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Conquest and Screwing PVPr's


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It's very simple to solve.

Make that you need to achieve 8/9medals to get the 500 conquest points.

You'll never get those by being afk....;)


Make it six, those last two can be annoying to get on a marauder/sniper if the match is over quick.

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if you dont like being forced to pvp/gsf to do parts of the game.. than you are welcome to find another game.


...I would like to point out that simply choosing not to participate in that part of the game is a viable option if one doesn't like something in the game. There is no pressing need to "find another game".

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People complain that they keep ending up with the same people in matches over and over. So BW does something that gives an incentive for more people to PVP. People complain about the new people that are in matches.....


I swear the game could spit out $100 bills and people would complain that they were not in sequential order. If they were in order, people would not complain that the bills were not random enough.


It would be one thing if the "new" people actually wanted to be there, but it seems that a lot of them don't.

Faster queue pops just for the sake of faster queue pops = not what people were after.

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It would be one thing if the "new" people actually wanted to be there, but it seems that a lot of them don't.

Faster queue pops just for the sake of faster queue pops = not what people were after.


So somehow these new people only end up on your team? Because if both teams have equal odds of getting those crap players, how is that unfair? Sure you have to deal with lazy people and those that have no idea what they are doing but so do your opponents. Now granted you will not always get even teams of those players but that has always been true. A few days before the update I was in a Quesh Huttball match where there were 2 total players that seemed to know what they were doing. Myself and another fellow guardian in tank spec. Great combo for teamwork on that map. We decimated the other team 6-0. Had the other person that knew what they were doing been on the opposite team it would have been a far more exciting match.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I was going to suggest needing to have a minimum number of medals achieved to receive conquest points, but with the way defender points work I'm not sure that would actually do much. Edited by Kunda
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Because you've made the PVE conquest objectives as dailies, now all of the baddie PVEr's are gonna come over to PVP and ruin it for us! The PVP ones are to simply finish a game, not to win one, so they can just go AFK or put as little effort as possible, and the great thing is that these are repeatable!


GG bioware!


You know, I've gotten almost 95% of my conquest points in the last two weeks doing warzones, and I haven't once seen anyone deliberatly throw matches in regs or even go afk. Are there a lot of bads in PVP right now? Sure. But as far as I can tell (on my roleplay server, no less), is that the derps are at least trying to play. I think the handwringing over this is extremely overrated.


Where there have been reports of /stucking out for quicker matches is in team ranked. And if bioware ties the conquest medals to wins, you're just going to give people the incentive to queue two ranked teams at 4 am and trade wins.


Making the conquest points more dependant on wins is a freaking terrible idea. I really hope they don't do it.

Edited by Prisoner
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  • 2 weeks later...
Haven't had time to get into ranked matches until today and these PvE idiots are everywhere. It's on thing to ruin an unranked match, but really...? Come into a ranked match with pve gear and no clue what you're doing? Basically hands your team an auto-loss and lowers their overall rating. For the love of all that's holy, please, please, please remove at very least the ranked conquest achievement.
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Haven't had time to get into ranked matches until today and these PvE idiots are everywhere. It's on thing to ruin an unranked match, but really...? Come into a ranked match with pve gear and no clue what you're doing? Basically hands your team an auto-loss and lowers their overall rating. For the love of all that's holy, please, please, please remove at very least the ranked conquest achievement.




My guild has been farming newbs who que for team ranked like crazy. If you take this away you'll ruin my near-zero effort +1450 ELO chances:p:p:p

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I'm one of those who don't want to be there but feel forced to participate now in order to do conquest.


I really dislike PVP, something I have never enjoyed doing due to the general abusive nature of the community you find there as attested to by comments found in this very thread.


Why can you endlessly que for PVP and rack up ten of thousands of points for conquest in a day yet PVE players will struggle to get the quota after a week?

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A friend saw a watered-down version of this: three people guarding a node in ancient hypergate. They would...not...leave...the node. Even to help people running towards them.


Now granted, it was weekend PvP, which is short bus roulette imo, but still.


Really, that is interesting since the rules changed since OP made this post.

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What exactly WAS the reason for changing Flashpoints back to dailies? Was there any kind of official reason?


Cause it just seems to have far too many negatives to it.


It can't be due to the amount of points some guilds were getting.. because that hasn't changed on my server, Harbinger.

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What exactly WAS the reason for changing Flashpoints back to dailies? Was there any kind of official reason?


Cause it just seems to have far too many negatives to it.


It can't be due to the amount of points some guilds were getting.. because that hasn't changed on my server, Harbinger.

This is the post that talked about it:


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people that say "i thought you wanted more people to pvp" and "it gives them incentive to pvp" clearly dont know how to read. if these bads actually participated in the warzone id be fine but they load in and afk the entire match. they are in no way pvping and its makes it difficult for the actual pvpers. take conquest out of pvp until it gives people an incentive to actually pvp instead of afk.
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So they wanted to make sure it was a mix of activities.. by making it only worth doing PVP and nothing else.


Makes sense..


You picked planet that buffs PvP, then yes, it is best to do PvP. If you picked Nar shadaa, you get 12k (no SH bonus) in maybe 45 minutes per character.

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Lots and lots of people are now just streaming into the enemy alone in starfighter, to die as fast as possible, loose as fast as possible, and re-queue as fast as possible.


I could have told you that would happen. Grinders' gunna grind (and also ruin games).

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Lots and lots of people are now just streaming into the enemy alone in starfighter, to die as fast as possible, loose as fast as possible, and re-queue as fast as possible.


I could have told you that would happen. Grinders' gunna grind (and also ruin games).


While I get that BW wants everyone to play all the content all that really happens is you get people who don't want to play those modes, but feel forced to in order to get their 35k points. People who enjoy GSF and PvP aren't afking or dying asap, it's usually PvE players. The only real way to get prevent(or at least discouraged) that is by having content everyone likes at the same time. Why as a PvE player would I care about a PvP/GSF match if I'm not invested in that community already? I'm just there for my points and if suiciding is the quickest way, I'm going to do it.


I'm not speaking for myself, but trying to think what a regular player would think. I actually participate.



That's besides the fact that these planets have multiple bonuses that usually aren't related to one another so a PvE will have to compete with a PvP guild and vice versa, but that's a whole other issue. The entire system of Conquest is flawed really.

Edited by CloudzDeven
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I was under the impression you could still do Flashpoints as often as you want, only the reward was changed to daily for Conquests.


Is this not correct?


It's daily for the Tactical flashpoints but it's a one time thing now for the event flashpoint. Before, you could do the event flashpoint as a repeatable the same way that you can do pvp, but now you can only do it once for the entire duration of the conquest phase.


This needs to be changed back to how it was originally to give PVE players something to focus on.

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This needs to be changed back to how it was originally to give PVE players something to focus on.

I completely disagree.


New things to do is what is needed. A greater variety of different things to do is what is needed. Running the same thing 500 times in a row is ABSOLUTELY NOT what is needed.


I wish people would stop lobbying for this.

Edited by Khevar
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