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Quitters in WZ's


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I am a recently returned player to SWTOR and I can say that I have enjoyed my time since I have been back alot.


But the amount of people that play in a Warzone for just a few then quit is astounding, only to see them hotjoin back into the match then leave again. I just don't understand why they would be doing this. The other ones just quit and don't return. Just play the match.


Bioware needs to put in some sort of penalty for leaving a WZ early.

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When all defenders in VOidstar go to one side, or no one calls and it gets capped within 30seconds. I am leaving.


When people cap nodes and leave them, or dont call inc. I am leaving.


When people refuse to play Huttball in Huttball. I am leaving.


These are simple things. I do not need to put up with that kind of idiocy or aggravation on a game. I choose not to.


You do what you like, and i'll do what I like. Happy?

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More people quitting are purely down to the increase in bad players. I will always quit if someone doesn't call, or if the team is clearly full of idiots. There really is zero excuse not to call/use brain/have some kind of awareness when in pvp. Those who do fail in these areas are simply there to be carried.
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Well we're not talking about disconnects and ****** server performance (at times)...

I usually fight till the end of the match for two reasons:

1) comms - why would I waste 15 minutes and leave when I want to get at least some and have a marginal contribution to the set

2) stupid things happen but people also adapt or there's still a chance. Many of us had times when we pulled victories out of absolutely miserable situations. The opposing team might have some idiots too so why not use that as tactical advantage.

I had an argument on Pot5 with one guy today about pubs sucking at PVP and the argument made applies to this situation too. There might be a number of people in the faction who suck and determine the server statistics but there is also a number of really good PVPers. When you have some familiar faces on the team you know that there is a chance. If you are good a number of such people in the team is critical and the decrease in this number makes matters worse.

don't make the number decrease I guess

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If playing my sentinel I quit arenas (unless doing daily) because I die so fast I can't medal. There is no rational point to even bother with arenas as I get no credit. The exception is if there is a high level healer who understands I can melt anything if they keep me alive.


Or sometimes I'm on a planet and just want to turn in daily. Since Bioware doesn't think PvP turn-ins should be on planets I have to go into a WZ to turn them in. I'm not flying back and forth to the fleet.


What I don't get is people who leave WZs after playing through 95% of the match. The time has already been "wasted". Might as well get your comms/valor.

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Selfishness. It just screws over the poor fool whose backfilled in to replace them and try to clean up the mess. But they don't care about that.


No, you're right. I dont care about that. And if thats me who backfills. Im going to leave too, as soon as the fail becomes apparent.


I dont have to put up with people who fail to even do the minimum effort of educating themselves of the basic principles. I dont need to, so I wont. If you choose to put up with it, thats your issue.

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I play to have fun and to win the warzone. If I'm in a team of players that can't even comprehend the easiest of tactics, then I can't be bothered. Same goes when you're a pug vs a premade, it just isn't worth my time.
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These responses are just amazing, what I am hearing is that you find yourself in WZ's that you may have to work for a win in and that is to much effort for you. I have been in Warzones where I thought that there is no way this team is going to win this, there are just to many bad players not communicating, putting out dps, or healers that sit back and dps. In those same matches I have seen some of you Diva types quit, then suddenly something magic happens, good players back fill and take your places and turn the tide.


Before you think you are getting smart and say your welcome or some version of that your mentality, your need for instant gratification, your narcissistic idea that you weren't the ones making the mistakes that caused an early turn in the warzone is just pathetic.


It's just a damn shame you guys have come to this point in your gaming experience.

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It just screws over the poor fool whose backfilled in to replace them and try to clean up the mess.


I never really understood this complaint. I never get upset or leave if I get backfilled, into a stomp or otherwise. I still got my one comm for backfilling, credit towards the daily/weekly and then I'll head to the objective or throw a quick heal/taunt or two and collect a couple 3 more medals. All for 2-3 minutes worth of my time. Extremely cost effective, that's like 40 comms plus the daily credit. It would be 80 comms for 15 minutes if I was there from the beginning and we lost. Not as cost efficient and much more frustrating.

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I am a recently returned player to SWTOR and I can say that I have enjoyed my time since I have been back alot.


