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will you even play in season 4 if it remains unbalanced?


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small quote from the devs about pvp season 4 posted on January 15th


"Season 4 is planned to last roughly 3 months, starting with Game Update 3.1 and ending with Game Update 3.2. As of right now, Game Update 3.1 is planned to go live in about a month (and is already on PTS, so please check it out!). However, as always, this is subject to change."



I'm sure most of you have seen the 3.1.1 patch notes ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7998902#edit7998902 )


did they purposely not include changes for sorcs, sins and pts or even snipers and mercs? Most people are glad they finally addressed the marauder issues (which will still prevail if they dont get more treatment). There are way more glaring issues for pvp besides what they addressed. Very small meaningless changes such as the shieldtech change and full auto change. Where are the changes people want to see and will they even come before season 4? If they don't, whats going to be the point of playing ranked if you're not a strong FoTM?

Edited by Ursus-SUON
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Its just pretty boring seeing the same classes over and over in wzs, especially sorcs, who fill up 40-50% of every wz, sometimes sins being the other 50%. I wouldnt mind if some classes were a bit far ahead, but this kind of class distribution shows accurately how deep the balance has fallen in SWTOR.
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I will participate on my Deception Sin. I see it that way that, if you participate with a non FOTM class, you should be proud of yourself if you get a decent rating.

I think getting a good rating because of your skill gives you waaaaaaaay mooore satisfaction then because you play a FOTM class.

So I would incourage all non FOTM classes to play, makes pvp funnier and not so boring.

Yolo rating is overrated anyway.

I think in team ranked you can make it work with every class if you have a good team. Might take a lot of practice though.

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did they purposely not include changes for sorcs, sins and pts or even snipers and mercs?


Because most likely, changes are coming in small increments. Yes, season 4 is likely going to start "unbalanced" as many people feel. But changes will come during the season.

Edited by vennian
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I see it that way that, if you participate with a non FOTM class, you should be proud of yourself if you get a decent rating.

I think getting a good rating because of your skill gives you waaaaaaaay mooore satisfaction then because you play a FOTM class.



Sure... as long as yu don't have an hatred sin in your team .

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I want to say yes, last season i played 10games of yolo because after that i got bored of pure skank heals & tanks. Which is probably what we are in for this season, i thought the discipline system would fix that issue but they gave dps heal over time and sages & sorcs are still hitting 9k single heals. In a 4dps vs 4dps situation it isn't really 4 dps if someone goes off tank on someone wearing healing gear.


My main problem will always be the balance is crazy at the moment. I want to see things made a bit fairer but if no changes are going to come until after the season starts, i don't see the point in playing before then :/


I have had a few yolo matches for pre-season which have consisted of sins, PT & sorcs. In a match again 2 pt and you have no healer there is just no point in playing xD


Only sages can survive the burst with barrier. If you stealth you get stealth scanned and if you use breaker they stun again, can't afford to wait for a 5 sec stun to wear off.


If class balances are made i will be there with a smile :D but if they stay the same i will stick to casual regs which i am already getting bored of, reg warzones with 5 sorcs on a team, fighting the same classes is just boring.

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I will participate on my Deception Sin. I see it that way that, if you participate with a non FOTM class, you should be proud of yourself if you get a decent rating.

I think getting a good rating because of your skill gives you waaaaaaaay mooore satisfaction then because you play a FOTM class.

So I would incourage all non FOTM classes to play, makes pvp funnier and not so boring.

Yolo rating is overrated anyway.

I think in team ranked you can make it work with every class if you have a good team. Might take a lot of practice though.


I have been doing pre season as deception, and it works out really well. But I have also been doing regs as hatred so if it ends up being one of those days that I need to constantly heal myself, then so be it ill suffer through the fotm and cry later knowing that I might get the "amazing" rewards of season 4 :p

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Class balance changes won't happen until after the season starts.


I do not plan to participate in any ranked games. The queue takes too long, I'm not interested in reskinned PVE armor sets, and I don't need the comms.


This is exactly how I feel about ranked.. Long ques for highly imbalanced matches that half of them are determined by RNG of how bad your allies vs how bad are opponents. Many of the higher ranked people in yolo try to que with buddies and I do not blame them.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I will not play season 4....iam sick and tired of that sorcs, sins, sorcs, sins, sorcs, juggs, sins, sins, sins, sins, sorcs, juggs, sins, sins, sorcs, sorcs.....and sins


People need to roll other classes more often ... But won't as long as the word is spread that anything besides those classes you've mentioned is NOT OP ...

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Nothing scares me more as a guardian or sent than going up against a team of sins and/or sorcs - while I'm stuck jousting my instants with them and getting rooted and kb'd like a rag doll, they're hitting me with dots and ranged attacks - no fun. I'll play my serenity shadow or hatred sin enough to get a rating for the rewards and that's probably it. But I really don't like the sin playstyle and couldn't main one.
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