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Stopped playing in March, sub runs out in August, losing hope of more content..


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Heeyy, just wanted to let y'all know that we are aware of these concerns and, while I can't spill the beans on info just yet, I can say that you should keep an eye out in the next few weeks for some juicy details! :jawa_biggrin:





Ohh Pokket - you're going to have the SWTOR community loving you in no time.


Something's wrong here - you'll have to say something that will really piss us off first!

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In the past 18 months we've seen:

1) Makeb

2) Oricon + DF + DP

3) New Huttball

4) Galactic Star Fighter

5) Kuat, Korriban, and Tython tactical fps

6) CZ-198

• GSF is a niche that failed to please PvPers or PvEers who wanted space combat

• Tactical FPs lacked any challenge or loot of worth

• KDY was a good attempt, but again, lacked challenge and reward

• NiM modes of year old content are niche at best

• One crappy Huttball map


So the OP was about operations... most of the above is just solo, FP or PVP, only DF/DP are raids. Certainly agree it is all new content, but largely focussed on leveling or PVP, very little end game PVE. Tacticals hardly count for anything (besides levelling) and even then it they are questionable as they don't teach anyone anything about their role in preparation for ops.


Lets look at the operations the first time they were released (not rehashed difficulty levels) over the 2.5 yrs of SWTOR so far:


  • On release we had 2 - KP, EV - Dec'11
  • EC was in 1.2 Apr'12 (4 mths later)
  • Then along came TfB with 1.4 Sep'12 (5 mths later)
  • SnV released with 2.0 Apr'13 (8 mths later)
  • DF/DP released with 2.4 Oct'13 (7 mths later)


It is now Jun'14... 9 mths later... and there has been no announcement about any NEW Operation


Can we see why people are getting edgy on content? DF/DP has about done its life cycle, players are ready to move on and there is nothing on the horizon besides besides a few "we will have some news soon" posts.


:confused: still waiting :confused:


For me, we only started a casual raid group in about Feb this year. All experienced players with fresh toons, we have cleared all SM ops, and are now playing in HM ops. Given we only play 1 night per week, it takes time to get thru HM content, but we are enjoying seeing the content and notching up a new kill evrey fortnight or so... But even for us we are starting to feel like there should be something new... and we have only been raiding for 4 mths 1 night a week!


EDIT - fixed EC timing into 1.2

Edited by Oxidsed
Fixed EC timing
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Ohh Pokket - you're going to have the SWTOR community loving you in no time.


Something's wrong here - you'll have to say something that will really piss us off first!


Don't worry, I'm sure someone will give us another 'heal 2 full' fiasco eventually ;)

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It is now Jun'14... 9 mths later... and there has been no announcement about any NEW Operation


Can we see why people are getting edgy on content? DF/DP has about done its life cycle, players are ready to move on and there is nothing on the horizon besides besides a few "we will have some news soon" posts.


Out of curiosity. How many completely brand new raids does WoW produce a year? (Since they seem to be the litmus test of "standards" in the industry, unless of course, it does not benefit someone's point of contention).

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Out of curiosity. How many completely brand new raids does WoW produce a year? (Since they seem to be the litmus test of "standards" in the industry, unless of course, it does not benefit someone's point of contention).


Wow releases Raids based on when their expansions launch and to when the next one comes.


Take Mists of Pandaria for example.


When the expansion launched on September 25th 2012, it had 3 raids with it. The next raid patch which only had 1 raid added came on March 5th 2013, roughly 6 months later. The final raid tier of the expansion came September 10th 2013 with one more raid, 6 months after the previous raid. There hasn't been a new raid added since.

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So the OP was about operations... most of the above is just solo, FP or PVP, only DF/DP are raids. Certainly agree it is all new content, but largely focussed on leveling or PVP, very little end game PVE. Tacticals hardly count for anything (besides levelling) and even then it they are questionable as they don't teach anyone anything about their role in preparation for ops.


Lets look at the operations the first time they were released (not rehashed difficulty levels) over the 2.5 yrs of SWTOR so far:


  • On release we had 3 - EC, KP, EV - Dec'11
  • Then along came TfB with 1.4 Sep'12 (9 mths later)
  • SnV released with 2.0 Apr'13 (8 mths later)
  • DF/DP released with 2.4 Oct'13 (7 mths later)


It is now Jun'14... 9 mths later... and there has been no announcement about any NEW Operation


Can we see why people are getting edgy on content? DF/DP has about done its life cycle, players are ready to move on and there is nothing on the horizon besides besides a few "we will have some news soon" posts.


