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Everything posted by Prisoner

  1. Holy crap, is that this week? YEESSSSS (The four healer commando death squad needs to roll out to Ilum...)
  2. Character: Jaxio Guild: <Saberwing> Category: Objective Points (19700) WZ: VS Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/LU6DJLL.png
  3. And one off playing Rome Total War 2 lately. *Shakes fist at Az*
  4. Lmao there are only four active people in the guild right now (me, Crinn, Grizz and Sindol). You people are freaking hilarious.
  5. The way the bolster works in the lowbie brackets, it's that something needs to be in the slot but the stats themselves really don't matter, right? If that's the case and I'm not misunderstanding how it works, there are also relics you can get from the Rackghoul event for level 25, 35 and 45 if you have the rep (it's really low) that are bind on legacy. And yeah, they have the presence stat on them which is useless for PVP (although nice for leveling through a planet with a companion) and endurance which is sort of useful, but it being the lowbie bracket and with bolster, I don't really think that matters terribly much. As a bonus, they don't require grinding lightside or darkside diplomacy missions for rating.
  6. Holy hell, that's a lot of crafting useless materials for pointless achievements. LMAO ><
  7. There is no way this thread can possibly go wrong!
  8. Gah, that's not cool. I wasn't aware that was happening. Not in charge, so no promises, but I'll see what I can do to make sure that doesn't happen again.
  9. Anything with stats lower than the Yavin gear, actually. The basic gear set you get on Rishi, Oricon gear, and leveling blues will all bolster better than the stuff you get on Yavin. None of those pieces are hard or take long to get, so if you actually plan on doing more than a game or two, they're worth using until you get your basic set.
  10. Like I said, this week I've personally seen at least seven or eight pub side teams queuing for ranked PVP on just one faction of a roleplay server. LMAO. I know for a fact that on the imp side of my server, there's even more ranked teams trying to get things going. Which means that it's probably popping more regularly on actual PVP servers or the big PVE servers. You can ignore it if you want, but it just doesn't match up with what I'm seeing at the moment. They're just not playing ranked games every single time they queue up. Eh maybe. Personally, I doubt this though. When there's an actual numerical ranking involved, it tends to stress people out a hell of a lot more and stops people from playing. I don't think forcing groups to queue ranked or not at all would push people into ranked, I think it would slow the regular queue way down. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think that broadening the numbers of ranked teams would be a good thing, and overall healthier for the queue. But short of cross server queuing, I don't see how that will happen. LOL no they can't. Do they have the advantage? Sure. But can talented pugs who actually communicate, know their roles and class win those game? Absolutely. Being in a premade doesn't make players freaking invincible or infallible, ffs. First of all, being an average player or being casual is not a barrier to finding a decent group of friends play with. That is why MMO Jesus invented things like friends lists and guilds. Second, this is an MMO. Of course playing with other people, especially people who know what they are doing, is going to give you the advantage. Why the hell shouldn't playing as a coordinated team, give you an advantage in a game that's all about playing as a freaking coordinated team? That's the nature of the design of a game like this. Want to be lazy and not form a group? Okay. Want to be anti-social and not have friends and stubbornly solo-queue no matter what? Fine. But crying about losing because you're up against a team in a game designed for teams, I find that silly as hell.
  11. Who says those teams aren't playing grouped ranked? My team played ten ranked games this week. All of the pubside known pvp guilds were in the queue. I'm pretty sure that a bunch of imp teams queued even more this week. And all of this was on a freaking Roleplay Server. The "Pug or Die" contingent seems to think that if you want to group with your friends the only thing you have any business queuing for are ranked arenas every single time you log in. But you know what? That's like telling raid teams - "Sorry, but if you want to run a guild group, you must only play on Nightmare Mode. Otherwise, get your *** in groupfinder to play with pugs." Ranked games take a lot of effort to get rolling. They don't pop all of the time, or even most of the time. Besides, who wants to play ranked grouped fours for every single game even if they could? That **** is fun but really intense. Objective 8 on 8 warzones are more fun (in just my opinion), I just like to play that style of game better than what's basically an extreme deathmatch, but there's no option for those anymore. And sometimes, we just want to sit back, chill with our friends, and play some regs.
  12. No lie, this is probably the best suggestion I've ever seen on these boards.
  13. Agreed. Coordination, teamwork and skill generally do. Which is why people play together on teams. The only reason I mentioned it was because the OP was crying about it. However, gear is helpful in making sure you don't get globaled though. LMAO. In an MMO? YES. Yes you do. I mean, unless you enjoy being grouped with a bunch of players wearing 1300 expertise, there to farm conquest points, who sit on your one node all game crying on their keyboards about the fairness of PVP and yet fall magically silent when they need to shout an inc call. That's just the nature of a group based game. If you don't like it, there are plenty of single player games to play. In a group of four a team gets to control half of that ops frame - although frankly the fail on the other half is so strong sometimes that even that can't be overcome. Plus, it's fun to play with friends. Finally, let's get real. Not all premades are created equal. Grouping up with four people doesn't make a team unstoppable. I've been in plenty of matches where pugs end up winning against premades.
  14. Yes let's stop people from playing with their friends in an MMO, because you're too lazy to grind a basic set of gear and find your own friends to play with! That's a fantastic idea, OP!
