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Commendations in 3.0


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Also why would i want to do level 60 operations ? when in 8 months we'll get new level 65, and all those comms will again become basic comms for level 60.
8 months? Are you new here? This is the second increase in levels in 3+ years...it'll be more like 18 months...but feel free to wait and whine.
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---snip start---

  • Planetary and Classic Commendations no longer exist. All current Planetary and Classic Commendations will become Basic.

---snip end---


That leaves an even bigger question, what's going to be used then as payment for the armorings/mods/enhancements/etc. from the various planet commendation vendors?


If basic comms are the lowest type available, then this can only mean a pricing change for planet commendation vendors. Something along the lines of the higher the gear rating the more basic commendations its going to cost?

Edited by LeJarC
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That leaves an even bigger question, what's going to be used then as payment for the armorings/mods/enhancements/etc. from the various planet commendation vendors?


If basic comms are the lowest type available, then this can only mean a pricing change for planet commendation vendors. Something along the lines of the higher the gear rating the more basic commendations its going to cost?


Why? They don't do that right now. A level 9 mod costs the same as a level 45 mod in commendations.

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That leaves an even bigger question, what's going to be used then as payment for the armorings/mods/enhancements/etc. from the various planet commendation vendors?


If basic comms are the lowest type available, then this can only mean a pricing change for planet commendation vendors. Something along the lines of the higher the gear rating the more basic commendations its going to cost?


there's no reason to increase the price for buying mods from planetary vendor..

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Personally I wouldn't mind know if we'll see the current Basic and Verpine sets return in the cartel market or as schematics we can craft. Some of that gear is pretty good looking.


well you can craft Vepine gear, you just need to get the Underworld version to RE it ;)


also you have enough time to stock up on basic gear if that is what you want..same can be said about verpine as well

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well you can craft Vepine gear, you just need to get the Underworld version to RE it ;)


also you have enough time to stock up on basic gear if that is what you want..same can be said about verpine as well


Specifically the armor shells. Which I don't have access to due to not actually actively raiding anymore. But anyway, just curious. If the armor shells can be reverse engineered then I'm sure I'll be able to get what I need from someone.

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This is ridiculous. You are in effect devaluing the currency. Ultimate comms were earned doing HM content and should purchase HM gear.


You are creating a new type of "money sink" here in order to drain the populations existing Ultimate comms to force them to do more content to take longer to earn comms that they have already earned in order to purchase gear they should already have currency to purchase.


Why at every turn if there is an opportunity to give your player base the shaft do you take that option?


The ultimate comms you earned were for "ultimate" 180 gear. They are letting you buy "nightmare" 186 gear with them. You should be grateful.

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The solution isn't what Eric hinted at somewhere else of lowering how quickly we can earn them either. God forbid that happens.


Yes, no one seems to remember or be discussing this other expected change to commendations that is coming.


Here is part of the transcript of what was said about commendations during the Community Team's LiveStream on Friday (1:38:00)


Eric: "I do know that there is going to be, probably, some slight changes in how fast you earn [ultimate and Elite]commendations in the expansion, but I think we'll probably talk more about that maybe in the general combat stuff next week, or we'll have more details in the future once that's more nailed down."


The changes that are made to the number of commendations that are granted from activities will completely influence the amount of content that will need to be run to hit the Weekly commendation caps.

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Also why would i want to do level 60 operations ? when in 8 months we'll get new level 65, and all those comms will again become basic comms for level 60.

Why would I want to play through Tatooine when then I'm just going to have to go on to Alderaan and all my Tatooine gear will become obsolete?


Also, 8 months? Add a "1" in front of that and you'll at least be in the right ballpark.

Time from level 50 max until cap was raised to 55: 15(ish) months (Mid/Late Dec. 2011 to early April 2013)

Time from level 55 max until cap was raised to 60: 20 months (Early April 2013 to early Dec. 2014)

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Also why would i want to do level 60 operations ? when in 8 months we'll get new level 65, and all those comms will again become basic comms for level 60.


Why would you play this game, when it'll be replaced by the next Star Wars MMO in ten years?

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Expansions that raise the level cap tend to reset gear progression so all players start on an even foot, and all players have to earn new gear through new content.


Which remembers of the end of PvP Season 1 : No ranked games on m server, but the regular matches were oh so full because people tried to farm Commendations to be fully equipped in the new Brutalizer gear on day 1.


Besides, I think that I should "burn" my Elite & Ultimate commendations before 3.0 - which means, buying shiny new stuff for them so that they won't get completely lost.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I'm interested to know whether they will change the rewards for group finder, or perhaps not even put the new ops in group finder. At the moment, you earn more ultimate comms (an excessive amount) than you do elite for doing an op in GF.

I doubt they would remove ops from the group finder since they seem pretty determined to have it. But I'd love to hear if they have any plans of correcting the massive imbalance between 8 and 16-man.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I also hope they will allow droids (companions) to wear normal gear, because gearing up your droids or HK is next to impossible.

And Czerka legacy gear is only level 55.


While you can already use any implant, earpiece, mainhand and offhand, you can't put normal gear on droids.