But the amount of people that play in a Warzone for just a few then quit is astounding, only to see them hotjoin back into the match then leave again. I just don't understand why they would be doing this. The other ones just quit and don't return. Just play the match.


Bioware needs to put in some sort of penalty for leaving a WZ early.


They leave because of stupidity when those that leave can place a penalty on players that don't call inc. Or just target that one jedi that touched them in a bad spot on the jedi dolly. Then you can have your penalty for leaving a WZ. Or i get a vote kick that works against stupid.

Edited by Neoforcer
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- Offnode gets capped with no call? Then you should have paid more attention to the node guard's health. Also learn 2 count players.

- Enemy score the huttball? Then why didn't you control mid or knock em off?

- Pylon sap capped in hypergates? Then you should have left mid at 40 secs and backed up the node.

- Enemy Healers not dying? Then you need to work on your target control.


The funny thing about pugging warzones is that you are part of the pug too, if your team is failing then you are just as much part of the problem as the next guy

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I leave, if people aren't able to use the bolster for getting at least 1900 expertise.

I leave, if people aren't able to use the chat (call incs).

I leave, if people in huttball don't play huttball (because I really LOVE huttball, but if my team only wants to kill and noone is interested in playing huttball, they should loose the **** alone).


And you should remember, that there are also people who doesn't care that much about commons. They only want to play warzones because of the gameplay, because of playing objective and giving the best for the team and for a win.


So if most of the team aren't interesting in winning the match, they should loose it, but without wasting my playtime.

I'm playing for having fun with a team and not for wasting my time with stupid and ignorrant people.

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When the exact same penalty is given to:


1. Anyone who doesn't call incs

2. Anyone who doesn't come when someone calls incs, thinking that "it's someone else's job" (if no one else has come yet)

3. Anyone who leaves a node unguarded

4. Anyone who thinks that the object of Huttball is to run as far away from the ball carrier as possible (on either offense or defense)

5. Anyone who thinks that my healing commando or sage can solo guard a node against 4+ smash monkeys/concealment ops/deception assassins

6. Any commando/sage/scoundrel (and likewise any merc/sorc/op) who doesn't throw a single heal the entire match (on teammates of course... Adrenaline Rush and Force Mend don't count)

7. Anyone who doesn't interrupt a cap going on right in front of them

8. Any non-stealther who tries to 3-cap ACW/NC when our team already has 2 nodes

9. Anyone who doesn't cap our side node on ACW/NC (or pylon on AH) when the rest of the team is going mid

10. Anyone who hasn't picked their advanced class, discipline, or allocated all their available utility points


...then we can talk about penalizing people for leaving WZs.


Oh, and we would also need to be allowed to opt-out of arenas and same-faction WZs, seperate queues for premades and regs, and be allowed to choose the WZs we can queue for. And not start WZs with 4v8. w

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- Offnode gets capped with no call? Then you should have paid more attention to the node guard's health. Also learn 2 count players.

- Enemy score the huttball? Then why didn't you control mid or knock em off?

- Pylon sap capped in hypergates? Then you should have left mid at 40 secs and backed up the node.

- Enemy Healers not dying? Then you need to work on your target control.


The funny thing about pugging warzones is that you are part of the pug too, if your team is failing then you are just as much part of the problem as the next guy


I was gonna leave this thread alone mainly because i have done it on occasion of late... I never used to, but some of the ranked geared premades farming regs while spouting diarrhea of the mouth is a bit much for my BS tolerance meter.


However, this post above is dead on. If you are reading this you have the ability to think and reason, use them. If there are 6 of you at a node, and there were 6 of them, now there are only 3.. where do you think they went, Starbucks? When i find myself in the controlling position i know its time to move as a defender.


Yes, an effort should be made to call for help and give as much notice as possible, but it isnt requisite if you take 2 seconds to look around and read a map. Yes, i realize you lose valuable pew pew time and your damage numbers will suffer from moving around so much but you have to decide which is more important.. winning, or damage.


Especially given the current crop of FOTMs sufficient advanced warning isnt always an option... you get 2 sins on a solo guard with one CCing him while the other caps you have 8 seconds to get there and stop it.. can you do that most of the time, especially if any cooldowns aren't available?


