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Everything posted by Tarkashae

  1. Anthem? If anyone *is* interested in that type of game, and you haven't heard of Warframe, check it out. (it's free to play) Jedi Fallen Order? Why on earth would they make a NEW star wars game before they fix the one they already have? SWTOR could use a LOT of dev help, and instead of assigning people to this game to help make it better, EA buys Respawn, closes Viscreal, and starts a new star wars game. I'm ...not hopeful for the future of Bioware or Star Wars games.
  2. I switched from tank spec to dps. I'm not swapping roles every time I want to do group content. I just won't tank anymore. The spec is useless to me. I kept it for the extra mitigation while soloing but the loss of dps breaks the spec.
  3. I used to play tank spec with dps gear in solo pve content. Could easily jump into a FP as tank even with dps gear. I will just play as dps - there is one less tank in the game now. I'm not sure this was a fix that needed to happen.
  4. Neat. Too bad I cant buy cartel coins because the website tells me my account isn't authorized to do that. Customer service says "call". In response to my ticket. Generic auto reply, I guess.
  5. One of the things he says on the train. That he didn't say anything because the commander would have "talked him down".
  6. I did this without the help from the holocron spirit. I got it on second attempt, with no idea what I was doing. Level 70 darkness 'sin. I probably would have saved myself a lot of annoyance if I read about the fight and mechanics first
  7. Of course he would. He's killed billions(?) of people. The side quest on Yavin 4 to aquire the dashade indicates that that world was once populated- and Nathama was populated, and Ziost. Zakul was just another battery for his ritual. Similar to Iokath- with thrones and superweapons. I imagine Theron is just about done with that crap and he wants to try and destroy the weapon before it can be used?
  8. Unless what he pulled ends up getting him killed - probably gonna see him again. I got the sense that he liked Valss, and felt bad about getting him killed, with that comment about "you'll never win" when Valss jumped off the shuttle to delay us. Also, isn't Valss a Jedi? They dont usually participate in stuff that is evil. Its possible he knew what Theron was really up to, and sacrificed himself for "the plan". Unrelated note- this "world eating" ritual for immortality was done several times by Vitiate/Valk. He was probably going to do the same to Zakul. Maybe Theron is trying to stop another similar event from happening.
  9. If nothing else, I would have preferred that they had written different roles in the alliance based on class. Instead of giving the roles to NPCs. I have NO interest in leading anything on my BH, I just want to wander the galaxy and get paid. My SW would love to continue his role as enforcer/defender of the alliance, but he doesn't want to lead it, leave that to the inquisitors/consular. Agents could have had such a great story here, gathering information and maneuvering events anonymously. Leading the alliance ruins their entire history, and future. Etc, etc. And companions? That could have been more part of the story - tracking down your old crew to bring them back, or kill them. Instead of halls of skytroopers...
  10. Yes, I agree. Honestly, only the inquisitor makes any sense to me as leader. Everyone else would have been better suited to other roles in the alliance, and the one story for all just doesn't work. I wish they would just redo the whole thing with different storylines in the main narrative based on class. It would make the game more interesting.
  11. Why is Tora so bad? I think her attitude works great with my sith warrior. I'm really not understanding why there is mostly negative reactions to her. Can someone explain?
  12. A thought: How many variations on "fight to boss-> kill boss-> collect epics" can devs come up with. Raiders worth their salt have been there done that. More then once. It's a design model that demands more and more creativity to retain a small % of players. It's just not worth it. That's why raiding and mmo group content is "dying". The majority don't want to and won't bother with it. Sandbox games could work, but again, the content needs to be created by the players who often don't have the time or desire to do so. Mmo games are just not going to be what they used to. They have to change to fit the metrics or cease to exist.
  13. This answer is not as simple as people think. Time zones, work schedules, language barriers, connection issues, etc. I used to be a raider until I got a career. Now I can't raid with a guild because they raid while I'm at work. You may not understand, but this sucks so much. I want to raid with quality players but I can't. " Find a guild" is not an answer.
  14. You can be a fan and not put up with a bad game you know. You don't have to support the game out of some sense of "duty" as a fan... I love Star Wars. This game does not do it well, unfortunately it's the only one that does it at all. But it sucks, man.
  15. The leveling is easy. Companions are great. Raids? Forget about raids The story 1-50 is as good as ever, its actually the only reason I stayed so long. After you finish the class story, it seems everything is slowly funneled into the one story fits everyone. I never liked that, but maybe other people love it. The endgame is basically doing weekly heroic missions that have been around for years, and the star fortress flashpoint. Most people don't like grouping for anything, so expect to be soloing all this. Raiding guilds are slowly calling it quits, since there is no new content for them on the horizon. If you can find people to raid the old stuff with who aren't sick to death of it, great! From what I have heard- no one wants raiding, they want more solo/story content, so Bioware is going that way. Welcome back! I hope you have fun.
  16. I hope Star Citizen actually happens someday:
  17. Multiplayer games market has been overdone. You can really only get involved in one at a time, and you tend to stay put unless something happens that breaks the game for you. PvP players have MOBA's. (or fps?) They may be sick of them, but that is where those people can go to pvp. Story content players have a wide selection of rpg single player games. Mmo's tried to put all genres together, but the thing is, the different groups don't play well together. However, they NEED to have all the player types pooled together to make the game worth developing. The problem is balancing the content for all the players at once- they can't. And so the inevitable casual vs hardcore, pve vs pvp, etc - it sucks. I don't know the answer. I haven't seen a new game on the horizon, OP. I plan to branch out: play a moba, rpg, and a mmo to get the content I want. I hope you can find something you like.
  18. Harbinger had the same issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=859799 Here's what you on Jedi Covenant can expect: (basically, too bad, can't help you) Also, apparently they haven't looked at procedures to solve the issue from happening again...
  19. I think you can buy one from the cartel market
  20. People wont listen to whatever you actually had to say because of this crap here.
  21. Anyone checked out Albion Online? Honestly, looks like EVE, but medieval.
  22. Well. Looks like I picked a great time to quit playing This is actually pretty bad. Probably covered by the ToS we all agreed to, but to say "Sorry, screw you" isn't the way to retain customers that were already on the fence.
  23. Add hidden, unlockable (soloable) questlines to get rare crafting patterns, decorations, or pets. Would give a reason to explore and interact with NPC's on the various planets.
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