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Everything posted by DrWeebs

  1. You got globaled and we all laughed in ops chat. One of the finer +popcorn+ moments in my one month of return. Take care, I've already uninstalled, the game started out as mediocre with huge potential, and has become mediocre and dead.
  2. This made me laugh. 7 wins, 18 MVP votes, 1194 ranking after 2 afkers, 2 pvers getting globaled, strife premades... that's why I quit playing ranked, and pretty much altogether. My favorite moment playing against you is when you left the match because my team had 3 assassins and you got globaled. You're a solid player. See ya, enjoy this bad game and your "impact" on it lol
  3. I wrecked every single person I played against with ease, including you (which isn't saying much, as you were a pretty easy takedown if I've ever seen one. The fact that you were the #5 ranked PT or whatever on the server goes to show just how low the skill of the community as a whole has fallen... no offense). If I get a leaver/afker/pve'r/prepade pub group i can't change that. The skill-cap in this game is so low that it's not very carryable. It's not a MOBA, or a low GCD/no-GCD MMO. It's a molassesly slow 1.5s GCD cookie-cutter build MMO with no macros allowed. The game is easy, and extremely low skill-cap for an MMO, stale content, dead PVP community that doesn't even have a high enough population to support a 4v4 solo Q and 2 factions. No reason to stay, and certainly not worth paying 15 bucks/month for. As for having an impact, there's nothing to even have an impact on. There's no real community to speak of, and not even any legitimate guilds. If you think you have an impact on anything by playing this game (even if you were good enough to, which you are not), I just feel badly for you. You've clearly exposed that a large proportion of your human ego is tied to this game. Knowing that, I really am sad for you, seriously. If you need someone to talk to call this #: 1 (800) 273-8255. There will be someone there who can help you.
  4. Stopped reading when I saw "dead faction". If there is a "dead faction", the game is dead. Unsub/Uninstall like I did. The fact that these threads still exist makes me sure I made the right decision.
  5. DrWeebs

    To pvpers

    I came back. Couldn't stand how bad the balance/neglect issues are. Unsubbed/uninstalled today.
  6. Yea, but people trash talk with their inflated ratings they got by q-syncing. Kinda defeats the entire purpose of Elo. Main reason I unsubbed/uninstalled today. The arena/elo in this game is meaningless, and the rest of the PVP is boring.
  7. Just unsubbed today, uninstalled as well. Peeking at the forums before I leave. SWTOR is dead. It only lasted this long because it is Star Wars (Reason I came back a few times, usually regrettably like hooking up with an ex-gf bc you're in a dry spell). It is certainly a black eye to the Star Wars franchise. Possibly the biggest flop in gaming history with the amount of hype and budget put into it. Had more failures than the millenium falcon did in episode V, and then went F2P and megaserver merges in months. Sad.
  8. DrWeebs


    Shut up and get me some waffle fries. FOH FREE.
  9. Check the leaderboards bud. http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards
  10. Definitely #1 PT. The PT's still playing this game can't hold a candle to you. It's not even close.
  11. Can the devs please take a look at this post? The OP makes a good point.
  12. DrWeebs


    Then what's the point of the rating if "scrubs" are getting 1500+. I just don't have any desire to participate in such a broken system. Back to PVE gaming
  13. DrWeebs


    Great suggestion, but there is no way in hell I am powerleveling another toon and min/maxxing again. The grind is too much.
  14. Not really directed at Domi. I guess I am transferring my feelings of frustration at bioware to this post that there is no x-server, and that the solo ranked ratings can be manipulated so badly because of no x-server and such a low population. Because of that the rankings literally mean almost nothing. Especially comparing servers, as that data actually for sure literally statistically means absolutely nothing. I am actually quitting the game because of this, and it is sad to me. I have come back to this game so many times because I had so much hope for a Star Wars MMO with compettiive PVP, only to be disappointed every time (Strike that, for about 2 months when 8v8 ranked was popular and had multiple guilds on each side q'ing, that was the best PVP I've ever played in any MMO... but it was very short-lived due to waning population and such a late and dishonest implementation by Bioware).
  15. DrWeebs


    +insert flowery goodbye message as if people care+ +insert 10 complaints as if people care+ PVP is fun in this game if you don't take it seriously. Once you take it seriously, which any competitive person naturally starts to do, you realize just how unforgivably bad the competitive PVP is executed in this game, and how dead/stale it is. +as if people care+ +insert friendly towards the future line as if people care+ But, seriously, even in just 6 weeks have had lots of interesting and constructive dialogue with a lot of you. There are still some very passionate gamers playing this game. It's just sad that the game/devs fails you in so many ways. It's like an abusive relationship that you can't leave because you love the potential of the partner, in this case, a Star Wars MMO (I mean seriously does gaming potential get any better than that? 8v8 Ranked when had just barely enough population to keep it fun was some of the best gaming I've ever experienced). I hope Battlefront can save the poorly utilized Star Wars IP in the last 10 years or so of gaming. Pria:wea_03:
  16. It's all RNG and gaming the system. The ratings mean nothing. Also it is 100% meaningless to compare servers since there is zero x-server play. You can only compare within same-server.
  17. Never said I blame repubs. I blame the stale game, the extremely low pop/stagnant community, which ultimately is bioware's fault. They are the worst PVP devs I've seen besides Wildstar. PVP is dead in this game, probably has been for quite some time. The only decent players left (key word is "decent", as anybody who was truly skilled left a long time ago) are a few people who see the opportunity to be a big fish in a pond so tiny you might as well call it a rain puddle. Because, none of the people who are top in this game right now would be even close to the top of a legitimate MMO PVP game like WoW arenas. I'll admit, that's the main reason I ever re-sub is because I can stomp just about every reg Q I get, which is fun in its own way, but not very compelling over the long-term, and gets stale more quickly each time I come back.
  18. Or I could do what just about every other good player before me has done because the ranked in this game is broken and dead: Quit.
  19. The fact that the population is this low and stagnant with no x-server breaks the game. Same old story with this game. Someone I knew said "yea come check it out the PVP has gotten a lot better". My reponse is no it has not. The laziest PVP dev group I've seen besides Wildstar. It's probably a good thing. My health will be better for it when I start exercising more etc. instead of playing SWTOR marathons, LOL.
  20. On Bastion server, Repub side has so few ppl q'ing ranked that they all q-sync and play on the same team... in SOLO Q. It is gamebreaking. The top ranked person on the server right now is that rating partially because they are skilled, but mostly because they're q'ing with their other skilled guildmates in VOIP while they smash pug groups and get freelo. If you look at his imp mirror, their rating is like 1200. It's so gamebreakingly bad that the population is this low for this to be possible in the first place, and that there are no checks in place to make sure a guild premade doesn't get into the same team on solo Q. It literally breaks solo Q.
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