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Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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I love change, but I love change that makes sense. This, is half assed and makes no sense. Now we will have to attack each individual capper, that is just ridiculous dumb gameplay changes. I mean seriously, a team could march in with all 8 people, stand in front of the node, all cap at the same time WITH their CC immunity / knockback immunities on. Unless you coordinate 8 people to attack each individual all at once, they will get the point. This was not thought through, it is un necessary, it is stupid.


The context you described is really extreme. But during all this I have to ask what are the 8 people on the other team doing?


I think in a more realistic situation you will have people capping the node that are not all immune to all the various forms of cc. Some of them may have protection but it's unlikely all of them will.


To tackle 8 people you would obviously want to immediately knockback/pull people from the node and any remaining targets need to be interrupted individually or together with further AOE CC. Once you break up the group the dps need to focus down targets with folks being totally aware of stopping caps.


I think 8 people just going for a super cap like you described will get them killed more often than not.

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I think 8 people just going for a super cap like you described will get them killed more often than not.


That's the thing, you don't need 8 people to actually cap, you just need 8 people to STACK ON THE NODE. They can keep attacking and stunning others making it impossible to tab target or click the capper FAST ENOUGH TO STOP THE CAP.

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I love change, but I love change that makes sense. This, is half assed and makes no sense. Now we will have to attack each individual capper, that is just ridiculous dumb gameplay changes. I mean seriously, a team could march in with all 8 people, stand in front of the node, all cap at the same time WITH their CC immunity / knockback immunities on. Unless you coordinate 8 people to attack each individual all at once, they will get the point. This was not thought through, it is un necessary, it is stupid.


I think it's best to wait till pts has this change and try it. Try it a few times... not just once... You know, like that cigarette you first smoked when you were 15 yrs old! It could prove to be the same. Sure, the first time you puffed it was disgusting and horrible! But, after forcing yourself to try it multiple times, you found yourself completely addicted to it and ended up thinking you loved it! Same, right?

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If an entire team is dumb enough to try and cap a single node, wouldn't it just be better to leave a token force to defend it and then go cap their nodes? A zerg rush isn't going to be a terribly useful strategy when both teams are perfectly capable of doing it.
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I think it's best to wait till pts has this change and try it. Try it a few times... not just once... You know, like that cigarette you first smoked when you were 15 yrs old! It could prove to be the same. Sure, the first time you puffed it was disgusting and horrible! But, after forcing yourself to try it multiple times, you found yourself completely addicted to it and ended up thinking you loved it! Same, right?


I'm not going to let my future kids get vaccinated because someone has a theory they might cause autism. Sure, the vaccine might stop them from getting sick or dying, but if there's a chance they might get autism I'm going to ignore it with no factual evidence, only based on theory. Just like a change to my warzones. Someone has a theory it will ruin them so I don't think we should test it because of that theory with no factual evidence.

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If an entire team is dumb enough to try and cap a single node, wouldn't it just be better to leave a token force to defend it and then go cap their nodes? A zerg rush isn't going to be a terribly useful strategy when both teams are perfectly capable of doing it.


People are most worried about voidstar doors. I'm most worried about class balance, server pop issues and getting more/faster ranked pops. But I guess voidstar door capping is the new "cc-breaker-reset-on-death" on these boards. The incessant railings against that idea were epic (from the ranked players saying defending the flanking cw nodes would become impossible).

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PvPers are out to get high ratings and find competition by battling opponents who can think and adapt to situations.

Please don't bring that in here. Not all PvPers want this sadly. Some just want lambs to the slaughter. I'll give you an example. There are 2 guilds on JC, both Imp, that will run 2 full groups premade that are in full BiS, that are queuing at the exact same time, in essence giving a 8 man premade, rolling thru what are essentially pug Pub groups and think it's the greatest thing ever. I've been in their voice chats. Shoot they went to another server and came back because they could not roll that server as easily.


PvPers don't need a gear grind, they need rating systems to create competitive games (equal skill levels on each team) and overall mechanics that make it easier to be on equal footing so that the actual ability of the player behind the character becomes the deciding factor in matches. If you were only doing ranked for the gear, you were doing it wrong.