:confused: still waiting :confused:


For me, we only started a casual raid group in about Feb this year. All experienced players with fresh toons, we have cleared all SM ops, and are now playing in HM ops. Given we only play 1 night per week, it takes time to get thru HM content, but we are enjoying seeing the content and notching up a new kill evrey fortnight or so... But even for us we are starting to feel like there should be something new... and we have only been raiding for 4 mths 1 night a week!


If players are ready to move on, then let them. Nothing goads production like loss of revenue. And if there was any market that can be considered transient, it's the MMO market. But all the blubbery (well intentioned or not) about being critical of the type of content that has been released is not going to cause for the immediate dissemination of new content specifically suited to your type of playstyle.


In fact, all we have to look forward to in the short term is housing, and I am not a fan of housing. That being said I still enjoy the game enough to play it for what it is and not blow a gasket due to some perceived lapse in content when content (whether you like it or not) has been rolling out (by your own admission.)


Also, I like tactical fps, especially now that they give out elite comms daily. I agree they don't show people much about how to play their own class that can't be learned playing solo. If anything they are more useful for showing people how other classes have to play; i.e. queuing in without a healer or tank makes people who aren't normally concerned with defensive cds have to become a lot more... involved. Same goes for picking up adds, using quick stuns, focusing fire, and the rest of those group/raid dynamics that a lot of us take for granted after having done it for so long. They are quick and to the point, and I think they serve a good purpose even if the direct loot rewards are lacking.

Edited by mokkh
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There's nothing wrong with the game being OVER for you. It's Okay. I fully expect that to happen some day when I have exhausted all that interests me. That point isn't the same for me as it is for you, and that's Okay, too. Some of you have already come to that point, and you're having a hard time with it. Perhaps that's because you really don't want to leave. After all, look at what you have invested in the game: Countless hours in which you have learned a great deal of knowledge. You understand the stats, know how to level, PvP, FP, and craft. You've maxed out your characters, accumulated wealth in credits. You know the different nuances to points in skill trees. You can game the market. You've memorized the planet quests, having done them so many times, and yet....despite all that effort, here you are with nothing much left to do but repeat stuff you've already done, lamenting the poor knowledge of so many players when they group and don't know how to perfectly play their roles.


The reaction of many of you to this state of affairs is to proclaim that UNLESS Bioware comes up with NEW CONTENT to rekindle your interest, then by God you are LEAVING, so TAKE THAT, Bioware! This is not a rage quit; it's just like the OP. We hear it over and over again. I'm not here to say "Good riddance," but to explain reality here.


Now here is a truism that you're going to have to come to grips with. Bioware is NEVER EVER going to furnish you with sufficient content. It's not going to happen. They'll be SOME new content, but whatever they do it is absolutely guaranteed to please few and frustrate many because you ALL have different interests that, if you perceive are ignored by Bioware, will simply anger you.


But do you seriously expect Bioware to entertain you with SWTOR for the rest of your life? Do you seriously expect the investors in Bioware/CA to spend another billion dollars to construct content from 56-110 with all new story lines and all new content tweaked just how you like it so you can burn through it in less than six months? Some of you are very, very fast at burning through content. Maybe that's because you are excessively obsessed, excessively intelligent, or don't have anything else to do. Who knows? That's not really the issue. The point is that Bioware can't keep up with you. Nor should they even try. What Bioware SHOULD do is recruit a new generation of players to cycle through the story and stop even trying to bow to the Level 55 players.


Realistically speaking, the game is already before you. It's done. Oh, they may add a planet or two. They may tweak something already existing more to your liking. They may add some quests and give you a few (a very few) new things to explore, but that's in the realm of rounding out the game, perhaps making it a little deeper, but it's not going to fundamentally change.


Now you can rail against Bioware and blame them for not conceding to your "needs," but it's like being angry at an author because his book has an ending and he doesn't care to write a sequel. Those who do are under constant pressure to write another installment. Indeed, sometimes an author has to die before fans will concede defeat, and even then pore over the last few pages of handwritten manuscripts for that last bit of "content" they so desperately crave. (Patrick O'Brian's "#21" is precisely this, a posthumous publication in his handwriting, only a few pages into the new book where Jack Aubrey finally makes Admiral.)


So have the maturity to realize that it is not Bioware's fault that you have reached an end, nor Bioware's responsibility to keep you entertained any more than you already have been. If you really have reached your end, have the grace to recognize that, then go ahead and leave for a new adventure. Bon voyage. It's going to be fun for you.

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Next Chapter for each char story or book/game 2 please.


A story is only as interesting as its main plot lines, no matter how many sub plots/mini games you have, to temporarily distract the players along the journey, leading to each persons personal game ending time.


