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Why do you refuse to tank/heal?


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Yeah you, mr "I only DPS but play classes that can tank/heal" guy. Why do you never tank/heal in group content? Just curious about some of the reasons (excuses) people have.


Personally, I like all three roles, but I get tired of always having to tank or heal to get flashpoints to pop.


Obviously, if you only play Marauder/Sniper, ignore this question :)

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I've stopped doing group finder unless I've got at least 2 other guildies with me if I am tanking or healing. I've grown weary of dps who want to rush through everything without any regard for healers or tanks. It isn't worth my time to deal with the ignorant who only dps and then try to tell tanks and heals how to do their roles.
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I'll admit it, I don't pay enough attention to heal. I can tank or DPS, but please never ask me to heal...I don't watch my own health 1/2 the time...I could never be tasked with watching up to 15 other players. I just don't have the mindset for it, which is why I have HUGE respect for anyone that does heal!!!
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I heal on the rare occasion for flashpoints done with guildmates, but generally speaking, I play the back-up healer (i.e. a guildmate who is much better at healing than I is primary and I bring a sorc or merc, specc'ed for dps, who can throw small heals or other protections if they're needed).


I don't tank because I suck wind at melee classes and am still trying to learn how to play them. Totally comfortable with the dps role, and some day I'll give tanking a try. But for now, I'll let guildmates and others shine in those roles.

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In my experience on The Shadowlands, Tanks get treated pretty badly by both dps and healers. I've seen it enough while playing dps that I refuse to tank outside of guild runs. I will not queue, I won't even take credits to tank. I've been a sub since beta, I was a MT in WoW for several years and I really enjoy tanking, until I played SWTOR. Never again. For clarity, I have 4 tanks in addition to my dps characters. Edited by Xhelis
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Tank - exectations of perfection. Not just good/decent. Expectations of knowing all tacs, dps & healers included as well and explaining every time. The way people can abuse tanks for even slightest mistakes or, God forbid, for being a new tank (or new to a particular content) is just ridiculous. I tank rarely and almost exclusively within the guild for those reasons. The 'etlist tank' attitude many experienced tanks display seems proportionate to the level of abuse new/inexperienced tanks endure.


I don't mind/refuse healing, I like it but usually I just enjoy dpsing more.

Edited by Pietrastor
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"Hey you!"??? Excuses? Your tone would suggest you think people have some sort of obligation to tank or heal so you don't have to. And that's touching on the issue right there. Tanks and healers get no respect. Every twelve year old DPS'r thinks the reason for his failure is because of a tank or healer when it's his own damn fault because he's a douche himself.


I don't need the grief, so screw it. I'm not playing so you can complain and I'm not there for your entertainment. I'm there for mine. So do it yourself.

Edited by MSchuyler
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In my experience on The Shadowlands, Tanks get treated pretty badly by both dps and healers. I've seen it enough while playing dps that I refuse to tank outside of guild runs. I will not queue, I won't even take credits to tank. I've been a sub since beta, I was a MT in WoW for several years and I really enjoy tanking, until I played SWTOR. Never again. For clarity, I have 4 tanks in addition to my dps characters.


^ This is why I don't do group stuff on my Heals/Tanks. Though Healers (in my recollection of reading) don't usually blast the tanks. Usually it's a DPS insulting Tue tank before telling us in Gen Chat how the healer can't heal.


Amusingly enough, I don't play the DPS branches except on DPS classes. But I personally don't group because I'm a very bad heal/tank, and, I admit, I am dead terrified of being blasted for still figuring out how to heal (by playing my lowbies, because my 60 Guardian and Merc are supposed to know their roles by now...)

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Ive played mainly tanks in this game for 3 years, so I think I have a handle on it. I can tell you one thing. Too often strategies, tactics and mechanics are too reliant on a tank to do the heavy lifting.


This is mainly a game design problem. Threat only matters in the first 30 seconds of a fight. In most fights, after that, the threat is locked in. This makes tanking somewhat boring. Knowing this, Bioware designed encounters where the tank is responsible for the majority of the mechanics. This makes tanking either boring or high pressure.


For a long time I liked the high pressure aspect. I liked being in charge and taking control. However, after 3 years of that I am pretty burnt out. Standing back and dropping some ranged dps without caring about much is refreshing and fun.

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Though Healers (in my recollection of reading) don't usually blast the tanks.

Not for mechanics/tactics, but they do often have this irresistable "need" to make it loud and clear how hard it is to heal the tank and how the tank should have perfect optimized gear for easy healing before even stepping into SM ops. All while they're healing in vendor gear... We've all seen this.

Edited by Pietrastor
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"Hey you!"??? Excuses? Your tone would suggest you think people have some sort of obligation to tank or heal so you don't have to. And that's touching on the issue right there. Tanks and healers get no respect. Every twelve year old DPS'r thinks the reason for his failure is because of a tank or healer when it's his own damn fault because he's a douche himself.


I don't need the grief, so screw it. I'm not playing so you can complain and I'm not there for your entertainment. I'm there for mine. So do it yourself.


Well the initial post was meant to be in a playful tone (I know, hard to convey on the internet). Also, I always tank/heal, that was kind of my point, I have to because nobody else is willing to do it, so I'm curious why others refuse to even try.

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Yeah you, mr "I only DPS but play classes that can tank/heal" guy. Why do you never tank/heal in group content? Just curious about some of the reasons (excuses) people have.


Personally, I like all three roles, but I get tired of always having to tank or heal to get flashpoints to pop.


Obviously, if you only play Marauder/Sniper, ignore this question :)


Quite honestly, while I enjoy tanking, I'm just not that great at it. I was my group's tank for over a year before I realized that I'm just better at DPS. I've tried healing - the group didn't last long. :eek:

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Yeah you, mr "I only DPS but play classes that can tank/heal" guy. Why do you never tank/heal in group content? Just curious about some of the reasons (excuses) people have.


