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Update on Sentinel and Marauder


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well than.. looks like my sent will no longer be needed for my progression raid group. they need better up time on bosses and that doesnt look like it will be changing.


been here since launch with sent/mara as my main, switched 2 weeks ago to commando. :(

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Hey folks,


I know that some of you have been waiting for a status update on Maras/Sents, especially for PvP. Here is some info from the Combat team.




Hello everyone,


We would like to take this opportunity to discuss Marauders/Sentinels and their present state in the game. To do so, we wish to start by outlining the rotational design philosophies of the three Marauder/Sentinel rotations.


Carnage/Combat: Low Rotation Difficulty, Moderate Burst and Moderate Sustained Damage

Annihilation/Watchman: High Rotation Difficulty, High Sustained and Low Burst Damage

Fury/Concentration: Moderate Rotation Difficulty, High Burst and Low Sustained Damage


Marauder/Sentinel PvP Viability:

As it presently stands, Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are performing well in Solo Ranked and Group Ranked PvP, respectively. We target a 50% win rate for each Discipline in PvP, and Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are slightly above this ideal win rate. Carnage/Combat is the seventh most effective Discipline (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is right on target. Annihilation/Watchman is ranked seventh in Solo Ranked PvP (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is equally on target. Additionally, Carnage/Combat is currently in one of the top 5 Group Ranked PvP class compositions, and this composition has an 82.6% win rate. While win rates are not the sole variable that we balance PvP performance from, these numbers provide evidence of Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman viability in broad PvP scenarios.


Fury/Concentration is in the lower half of the PvP spectrum. Like other classes that are underperforming, this is, and shall continue to be, addressed in upcoming class balance updates.


While we plan to adjust Marauders/Sentinels in future updates, we do not expect to see any Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines receiving significant damage output increases. Each of the Disciplines is presently performing at our desired DPS markers, and we plan to focus on Utility in the future. Specifically, mobility and self-healing improvements are currently being tested. We’ll keep you up to date on changes in the coming weeks.


It should be noted that PvP success is continually changing as updates reach live and the community learns new strategies with their classes.

Looking forward, we will continue to incrementally improve the status of Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines that are not performing to satisfaction. This is the perspective that we hold for all Disciplines across all classes.


We will continue to collect constructive feedback from the threads, concerning all classes, and apply improvements through our continual class balancing updates.


-The SWTOR Combat Team


Watchman/Annihilation and Carnage/Combat are NOT performing comparably in Solo Ranked and Group Ranked to other Melee DPS classes like Sins, PT's, and Juggernauts... Your the ones with the ratings stats, look at Ratings...


If you want, i'll pull the top for both Solo and Group Ranked of each of those classes


Solo: Mara: 1884 Sin: 2907! PT: 2865 Jugg: 2158.


Group: Mara: 1751 Sin: 1963 PT: 2062 Jugg: 1887.


The only class doing worse than Marauders is Group Ranked Merc and Solo Ranked Sniper. That's un-acceptable. Each class should be able to pull comparable Ranked numbers in both Group AND Solo! I think that you guys at Bioware need to start listening to the community more. Actually, scratch that HIRE some of these people in the community to work on your dev team! Have members of the community get paid to work for you to help balance the classes and be liaisons between the Dev Team and the community, have 2 members per class, or 24 people, one for PvP and one for PvE. This would be the best approach, because the PvP dev for one class can talk with the PvE dev for the same class on how to balance best for both sides of the coin, PvP and PvE.


Currently, Marauders are doing poorly in both PvE and PvP. This is due to several factors.


1. Other classes have several immunities that Marauders do not have access to, such as but not limited to, A second Croud Control Breaker, A root breaker that is NOT their Threat Dropper, Immunity from Croud Control for some period of time, A Purge, A cooldown reset for their main mobility skill (Force Charge/Force Leap in this case)


2. Other classes are able to out damage Marauders. This is simple, increase Marauder DPS.


3. Marauders are not Mobile enough. If we could Channel Ravage and move, this would help with mobility, along with several other already stated buffs.


