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Everything posted by Rammlog

  1. And a version without the cape but with hood and one without neither would be much appreciated. I generally dislike capes so much and hoods fit only a certain type of character imo, unless they introduce hoods with hair (or hair which are designed to show with hood on) showing underneath like with Vaylin.
  2. So apparently if you include "Van" in your name (spaces between) it automatically "invalid name" no matter what you type before or after. This sucks, and let me guess, "Van" is blacklisted because of Van Halen huh? Seriously SWTOR needs a complete rework on the naming character stuff. That everyone could have a name they truly want. 2 spaces maximum instead of just 1 would also be better. for example; Zaria Van Koranus
  3. What makes you assume that everyone wants to dress Lana in slave girl outfit or in other revealing outfits hm?
  4. What makes you think that i want Lana run around with slave outfits etc? You should not assume that everyone wants to do such things. I actually prefer having clothes. More in specific the same armor i am wearing on my main would suit her perfectly.
  5. We'll have to wait and see, i really do hope that we get to customize our companions in a way we have used to customize the old ones in the future. Hopefully soon.
  6. I hope that soon i can have Lana wear the same armor as i am. It would fit her so well!
  7. Hopefully this changes. As soon as possible.
  8. I understand that for characters like Marr, droids etc this is set place but, it really bothers me that i cannot have Lana already wear the same armor as i am currently. "currently not customizable" Well i do hope this gets changed as soon as possible. As i said, current armor i am wearing would suit Lana perfectly. Also to note, in cutscenes, (i've given Lana a different Hilt and purple crystal color), it still shows the default one. I hope that gets fixed also. And it still bothers me that i can't give her a second lightsaber to wield as it was shown in concept art
  9. Only problem with this Expansion is that i cannot customize these new KOTFE companions. That is an issue that must be fixed. All i want is to have Lana wear the same armor as i am.
  10. I was talking about games, if your precious nephew's are too young to play that game that has been Rated for older than them, they probably shouldn't be playing this game. And how about they start focusing on other things like playing with those Star Wars Toy's until they are in appropriate age to play the game. Statement "New" definitely not new, have played this game since release. And the statement "blind" Nope, My eyesight is very good.
  11. In all of my playtime, i've seen only once a companion with Slave girl/Dancer outfit. And if your nephew's are too young, maybe they shouldn't be playing this game hm? Anyways, back to topic, I do hope this gets fixed sooner or later. Lana's current outfit is alright, but i would like to have Lana wear the same armor as i am.
  12. They should respond to this already. This needs to fixed.
  13. I wasted dozens of gifts to rank up the influence level on Lana right of the bat i had her as a companion. I thought; "well i think this is going get fixed in the official launch" LOL NOPE. I think i'll have Jaesa as companion a from now on, at least i can give customize her outfit. I really hope this gets fixed. Preferably SOON. Then i shall start having Lana as my companion again.
  14. This seriously needs to be fixed. All the fuzz removing stats for gear so those would only be cosmetic what companions could use, then there is no armor slots at all to even customize 'em? This is a huge mistake, whoever was behind this decision, Limiting player's customization options, that was an idiotic decision.
  15. I just want Lana wear the same armor as i am.. That's all i'm asking..
  16. In all of my playtime, i've probably seen only once a companion with bikinis/slavegirl outfit. So, the customizable KOTFE companions, i need it now.
  17. Since we can already preview cosmetic gear on her, WHY THE HELL WE CANNOT EQUIP THEM? ***?
  18. ... Really? You're one of those kids. Anyways, how come i've never seen in all my playtime people and their companions running with slave, dancer etc outfits. It seems that nobody bothers even using 'em. I for one prefer to have clothes on. And for Lana, all i want is to have her wearing the same armor as i am. That's all i ask.
  19. Better add Cosmetic gear slots to KOTFE companions back while you're at it.
  20. If does not get fixed, well, KOTFE is a lot less enjoyable for me. Customizing characters and companions plays a HUGE role in many player's games, if customization is limited, those players will definitely be angry, and in many cases, many of them leave. So this better be fixed soon.
  21. I have never seen any female companion with only bikinis. Never, and i have played for a long time. I for one prefer have clothes on, in my case, i would have Lana wear the same armor as i am. This hopefully gets fixed soon.
  22. "You can still dress and equip your Companion as you like, unify colors on them and toggle their helmets on and off." They say this and yet we are unable to customize KOTFE companions?
  23. Only issue is not being able to customize KOTFE companions with cosmetic gear of our own choice. For me, i would have Lana wear same armor as i am. That's all i really want.
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