For me PvP is not an option anymore I am 54 years old and my reflexes will never be as good as when I was 17-24 like todays best players are in PvP.

I do some PvP solo or with friends who are able to deal with the fact I am not as fast as when we played games like Vietcong via Lan years ago, so for me personally content such as story, has become a bigger factor now.


Housing will be cool, but new story parts are better at least for oldies like me. :cool:

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Now here is a truism that you're going to have to come to grips with. Bioware is NEVER EVER going to furnish you with sufficient content. It's not going to happen. They'll be SOME new content, but whatever they do it is absolutely guaranteed to please few and frustrate many because you ALL have different interests that, if you perceive are ignored by Bioware, will simply anger you.

You raise a good point - people are very diverse in their likes. As you point out people tend to react rather emotionally to things at times. Part of the reason I play 1 night per week is I spend the rest of the time with my family, helps with balance.

The reason I posted was to add some facts to the conversation - sure it is biased to my PVE preference - but it goes a long way to explain why some PVE fans may react emotionally to the current situation. It has been a long wait between new ops, especially now that I have fixed EC into 1.2.


In fact, all we have to look forward to in the short term is housing, and I am not a fan of housing. That being said I still enjoy the game enough to play it for what it is and not blow a gasket due to some perceived lapse in content when content (whether you like it or not) has been rolling out (by your own admission.)


Also, I like tactical fps, ... They are quick and to the point, and I think they serve a good purpose even if the direct loot rewards are lacking.


I see your point on tacticals, and I agree to some extent.


I too still enjoy this game, in fact I think it is great! It is Star Wars after all! I actually still have lots more content to see only having 55's imp side and none Pub side yet, I will be around for a while. And when I decide to quit it won't be because of content, but rather my time and enjoyment of the game. Hey, the last MMO I quit was as they released a major update - nothing about content what-so-ever.

I think Bioware has stepped up a notch in 2014 compared to 2013, there has been plenty of new content as others have pointed out. But it has been a long time since 2.0 and a long time since a new raid. Obviously a major patch is a while away given the new tier of gear in nightmare dreads, but the lack of any information on future releases outside of housing, strongholds and guild ships is rather underwhelming.


I don't think it is really fair to compare SWTOR to WoW, they are different beasts. WoW is an order of magnitude bigger, and although the raid release schedule cited in the above post puts it on a roughly similar 6 mth frequency, the shear amount of content in that game is larger than SWTOR if you take all the other game aspects into account.

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To say what I said in another thread:


3.0 will mark the last major content the old team worked on. Up until this point, this new crew has just been updating or modifying content already in the pipleline from the original crew, minus strongholds, which is the first major update this team created solely on their own.


You have the president of EA saying they want to be player first, and yet we've had no significant new Player story content that doesn't involve a flashpoint, ops or daily area since Makeb, and nothing really immersive and meaningful to your player's story since the class stories of the original release, DESPITE more class story being #1 on the wishlists of SWTOR's current and former players in polls, cantina crawls, and just about every other metric EAWare tries to bury.


The game has a solid enough core and CAN be turned around. However, it needs MORE staff to work out bugs and increase release timing, and quite frankly, needs a new vision and direction than what the current producer got put here to do, which was anything BUT what the game was based on - STORY.


They need new leadership - one that can marry the story-driven vision of the old team with the business sensibilities of the current producer. There needs to be a middle ground.


My fear is this isn't going to happen. I have a feeling 3.0 will be the last major story release of this game, and then, they will simply be exactly what they have been to this point - a game borrowing against the work of the people that originally made it, releasing half-baked features over months instead a solid release date, and milking every last thing knowing they don't have anything else of significance or relevance to fall back on anymore now that 3.0 is done and the original material has been bled dry.


EAware has done NOTHING to dissuade me of this opinion, and people white-knighting for the game against my criticisms have proven themselves naïve as the game has continued down this path to irrelevance.


I don't say all these unkind words to troll. I say them because I care about this game, what it was on release, and that it has gone astray in the core story department it was sold on, and that's what makes it different than any MMO out there. I care because there's still time to right the ship, and it doesn't change if you blow smoke up the devs' rear ends over mundane changes, buggy and grossly drawn out releases and unimaginative updates.


I want EA to make me eat these words. But to any white knights out there - EA is the ONLY ones who can - them and Bioware. You championing them is just you fanboi-ing. You don't work for the game. You don't produce results.


I love this game and want it to work. But there's been enough blown chances and missed opportunities that Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back. Because its their mismanagement that has driven them off in the first place.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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... Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back.

Loyalty? To a game? Are people "loyal" to chess, or Monopoly®? Dedicated, maybe. Obsessed, sure. But loyal?