4. Other factors I cannot think of.


Thanks for reading this wall of text and Good Hunting,


Mant'ax Starbound

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Funny, I always figured it would have been that carnage was slightly more difficult than fury, you know, due to the whole, gore mechanic and difficulty to staying on the opponent.


The metrics for the dev's outcome, does seem a little strange though, as others have mentioned. I mean, maybe if it's more prudent to balance sents/maras in regards to regs, then maybe it should be done that way.


But if say the sample size of maras are 200, where as there might be 900 hatred sins... well, you can't really balance around that.

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In all seriousness, if you think Marauders/Sentinels are performing well, you have literally no clue at all.

I think the difference between the highest rated Marauder (1884) and the highest rated of the other classes (especially Sin with 2907) should give you a SLIGHT (just VERY slight) hint how ridiculously wrong you are if you think you achieved anything close to balance.


Do you know the difference between overperfoming, underperforming and performing on target?

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Do you know the difference between overperfoming, underperforming and performing on target?


So you say all classes that are currently doing better than Maras are overperforming, because Maras are apparently "performing on target"? Which would (based on BWs great rating statistics) mean they would have to nerf all other classes except Snipers to perform equally in soloranked. Okayyyyy.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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This has to be one of the dumbest posts yet and that does take some doing.


I put in a ticket today about carnage spec marauders having low damage and low/no chance of criticals outside of auto critical and was told that it was a bug which would be addressed in a future update and put in a bug report.




I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


Galactic support is our specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


Either your CS team are lying to me or its a bug. Which is it? Cause if its not a bug I will resubmit to get this issue addressed cause Parsec and onscreen information is showing me that my dps is much lower than it should be and no where near the right level of critical hits. And far worse than any rdps in HM raids to the point that its getting close to call it a day as people are having to carry my marauder.


If your being told from your metrics that carnage marauders are winning everything then why are they so low on the ranked PvP leader board. http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/sentinel-marauder how is 110 and 220 as the top two ranks 7th highest? Surely 7 and 14 rank should be the 7th highest spec? Only Gunslinger has a person not in the top 40. This clearly puts Marauder/sents as the SECOND WORST PVP ADVANCED CLASS. Where are you getting your metrics from?


Could you also explain what you are going to do about carnage spec in PvE, specifically rads where medium and medium seems to mean poor in all situations. I have gone from pre 3.0 being very happy in HM/NIM raids to now wondering where it all went wrong and how long before my raid team ask me to re-roll or not bother turning up cause of enrage timers. I have every class and I would never say that any mdps is easy rotation when you have to stick within 4 meters of your target everything is harder and when you have a 3,0 second gore window and manage DCDs and berserk its much tricker than dot management or the like. Not to mention you have missed AOE from your plan of balancing, lets face it a lack of aoe should mean that the spec has improved damage.


Gordon Walton recently posted how the NGE was his fault and the reasoning behind it


I wonder if the combat team are preparing a similar post of how they misunderstood the community and the metrics and managed to make an iconic star wars class pathetic and then continued to tell the community they were the 7th best!

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Thank you oh so much for this...balderdash! And thanks also for even looking at Sents/Maras PVE needs! Has anyone in your combat team ever even played a Sentinel in the new operations? I'd love to know how you don't get BBQ'd, blown up, or whittled away to nothing! I'd love to know which guild you play in that would say they'd be happy to have you in the raid on your sentinel! Poppycock - all of it!


I've mained a sentinel for over 2.5 years and now it looks like I'll have to wait for new operations to potentially play it again.


So thanks again.

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So you say all classes that are currently doing better than Maras are overperforming, because Maras are apparently "performing on target"? Which would (based on BWs great rating statistics) mean they would have to nerf all other classes except Snipers to perform equally in soloranked. Okayyyyy.


Yet another crybaby who can't differentiate classes from specs. How do you know that the Merc or Operative or Sorc who has better rating than a Mara is Healer or Dps?