If you wait to be told when to go to the restroom you will likely end up with soggy trousers. Proactivity is the name of the game in the age of Assasins/Shadows

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When the exact same penalty is given to:


1. Anyone who doesn't call incs

2. Anyone who doesn't come when someone calls incs, thinking that "it's someone else's job" (if no one else has come yet)

3. Anyone who leaves a node unguarded

4. Anyone who thinks that the object of Huttball is to run as far away from the ball carrier as possible (on either offense or defense)

5. Anyone who thinks that my healing commando or sage can solo guard a node against 4+ smash monkeys/concealment ops/deception assassins

6. Any commando/sage/scoundrel (and likewise any merc/sorc/op) who doesn't throw a single heal the entire match (on teammates of course... Adrenaline Rush and Force Mend don't count)

7. Anyone who doesn't interrupt a cap going on right in front of them

8. Any non-stealther who tries to 3-cap ACW/NC when our team already has 2 nodes

9. Anyone who doesn't cap our side node on ACW/NC (or pylon on AH) when the rest of the team is going mid

10. Anyone who hasn't picked their advanced class, discipline, or allocated all their available utility points


...then we can talk about penalizing people for leaving WZs.


Oh, and we would also need to be allowed to opt-out of arenas and same-faction WZs, seperate queues for premades and regs, and be allowed to choose the WZs we can queue for. And not start WZs with 4v8. w


A funny story regarding #3 on your list, leaving stuff un-guarded.


Couple days ago in a Hypergate match i noticed thats someone had capped and bailed on the pylon at which point i called out in ops chat asking who had done it.. i did not name names, i did not call anyone out, only put down the action in general.


The response to this was "stop crying" followed by the usual personal attacks and suggestion that i go guard it... which I did, twice, in an effort to not lose the match. somehow i became the bad guy for expecting whoever capped it to actually guard it, the horror!! what an unreasonable jerk i must be right?


On the third round i made it clear to the team i was not going to covers someone else again. That whoever capped it would have to cover it themselves. At this point i got told " so you are just going to throw a winning match"? "why dont you just leave"... i guess expecting someone to cover the pylon they cap is an unrealistic expectation that makes me a terrible person. Oh well.. i can live with that.

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- Offnode gets capped with no call? Then you should have paid more attention to the node guard's health.


You're assuming they needed to kill him to cap it. Half the time, a stealther will sap him, he'll use his CC break, he'll get sapped AGAIN, and then we lose the node.


The other half of the time, he goes down in 2 hits because he's wearing 192 PvE gear and doesn't understand that's a bad thing.


- Enemy score the huttball? Then why didn't you control mid or knock em off?


I have a limited amount of CC at my command. After I knock the ball carrier off a ledge and that sorc/sage pulls him back up, it's up to one of the OTHER 7 people next to me (who am I kidding, 6 of them are nowhere NEAR the ball) to use THEIR CC. They don't. Enemy score.



- Pylon sap capped in hypergates? Then you should have left mid at 40 secs and backed up the node.


1. I might be playing a stealther, and trying to cap the enemy node

2. I might be a healer trying to help keep control over mid for the reset

3. Or I might just *********** think that someone can call a gosh darn inc once in a while


- Enemy Healers not dying? Then you need to work on your target control.


I only have so much DPS I can put out. If the enemy has three healers, and I'm focusing one and the rest of the team is doing feeble amounts of damage to enemy tanks (not one in particular of course, nicely spread out) then nothing I do matters.


The funny thing about pugging warzones is that you are part of the pug too, if your team is failing then you are just as much part of the problem as the next guy


I can't carry SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE. If they're PvE heroes who don't call incs, don't know how to prioritize targets, and can't defend a node, I can't do all of that for them. I can only guard one node at a time, and we need 2 to win. I can't solo healers in a scrum when they're properly guarded and backed up. I can't CC the hutball carrier forever on my own. There's a reason I have a team, and it's not so I can try to carry a bunch of lazy short bus kids to victory.

Edited by Dufar_Jabar
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You're assuming they needed to kill him to cap it. Half the time, a stealther will sap him, he'll use his CC break, he'll get sapped AGAIN, and then we lose the node.