Well, your mileage may vary, but I am still enjoying the game, plus there are still parts of the game I have not even tried yet. So I'll keep playing and keep subbing, as long as SWTOR continues to entertain me.


Loyalty is staying true to your vows over 30+ years of marriage, through thick or thin.

Subbing to SWTOR isn't loyalty.

It's just me having fun.

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I love how some people have crystal balls that tell them what team worked on what content, particularly when their crystal ball directly conflicts with statements made by the devs on the subject. You guys really need a new hobby, because the sky has stayed up far too long for the Chicken Little act to be taken seriously.
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I love how some people have crystal balls that tell them what team worked on what content, particularly when their crystal ball directly conflicts with statements made by the devs on the subject. You guys really need a new hobby, because the sky has stayed up far too long for the Chicken Little act to be taken seriously.


I love how smart alecs think they know what they are talking about, when they never read the blogs of the devs who were let go at the time EA changed over staffs.

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Loyalty? To a game? Are people "loyal" to chess, or Monopoly®? Dedicated, maybe. Obsessed, sure. But loyal?


Well, your mileage may vary, but I am still enjoying the game, plus there are still parts of the game I have not even tried yet. So I'll keep playing and keep subbing, as long as SWTOR continues to entertain me.


Loyalty is staying true to your vows over 30+ years of marriage, through thick or thin.

Subbing to SWTOR isn't loyalty.

It's just me having fun.


Brand Loyalty. Its not a foreign consumer concept, smart alec.

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It is just a question of what will bring profit, if a new update isn't going to attract enough players and bring in revenue, no matter of the quality of the update, just because the release is at the wrong time when most players just do something else, the release will be delayed until the audience who will buy and pay for it is there for certain.

Unless you are Bioware or Funcom. Then you release the early. I sadly see this game following the straight and narrow rocky road that Age of Conan went.

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I love this game and want it to work. But there's been enough blown chances and missed opportunities that Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back. Because its their mismanagement that has driven them off in the first place.


They need to create something that makes old players want to come back. This game used to have a huge playerbase. There are tons of accounts created and if the game could get some of them back they would earn lots of cash.


Recycled content and cartel market does not attract players, I do not know even one that has returned for those reasons.


I really hope that the next big patch will be new content to experience, not only new rooms to walk around in and look at some cute trophies.

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Heeyy, just wanted to let y'all know that we are aware of these concerns and, while I can't spill the beans on info just yet, I can say that you should keep an eye out in the next few weeks for some juicy details! :jawa_biggrin:





We've got these amazing, fantastic, unbelievably exciting things planned that will totally blow your minds...


...we just cant tell you anything about it.

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I HOPE it has not changed i have been dying to get any info knowing i would get it the last week of June.

We need to know about strongholds and Guild ships so we can try and start preparing.

Im wanting news on Guild ships the most because we know the subs are getting the strongholds and we dont have to do anything except log on and claim them, but i need info on HOW and what requirements are needed to get the Guild Ships for the guild.




Thanks for the heads up. That said, Eric's already mentioned that we'd be getting more details about Strongholds around the last week of June, getting into July. That would be pretty soon. Has that changed?
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I love how smart alecs think they know what they are talking about, when they never read the blogs of the devs who were let go at the time EA changed over staffs.


And they told you about all the writing and content in the pipe, did they? They specifically stated the roadmap to 3.0 and described all the work unfinished? Come on now.

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Heeyy, just wanted to let y'all know that we are aware of these concerns and, while I can't spill the beans on info just yet, I can say that you should keep an eye out in the next few weeks for some juicy details! :jawa_biggrin:





Thanks for jump in... but the main problem remain... we have see 2 operation (10 bosses) in 10 months... THIS is not enough. Yeah nice GFS, some nice trick around, nice but useless FP... but people here, and most of the people that are gone WHANT OPERATION AND PVP...


And I will not talk about the stupid last thing of the cartel market... different drop rate for up and lower cheating us... yeah GG

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I love how smart alecs think they know what they are talking about, when they never read the blogs of the devs who were let go at the time EA changed over staffs.


Pleae provide links to said blogs so I can check them out. Without links frankly I am not going to believe you.

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Heeyy, just wanted to let y'all know that we are aware of these concerns and, while I can't spill the beans on info just yet, I can say that you should keep an eye out in the next few weeks for some juicy details! :jawa_biggrin:





Hey Pokket! Thanks for the update...is that for info on 3.0 or GSH info that Eric said would be coming at the end of June?


I'm sure the details are amazing...but you're losing your subscribers patience by withholding your plans. Silence breeds discontent...

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