Sadly the ranked system in this game cannot and never will work that way. Shoot it really will only work like that to a point in PvP only games. Why? Because people have an inherent need to game the system to their own advantage.


Look let's face it, PvPers can scream about wanting a "fair fight" so to speak all they want, but they really don't. Anyone who is PvPing is always looking for an advantage, no matter how small. It's natural to do it. I'm not saying it's wrong. You should be trying to find an advantage. But it's like this for any situation.


Some people take it too far, which in turn pushes people out because they don't want to deal with it, even if they want to do said activity.


And conquest made it worse IMO. Now guilds that want to maximize and dominate points using PvP with the other stuff are now looking for even bigger advantages.


Honestly most of the system is a train wreck. They need to sit down, make a full out plan and implement it all at once, which is not really doable realistically. So we get halfhanded attempts to see if this will work or that will work. And when it does not, we get some haflhanded attempt to fix that to put it in balance. IMO there is no shame in saying this did not work, scrap it, try something else. Instead they put a band-aid on the band-aid and just keep adding more, yet without fixing the root cause, the bleeding never stops. Eventually it will either bleed out to the point where they are scrapping the whole thing, or people just stop doing it.


The gear grind is a perfect example. We need better gear doing ranked because we are better and deserve a better reward. And only 2% of the pop even has it. Follow the whole process of ranked gear and you see it happened.

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I don't think it would be previous seasons and it shouldn't be. Not to sound "I'm a special snowflake" but it is appropriate to have access to current season's rewards. Previous tiered rewards should not. My opinion.


It was mentioned in the podcast that they wanted people's opinions on being able to obtain previous season rewards. Just think it would be a huge incentive for more players to try ranked and learn to play their class better in pvp. It seems a little wasteful and unfair that you will never get the chance to obtain a previous seasons gear piece again. Surely the point of this is to try to create more incentives to keep doing ranked and to get a bigger pool of players so that the rating grouping system could actually work

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Please don't bring that in here. Not all PvPers want this sadly. Some just want lambs to the slaughter. I'll give you an example. There are 2 guilds on JC, both Imp, that will run 2 full groups premade that are in full BiS, that are queuing at the exact same time, in essence giving a 8 man premade, rolling thru what are essentially pug Pub groups and think it's the greatest thing ever. I've been in their voice chats. Shoot they went to another server and came back because they could not roll that server as easily.



Sadly the ranked system in this game cannot and never will work that way. Shoot it really will only work like that to a point in PvP only games. Why? Because people have an inherent need to game the system to their own advantage.


Look let's face it, PvPers can scream about wanting a "fair fight" so to speak all they want, but they really don't. Anyone who is PvPing is always looking for an advantage, no matter how small. It's natural to do it. I'm not saying it's wrong. You should be trying to find an advantage. But it's like this for any situation.


Some people take it too far, which in turn pushes people out because they don't want to deal with it, even if they want to do said activity.


And conquest made it worse IMO. Now guilds that want to maximize and dominate points using PvP with the other stuff are now looking for even bigger advantages.


Honestly most of the system is a train wreck. They need to sit down, make a full out plan and implement it all at once, which is not really doable realistically. So we get halfhanded attempts to see if this will work or that will work. And when it does not, we get some haflhanded attempt to fix that to put it in balance. IMO there is no shame in saying this did not work, scrap it, try something else. Instead they put a band-aid on the band-aid and just keep adding more, yet without fixing the root cause, the bleeding never stops. Eventually it will either bleed out to the point where they are scrapping the whole thing, or people just stop doing it.


The gear grind is a perfect example. We need better gear doing ranked because we are better and deserve a better reward. And only 2% of the pop even has it. Follow the whole process of ranked gear and you see it happened.


None of the people you described are PvPers. Griefers, superqueuers, etc. are just people out to ruin someone else's day. Hidden rankings help with this anyway. Those players who try and get 2 premades together and win more games are going to start facing tougher competition. And, unsurprisingly, the people who do this actually suck. It's generally the worst "PvP" guilds on the server that anyone with half a brain wouldn't join. I gquit in queue for a warzone the first time I had a guild attempt to sync queue.