Sap capping is only overly effective in Hypergate, also this scenario falls under "counting heads" I always pay attention to how many are attacking my node, and I personally switch if I notice discrepancies.


I almost never bother to read the ops chat after a match starts, but dispite never reading chat I's still usually the first responder to a attack on the offnode. How? Because unlike some people in this thread, I have eyes and I use them. I know about how long it takes a enemy to respawn, and I keep track of how many stealthiers the enemy tem has and keep track of where those stealthiers are appearing.


The other half of the time, he goes down in 2 hits because he's wearing 192 PvE gear and doesn't understand that's a bad thing.

I always make note of anyone wearing raid gear before the match starts and if any of them end up on the offnode I personally take their place on the node and tell them to go back to the main node.




I have a limited amount of CC at my command. After I knock the ball carrier off a ledge and that sorc/sage pulls him back up, it's up to one of the OTHER 7 people next to me (who am I kidding, 6 of them are nowhere NEAR the ball) to use THEIR CC. They don't. Enemy score.

God forbid the enemy team utilize their utility skills, I mean the whole point of huttball is to outplay the other team, and if you are not in a position to stop their score then why the hell are you not busy securing mid so that your team can possess the ball the moment it respawns?





1. I might be playing a stealther, and trying to cap the enemy node

Then you should have capped their node which would have negated them capping yours, and if you failed to cap that node, then that failure is all on you.

2. I might be a healer trying to help keep control over mid for the reset

First of all controlling mid for the reset doesn't really give much of a advantage, and besides if you are a healer you can yell at someone else. Most pugs tend to be sensitive to what the healers say.

3. Or I might just *********** think that someone can call a gosh darn inc once in a while

Totally irrelevant, sap caps in Hypergates can happen fast enough that your team usually won't be able to respond to the inc fast enough, particularly if the enemy team is making any kind of effort to impair you. The best defense is to either have a VG on the node, or to double up in the last 40 seconds. No excuses.




I only have so much DPS I can put out. If the enemy has three healers, and I'm focusing one and the rest of the team is doing feeble amounts of damage to enemy tanks (not one in particular of course, nicely spread out) then nothing I do matters.

you will notice I said target control, which can be as simple as knockbacking a tank/healer over the side of the hill in Novare at the right moment.


Also if the enemy team is stacked with tanks and healer sthen you ain't going to be getting anywhere no matter whos on your team because their team si stacked with tanks and healers, of course if they are stacked with tanks and healers then they have little to no DPS which gives you a advantage to exploit ion other ways.





Outside of tier 1 lowbies I never see teams where all 7 are hopeless, in most cases you might have 1 maybe two complete bads and the rest spread across the competency spectrum. Also typically the enemy team will likely have a couple bads of their own.

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The funny thing about pugging warzones is that you are part of the pug too, if your team is failing then you are just as much part of the problem as the next guy


Unless you plan on asking Bioware to buff my characters (and ONLY my characters) to god mode so they can cap all nodes/doors by themselves or instant-score in HB, while one-shotting the whole enemy team, your argument doesn't have much basis in reality.

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Sap capping is only overly effective in Hypergate,


It's always effective vs. morons.


also this scenario falls under "counting heads" I always pay attention to how many are attacking my node, and I personally switch if I notice discrepancies.


If I peel off, we lose the node I was trying to defend/take. It's a lose/lose


I almost never bother to read the ops chat after a match starts, but dispite never reading chat I's still usually the first responder to a attack on the offnode. How? Because unlike some people in this thread, I have eyes and I use them. I know about how long it takes a enemy to respawn, and I keep track of how many stealthiers the enemy tem has and keep track of where those stealthiers are appearing.


I'm glad you're willing to make up for your teams lack of teamwork and effort. I'm not.



I always make note of anyone wearing raid gear before the match starts and if any of them end up on the offnode I personally take their place on the node and tell them to go back to the main node.


If these people listened to direction, we probably wouldn't be having this problem in the first place.




God forbid the enemy team utilize their utility skills, I mean the whole point of huttball is to outplay the other team, and if you are not in a position to stop their score then why the hell are you not busy securing mid so that your team can possess the ball the moment it respawns?


