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Is SWTOR 2 planned?


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I don't think SWTOR 2.0 is off the table, but they do have a lot of years left in this one before the business case makes sense to spend a ton of new cash into a new development with a new engine. I will say that when SWTOR 2.0 or another BW MMO game is made, they will likely take a hard look at the design lessons to be learned from this effort and massively improve.
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Perhaps something will be planned in the future when the new trilogy ends with the spin off movies called "Star Wars: The New Republic" You can dream if you want :)


I wonder about that...I almost think it would be better to set it post RotJ to avoid conflicts with the movies...they have a 30 year gap to play in...but then players like to play Jedi/Sith, not just Imp/Pub...so...yeah...

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couple problems with your assessment

1) swtor at its launch was regarded as the most expensive video game ever made. trying to play the "investment card" is a bit pointless. as with any project, you can't work on it forever. at some point it needs to generate revenue.

2) you're making the assumption that because a game is ready, or good, or anything, that it will be successful. it doesn't. again, look at wow. it was a pile of junk.

3) lets not talk about eso, or any other post-wow mmo. they all have grand ideas and plans except when they all launch, they all fail.


SWTOR has already paid for it self with launch sells and 1st year of subs.. *** are you talking about generate revenue...


The issue SWTOR had was sustaining revenue post launch. It had a staffing size the same as WoW did with at the time over 7 million subs. SWTOR had over 1.2 mil at launch and over inflated its server selection assuming those numbers would get even higher. Lack of fleshed out end game content, low population on servers do to many and the time it took to consolidate there server led to more and more people unsubing. This lead to them having to down size there staff and cut back on projected events. You just cant have a staff size the size SWTOR started with if you do not have the WoW numbers of subs. Then add a economic recession at the same time. All this led to staff cut back and massive content delay as the retooled for a F2P model.. well more like free to try with lots of restrictions. Personally I think they should of used the STO model at least when it comes to basic content.. having to buy a pass to raid/dungeons is a bit absurd and greedy.


If anything the new movies will generate even more people playing swtor. This happened with Lord of the Rings Online after each of the Lord of the Rings movies came out. If EA markets right, they could get more people to sub as long as they see content coming. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see more content later part of the year... if they are smart about it.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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If EA markets right, they could get more people to sub as long as they see content coming. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see more content later part of the year... if they are smart about it.
This seems like a pragmatic view. But the OP dreams not of new content; he longs for a new game. "Expansion 4.0" is not the same as "SWTOR2" ... and the issue raised by the OP is whether EA/BW is planning a SWTOR2.


Like Happy Puppy, I fully expect interest in SWTOR to spike upon the release of each new SW movie. Whether EA/BW takes advantage of those spikes remains to be seen. I fear it's just as likely that they pocket the extra cash without reinvesting much into new content (much less a new game).


What the OP wants is for SWTOR to press its "reset" button. Players do it all the time. We take what we've learned in an MMO and "start over" ... much wiser than when we were newbs. Any Sage I make today will be far superior to the one I made at release because the man at the keyboard has a superior understanding of the (virtual) world in which we play.


That is the allure of "the reboot": Melding today's technology with years of actual experience. Focusing on elements proven to work while ignoring all those embarrassing missteps (sorry, Space Combat fans :(). Personally, I share the OP's dream ... I'd love for SWTOR to reboot. But it ain't gonna happen.

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Agreed! That's the other reason there's no new SW MMO in the works...BF3 is going to do more in sales in 1 week, than all the Star Wars MMOs have made combined.


Battlefront 3 will never release. They already delayed it by a year, the next announcement will be its cancellation. Dice will fare no better than the previous studios who all tried and failed to make another battlefront.


The title is cursed.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I think this is the most likely outcome as well.


I think development would have needed to start 2-3 years ago for Bioware/EA to meet that timeline for completion.


More time would be needed if they want to create or contract a new game engine that might be appropriate. I don't think EA has an existing engine that could create a new MMO without the game being hated by players for not offering anything new unless they get a custom engine built just for the game. When you build a game around an existing engine you are severely limited with what you can do, which was one of the reasons I think SWTOR didn't perform as expected. They tried to hard to make SWTOR fit the engine they had and the result created a heavily instanced world with performance degradation problems.


Its not rocket science to get some data on what players want in a Star Wars themed MMO. The best way to deliver a game that fulfills the wishes of the community is to design the game first, then build an engine that can do it.

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Sequel MMOs tend to not resemble their originals in any way shape or form. If all you want is an improved engine (for large pvp battles, for ex) then you may be disappointed. EQ2, AC2 and Champions all basically threw out the bad -and- the good from their predecessors and were unrecognizably different - worse in many respects. I haven't played Lineage 1 or 2 so can't speak to that.
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Battlefront 3 will never release. They already delayed it by a year, the next announcement will be its cancellation. Dice will fare no better than the previous studios who all tried and failed to make another battlefront.


The title is cursed.


Sure it will. There's no curse...DICE is going to kill it!