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Thanks to you and the peeps at BW for addressing many of the PVP communities concerns and issues. I'm pretty stoked about the upcoming changes, though the jury is still out on the AOE not stopping capping of nodes but we will see. :D On a side note, I really hope that some new warzone maps are forthcoming very soon as I think that the infusion of new content would go a LONG way in carrying the momentum created by this "PVP Patch Update".



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Bioware I really like your game even tho some stuff has not altogether (imo) been of the best I still supported your game I would like to know however if you do end up going through with "No more aoe damage to stop caps" how do you plan on dealing with more than 1 person trying to cap when most classes only have one CC/knock back?
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Uhm.....what`s stopping ppl from changing their gear inside the wz after they got the pvp pop in?


If someone's intention is to hurt whatever team they get into, they can do it regardless of gear check. You can be in full Dark Reaver and still make it a 3vs4 for your team without any effort if that's what you want


Also, Modny specifically said that the idea is that you can still play around with your gear once your inside the arena. With my operative healer I use 2 arkanian pieces for their bonus set. So in my case, I will have to use the stock pieces from vendor to hit 2018 and be able to queue, then I will change it inside


This change will prevent joining ranked to those who just get into a match just because they can click it. Or lazy trolls, who won't be arsed to get the full set to do their thing

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The objectives in this game will be won by who can stack more people on top of each other in order to cap. You definitely won't be able to tab target through all of them and you can't click on them. Then the other team does the same.


Or how many people can you stack in a corner of a bunker and cap?


It is not gonna work well at all, AoE interrupts need to stay.

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If someone's intention is to hurt whatever team they get into, they can do it regardless of gear check. You can be in full Dark Reaver and still make it a 3vs4 for your team without any effort if that's what you want


Also, Modny specifically said that the idea is that you can still play around with your gear once your inside the arena. With my operative healer I use 2 arkanian pieces for their bonus set. So in my case, I will have to use the stock pieces from vendor to hit 2018 and be able to queue, then I will change it inside


This change will prevent joining ranked to those who just get into a match just because they can click it. Or lazy trolls, who won't be arsed to get the full set to do their thing


By requiring the initial 2018, we at least know the person knows better when their gear suddenly drops all expertise. I imagine this will help them spot trolls over people who just didn't know.

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The difference between PvP and PvE is that PvEers aren't fighting against mobs who have various levels of the same gear PvEers can have. PvP is simply a different beast, and thus it needs to be handled differently than PvE.


I approve of BW's choice to speed up the gearing process. By allowing players to quickly get competitive-level gear, the focus of PvP will be shifted from gear to skill, where it should be. A person shouldn't have to lose or back out of a duel because the challenger banged his/her head against the PvP wall for 50+ hours. The better player should win.



These changes (excluding that interrupt change) will make PvP a much more fun and populated place. I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore PvPer. Granted, I did have full Best in Slot Brutalizer gear the day it came out, but since 3.0 I haven't taken the time to build a set of Dark Reaver, or even Exhumed gear. I am a relatively solid PvPer. However, I'm just not willing to take the time to earn tens of thousands of Ranked Comms every few Game Updates for each character I want to competitively play.


These changes (again, excluding the interrupt change) will motivate me, and many others like me, to re-enter the PvP scene.



So problem seems to be that Ranked pieces were far too expensive.

I agree with you. It was. But now Reaver set can be gained in blink.


Was it truly necessary? Not a bit of sweating, to make things more fun? To make players desire it, long for it a bit? 80% less, take the pride of what should be an accomplishment. So BW is taking something, and i want to know if theres going to be a fair trade.


I do hope that BW dont make us stay in WZs forever, because of quick changing of the sets, like they did before Reaver set. It was boring, and threw people out of PvP scenario. As Balance problem is doing now.


I want a fair balanced system above all, to enjoy Open PvP like many did in shiny days.

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So problem seems to be that Ranked pieces were far too expensive.

I agree with you. It was. But now Reaver set can be gained in blink.


Was it truly necessary? Not a bit of sweating, to make things more fun? To make players desire it, long for it a bit? 80% less, take the pride of what should be an accomplishment. So BW is taking something, and i want to know if theres going to be a fair trade.


