nuts, and someone on Dulfy asked CS about it (Bolded emphasis mine) :






And I agree this has to be a bug. I've been buying Hypercrate since they were first released practically, and I've NEVER been given something this bad before. Always got at least 1/3 Golds. Now? Literally 1 out of 30.



So honestly, don't buy these right now until they fix it, because you're being robbed.




Working as intended, apparently:



Sorry pal,


the packs aren't bugged.

The packs were changed so if you wanted a better quality item ie. armor, they want to milk your coins by making you buy the "GOLD or SIlver" packs for armor, mounts, etc...

By buying the hypercrates, you are more than likely to get sloppy joe leftovers aka TRASH bronze items.

Anybody who gets any silver or gold items in their packs must have kissed the geesus GSI droid a few times because they got lucky as HELL!!! LOL


Move along.

Nothing to see here. :eek::p

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