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Everything posted by Zomnipotent

  1. Ok thanks, I guess I can toss in some crit as well, I already have the amount of accuracy I need.
  2. Is that full alacrity augments? or do you have some other ones as well?
  3. I love when pvers complain about pvpers, and claim that a game is a "pve game", when clearly they are wrong. Yorioko, you need to calm down, before you have an aneurysm, or a stroke.
  4. How much Alacrity should I get before i stop? I just came back to the game, and im trying to figure out why my numbers are poo-poo.
  5. They need to put the same sex stuff on a checkbox enable/disable in the options. I really don't want to have to see flirt with the same guy over and over again. At least make it so if I don't click that flirt option once or twice, it never appears again. I shouldn't have that crap shoved in my face over and over again.
  6. I have said most of this to friends of mine on ventrilo. They pretty much relegated the whole Sith vs Jedi as "the emperor wanted as much death as possible to consume their souls and become immortal" The only way they could fix this, is if this whole expansion turned out to be a dream of the main character. Bioware needs to apologize for ruining the story.
  7. Your guild name is familiar, I think you guys were on my Archeage server.
  8. They "increased server capacity" not "we bought new hardware that allows more people on". They just allow more people on the server.
  9. I just started playin again, how do you tell if something is gold bronze or silver?
  10. If enough people complain, they would be more apt to give them back at some point.
  11. My jugg didn't even get a mail from Jaesa, even though they were banging. She used to proclaim that their offspring were going to be powerful, but now all that is thrown away.
  12. Didnt have this issue until today, it crashed on me (without completing the cutscene and arriving on the next world) 4 times. Thats when I checked the forums, alt tabbing during the jump (as suggested earlier in the thread) worked for me, and I was able to finish.
  13. I wouldn't be as annoyed with this damn plague crap, if we could kill infected players (regardless of faction). The Imperial fleet has constant announcements going on, to encourage us to kill infected people (but we cant). If you're infected, you're going to die anyway, might as well let us kill you.
  14. My sith warriors are dark side, however, I don't mindlessly select dark side options. I reward loyalty (even if it gives light side points) and punish traitors accordingly.
  15. I don't see why an Imp would sleep with her or her sister, or any alien for that mattter. Aliens are inferior to humans.
  16. On my jug, if i got knocked back while casting force choke, it would grey everything out and I could do nothing (stuck in an animation). Perhaps you are getting a similar bug.
  17. The counter to knockbacks is to not play like crap. Sorry that you actually have to pay attention to your surroundings in pvp.
  18. This argument always confuses me. Every time somebody defends their class with "bring your team" I just want to say, where's your team? Oh? you don't need one? Oh ok, guess not needing a team to do your job when everyone else does, isn't overpowered. Derp.
  19. If it is too demanding turn it down? The option should be avaliable for those of us who want it. Now s t f u.
  20. Lol, a friend of mine and I joke that in WoW, instant queues were good. In SWTOR, they are bad and don't join them unless you want to reload your char to the server.
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