Where did you get the impression that the enemy team was at fault in that scenario? They were doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. The problem is that my team ISN'T.


If I secure mid and grab the ball, the rest of their team comes and takes me down. My teammates are of course, nowhere to be seen. Probably fighting the one or two enemy scattered around instead of actually paying attention to the objective.



Then you should have capped their node which would have negated them capping yours, and if you failed to cap that node, then that failure is all on you.


If I'm stealthing, I usually do. Of course, that doesn't negate the obscene amount of kills the enemy racked up against the short bus squad, and doesn't change the fact that we would have won had my teammates not been morons.


Most pugs tend to be sensitive to what the healers say.

God, I want your pugs.



Totally irrelevant, sap caps in Hypergates can happen fast enough that your team usually won't be able to respond to the inc fast enough,


If the sap is called as soon as the first sap happens, the sapped waits until it's almost capped and then CC breaks and stops the cap, there is PLENTY of time.


It just relies on the sapped not being a moron, is all. I don't regard this as too much to ask.





you will notice I said target control, which can be as simple as knockbacking a tank/healer over the side of the hill in Novare at the right moment.


Sure, if I get lucky and they position themselves poorly. It's not like my teammates are going to set up that kind of positioning, or exploit it if I set it up for them.


Also if the enemy team is stacked with tanks and healer sthen you ain't going to be getting anywhere no matter whos on your team because their team is stacked with tanks and healers, of course if they are stacked with tanks and healers then they have little to no DPS which gives you a advantage to exploit ion other ways.


Focused burst damage is a helluva thing. Of course, that takes teamwork and coordination, which bads lack. Lack of DPS doesn't matter when your healers don't know how to heal.




Outside of tier 1 lowbies I never see teams where all 7 are hopeless


GOD I want your pugs.


Not only I have I seen this in all tiers, but it's most common at 60. At least on my server, that's apparently when people who struggled to solo class quests all the way to level cap decide to try their hand at PvP. Empty slots, PvE gear, a stoic refusal to read or speak in ops, and a complete ignorance of the warzone objectives are par for the course.




in most cases you might have 1 maybe two complete bads and the rest spread across the competency spectrum.




What the hell magical server do YOU play on?



Also typically the enemy team will likely have a couple bads of their own.


If they are, they're almost always bads who at least follow directions.


From your post, it looks like you enjoy playing with a handicap. That's fine. I don't.

Edited by Dufar_Jabar
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When all defenders in VOidstar go to one side, or no one calls and it gets capped within 30seconds. I am leaving.


When people cap nodes and leave them, or dont call inc. I am leaving.


When people refuse to play Huttball in Huttball. I am leaving.


These are simple things. I do not need to put up with that kind of idiocy or aggravation on a game. I choose not to.


You do what you like, and i'll do what I like. Happy?


I try to put up with it but when you finish a warzone with PURELY trash players who are only there for three things (Depending on level) Comms, xp, and conquest points) But the problem with that is you finish up thinking FINALLY IM FREE. Just to que up and get put back in the same boat with the terrible players. Thats when I quit and try to que into another group of players and hope that I dont get those ones again.

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I never really understood this complaint. I never get upset or leave if I get backfilled, into a stomp or otherwise. I still got my one comm for backfilling, credit towards the daily/weekly and then I'll head to the objective or throw a quick heal/taunt or two and collect a couple 3 more medals. All for 2-3 minutes worth of my time. Extremely cost effective, that's like 40 comms plus the daily credit. It would be 80 comms for 15 minutes if I was there from the beginning and we lost. Not as cost efficient and much more frustrating.


What irritates me is sometimes I unsub for awhile and I am limited to 5 warzones..then backfill a horribly lost warzone with 5% left remaining...there goes one of my 5 warzones...

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What irritates me is sometimes I unsub for awhile and I am limited to 5 warzones..then backfill a horribly lost warzone with 5% left remaining...there goes one of my 5 warzones...


Because spending 15 minutes beating your head in frustration against your keyboard is so much more rewarding? You get credit for your weekly and daily either way. if you really want to avoid being a backfill, always decline any pops that come up immediately after queuing. That will help ensure you get in WZs that are just starting.

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