Edited by TUXs
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couple problems with your assessment

1) swtor at its launch was regarded as the most expensive video game ever made. trying to play the "investment card" is a bit pointless. as with any project, you can't work on it forever. at some point it needs to generate revenue.


To be fair, a portion of the development cost was buying into an unfinished game engine that was suitable for the MMO segment. In the haste to bring the game to market they pretty much limited it's life-cycle by doing that.


Alongside the lack of content at endgame and BioWare being caught not being on the ball with how quickly the content would be "consumed". This has definitely been a learning curve for them, which shows how poorly they researched the MMO market.


If however EA had been prepared to invest properly after launch, they would have kept that development team in place to continue producing content at a much faster pace. If they had released it as "DLC" and charged for it, or had a "Season Pass" type of option alongside a better version of the F2P model, who knows where we would be now.


It's all fairly moot now.


To pull this game back they'd need some serious development time and a much better QA process in place, which costs money they'll unlikely be able to get a budget for.

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Everyone has an opinión so here is mine:


There will always be a market for a Star Wars MMO and so far this will be always succesfull.


How that will happen or when is not up to us to decide, Bioware will decide when, how and how much cash will they put into it.


So far this game with all its limitations has returned great amounts of cash to BW, its not as sucesffull as WOW?, who cares? it has made money, yes, it will eventually die? who knows, i know games that have been online for more than 10 years with a very small crew and making little money but still rocking on so it all depends


Maybe your question was or wanted to be, will BW ever make a Start Wars MMO as or more succesfull than WOW? that, we will probably never know

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Everyone has an opinión so here is mine:


There will always be a market for a Star Wars MMO and so far this will be always succesfull.


How that will happen or when is not up to us to decide, Bioware will decide when, how and how much cash will they put into it.


So far this game with all its limitations has returned great amounts of cash to BW, its not as sucesffull as WOW?, who cares? it has made money, yes, it will eventually die? who knows, i know games that have been online for more than 10 years with a very small crew and making little money but still rocking on so it all depends


Maybe your question was or wanted to be, will BW ever make a Start Wars MMO as or more succesfull than WOW? that, we will probably never know


The problem with your opinion here is you fail to understand basic principle of bussiness when dealing with share holders and investors


Turning a profit does NOT equal success

MEETING or EXCELLING PROJECTIONS is how you determine success and SW:TOR eclipsed opening day projections but had fallen well below expectations just 3 months into game live cycle.


So because of that, SW:TOR will never be viewed as a successful MMORPG (and already is not viewed as such).


EAs goal is NOT to break even.

If it was we all would have an amazing kick arse game with triple the amount of content currently and active staff in game ensuring the highest level of game play and community.


But because all the profits go elsewhere, this title has ran on very little support and funding since release.


Really if you had just said the following and left it at that, you would have been correct (not opinion, pure facts)


Everyone has an opinión so here is mine:


There will always be a market for a Star Wars MMO and so far this will be always succesfull.


How that will happen or when is not up to us to decide, DISNEY (with EA working on behalf ofDisney for as long as they hold the gaming rights) will decide when, how and how much cash will they put into it.

Edited by Kalfear
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Wow = not story driven.

SWTOR=story driven.


While SWTOR 2 likely wont' happen, that doens't change the fact that yes, WOW can go ahead for another decade. SWTOR cannot. What do you really do at WOW? You powerlevel up level 100. Then ALL you do is

a) Hardcore pvp (my coup of tea)

b) Hardcore pve(Eeew)

c) Troll around with the others waiting for queues/waiting for motivation to do something

d) Normal pve og pvp.


Wow has no story. Or, it has, but the story is best ignored. I mean. A "dungeoen" with pandas kicking eachother's ***? Look at "The false emperor". A fun "dungeon", so to speak. Look at the WOW dungeons. Clearly not driven by anything but random killing. Yet that's what makes it to clever. People complain about Revan not making sense in SOR. But nothing in Wow EVER made sense, nor will it. It's just there to give the masses new entertainment. SWTOR cannot compete with WOW, because SWTOR is story driven. How fun is SWTOR once you're done with the class story? Not that much.

Wow is just horrible in terms of leveling, but the endgame is the only part of the game. SWTOR is more like a RPG, and it'd be lovely tbh if they made KOTOR 3 soon. Or SWTOR 2 to give us "new" stories.


Anyways. SWTOR will die in a few years. Because; it's "too" story driven, and the story is everything. Like with series. We've all seen series go to hell when they're overextended.


What is the difference between advancing the story through patches and expansions and starting a whole new game? Besides the fact that patches and expansions would be far easier and probably more profitable.

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Stop using the word pragmatic. Your responses clearly show you don't know what it means. You have stated isolated facts and weakly drawn a conclusion from them. You have ignored the context people have responded with.

Not being able to apply theory effectively is literally the exact opposite of pragmatism.


You seem to be the one confused about what pragmatic means. It means to deal with things rationally, factually, and without emotion.

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What is the difference between advancing the story through patches and expansions and starting a whole new game? Besides the fact that patches and expansions would be far easier and probably more profitable.


