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Waiting to announce level scaling until three weeks before the expansion drops?


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Except this was rumored weeks ago, and was (supposedly) in the closed beta. They've been pretty sure of it for a while.


I don't see your point. The whole point in putting something in Beta is bugtesting and seeing if something is ready for primetime. And a closed beta means that stuff is not ready to be public.

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Or how about when they're kicked out of their guild leader positions and have to level with only the most basic xp :p


Going preferred doesn't get anyone kicked out of GM position. Just moves the guild to a free to play guild. The rest of your sentence doesn't even flow.

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Going preferred doesn't get anyone kicked out of GM position. Just moves the guild to a free to play guild. The rest of your sentence doesn't even flow.

Have they changed this recently? Because AFAIK, if the guild leader drops to Preferred the position will go to the next highest-ranking subscriber logged in, or first to log in (not sure about the exact priority order).

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Seriously, if someone isn't upset over this than they are just part of the problem.


Or they don't see what the issue actually is? I see these complaint threads, but I don't see any complaints.


The stream showed the guy loading up a DK heroic mission and being brought down to a level appropriate for it but still completely destroying the mobs in question.


If some level 65 gets kicks out of going to Korriban and killing all the level 2 enemies, they'll still be able to do that. Though I fail to see the enjoyment in that.


This seems to be one of those issues that an extremely small minority are going to keep on whining about.

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op They really have absolutely no legal obligation to tell you anything. Your not "owed" any information and they can make any changes they want and don't need to ask anyone's permission ...so any you get you should be grateful for and stop acting like this .......



Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Have they changed this recently? Because AFAIK, if the guild leader drops to Preferred the position will go to the next highest-ranking subscriber logged in, or first to log in (not sure about the exact priority order).


Nope, that's exactly how the system works. :)

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op They really have absolutely no legal obligation to tell you anything. Your not "owed" any information and they can make any changes they want and don't need to ask anyone's permission ...so any you get you should be grateful for and stop acting like this .......




I never said they were, did I? You're right: they don't owe me any information. But I'm under no obligation to keep paying them, either.

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Have they changed this recently? Because AFAIK, if the guild leader drops to Preferred the position will go to the next highest-ranking subscriber logged in, or first to log in (not sure about the exact priority order).


Happened to me. Sub lapsed for one day, lost two guilds transfer to the next highest guild level subscriber, i'm preferred and one of the guildbanks gets cleaned out, so see ya for twelve months...bye.


Then after coming back. .


Just within the last fortnight, I had a toon as a placeholder in a two person guild, the GM's sub lapsed and I got a guild chat type message saying xyz has made you GM...I gave it back.

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They KNEW how many people would have unsubbed months ago had they known this was coming.


I highly doubt that there are people whose only reason for subbing is because they are able to go back and complete low level missions without a challenge. I simply do not believe that is true at all.


I think all this hate Bioware is getting over this upcoming change is pure hyperbole, and nothing more.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I highly doubt that there are people whose only reason for subbing is because they are able to go back and complete low level missions without a challenge. I simply do not believe that is true at all.


I think all this hate Bioware is getting over this upcoming change is pure hyperbole, and nothing more.


Pretty much.

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I think they understand how huge backstab this is. And maybe jsut want this so they can say "We only have 3 weeks, we do not have time to make it togeleble"

But I truly truly hope they make it a optional thing, as I really see this as geting a bit close to NGE in another famous Starwars game that was great

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This should have been announced at the same time the expansion was, since it is a major change. The thing is, scaling isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you've ever played another MMO with level scaling, if you're lvl 60 with all your abilities and go into lvl 20 content the edge you have will be blatantly obvious. You'll still be rolfstomping. You'll just have to pay some attention to do so.


And to all those who want the devs to like them better in this thread, it was bad form not to announce this earlier. Unprofessional and pretty much continues the track record of EA with this game since launch.

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I highly doubt that there are people whose only reason for subbing is because they are able to go back and complete low level missions without a challenge. .


Probably not. But I doubt I would have stay subbed if I knew this was coming. For two reasons.


1) I am loving going back and doing old raids and content in WoW - Kara, BRD/MC, Nax. Even AQ, FL and DS are not bad if you are getting pets and valuable transmog.


