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Why don't PvP Guilds que Team Ranked?


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I know many guilds that consider themselves PvP guilds on Harbinger.


And before anyone ask , My personal guild is not a PvP guild because all I do is Yolo que when I get bored.


The question I would like to pose is for people in PvP guilds that do not actively do team ranked.


I am sure everyone here knows that the number of teams queing for team ranked has been on sharp decline.


Do people just not like arenas?


Can't get 4 people in guild with the right composition?


Only play for fun?


Tanks/Healers in your guild suck?


I am just curious.

Edited by Kenjigreat
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I know many guilds that consider themselves PvP guilds on Harbinger.


And before anyone ask , My personal guild is not a PvP guild because all I do is Yolo que when I get bored.


The question I would like to pose is for people in PvP guilds that do not actively do team ranked.


I am sure everyone here knows that the number of teams queing for team ranked has been on sharp decline.


Do people just not like arenas?


Can't get 4 people in guild with the right composition?


Only play for fun?


Tanks/Healers in your guild suck?


I am just curious.


Personally, I've had bad experiences. People point fingers in an attempt to save their own reputations. Not on the harbinger or my main class, but after those incidents I decided dealing with weak individuals who have to prove themselves by stamping a number on their head are beneath me.

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Personally, I've had bad experiences. People point fingers in an attempt to save their own reputations. Not on the harbinger or my main class, but after those incidents I decided dealing with weak individuals who have to prove themselves by stamping a number on their head are beneath me.


Wait you guys had a ranked team?

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Because most PvP guilds either died off or sync solo to face easier opposition. Another reason is because there is no BW imposed match balancing(handicap) taking place. All guilds/players aren't created equal. People don't want to be farmed in any que. That's why most PvP guilds don't play team. Once the top team emerges, no one que. Then the too team Que sync or don't Que at all, just to be able to play something. It's systemic. If BW doesn't change it all of ranked will be a ghost town. Then regs will suffer and will also become a ghost town. PvP is on life support. The next few patches will determine if PvP has any future to be somewhat competitive and a legit measure of player skill.
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Ehm, lets see;


Too small a scene which also incurs:

Same people over and over

No challenge

Long queue times



Aside from that I have standards that don't necessarily have to be present.


I want certain players with certain AC's in my team.

Not just some John Rambo. Or a class that simply doesn't work well with mine.

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1: No pops when full team is on

2: Team composition would be comprised of crappy combo of


Scoundrel DPS

Scoundrel healer

Commando DPS


3:Arenas are one dimensional, and very tedious. Even in regs they annoy me.


4: Opposing team compostion very static. not a lot of variance in class selection. Makes for a very bland experience if playing consecutive games.


5: the caliber of player wearing the season 2 all star tag is kind of weak. In other games a tag like that would draw attention and change game plans when you saw it on the opposing team. Here its means Ill be getting hit by tryhard grenades, and see copious amounts of emotes. Why would I want to go through the time and effort to get that tag when it means so little.


6: Regs are still fun. Albiet random. Its fun playing against all of the class types instead of the chosen few suitable for ranked. Its also fun not having to deal with constant stuns, and snares throughout a map. Both of which are abundant in ranked. People complain about stuns in regs do not know the pain of ranked, the number of stuns in regs are tame in comparison to ranked.

Edited by Haystak
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Because most PvP guilds either died off or sync solo to face easier opposition. Another reason is because there is no BW imposed match balancing(handicap) taking place. All guilds/players aren't created equal. People don't want to be farmed in any que. That's why most PvP guilds don't play team. Once the top team emerges, no one que. Then the too team Que sync or don't Que at all, just to be able to play something. It's systemic. If BW doesn't change it all of ranked will be a ghost town. Then regs will suffer and will also become a ghost town. PvP is on life support. The next few patches will determine if PvP has any future to be somewhat competitive and a legit measure of player skill.



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Simply because People Would have to lose to Figure out how their class fits in a Ranked Group. The only ac/specc that i'd call Not Viable is merc pyro.

Of Course some have an advantage in Solo Ranked, but it's about Team Ranked here so...

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Whats the motivation? A lot of people have more fun in regs than arenas, so whats the drive? Ranked comms? You get those over time just doing regs. Rewards that are tied to rating? You can just Q sync YOLO.


