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12x Experience Boost-A slap in the face to people who had to level at launch.


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And you know what really grinds my gears? All you young whipper snappers and your Google's! Back in my day, if we wanted to know something we had to use dictionaries and encyclopedias!


And your itty bitty phones! My first mobile phone came with a backpack for the battery, a 4' long antenna, and it STILL had a cord on it! Costed like $900 a minute to talk.



Spoiled lil children.... And don't get me started on your lil video games! In my day we didn't have video games. We had a stick and a rock.....and played baseball with THAT! I can't count the number of times I not only struck out, but also went home with a concussion from getting hit by rocks!


Y'all just don't appreciate the.........ohhh a cookie :D

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No they're a shot in the face.


Darth Cheney?

So the OP is just learning that SWTOR is evolving to the lowest common denominator? Let me bi tch about:

1) Adaptive armor and CM crystals makes crafting other than armor/mods/enhancements worthless.

2) Tanks do NOT NEED ACCURACY. Give me real 180 implants I can use and I don't mean my *****.

3) PvP gear? ***?! If you need special stats to excel at PvP over those with PvE gear then you are not very good at PvP.

4) No third faction of Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Dark Jedis and Revanites.

5) No class-specific storyline after Corellia.

6) How <insert AC here> is overpowered and my <insert another AC here> got nerfed.


The 12xXP for class missions when I had to level the hard way (my 'Sin was soooooo underleveled due to overuse of Stealth) would be about 53rd on my list.

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And you know what really grinds my gears? All you young whipper snappers and your Google's! Back in my day, if we wanted to know something we had to use dictionaries and encyclopedias!


And your itty bitty phones! My first mobile phone came with a backpack for the battery, a 4' long antenna, and it STILL had a cord on it! Costed like $900 a minute to talk.



Spoiled lil children.... And don't get me started on your lil video games! In my day we didn't have video games. We had a stick and a rock.....and played baseball with THAT! I can't count the number of times I not only struck out, but also went home with a concussion from getting hit by rocks!


Y'all just don't appreciate the.........ohhh a cookie :D


Holy... dammit, don't make me laugh out loud like that!


You could cause a ... ohh, a cookie!

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I don't mind that. In fact I see it as a nice way how to boost your character to max level quickly and still enjoy the best of the game. If the person wants to enjoy more of the content, they can come back. Better that getting an insta 55 Ievel guess.

I have loads of alts, I like levelling them, watching the storiers, making different choices. This xp boost allows me to do exactly the same thing but without going through planetary quests too.

Also, you can choose not to preorder the expansion yet and spend 150 hours levelling.

And the fact that you had to work for it? Yes, you did. Same as everybody will have to level 55-60 the same way. Give some value and credit to the time you spent playing the game. Did those last years meant nothing to you? It's not about how fast and when you level your first character, it's about enjoying yourself.

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I could see if the game was new and it just took me a week to get to 55 and today they released the 12x XP. We are now almost 3 years in and for a limited time people can work to level 55 with class stories only. I can't have a problem with that at all. If this bugs you you must have an apoplexy in those games that let you just buy previsions max level without even token work at all.
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who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost?


Of course I remember. And it's what makes me a much more superior player than all the new ones coming in, leveling up through KDY and then watching me in awe when I queue up with them for FPs, OPs or PvP. The more bad 55s (soon: 60s) out there, the more uber I am. :p


Also, it's been more than 2.5 years that I leveled my very first char (smuggler) up to 50. I had absolutely no memory of the story. Back then I was so focused on keeping my char alive that I missed out on a lot of funny conversations. I could not be bothered to play another smuggler, because I don't like the gameplay (crouching etc.) too much.


Thanks to the 12x XP boost, I could roll a new smuggler and enjoy the storyline. I am super happy right now. It's a great experience. Just the good stuff. No need for the other stuff I played 12 times already with my other chars.


Thanks BW for this boost!

Edited by JattaGin
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And you know what really grinds my gears? All you young whipper snappers and your Google's! Back in my day, if we wanted to know something we had to use dictionaries and encyclopedias!


And your itty bitty phones! My first mobile phone came with a backpack for the battery, a 4' long antenna, and it STILL had a cord on it! Costed like $900 a minute to talk.



Spoiled lil children.... And don't get me started on your lil video games! In my day we didn't have video games. We had a stick and a rock.....and played baseball with THAT! I can't count the number of times I not only struck out, but also went home with a concussion from getting hit by rocks!


Y'all just don't appreciate the.........ohhh a cookie :D




Back in our day, Shazam was a crappy version of Superman...when we heard a song on the radio we liked, we'd go months without knowing the name of it.


We didn't have no iPods or MP3 players, our status was determined by how large our boombox was. We didn't download music, we had to record it on TAPES (even half way through) and hope the jackhole DJ didn't say something stupid over the song!


Not only were our cell phones corded still, they were so big they had to be carried in a freaking CAR...and they were so radioactive that they made anyone in the car sterile...and no...your parents never had one obviously...unless you're adopted, then they probably did.


Our joysticks had "A" button. None of this XBAY or sÿmból crap with RB and LT fluff...ONE RED button was all we had. XYZ axis? We were lucky when it went left right up or down...one of those usually broke.



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I suspect that OP is a troll post designed to get views for his referral link.


Having said that, the only way that the 12x XP boost would be a "slap in the face" for players who leveled toons in the past would be if the boost was not available to players with existing level 55 toons.


Since that is not the case -- since the XP boost is available to all subs who pre-order, regardless of whether those players already have level 55 toons -- then this is not a "slap in the face" to anyone.

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This high-speed internet is a slap in the face to the people who had to load umm... "pictures" at slow speeds with 56k modems back in the day!


I demand the OP starts playing using a 56k modem connection so he can suffer as much as I did as a youngster!



56k... Whipper Snapper!


I remember 300BPS, and literally being able to read the words as they populated to the screen. There were no "pictures' unless you count ASCII Art :) You kids and your 56k.

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I agree it is a complete slap in the face of those of us who spend over 200 hours leveling our toons to 55 and now seeing a flood of 55's being leveled in less than half the time.


Wonderful. The amount of hours you spent leveling up your characters is of little consequence (or relevance) to anyone but yourself.


There was a time having multiple toons in the game meant you accomplished something.


No, not really. Virtual accomplishments are fleeting and temporary in nature especially when it comes to MMORPGs that generally have a life cycle of several years. Under such circumstances, something you once held great pride over being rendered irrelevant just a few short months later is to be expected.


Showing off your legacy toon emotes is now going to be a complete joke since EVERYONE is going to have them for every character.


As if legacy emotes were of such great importance to begin with. :rolleyes:


Of all the things you could've chosen to complain about, going with this one is pretty darn petty IMO.


The one's who are providing negative feedback to the OP are the the one's too lazy to have ever leveled a toon to lvl 55 and would have been content to replay their 2 or 3 mains for the remainder of their tour in the game. Bio needs to do something for those of us who actually spent the time to play this game.


Nope, assinine general assumption at its worst. I'm a founder too and I could care less about how much time you spent leveling or how badly you want to feel "special" about your virtual accomplishments. I have learned my lessons long ago (try EQ or UO) that holding such pride over data kept on a server somewhere is quite meaningless if not downright foolish in the long run.


Hint: 200 hours is pissant compared to the leveling progression of first generation MMORPGs.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


I leveled at launch and i love 12x xp TY BW

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Nominated for the SirCopperfield Troll Prize.


I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .
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I too have been around since pre-launch and have leveled a good number of toons since then. I secured my 12x XP bonus last night and I can tell you that it does NOT feel like a slap in the face. Edited by TheBBP
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