Edited by -Spc
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I can't wait to find out more information about comms but so far, I'm pretty excited. PvE gearing seems to be making a nice swing for 3.0. I personally don't really care what the conversion rates will be, chances are I might stop stocking up on Isotopes though and selling them just to help stockpile on the revised basic comms for whatever the top of the line gear they offer. Assuming it is 186 like the Op says, I feel like it'd probably run along the lines of current gear (good mods, no set bonus armors, bad high endurance enhancements, higher endurance implant/earpieces).


I like the idea of Basic Comms being the all-in-one for gear ranging from the start to basic operation quality. Of course I presume the stuff the planetary's currently buy will remain far cheaper than what end game comms currently buy. I am curious to see what they do with things like PvP and Fleet comms and any changes there.


I think it is absurd that some people in this thread expect that their current Elite and Ultimate comms should be able to purchase the new revised Elite and Ultimate Comm gear. If it is true that Basic Comms can buy as good as 186 comm gear (if such a thing will exist), then all comms are an upgrade, not a downgrade.


All I know is, I need to keep leveling my alts. Currently just getting them all 156 geared and running ops as well as Obroan relics and trying to learn the advanced classes. Practically done on Imp side, just need to start Pub side.

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Also why would i want to do level 60 operations ? when in 8 months we'll get new level 65, and all those comms will again become basic comms for level 60.


Why do you get out of bed in the morning when you know you're just going to grow old and die anyways?

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So i guess this game will become level infinite, and all coms are useless.



Frankly, if you want a game where progression never changes and item prices are static, you need to play a stand alone RPG.


As long as an MMO is viable there will be continued progression of some sort. Most MMOs do this with level cap increases, which also means more gear progression, and yes, some content and equipment becomes obsolete. That is the way of things. That is the forc... er... MMO.


Anyway, your complaints about renaming/flattening the commendations are way off. You are not losing anything. In fact, you are getting better equipment for the same commendations, they just happen to be named basic instead of ultimate. This is a good thing.


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Frankly, if you want a game where progression never changes and item prices are static, you need to play a stand alone RPG.


As long as an MMO is viable there will be continued progression of some sort. Most MMOs do this with level cap increases, which also means more gear progression, and yes, some content and equipment becomes obsolete. That is the way of things. That is the forc... er... MMO.


Anyway, your complaints about renaming/flattening the commendations are way off. You are not losing anything. In fact, you are getting better equipment for the same commendations, they just happen to be named basic instead of ultimate. This is a good thing.




I have to hand to ya bud! You are on top of it! Your information throughout this thread has been helpful. Good on ya !

IMHO this is one of the benefits of "modded" armor. If we find something we really like we can choose to keep it and update the "insides" as we move through the game. My only regret is that I work a ridiculous number of hours a week so I wont be able to stock pile the "commendations" (of what ever sort they may be) needed to make the change over on 3 toons that I have that I really would like to have ready to push to level 60. As long as there is still a way for me to earn the item modifications (Purple) with commendations as we can now ... that's cool. It just takes me a lot longer time to get there.


BUT... hey that's life. I have no complaints.


I will gladly continue to earn my way to the next level as time permits and enjoy as much of the game as I can ..... when I can !

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My only regret is that I work a ridiculous number of hours a week so I wont be able to stock pile the "commendations" (of what ever sort they may be) needed to make the change over on 3 toons that I have that I really would like to have ready to push to level 60.

It's less discouraging if you realize that you can pretty much always reach 80% of whatever the current maximum gross power level is in about 20% of the time it takes to get to max out. And 80% of max is enough for you to do about 90% of the content, up to roughly the level of story mode versions of all operations. You don't actually need to go higher if all you want is to see everything once.


That last 20% of the progression that takes 80% of the time to get is one of those things that you only need to care about if you care about it. If you want to have the max level gear, you have to go through the hardest content to get that gear. And if you want to do the hardest content, then you need the top gear to do it, or at least to do it comfortably and repeatedly, without being carried.


If you don't have the time it takes to do that last 20%, then you can look at it like buying a new car. As soon as next year's models come out in the fall, last years go on fire sale and become a lot cheaper. And as soon as a new generation of gear rolls out with a level cap increase, everything that was so hard to get before becomes simple and easy to obtain.


So if you want to still progress a bit and don't mind waiting, just set your bar at one or two tiers behind the best available today, and you can always get there with substantially less time invested.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Seems a safe bet that the same thing will happen again, since they're once again revising comm rewards for different tiers of level 50+ dailies and weeklies, and might be making other changes to older content as well. Since they're again consolidating comms and everything will earn something different than what it does now (either in type or quantity), it is certain that quest versions will get bumped across the board, and "old" versions of these dailies and weeklies where you had incomplete quests or completed but "pending" rewards will be wiped.


In that post she talks about missions that have not been turned in. I'm talking about missions that have been turned in but the reward not claimed; ie the reward is in a pending state and no longer in my mission log. I don't think they had the issue of people stacking the pending mission rewards before 2.0 (at least that I remember but it was so long ago).


I'm sure they will do the same thing. Otherwise people would be able to stack up these pending rewards and get the Elite and Ultimate comms right after launch.

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I'm a little disappointed in it but not shocked they are doing it this way.


I just don't see it as a problem over all. At most, many gamers would only be getting 2 pieces of gear with some partial comms left over.


Not really enough to make a huge difference and with the way BW itemizes gear this stats you dont need, Many time syou have to buy multiple ones to get what you actually need.


I just don't see the overall or lasting problem with just leaving them as is. Not to the point it hurts the game anyway.

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