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New Comps Can't Wear Cosmetic Gear???


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Speaking of which, if you already re-equipped your companions from their mailed-back gear after 4.0/4/0a and are planning to start the Fallen Empire storyline on that toon, DO NOT leave any equipment on them that you don't want to lose before starting it. My re-equipped gear on them didn't come back after I started the storyline and if you're able to recruit the companion later they will not be wearing what they were when you last saw them.



This happened to me. I didn't mind overly much seeing as my companions were wearing Cartel market items that I could quickly grab from my collections.


I did notice that when I went to see Doctor Lokin, after I was done with the conversation with him, my inventory had the gear I originally had him in (white/red dyed Clandestine Officer's outfit). So it's not MISSING missing, you just won't get it back until you talk to the companion in the story or (in my case of retrieving Vector from the terminal) when you bring them back to your crew. Vector showed up wearing the outfit I had him in when KotFe started.


ETA: If you bring up your companion page and scroll down to the bottom where your unavailable class companions are, if you click on one of them, there's a little box on the screen (where there profile is) where you can retrieve their items. I JUST saw this now when I logged in.

Edited by AngFour
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I agree, it would be nice to be able to dress the new comps to customize their looks, or to be able to dye their current outfits, if it's too hard to make them customizable at this point.


The only reason, I'm thinking they're not letting us, is that maybe they're not going to be permanent comps... :(


Oh god I hope not.


I spent about 500k getting Lana to Rank 45.

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Of course not.


People wondered aloud about why so little information was shared in the lead-up to KOTFE. This would be the reason. Bioware knew some of it's "design choices" would be anything but well received, so it was better to say nothing, then ignore the complaints afterward.




I fully expect this is the direction they plan to take with any new companions going forward, including the "generics" that will flood the CM and Gamble Boxes.


Likely they only reason we still have the ability to customize the vanilla companions is because it would be more work to take that feature out, plus with SOME companions still having the ability to be customized, they can claim we can make our companions look the way we want, and still have it be true, from a certain point of view.


Unfortunately this seems pretty accurate. They want an online rpg now not an mmo. Rpgs sometimes have customized characters but normally not. They also went to text instead of voice overs on some quest. Also some of the companions are props in some puplic areas.

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Yup... Pierce is my main companion for my agent now. He looks awesome....

It's sad how every single Lana, Senya, Nico, etc, look exactly the same, ugh.... Hopefully they will re consider this decision soon and open those gear slots on them :mad:

Not every single one! I brought my Lana to "The Enemy Within" to see if I could tear a hole in the space-time continuum, and I got two Lanas that looked different but ignored each other.

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It's worse than that. Even if you change the weapon itself, the cut scenes use the default weapon. I found that out with HK. Not quite as bad as Agents and Commandos using Blaster Pistols, but it would be nice to get this fixed.


Update: My operative actually has her blaster rifle in some [most?] cut scenes. However, she still has (and uses) the blaster in them. Yay?

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About new Cartel Market feature i.e. Awesome Full Armor Customizations? :p


really hope not, already paid money for crates to get armor to outfit my companions, and they would make more money that way since it is random if u get the set you want

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I've taken one character to KotFE, very disappointed with the newcompanions and have already decided not to advance any of my other characters until cosmetic clothing is instituted for them, until then I'll keep my old companions and their cosmetic gear and level on the old planets.
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I hope they add this feature in very soon. I don't understand why they went to the trouble of making it easier to customize your old companion, who you loses on starting the new chapters, and then have new companions you can't customize at all. So there a dozen of them running around on the new planet and fleet. Kind of kills the point of the new companion appearance system doesn't it? I don't even known why this feature was skipped as you would think they make the companions just like the old ones minus the customization of appearance (which I hope they add too). :confused:
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They removed the one thing that was probably the best thing the game had going for it. Leave it to these idiots to ruin the game even more. The devs are so clueless in this game it's mind boggling. I can guarantee you they will be selling appearance packs in the CM at some point like they do for Treek already. Edited by Denerio
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Appearance packs won't cut it, I want to give my companions the look I want not be restricted to 3 or 4 appearances half of which will be so bad no-one will use them. Give us full cosmetic customisation please.


Agreed. Customizations that only change the companions physical features are bad enough -- so many of them are just plain ugly, but if they release enough of them there is usually at least a couple of decent looking ones to use as a "base", so to speak. But to add clothing into the mix too? Not going to help! :mad:


I can see it now . . . a "Lana Beniko Customizations" bundle released on the CM, including the following looks:


1. Attractive with an ugly outfit

2. Ugly with an attractive outfit

3. Decent with a decent outfit

4. Too terrible to describe


So instead of a bunch of default Lanas running around Fleet, we get a mix of default Lanas and Lana #3's! :p


. . . sigh.

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can we get a response from bioware at some point on this? This is something I think the overwhelming majority wants, what we have always had since launch.


No. (On the response. If they haven't addressed it now, and it's not turning 250 page threads like the Slot Machine fiasco did, then we won't hear anything about it.)


Maybe. (On the "majority" wanting it. Just a tad bit of the "speaking for others" no-no.)


YES! (I not only want an answer from Bioware, but I want this fixed!)


Frankly, as much as I want this fixed, or an answer, I just don't think it's going to happen. This is a new direction for Bioware, and I think it is not only intentional, but it isn't going to change for whatever reason Bioware thinks this is a good idea.

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Yes, I put one character through the expansion, and no more will go because you loose the ability to customize companions. This is a REALLY important feature to me, and all of my companions are customized, and I have gathered entire outfits to mix and match for different effects. I can't believe they would just drop this feature.


If they are bringing back character customization like the original characters then I'll be happy. I have lots to do still while I wait and see what will happen. If customization through clothing/armour doesn't come back, then ya, I will be really disappointed, and then I have to weigh my opinions with other games that still have customization. The outfit is half the story... and I don't want stupid "cube" outfits instead of actual clothing.


It can't be that hard to keep a feature in game they already had... can it??

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I hate this soooo much. Part of the point of companions is you can dress them how you like. It also looks better in public play spaces since everyone is going to dress their companions different. These do not, there is no variation, no personalization, and it just looks bad. Looking at three other people all with the same exact looking Lana Beniko is so full of fail I can't even..


Agreed, also when you customize them they don't look like the same person at a glance. Instead now its like clones of all the new companions.

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Not every single one! I brought my Lana to "The Enemy Within" to see if I could tear a hole in the space-time continuum, and I got two Lanas that looked different but ignored each other.


I was thinking of doing that. Now that I know the universe won't implode, I probably won't bother. :p

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I'm not using the main storyline companions unless they are forced due to <story>.


My favorite so far is Leyta. As a character. Also I like Selonians.


Next is Xalek. Then Veeroa.


I agree that the lack of customization sucks. There's a million Lana/Theron clones everywhere, it ruins immersion and its just cheesy.

Edited by Tarkashae
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Even the new 'not main companions' (veeroa denz, nico ockar...) aren't customizable !!! It's a Shame !! However when you use the item preview it works perfectly!!! Seriously, seeing the lana clone army everywhere boring me soo much!!!


Everything is good in this expension, but THIS TOTALY S.U.C.K.S!!!!



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