2) But the biggest reason is the message it sends from BW. To me, mandatory (optional is great, love it in Rift) says that they are listening to the Wildstar 2014 #HARDCORE. When I go back to a zone I have done a dozen or two times, I have no interest in a challenge or even combat - Exploration, datacrons, achievements,. Mandatory just strikes me as giving into people who are probably playing the wrong MMO to grind /waste more of my time. SWTOR can't compete with mythic WoW raiding or eSports but they do have KOTOR, story, the IP. If you want a challenge, why are you wasting time on a video game in general or SWTOR in particular?


For me, a very disappointing direction for SWTOR to be heading. YMMV

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They KNEW how many people would have unsubbed months ago had they known this was coming.


If they "knew" why the heck would they put it In place? I am fairly certain driving away customers isn't their intent. Id advise waiting to see how this all turns out and what it plays into before passing judgement.

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If they "knew" why the heck would they put it In place? I am fairly certain driving away customers isn't their intent. Id advise waiting to see how this all turns out and what it plays into before passing judgement.


This, if they didnt think it was for the best they wouldnt have made the decision.

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This, if they didnt think it was for the best they wouldnt have made the decision.


I dont buy into that. Game companies are not always looking to design features for the customers or have the best intent for the game or gamers. Sometimes the company and business gets in the way and "F's over good game design.


IS this one of those times? Maybe. It sure wasn't made to make end game gamers all that happy running content thats 4 years old and down scaling every too so they can have some extra hoop to jump through in content they had been clearing without a second though previously.


Making it optional would have shown they were interested in something that was best. Something that allowed both sides to get the game play they find entertainment in. Kinda like PVP or not. You don't force people to do that. It's a choice.


Forced scaling down on everyone? Not sure that falls under best no matter how to turn a phrase.

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I highly doubt that there are people whose only reason for subbing is because they are able to go back and complete low level missions without a challenge. I simply do not believe that is true at all.


It would be awesome if just one person in favor of mandatory level-sync could get through one post without making an asinine presumption about the mindset or motivation of those opposed to it.



If they "knew" why the heck would they put it In place? I am fairly certain driving away customers isn't their intent. Id advise waiting to see how this all turns out and what it plays into before passing judgement.


Don't harbor any illusions, the most likely answer is that they think that the change is going to help them create a NET increase in subs, and that dragging out the existing subs by withholding information about key changes in the game while offering sub rewards like Niko was just part of the bridge plan to get them through to the expansion bump and the Episode 7 movie bump.

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The reaction to level scaling, good and bad has surprised me. I thought everyone would be used to it because that's how warzones and tactical flashpoints work. I thought all the drama was going to come from the core changes to crafting but no one seems to care not even the people who craft for profit. Completely blindsided on this one.
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The reaction to level scaling, good and bad has surprised me. I thought everyone would be used to it because that's how warzones and tactical flashpoints work. I thought all the drama was going to come from the core changes to crafting but no one seems to care not even the people who craft for profit. Completely blindsided on this one.


Crafting is kind of a dated concept in mmos. It is included cause they feel it is part of the genre, not because people enjoy. Some games manage to make it a fun minigame, but swtor makes it a dull grind.

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The reaction to level scaling, good and bad has surprised me. I thought everyone would be used to it because that's how warzones and tactical flashpoints work. I thought all the drama was going to come from the core changes to crafting but no one seems to care not even the people who craft for profit. Completely blindsided on this one.


I think the crafters already expended their energy when the crafting for conquests nerf was announced.


As someone from a really small guild, I know I did. Our guild only did the millions and millions of conquest points from crafting a couple times, first time we got outcrafted and second time we did it again to place first. After that, it was pretty much crafting for personal goals on alts while PVPing on our mains, which combined allowed us to compete for top 10 even if we weren't abusing for millions of points (typical week we'd have around 300k from crafting). Would've been nice if Bioware had left crafting as a way to reach personal goal while nerfing the ability to get 700k points per toon across all your alts, which pretty much everyone agreed was ridiculous.


I watched the stream with a careful eye on crafting changes, felt relief that we wouldn't have to grind worthless crap just to level a new tier of crafting skill, and relief that we won't have to constantly relog or rezone toons to get the rich missions anymore. The jury is still out on the mats and patterns changes. Even though I craft for profit, I'm not terribly worried about crafting viability except for Bioware effectively removing it from conquests (which leaves PVP and/or alt exploiting ops lockouts a la Ravagers as the only option for repeatable points).


tl;dr Crafters are quiet because crafters have already done their complaining

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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