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This blatant metric god worship has got to stop. It's producing a serious disconnect in your ability to balance the game. Hence why the classes which need nerfing are being buffed and the ones that require buffing are getting ignored or being nerfed. Stop looking at your metrics and start playing the game yourselves. Seriously....
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Yet another crybaby who can't differentiate classes from specs. How do you know that the Merc or Operative or Sorc who has better rating than a Mara is Healer or Dps?


Did I ever say I don't? You must be a little slow. Merc DPS (no matter which spec) is probably the only class that has it worse or is in the same state as Mara PvP-wise. Everyone with a brain knows that. Sorc DPS are doing very good in soloranked, and would do good in group ranked, if they wouldn't be outclassed by Sins by far.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Did I ever say I don't? You must be a little slow. Merc DPS (no matter which spec) is probably the only class that has it worse or is in the same state as Mara PvP-wise. Everyone with a brain knows that. Sorc DPS are doing very good in soloranked, and would do good in group ranked, if they wouldn't be outclassed by Sins by far.


In your last post you only said Snipers. So now it's Snipers and Mercs? How many more post will it take until you get to the conclusion that Maras are on target and the rest is overpowered (or under)?

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Marauder/Sentinel PvP Viability:

these numbers provide evidence of Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman viability in broad PvP scenarios.


So assuming you have all of these metrics to hand;


- What's the actual percentage of players playing this AC compared to other classes in PvP?

- What percentage of those players are new to the class?

- What percentage of those players have been playing the class for longer than a period of 1 year in PvP?

- How does this compare to the other classes / advanced class choices available?


Do I need to mention that If the numbers are not close to an even split across all of the advanced classes / specs available, that there may potentially be a flaw in those metrics you're not noticing? :confused:

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I find it amusing that people seem to think anecdotal evidence trumps raw data. Obviously bioware tracks spec win rates behind the scenes, and trying to argue that anecdotal evidence of marauders being bad means nothing if in reality watchman is the "seventh most winning spec"


you can't argue with raw data, particularly when most players never bother to read more than the first page of the leaderboard and don't have access to the spec data.


Also I'm guessing when they say win rate they mean a raw count of matches involving a combat sentinel, as has nothing to do with the ELO rating.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Did I ever say I don't? You must be a little slow. Merc DPS (no matter which spec) is probably the only class that has it worse or is in the same state as Mara PvP-wise. Everyone with a brain knows that. Sorc DPS are doing very good in soloranked, and would do good in group ranked, if they wouldn't be outclassed by Sins by far.


The pecking order of WORST to best class is


1) Marauder using berserk instead of predation

2) Sniper

3) Merc

4) sorcs

5) Marauder using predation

6) operative

7) Jugs

8) Powertechs

9) Assassins

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So assuming you have all of these metrics to hand;


- What's the actual percentage of players playing this AC compared to other classes in PvP?

- What percentage of those players are new to the class?

- What percentage of those players have been playing the class for longer than a period of 1 year in PvP?

- How does this compare to the other classes / advanced class choices available?


Do I need to mention that If the numbers are not close to an even split across all of the advanced classes / specs available, that there may potentially be a flaw in those metrics you're not noticing? :confused:



This again.

And a third time!


The number of marauder/sent players has decreased dramatically since the expansion due to struggles of the class in PVP.

Those that remain are non-re rollers and likely above average in skill level (especially those that dare to do ranked), where as the "re-rollers" many of which went to assassins, are of a lesser skill level and cause the meta (and %'s) to decrease for that particular class (for example) - causing botched metrics.


Metrics been used to balance is completely flawed.


Due to this huge gap, say there are only 5 marauders per 30 assassins. If 3 of those marauders are excellent players, but only 8 of the assassins are excellent players. Your "metrics" show marauders as performing better % wise... which is completely false!


Hatred especially is blatently overperforming and is hugely overpowered, your metrics may show this not doing "overly well" probably due to all the re-rollers bringing the meta down due to poor skill levels.


Please re-address your balance methods, look at where people "re-roll" to, adjust your prioritisation based on top player feedback (skilled players), what the ranked community say and more actual play testing. NOT "metrics".


Please... this has to stop. Thanks for reading.

