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returning player -- state of balance?


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so i have some free time coming up and i figured i'd give this ol' game a shot again as i've always semienjoyed its pvp.


question--how is balance? how would you rank the classes in terms of pug solo-hero?


pick a class you like and get good at it. most any class can do decent. vanguard/pt seem to be the more durable classes now.

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forget the rest.

there fixed your list








That the correct order because powertech is god mode a sorc is better the sin. But why do you list 3 powertech because there no counter to powertech atm

Edited by Neoforcer
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Well, as for balance, the game tilts towards PVE content right now. Hopefully the 3.1 update will bring in some pvp content.


...Seriously though, all classes are viable in 8v8, which has always been far more about coordination than anything. I personally haven't had trouble with any one class in 4v4, but I've only ran my sorc as a healer and my sniper as a MM spec, and it's the same as pre 3.0. Heals get focused, need to LoS well, and ttk seems normal without a tank, with a tank it seems long at times. Sniper is also usually focused early making it a race to kill one person on the opposite team before I die. When left unfocused the sniper puts out very heavy damage.


hope that helps.

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PTs are not that OP because their burst is so predictable in lv60... you don't see them pulling 4k DPS like sorcs/sins can.

They don't get the numbers because they are a burst spec not a dot spreading spec. The burst maybe be predictable but that doesn't mean you can do anything about it half the time. They are almost ranged and they have super-speed mode where they simply can't be kited.

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lol at sorcs/sins deflecting to PTs.

sorcs/sins at the top

PTs/Juggs next

large groups after that

Mercs at the bottom (due to defense, not offense)


15m range on almost every attack, ungodly OP burst, spammable slow if you take said utility, +75% movement speed for 10s out of every 30s.


My sin has 4m range on most attacks, 10m on a few, 30m on ONE, good burst (not bad but not the best), a single slow on a 12s cooldown, +120% movement speed for 2s out of every 15s


Yeah, my sin is totally superior to powertech.

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lol at sorcs/sins deflecting to PTs.

sorcs/sins at the top

PTs/Juggs next

large groups after that

Mercs at the bottom (due to defense, not offense)


LOL at PTs deflecting to sorcs/sins.


PTs just don't die lol


Sorcs are probably close to where they need to be with 'okay' survivabilty and okay damage (remember much of their dmg when spreading dots)

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15m range on almost every attack, ungodly OP burst, spammable slow if you take said utility, +75% movement speed for 10s out of every 30s.


bwahaha, ungodly burst? You mean the burst that is preluded by 3 seconds of GIANT BLINKING RED WARNING SIGN?


But hey I keep forgetting how insanely hard pressing a DcD is.


PTs just don't die lol

I'm sorry I don't even....

PTs are squishy, maybe not the squishest class around but still squishy, stop being scrubby.

Glass cannon is still made of glass.



I'm sorry but the only thing OP with VG is the shoulder cannon with no ICD, and arguably the overbuffed HTL.

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O wait...your serious




I can't imagine how bad someone has to be to think that any of trooper DPS trees are tanky. The entire gosh darn class is the textbook definition of glass cannon*


Keep pullin dat 500 dps


*except plasmatech which is the textbook definition of glass peashooter.

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I can't imagine how bad someone has to be to think that any of trooper DPS trees are tanky. The entire gosh darn class is the textbook definition of glass cannon*


Keep pullin dat 500 dps


*except plasmatech which is the textbook definition of glass peashooter.


damnit fell for another troll. so gullible sometimes i am

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I am mainly playing my Serenity Shadow (Hatred Assassin) and Tactics Vanguard (AP Powertech) right now.


Serenity is a DoT spec, but has the ability to spread the DoTs like crazy. Not great burst, but can effectively do damage to many targets simultaneously. The self heals on serenity strike and FiB are excellent, some would say a bit OP. Good anti-kiting tools, stealth, good survivability. If you want to play shadow or assassin, you're going to want to try Serenity (Hatred). It's definitely a FoTM candidate.


Tactics (AP) has crazy good burst, mostly due to the shoulder cannon not being on the GCD. When available, you can take people out in a couple globals by hitting them with your normal rotation, but adding in shoulder cannon hits at the same time. The retractable blade (gut) is a slow + Dot, stockstrike (rocket punch) applies a 20% armor debuff, you can add a utility point that gives some of your 10m attacks an extra 5m range (good for staying out of melee range), you can add a utility point that makes your ion pulse (and upgraded version) slow your target, etc. It's a highly mobile spec like the shadow, which I really like. Survivability is OK, and often overrated.


I also really enjoy my Vigilance Guardian (Vengeance Jugg) - they have been really good in pvp for quite some time. The new smash (vigilant thrust) has an awesome animation and does good damage. They get something called Focused Defense (Enraged Defense) that is probably one of the most OP abilities in the game - it basically gives you two lives. You can use it every 1.5 - 2 minutes. When fighting a guardian, you can often expect to basically have to kill them twice. This class easily has the best defensive cooldowns in the game (sabre reflect, enure, sabre ward). DPS is decent, burst is not great. This spec is pretty mobile overall, with master strike (ravage) being the exception.


Sentinel / Marauder - really high theoretical burst, but frequently stunned, rooted, knocked back, kited, etc. It's frustrating to play solo. I've run a few matches in 3.0 as combat spec. It's mostly the same as it was - frustrating to play solo.


I don't have any significant experience with anything else since 3.0, although I do have one of everything except for gunslinger (only at 24 because I hate cover), sniper, and operative.


EDIT: I forgot to add, I've also played my sage a fair bit since 3.0. People are fretting over them, probably because all they see are the huge damage numbers that they are putting up. Well, a lot of those numbers are due to DoTs and AOE (AKA fluff damage). Putting up huge numbers is one thing, but actually achieving objectives is another. Sage/Sorc healing is better than it was, but unlike a guardian, you have to spend a GCD to use your heals, bubble, and you can't actually damage your opponent while your signature force barrier is active (unlike guardians with sabre reflect) - and sabre reflect damages the target. Honestly, people are often wrong about Sage / Sorc - I think they are drastically overrated.

Edited by teclado
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