I do hope that BW dont make us stay in WZs forever, because of quick changing of the sets, like they did before Reaver set. It was boring, and threw people out of PvP scenario. As Balance problem is doing now.


I want a fair balanced system above all, to enjoy Open PvP like many did in shiny days.


Let it be in blink. Grinding has no purpose in PvP. Same grinding all over again. It is is not against new bosses that need more stats.

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People are most worried about voidstar doors. I'm most worried about class balance, server pop issues and getting more/faster ranked pops. But I guess voidstar door capping is the new "cc-breaker-reset-on-death" on these boards. The incessant railings against that idea were epic (from the ranked players saying defending the flanking cw nodes would become impossible).


I'm all for balance changes and agree that it's a priority. but something blatantly obvious that they're about to break is something I think should be shot down hard and fast.

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I honestly can't believe what I read. Was that real? lol


If so, all of those changes are great! Especially the 2018 Expertise requirement for queuing Ranked. I will run Yolo again after that change. Should all but eliminate most trolls.


Great job listening to the community Alex! These changes actually have me pumped up for SWTOR PvP again.

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ok. I think I can infer the basic gist, but to be clear, the price of mods was never a problem. the price of enhancements was downright ludicrous. the figures I laid out were for enhancements. I'm assuming it's more good news though and they're less than 1000 reg WZ comms? lol


Ah! Enhancements are 150 Wz Comms for the 168s and 800 Wz Comms for the 174s.


Enjoying the discussion and feedback so far, looking forward to more! Have a good weekend everyone!

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It wouldn't be quite as bad if aoe damage abilities still interrupted the primary target. Not just aoe abilties that require a target (chain lightning, slow time, tank force breach), but also other aoe abilities that are used while having an enemy targetted. That way, the only change from live would be that you can't interrupt 2 enemies at the same time (save aoe cc/knockbacks). Edited by Kakisback
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However, after you queue or when you get into the match you may change out your gear if you want. [snip] We still want players to have the ability to customize and min/max their gear setup so we didn't want to take that away [snip]


This sounds good! Now could we be granted the ability to rearrange our utilities in the warzone queue? With the introduction of Disciplines and Utilities in 3.0 it is more irritating than ever to be locked out of resetting utilities while waiting in the queue because it is so much more likely that I will be selecting different utilities for solo pve or whatever non-pvp activity I am engaged in while waiting for a pop.

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happy with everything here. couple of points;


- 2018 expertise to queue for ranked will stop anyone from using old set bonus brutalizer gear which no longer has expertise on it, best example is the operative two-piece for +15% nanotech heal, which with bolster and the right mods used ends up giving 2008 expertise inside pvp or something (which is fine). devs could get around this by putting expertise back on old pvp gear. it's a minor issue anyway generally introducing this is a good thing.


- the aoe not stopping cap is a terrible idea and will just lead to strange people who care about objectives more than actually killing other players in warzones constantly pressure capping. for objectives with a faster channel such as voidstar doors, 4-5 players capping a door would be practically impossible to stop.


thanks for paying some attention to pvp though, particularly the gear cost stuff which is brilliant.


ps your metrics don't work :rolleyes:


For your second point....a middle ground could be only making it so channeled aoes and spammable aoes wouldn't stop a cap, but aoes with a cooldown would (death field, frag grenade, chain lightning, etc).

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For your second point....a middle ground could be only making it so channeled aoes and spammable aoes wouldn't stop a cap, but aoes with a cooldown would (death field, frag grenade, chain lightning, etc).


Why not leave AoE's as they are now as far as stopping caps goes, but putting Cooldowns on all AoE's?


AoE spam should not be a primary attack. AoE's should be one of those tactical decisions that do moderate damage to a group of enemies that make the mistake of bunching up.


In PvE, the use of an AoE on mobs grouped up in order to "soften them up" before mopping up with single target attacks would still be viable while in PvP the AoE could still be used to stop a cap rush at an objective until help arrives to defend.


A 12 or 15 second cooldown would be enough to stop spamming.

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