Personally, I like all three roles, but I get tired of always having to tank or heal to get flashpoints to pop.


Obviously, if you only play Marauder/Sniper, ignore this question :)

So you are looking for "excuse"? Ohh wow why did you not tell me you were the headmaster of swtor school? i would have an officially written "excuse" for you!!


Here is the explanation for you which you seem to ignore, every class that "can" tank/heal have 2 dps spec and only 1 tank/heal spec, so no they are not tank/heal class. they are dps class that have tank/heal spec so no one is playing tank/heal class to dps. people who are tanking/healing are playing dps class to tank/heal.


As for why i no longer tank or heal, well I only used to tank or heal, even when i solo, just to get better in my role. but things went south when i started to do ops, i always do ops a few months after they are out since then there are guides online and i can just get the strategy down without ever have to bringing the team down. When i started doing ops in 50 endgame, things were totally fine, but with 2.0 i saw lots of **** going on. i saw players with 180 MH rolling need on 168 MH token and when i asked why, their answer was "my comp needs it". yeah i know, you are gonna say "this is what happens in pug", so because they are on pug they lost all sense of decency and common sense? there were situation where i was the off tank on another guild's run who kept master loot, the main tank who did not even know how to play the game let alone tank, got killed again and again and i had to actually do all the tanking but the ops leader handed over all gear token to that MT to make him "NiM ready for DF and DP", i told them "go on make that worthless trash NiM ready, i am leaving, find yourself another tank". these kind of situation happened all the time, during all of 2.0-2.10 i played with 162 MH from CZ vendor, never got a single token drop from any HM or NIM of TFB or SNV. At the end of 2.9 i decided to go dps on all my healing and tank toons. never going to tank or heal ever again. I am sure there are lots of poor suckers who will continue to fall for it but not me again.

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is your question :why do you not tank/heal ever" or "why do you not heal/tank in pugs? because they are most certainly different questions. and yes, excuses was a bad choice of word IMO.


I actualy do heal.. occasionally even in pugs. career healer here, I enjoy that role the most. I also have tanks. I tried dpsing, but its just not my thing.


pugs? I don't feel confident enough in my abilities as a tank to compensate for whatever the rest of the group may pull on me... yet. I also rarely feel in a mood to do so on even my healers.


as for why dps on everything? I have a guildie for whom dps is like healing for me. its just what he enjoys best and what he's best at. he tried both tanking and healing and he's actualy better than he gives himself credit for it... but dps is what he feels at home with. so that's what he does (and yes, he's really good at it)


just because you can do something. doesn't mean you should, and certainly doesn't mean you are obligated to.

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Yeah you, mr "I only DPS but play classes that can tank/heal" guy. Why do you never tank/heal in group content? Just curious about some of the reasons (excuses) people have.

A number of posts following your OP indicates numerous reasons. However, I believe there is an underlying reason why many will not tank or heal. I've tanked from the very first day I played in my first MMO (City of Heroes). I found it to be the most challenging aspect of the game, this game and others.


However, it is a thankless job for a player to do. Like healing, tanking is a support role. It is not all flash and bang like dpsing. Rarely are you thanked for doing your part right and spot on. However, if you screw up or that mighty dpser aggro's every mob within eye shot and dies, it is the tank or healer's fault. Tanking, like healing, is a mind set. You put the team before yourself. It takes a rock solid team oriented player to fulfill these roles. That and the responsibility that comes with these support roles is a big deterrence for many players.


This is why you won't find many who can actually tank/heal or aspire to try it. Too much qqing and finger pointing by those who do not understand the tank/heal role or their purpose either. Dpsing is the "flash and bang" of MMOs, the tank and healer are not.

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If the content requires the tank/heal/dps trilogy to overcome it than no one role is more important than the other. This crap about "tanking/healing" being a thankless job and a sacrificial burden is nothing more than a way to condescend to dps while serving your ego.


You don't deserve any bonus kudos from dps (or anyone for that matter) for being a healer or a tank because you chose that role for yourself. Im not going to stroke you for doing your job in a group. Either its worth doing or its not but leave dps out of your guilt trip.

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Tank and heals are the only role I've played in end game here and I really enjoy it.

Derping is just that, derping, get your rotations right and derp away, which for me, is so boring.

Out of the two roles, I enjoy tanking a little more. I especially enjoy watching hypo-rush everything derpers pull early, I always let them die before collecting all the aggro back up, then do a /point and laugh at their dead bodies. :D

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If the content requires the tank/heal/dps trilogy to overcome it than no one role is more important than the other. This crap about "tanking/healing" being a thankless job and a sacrificial burden is nothing more than a way to condescend to dps while serving your ego.


You don't deserve any bonus kudos from dps (or anyone for that matter) for being a healer or a tank because you chose that role for yourself. Im not going to stroke you for doing your job in a group. Either its worth doing or its not but leave dps out of your guilt trip.

I don't see anyone looking for "bonus kudos." What I do see are people who are tired of shouldering the blame for group failure. If, as you say, "no one role is more important than the other," then no one should be faulting the tank or the healer specifically for any deaths that occur, yet that sort of thing seems to happen quite regularly.

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Because the good book (of Kephess) says thou shall not tank or heal on the Sabbath as it is forbidden.

But I always find it amusing when people want to blame each group for the failure. To reflect this since I play all rolls, When I heal if Temple pulls then I don't heal here tell her to l2p and stopping being an ugly DPS and take out sexy Vector as he's a mlg pro. I do the same with Quinn and Broonmark on my DPS and always blame Skadge on my PT tank. #Skadgeisascrub

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