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Everything posted by SelinaH

  1. IIRC, auto-pickup for the Yavin stronghold picks up the decorations in EVERY room. People have complained about it before. I would only do this as a last resort. Edit: My Imperial shuttles were removed from the Yavin front landing pad, but I was able to replace them from my claimed decorations.
  2. Darth Lachris was Marr's apprentice. She seems to have acquired a high position for herself without killing her master -- at least until
  3. "Operation Shatterstorm" and "A Tightened Grip" are, as far as I can tell, completely gone. The rest were still available when I tested a week or two after Early Access dropped. (Tested on an Sith Sorcerer level 60-65 who had previously completed the Ilum storyline and all dailies there. Toggling on "Show exploration missions" was necessary in order to get the missions to display.)
  4. What do you mean by "lose the create 60 ability"? Because if you tried to create an insta-60 and ended up with a level 1 character on Fleet instead, that's a known bug that was supposed to have been fixed -- but may have resurfaced.
  5. I suspect that this is the case, and am only surprised that this is the first time I've seen the possibility mentioned here. Non-subs playing Bounty Hunters can't even claim the bounty reward boxes from their class story missions, so I find it entirely plausible that the dev team would overlook (or leverage!) this issue. I look forward to seeing your results on Reddit.
  6. Actually, several people have reported issues progressing the BH vanilla class storyline. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=856677 This may be what the OP is talking about.
  7. You may not be standing close enough. This is what happens when you click the GTN from too far away. It's possible that you're experiencing enough intermittent lag that there's a difference between your position on your screen and where the game thinks you are.
  8. Post-4.0, I successfully RE'd purple and cyan crystals off the GTN. I'm 99% sure the crafter's name was still on there when I bought them.
  9. Finally -- a logical explanation for all the ice scrabbler jerky schematics...
  10. You beat me to it. I find the viewpoint that Sith cannot be reasonable or charismatic to be overly simplistic. I like complexity in my characters, even in glorified space opera settings.
  11. This. I've noticed far fewer complaints from players who play tanks or normally run with tank companions. Companion effectiveness (or the perception thereof) seems to vary wildly based on character class and discipline, companion role, presence/influence, level and gearing, and the type and level of content being attempted. I wouldn't be surprised to find that there are at least a few players who feel very little impact from the nerfs. Of course, the other side of the bell curve holds those folks who are finding stuff to be (from their perspective) virtually impossible -- or at least far more difficult and/or tedious.
  12. Some unknown (but potentially significant) number of $15 subs are falling into that gulf. By and large, IME people don't care about whether something is "technically" completable in the game they're playing. Instead, it's "acceptable" if it's fun and enjoyable enough to justify the financial cost and time spent. For some players, after the nerf this is no longer the case for TOR.
  13. Thanks for testing these. It's interesting to see how the results vary with different ACs, specs and gear levels.
  14. You mean ? Well... mission accomplished, I guess. Insightful post.
  15. If "changing tactics" means "just don't ever use a healing companion to complete content," then the devs may as well simply remove the healing role from companions. I'd prefer that they return companion healing to a viable (but not severely overpowered) state.
  16. Just got in-game and confirmed that the 208 Advanced Versatile Hilt I ripped from a Common Data Crystal offhand saber seems to still be usable in my mainhand. I'm noticing the hilt does not have any kind of slot designation, so it's possible that the slot locks only apply going forward rather than to mods already repurposed before the patch. Can anyone provide details on whether this has changed anything in regards to REing and crafting 216+?
  17. I personally despise PvP. I avoid it like the plague. It has no redeeming features for me. I have never been forced into PvP in TOR (I've been flagged through negligence once or twice and promptly removed myself to a safe location). I won't be going for the PvP companions. (I will have some choice complaints for the devs if other companions continue to be locked behind these, however.) I would not play on a mandated PvE server with no PvP options. I have friends who enjoy PvP. Why would I want to drag them to a server that artificially limits their playstyle options when I'm "safe" enough on a regular, PvP-optional PvE server?
  18. From the Patch Notes for tomorrow: No indications on whether previously ripped offhand hilts/barrels will be grandfathered in or not.
  19. At least Imperial side, the vendors have moved to the next room. I did note that red/blue/green crystal schematics seem to still be available (from the vendor leaning against some crates by the left-hand wall, going in).
  20. As an RPer, I would not make use of a server like this. I have a ton of alts I like to cycle through when the mood strikes me; most roleplayers I know have at least 2-5 secondary characters they play regularly as well. It's convenient to have them all on a single server. TBH, I have no interest in socializing with people who are only doing so because they have no other option.
  21. Not according to any definition I've seen. From the top results on a Google search of "multiboxing": Wikipedia WoWWiki What is multiboxing? I have a main account and a secondary account for TOR (both currently subbed). I occasionally dual-box them on two separate machines for RP storylines or events. Multiboxing per se is not addressed by the ToS/Rules of Conduct; botting and tampering with the client are both expressly prohibited.
  22. Here you go. http://progressquest.com/info.php
  23. Just to play Devil's Advocate: As mentioned before, an "RP requirement" for companions could be fulfilled by X amount of time spent online in a cantina or other rest area. It's not actual roleplay, and it certainly won't convince anyone who isn't interested in RP to try it out -- but drinky-birding your keyboard to prevent AFK kick in a warzone isn't really PvP, either. It still counts, though. (For the record, I don't actually support an RP gate for any companions, and I'm fine with certain companions being gated by PvP activity. What I'd like is an option to bypass unwanted companions in order to progress to the next ones in line.)
  24. This. I hate PvP. I avoid it. I'm fine with certain companions being gated by PvP participation; I'll simply choose not to recruit those companions. If my progress in recruiting any other companions or playing through expansion content in general is blocked until I complete mandated PvP activities, I'll simply stop progressing -- which means I'm likely to start playing less, and the scales of "Am I getting enough enjoyment out of this game to continue paying for it?" will tip a little more toward the negative.
  25. 2600 coins is close to half the cost of a single Hypercrate. The set in question was previously unavailable for direct purchase, and could ONLY be acquired by getting lucky with gambling boxes (or buying it off the GTN from other players who got lucky with their packs). It's extremely unlikely for most players to have received an entire Xoxaan's armor set from a single hypercrate. While it's now theoretically possible to acquire the full set from one of the Gold Armor packs, or from the Grand Nightlife pack (if any are still in circulation), the probability of receiving that particular set within one or two packs opened still seems to be quite low. In other words -- while the price point may seem arbitrarily high, in context 2600 coins for the entire set can be seen as a bargain when compared to cost of purchasing and opening multiple packs or Hypercrates until you get what you want. Personally, I wouldn't pay that much -- but I also have enough in-game credits to purchase what I want from the GTN.
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