Edited by HuNtOziO
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I find it amusing that people seem to think anecdotal evidence trumps raw data. Obviously bioware tracks spec win rates behind the scenes, and trying to argue that anecdotal evidence of marauders being bad means nothing if in reality watchman is the "seventh most winning spec"


you can't argue with raw data, particularly when most players never bother to read more than the first page of the leaderboard and don't have access to the spec data.


Also I'm guessing when they say win rate they mean a raw count of matches involving a combat sentinel, as has nothing to do with the ELO rating.


I can't tell if you are being serious or not.


Raw data may not lie. Interpretation of raw data lies all the time. It is extremely easy to misinterpret or manipulate data to prove a theory which in reality is actually false.

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The pecking order of WORST to best class is


1) Marauder using berserk instead of predation

2) Sniper

3) Merc

4) sorcs

5) Marauder using predation

6) operative

7) Jugs

8) Powertechs

9) Assassins

Sorcs worse than marauders....ooooookay :cool:.

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How many more post will it take until you get to the conclusion that Maras are on target and the rest is overpowered (or under)?


Read again.


Which would (based on BWs great rating statistics) mean they would have to nerf all other classes



Can you read? Do you understand how dumb that sounds? Marauders are on target? So based on rating and Leaderboard statistics (again, to make it obvious for you) all other classes except snipers would need to nerfed on AT LEAST one of their specs. Is that really your logic?

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Despite the apparent inability to read by some of the community, this is a sign that BW does actually know what its doing.


If a DPS class is doing similar DPS to others, but not necessarily being used popularly or perceived as a strong choice, then it's the utility, support, and other advantages NOT the DPS.


Assassin, for example, has the bonus utility of stealth, long CC against organics, and a warping ability. This is a very strong additional value that makes them so much more popular than Marauders.


That is why ppl bring Assassin more than Marauders, not the actual DPS output. It's harder to deal with an enemy Assassin than it is a Marauder because of that lack of predictability and mobility advantage.


I'm glad to see that BW is aware that buffing DPS is not the right answer here. It shows that they understand their game more than they have in the past, and aren't willing to just force certain changes in because the community misguidedly believes they should.

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I find it amusing that people seem to think anecdotal evidence trumps raw data. Obviously bioware tracks spec win rates behind the scenes, and trying to argue that anecdotal evidence of marauders being bad means nothing if in reality watchman is the "seventh most winning spec"


you can't argue with raw data, particularly when most players never bother to read more than the first page of the leaderboard and don't have access to the spec data.


Also I'm guessing when they say win rate they mean a raw count of matches involving a combat sentinel, as has nothing to do with the ELO rating.


But you can argue plenty about the interpretation of raw data. And lots of people who don't specialise in statistics get that interpretation wrong a lot of the time.


How many more post will it take until you get to the conclusion that Maras are on target and the rest is overpowered (or under)?


Based on the combat teams metrics... which appear to have absolutely nothing to do with classes being capable of clearing content.

Edited by DuckimusPrime
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I'm lost. The solo leaderboards are not reflecting anything resembling a 50% win rate for most sentinels - are you saying concentration is bringing the average way way down? The ac is at the bottom of every average or top ratings chart I've looked at. I don't care about group ranked - there aren't enough people in that on any given server for me to take that seriously in a class balance discussion: your solo numbers sound wrong.
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So basicly you are saying "Sents are fine...."


Well your argumentation is flawed by a long run. I will take my time to show how exactly you cherypicked the stattistics:


Hey folks,


I know that some of you have been waiting for a status update on Maras/Sents, especially for PvP. Here is some info from the Combat team.




Hello everyone,


We would like to take this opportunity to discuss Marauders/Sentinels and their present state in the game. To do so, we wish to start by outlining the rotational design philosophies of the three Marauder/Sentinel rotations.