  15. Character Name: Jaxio (Sage) Guild: <Saberwing> Category: 4v4 Biggest Heal Number: 13768 WZ Code: MMA Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/juVQq4P.png
  16. Wrong. PVP players have to augment their gear too, pull mods from at least two sets of gear and then experiment with stats in order to see what works best in any given situation. It's just as expensive as it is for PVE Heroes, except that we don't make as much money doing operations. And PVP player like to buy vanity gear, pets, mounts and other toys just like everyone else in the game. So this is just a really stupid assumption on your part. And repair costs? Please. They're minimal in this game and easily recoverable if you're not a moron. This. If someone is undercutting you on something to the point where it doesn't make sense for you to sell it anymore - either sell the mats for the cash or find another revenue stream. There are tons of ways to make money on the GTN, if you're not stuck on selling one specific thing. And doing that is a much better use of your time then crying on the boards about it and thinking that your whining is going to make people change.
  17. LMAO. IKR? That's like at least half of the games against imps that I play, and yet no one cries about that... As long as teams aren't dumping games because they got into different warzones or put against each other (which I've seen no evidence of), it's not any different than going up against the same two perfect composition min/maxed imp teams who get queued in together over and over and over...
  18. LOL no. The "simple" solution would be for players to turn the silly auto target feature off, so stupid **** like this does not happen. Hint: it's under preferences -> controls tab -> auto target nearest enemy. Really, you should turn it off anyway, even if you don't PVP, unless you want to piss off your party members in operations or flashpoints by pulling mobs by accident. I can't speak for everyone, just myself and my friends and some reasons include: - Rolled on a PVE server because that's where friends from real life and/or guilds from a previous game rolled - and those friends/guildies don't pvp. - Didn't want to deal with the cesspool of general chat on a PVP server. - Likes warzones but don't want to deal with pvp while leveling. - Likes the population size, faction balance, etc... that's lacking on most pvp servers. - Likes to do more than just pvp. - Didn't realize that they were going to like pvp in the game enough to play a lot until after they leveled their toon to the cap and didn't want to re-roll. etc... etc... That said, I don't know anyone who griefs like this. People run around flagged, for sure, but players bored enough to run around trying to trick people into auto-targeting them seem to be pretty rare. They certainly aren't the majority of people who pvp. Nevertheless, it's still on the OP to make sure autotarget is turned off, pay attention to who they're tab targeting, and get a little bit of situational awareness. That would stop their problems entirely.
  19. Aww, man. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought the Gree event had come back (along with the pvp QQ). I am so disappointed now. P.S. Stop spamming tab target (or turn off autotargeting if you're silly enough to still have that on) and grow some situational awareness and this won't be an issue at all, OP.
  20. It wasn't EA's fault that the original design of a story based MMO failed. Players were leaving in droves once they reached the level cap. More class stories are not viable because they take a lot of time to produce and people burn through them so quickly. Since they are a business and not a charity for wayward nerds, EA has to make a profit to justify keeping the lights on to their shareholders - so they switched focus to content that is faster to produce and much more replayable. If you want to blame anyone, blame the impatient players who were unwilling to pay a sub while they waited for more stories to come out. They voted with their wallets which is how we arrived with the game as is currently. It's not some kind of anti-creativity conspiracy on EA's part, ffs.
  21. LMAO. You know what the percentage of the population pvps exactly how? I love how you assume they're a minority and outnumbered by people who want story without any evidence. Or that those two groups are even mutually exclusive (cause no one can like more than one thing, amirite?). That's freaking hilarious. Pretty much, this. We lost an entire faction story, and instead got a few minutes of personal quests (which were kind of lame and extremely short) instead. I'd rather they focus on having two complete and different faction stories like they did on Makeb than to have all of the content be the same for both sides except for the ten minutes it takes to do the one unique class quest.
  22. Eh, as much as I liked the class stories, the last expansion with the lame class quests showed that they're just a shell of what they were. I'd rather that they spend the limited resources of this game on content that people won't burn through in a few short hours - like giving us new pvp maps or a huttball league or something (especially since PVP totally got ignored in the last expansion). This game needs stuff that will give guilds and groups things to do together far more than more story since this is, first and foremost, a MMO. If I want fun with bioware written companions, I'll go play single player games. Hell, Dragon Age 3 just came out and is pretty fantastic. I can get my story fix there.
  23. Yes, but people do like to win the games they play, which is hard to do when the other half of the ops frame is full of players wearing 1400 expertise who can't break 100k dps on a 15 minute voidstar. Look, I guess whether you win or lose is pretty much the same - to you. Other people play games to be competitive, and pvp is about as competitive as gaming gets. Winning is fun. Not sucking at whatever your hobby is, is also fun. You know what's not fun? Being forced to carry bad players in warzones wearing 1400 expertise cause they are just too lazy to figure out how not to get melted - game after game after game. That **** gets freaking old. If this is why people are raging at you, it's because you're frustrating other players with your terribleness and killing their fun. So yeah, that's why some players lose their temper and say less than nice things. They probably shouldn't do that. But you're not morally superior by being all mystified when they get frustrated and lose their temper by having the attitude of LOL IT'S JUST A GAME GUIS!!!!
  24. Character Name: Jaxio Guild: Saberwing Category: 8v8 Total Heals Number: 3,285,642 Warzone Code: CW Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/xhpVqZs.png
  25. At least something came from this painful game >< Character Name: Naveh Guild: Backrocket Bastards Category: 8v8 Biggest Heal Number: 13364 Warzone Code: CW Screenshot: http://imgur.com/4YqJnCM
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