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Everything posted by Stevaelin

  1. That, the conquest popup and the stronghold popup. A trio of eyesores is what they are.
  2. I beat the cats on Vet ... but the three assassin elites later on destroyed me. I'm guessing veteran is intended more for a replay, or a second character than for your first playthrough. Can't really object to that.
  3. The graphical improvements are noticeable and impressive, I agree.
  4. Signed. The match notes advertise this as being for our convenience but it's anything but.
  5. Sometimes achievements get bugged and reset by accident, only for Bioware to fix it later. Happened with the nightlife event, and is still happening for me with the wookie boss on Cademimu. I hope this is another incident. Also, weird to find myself hoping its yet another bug ... EDIT: Just saw on the dev tracker that its deliberate. Strike 1 for this expansion.
  6. This changed would be highly desirable. In the process, you should also remove the requirement to have recruited the companion in question before you can buy a customization for them. That would makes things a lot more convenient.
  7. As an addendum to this, since two capital letters are now allowed, please add the option to capitalise the letter after an -. For example the W in Obi-Wan, as opposed to Obi-wan. I've had a character who uses that naming convention since I got my Founder title, and while it isn't a deal-breaker by any means, to this day that lowercase letter irritates me.
  8. The option to check or uncheck whether to que for arenas or just regular warzones is one of my most desired additions to the game. I'd happily accept a longer loading time if it let me avoid the arenas. These days I've taken to just quitting as soon as the loading screen gets out of the way and lets me, so having the option not to que for them at all would save me the annoyance of two loading screen waits and my would-be team the annoyance of starting with only three.
  9. It isn't reallly, and my characters are quite happy to fight it since their allegiances are already with Zakuul's enemies. But all the stuff Zakuul does, the Sith and the Republic do as well. They basically seem to be a bigger, more powerful Alderaan. I'm happy enough to fight them, but if the writers want me to get invested in the whole "Boo, Zakuul is evil, we must destroy it!" thing, they are going to have to have them do something significantly more heinous than they have so far.
  10. I prefer it this way. My characters feel powerful on lower level planets, but they don't act like they found a god-mode cheat somewhere. I never liked the way you could challenge a supposedly bad-*** character like Malgus or Revan and then just go afk in the middle of the fight, safe in the knowledge that your character would be perfectly fine when you got back. That's not getting more powerful, that's just the game being silly.
  11. You answered your own question just then. They didn't respond because the poor customer service guy who read your e-mail was too busy rolling his eyes and laughing at how idiotic it was.
  12. I just logged onto the board to suggest this very thing. With the substantial rise of available companions, listing them by influence level in the Crew Skills screen would help with crafting significantly.
  13. I would support removing gear as a factor in pvp altogether. Combine the bolster and level-synch mechanics to give everyone the same stats and let whoever plays best win. Level playing field and all.
  14. The way the companion customisations are spread out at the moment is a little inefficient. The vendor on Ilum has all customisations so I think it would be nice if he was available on the Fleet instead. A minor thing but handy. Also, it'd be nice if the security key vendor on the Fleet had a full stock too, since the one on Ilum has several items that the Fleet guy doesn't.
  15. With the incoming level synch system I think it would be a good idea to raise the resistance to getting knocked off your mount. Lets face it, fighting the same trash mobs over and over is rarely (if ever!) fun, and this would allow for the option to skip past them without compromising the level synch.
  16. PAX - http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/ip128 NYCc - http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/ip129
  17. I like the idea in theory, I've never been one to enjoy outleveling quests, and don't like the way the current system makes it almost impossible for enemies ten or so levels below you to even land a hit. It's immersion breaking IMO - here's Darth Malgus, he's a total ****** (meanposterior I guess)... who can't touch you even if you start a fight and then go afk for five minutes to have some dinner. Still, I'm cautious. Liking it in theory and liking how it ends up being implemented are two different things. We'll see.
  18. That would be nice, kind of like how the Cyborg gets all the various implants unlocked if you complete the class story with one. The unique scars that Inquisitors can have would be another thing that would be nice to use on other classes.
  19. I'll join the chorus saying that if there is to be an archived section for achievements that are no longber attainable, then the right thing to do is to move these companion affection achievements into it. Just arbitrarily deleting them is not cool guys, not cool.
  20. Please add a toggle, similar to that which allows you to que for hm or tactical flashpoints, which enables the option of queing for regular warzones without risking getting placed in an arena. I really don't care for that game mode and am rather tired of the flash of dissapointment I feel every time I get a warzone pop only for "Best of Four Rounds!" loading screen to show. I'd happily accept a longer que time if I could dodge those things altogether.
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