Well, it's hard to keep the same story going. It's easier from a story-POW to make a "follow-up" than to make the story last forever.

But this is of course for the sake of the story, and might not economically better than well, what you noted. And economics are what rules the world, after all.

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You seem to be the one confused about what pragmatic means. It means to deal with things rationally, factually, and without emotion.


Yes, and the point that was being made to you is that you were not doing that.


You did in fact take some "facts" and try and make them fit the story you wanted. The post following yours talking about expecations and how large publicly traded companies worked was in fact correct.


From EA's point of view, SWTOR is not successful because it didn't meet the expectations they had for it. Making money or not making money, being "Star Wars" and having huge potential means nothing to EA.


EA invested hundreds of millions of dollars and expected millions of subs for longer than 3 months and didn't get them. Thus, failure.


That is pragmatic, everything else is wishful fan thinking.

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Wow = not story driven.

SWTOR=story driven.


While SWTOR 2 likely wont' happen, that doens't change the fact that yes, WOW can go ahead for another decade. SWTOR cannot. What do you really do at WOW? You powerlevel up level 100. Then ALL you do is

a) Hardcore pvp (my coup of tea)

b) Hardcore pve(Eeew)

c) Troll around with the others waiting for queues/waiting for motivation to do something

d) Normal pve og pvp.


Wow has no story. Or, it has, but the story is best ignored. I mean. A "dungeoen" with pandas kicking eachother's ***? Look at "The false emperor". A fun "dungeon", so to speak. Look at the WOW dungeons. Clearly not driven by anything but random killing. Yet that's what makes it to clever. People complain about Revan not making sense in SOR. But nothing in Wow EVER made sense, nor will it. It's just there to give the masses new entertainment. SWTOR cannot compete with WOW, because SWTOR is story driven. How fun is SWTOR once you're done with the class story? Not that much.

Wow is just horrible in terms of leveling, but the endgame is the only part of the game. SWTOR is more like a RPG, and it'd be lovely tbh if they made KOTOR 3 soon. Or SWTOR 2 to give us "new" stories.


Anyways. SWTOR will die in a few years. Because; it's "too" story driven, and the story is everything. Like with series. We've all seen series go to hell when they're overextended.


while i have fallen out of love with WOW thanks to the whole flying thing, i will say the levelling is a lot more efficient there than in TOR as well as the first 2 expacs being based off the Warcraft 2 and 3 rts games. They closed off those story lines quite nicely. However you go to all the random dungeons and the most recent expacs, butchering characters like malfurion, deathwing, tyrande and others like them :/ and like... yeah some of the lore in WoW is best ignored completely so as not to screw over you mind trying to figure out how they click. and how a bunch of it is in books most players don't buy :/

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Yep. It was delayed cause Battle Field 4 was a cluster **** and they had to put everyone on that game to fix it. Battle Front 3 is gonna be hella fun!


i'm gonna keep my expectations low cause with DICE's recent track record of games and how ridiculously buggy they were at launch, i'm gonna wait and see how it goes before i dive in.

but hot damn am i keen for another battlefront game, especially made by dice :p

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Here are my 2 cents


I think we will eventually see another SW MMO from Bioware but I don't think it will be a SWTOR sequel. I think the better option for BW/Disney is to wait until the new Trilogy is launched and start teasers for the new MMO once the second movie is released and have it launch after or right before the last movie in that series. Then I think it will be set post the new movies.


I hope the next Star wars MMO is more of a sandbox and allows for more custimization, has a less linear plot and please don't make me have to bring companions with me everywhere...

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while i have fallen out of love with WOW thanks to the whole flying thing, i will say the levelling is a lot more efficient there than in TOR as well as the first 2 expacs being based off the Warcraft 2 and 3 rts games. They closed off those story lines quite nicely. However you go to all the random dungeons and the most recent expacs, butchering characters like malfurion, deathwing, tyrande and others like them :/ and like... yeah some of the lore in WoW is best ignored completely so as not to screw over you mind trying to figure out how they click. and how a bunch of it is in books most players don't buy :/


It takes less time per level at first, maybe. But that's not what I meant. I meant that lvling here, at SWTOR; is actually fun. You get quests with meaning, quests that actually have something behind it. Help Gravus stop the colonization of Taris. Conquer Balmorra and force the commander to admit the Republic's involvement. Retake Balmorra as a Pub later, with meaningful quests and dialogue.

Of course, leveling from level 10 to 20 goes faster in WOW I guess, but the difference is that wow lvling = power leveling as the leveling process is the most painful part of the game; while the leveling process with quests and story in swtor is part of the best part.


Maybe the books do cast som light on it, but the story in the game is really done halfway. It's fine though, I know that I*ll go back to WOW once or thrice because I got too much sparetime and I like to stay busy during the evenings. SWTOR forums is, while fun, not the most rewarding evening-activity.


And the first expacs aren't that bad, but I'd not compare it's histories with those in SWTOR. It's much less engaging.

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