I've harped about the problem with having specific ranked Qs. In this casual of a game, there are not that many people that want to be ranked for the sake of pride or whatever in what seems like a meaningless 4v4 deathmatch that seems to have not ties to the ongoing story of the game. Then of that small group that does, they do it on pride so they do not want to run it with anything less than optimal composition and the very best gear and practice because they don't want to lost then go on a leaderboard where everyone can say "Haha! look at that guy with his 1100 rating! LOL"

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Because there are not enough players in this game to have a team ranked system. Just look at the numbers of players in yolo ranked. That is not even enough for a healthy ranked system. Even on the servers with the largest ranked community there are like 2-3 teams always against each other. It's like the pvp is dead or something.... :D We asked for cross servers since pre-season but BioWare gave us only 10 months longer pre-season instead. And now look how far they've gone. :rolleyes: Edited by SirMannii
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Because there are not enough players in this game to have a team ranked system. Just look at the numbers of players in yolo ranked. That is not even enough for a healthy ranked system. Even on the servers with the largest ranked community there are like 2-3 teams always against each other. It's like the pvp is dead or something.... :D We asked for cross servers since pre-season but BioWare gave us only 10 months longer pre-season instead. And now look how far they've gone. :rolleyes:


but they have something better than cross server queues.

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but they have something better than cross server queues.


SUPER SERVER with a power level OVER 9000! is my guess.


It's probably the only logical step, since coding creative ways to increase player enjoyment hasn't happened to date... Still doesn't fix the underlying issue with PvP though....

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Because arena strongly discriminates against class specs and class composition. How many viable arena team combos are there? 2? 3? It is pretty boring playing the same combos against the same combos all the time. And using any other team combo against the best combo means likely to lose. All these factors combined is not encouraging to continue playing team ranked.


Ranked 8v8 didn't have this problem. Every spec can be viable with a good player. And a team can use all sorts of class combos and still make it competitive. The other real problem 8v8 ranked had was repec in warzones. Unfortunately, no respec in warzone was implemented in the same patch that removed 8v8 ranked. So 8v8 ranked never had a chance to see how much improvement it could get from not allowing respect in warzones.

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in my very limited experience (and this actually applies to when I was on a fairly competitive 8v8 team), every guild has their "A team." and when one player is missing, all you see in global chat or in the forums is "our main tank can't queue that day" or "our main healer can't queue that day" or "so and so can't play at that time." I don't doubt these reasons, but the upshot is that guilds who take their pvp seriously won't go into a match without their best team (unless they know they'll be facing inferior competition).


on top of this, you have what L-Randle said about once a pecking order is established, nobody's going to line-up just to be fodder for a team that has already proven that they'll win every time.


related to that fact is my more personal reason against it: why would I face the exact same team in the exact same comp who is clearly better than me every night, 5x a week? I don't mind losing, but there's a difference between losing and just feeding someone else's team wins while killing my own rating. I don't feel it's an accurate reflection of my skill to be 900 rating when all I do is play and lose against the same 1 or 2 teams, which happen to be the best 1% of pvpers on the server.


at the end of the day though...



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SUPER SERVER with a power level OVER 9000! is my guess.


It's probably the only logical step, since coding creative ways to increase player enjoyment hasn't happened to date... Still doesn't fix the underlying issue with PvP though....


Curious...what do you think the "underlying" problem is? Because I'm asking for yours, I'll give you mine...


99% is stagnation imo. They let this game stagnate. GSF took up 3 patches, GSH took 2-1/2...we're lucky to get ONE map once a year for PvP...hell, CoD drops DLC map packs the day it launches, yet we can't get a map a freaking year?! PvPers are sick of the same 5 boxes, PvEers haven't had a new Ops in over a year...players have left because of this massive content drought...PvEers who filled PvP queues and PvPers who filled ranked and reg queues. PvP is neglected, PvE is neglected and balance is a year long process...Bioware, imo, has let the entire game stagnate.

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Because arena strongly discriminates against class specs and class composition. How many viable arena team combos are there? 2? 3? It is pretty boring playing the same combos against the same combos all the time. And using any other team combo against the best combo means likely to lose. All these factors combined is not encouraging to continue playing team ranked.


Ranked 8v8 didn't have this problem. Every spec can be viable with a good player. And a team can use all sorts of class combos and still make it competitive. The other real problem 8v8 ranked had was repec in warzones. Unfortunately, no respec in warzone was implemented in the same patch that removed 8v8 ranked. So 8v8 ranked never had a chance to see how much improvement it could get from not allowing respect in warzones


YEAH SURE. 8v8 was so balanced. You never had to stack smashers, or pts, or use a bubble sorc as a healer... No 8v8 ranked wasn't more balanced then arenas. It is simply as I said already, almost every specc is viable in arenas but it is harder to hide a noob in a team of 8 than in a team of 4 where the only goal is killing.

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