Carnage/Combat: Low Rotation Difficulty, Moderate Burst and Moderate Sustained Damage

Annihilation/Watchman: High Rotation Difficulty, High Sustained and Low Burst Damage

Fury/Concentration: Moderate Rotation Difficulty, High Burst and Low Sustained Damage


Marauder/Sentinel PvP Viability:

As it presently stands, Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are performing well in Solo Ranked and Group Ranked PvP, respectively. We target a 50% win rate for each Discipline in PvP, and Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman are slightly above this ideal win rate.

Carnage/Combat is the seventh most effective Discipline (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is right on target. Annihilation/Watchman is ranked seventh in Solo Ranked PvP (out of 24 Imperial/Republic total Disciplines) with a win rate that is equally on target.


Clarification required what Win rate do you mean? The 1v1 Situation Winrate can´t be meant as internal guild testing has shown that none of our 2 Sents who still try to PvP was able to hit near 25% against any of the represented ACs. Gunslingers and Scoundrel DPS weren´t represented most other classes were represented by at least two players. Maybe our Sentinels are just bad, but this over 3 years or 2 years of experience and generally beating the **** out of 50% of the other players in PuG PvP (due to other Players normally not learning all other 7 ACs Skills and trying to estimate enemy behaviour 4-6 GCDs beforehand) in terms of DPS and Goalpoints.


So I assume you mean the winrate of SoloRateds with a Sentinel/Marauder in their team. Then the following points would be interesting how much did the Sentinel contribute to the win in terms of medals earned/damage dealt compared to the other 3 teammates in their respective roles (for tanks medals earned/damage negated; for heals medals earned/healing dealt). As our internal record shows, I have a Marauder on TOFN and talked to a lot of people when coming up with my most recent suggestions over the last months, normally looking at "what did he contribute" Sents lack behind by a far bit sometimes as going to the point "they weren´t relevant for the win" aka the match would have been won even without them probably. Given the Nature of Solo Rated, aka as we germans call it "Trottelloto" (english description "Blind Date with Random Idiots"), in average the winrate for the majority of all participants should end up at a break even as at some point due to the matchmaking system idiots will be matched up with evenly bad idiots and pros will be matched with pros on high pop servers during the prime time. So you number say practicly nothing.


Interesting would be the Average Sentinel Rating (maybe split by Specs) compared to other Classes average rating. This would show for solo Rated an Average far lower then all other ACs, Gunslingers should be slightly above. Arguably only people with 20 or more matches are included. Yes the winrate is fine but the average rating is lower then expected. If you go by the assumption all ACs have an equal distribution of player skill. Still internal records show that Sents in this distribution lack behind on all fronts. Top Sentinels lack behind Top players of the other ACs in all matters, yes they outperform 80% of the players but so do the top players of other classes. So Top Sentinels lack behind a far amount in terms of rating and total distribution to a win in solo rated compared to all other ACs in the relevant markers for a DPS: Damage Dealt/Medals earned.


(The above assumption is not true as people who main a Sent or have main a Sent are normally far mor skilled due to the class having been nerfed consectuvly since launch and having little to no counters to play compared for example to a Sage with his godmodebubble. Sent players were always required to memorize the most important enemy skills and predict enemy movement to major in pvp even during the times of smash monkeys aka incompetent people flooding to Sent class due to people standing together a lot. Sniper AoE was far better back then then the smash monkeys, oh I am derailing nevermind. )


Taking into account that the Sentinel population dropped, which you ignored or didn´t mention. For PvE on JKS we are down to the NiMable Sentinel Mains (Main meaning the prefered sometimes singularly played Class of a player for PvE Endgame Raiding Hardmode and above) who are concentrated in 1 guild. All other Guilds who were relevant in the last NiM Content or will be in the next have removed any Sentinels from all Raidgroups. From the good two dozen Sentinels on Repulic who cleared at least 50% of the old NiM Content on that Server only 3 remained. As far as I know there are no Marauders who are currently allowed to run Hardmode Progression on Jarkai Sword some from roundabout lets say 50ish Sent/Maras who ran DF&DP NiM before 3.0 only 3ish Sent/Maras remain as of 3.1.2. thats a decline by more then 90% in the Servers Top Tier Sent Players. Feel free to correct me as I don´t have the Devtools to get the real Raw Numbers.


In PvP we had a drop on the Server not talking about Rated for Jarkai Sword as it is to small a Server for balanced Rated PvP Enviroments aka to small pool for the quoe. In General there are half a dozen Sent/Maras left who regularly can place in the Top 2 of any 8man PvE Match, well as these half a dozen Sent/Maras are the only Sent/Maras who list for Endgame PuG PvP regularly (give or take 10 Sent/Maras for total numbers over the course of a week Conquestpoints are also gainable by loosing;-)) the quota will be quite high.


Same for Rated on ToFN, yes the winrate is quite high as all the not-topnotch or not-neartopnotch Sent/Maras have long rerolled to another AC for PvP measures and most Progression PvP Guilds have done the same. So you numbers are twirked.


It would be nice to see how Sent population (aka people playing a Sentinel for 4hours+ a week (aka two raid evenings an nothing else) or regularly) has changed since 2.9. up till now. Srry but your numbers are polished so you can tell us the class is fine.


Everyone, almost everyone says Sents are ****. Even the few players like me still clinging to the class. All relevant indicators show that Sents are useless and you are going on about how the 6 Combat Sents running round in team Rated got a 87% winrated. Buyah. What about the 600 Combat Sents who quit game on the same server since 3.0.?




Additionally, Carnage/Combat is currently in one of the top 5 Group Ranked PvP class compositions, and this composition has an 82.6% win rate. While win rates are not the sole variable that we balance PvP performance from, these numbers provide evidence of Carnage/Combat and Annihilation/Watchman viability in broad PvP scenarios.


What I want to say, go away from you stattistics and take yourself a week or so get some people from the combatteeam to play a Sentinel for 50matches in PvP, Solo PvP and Rated PvP each. If you still believe the Sentinel is fine please tell us what 99% of the playerbase maining a Sentinel is doing wrong and what missassumption most of the Raidleads and Ratedteamleaders have befallen stating "No Sentinels allowed."


Watchman is not fine, there is so many things you did wrong about it in all terms with the final version of 3.0. changes. I mained the Class for all the time since launch, I can estimate with a 60% propability the next 3 moves of my opponent. Still I find myself outgunnned in 75% of the fights indifferent to which CDs are ready and having Healer/Tank Support.


Fury/Concentration is in the lower half of the PvP spectrum. Like other classes that are underperforming, this is, and shall continue to be, addressed in upcoming class balance updates.


While we plan to adjust Marauders/Sentinels in future updates, we do not expect to see any Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines receiving significant damage output increases. Each of the Disciplines is presently performing at our desired DPS markers, and we plan to focus on Utility in the future. Specifically, mobility and self-healing improvements are currently being tested. We’ll keep you up to date on changes in the coming weeks.


I hope you rather hardly think about bringing the CDs of our two medium tier Def CDs (GBTF and Saber Ward) in line this the medium Tier Def CDs of all other ACs, 60s - 120s, or buff their baseline effects to commendate for a 180s CD. I might remind you other Classes got their Godkeys on a 180s CD.


It should be noted that PvP success is continually changing as updates reach live and the community learns new strategies with their classes.

Looking forward, we will continue to incrementally improve the status of Marauder/Sentinel Disciplines that are not performing to satisfaction. This is the perspective that we hold for all Disciplines across all classes.


We will continue to collect constructive feedback from the threads, concerning all classes, and apply improvements through our continual class balancing updates.


-The SWTOR Combat Team



Srry, give us the Raw numbers the following are required to understand you numbers or to put them in the right light:


- Average Rating of all ACs sorted by Discipline

- Role Relevant Average Numbers for Win and Looses for all ACS (aka DMG Dealt/Medals earned for a Sent)

- Population Numbers for the Sentinels and developpment of the average playtime for Sentinels

- Win/Loose Ratios for ALL ACs for all PvP Modes


I would like to make my own mind, can´t hurt if you give us the numbers can it? Otherwise expect me to go by my assumptions and tell you that your statistics are polished so that Sents look good, you might proove me wrong by giving us ALL the numbers.

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